


05-20-2013, 10:26 PM

Thank you Chesh ♥

The crisp crackle of the autumn leaves that had been stripped from the now-barren trees was all that could be heard as the dainty wraith swiftly writhed her way through the labyrinth of dense vegetation, trying her best to avoid collision with any of the tightly-knit obstacles blockading her path. A heavy fog cloaked the forest floor, not only supplying the scene with an eerie and mysterious mood that could not fit the complex puzzle that was Morphine more perfectly, but also adding complication to her travels as it shrouded her vision and disabled it so that she could scarcely make out the area ten feet ahead of her. The ample lighting provided from the moonless night sky did not aide the woman in this situation any further, but, despite the given circumstances, she had not been deterred from her exploration of this new territory and region. In fact, the enigmatic setting only piqued her curiosity and urged her onward with the belief that she would encounter something that differed from the norm ? something great.

This wishful thinking was the only aspect of the wench?s existence that fueled her onward. With Desdemona ripping the one thing that Morphine held dear to herself ? the one thing that her life had revolved around since her escape from the slavery she had endured at the clutches of her father ?, the woman had been at a loss and her motivation towards her own schemes that had once caused her to thrive had dwindled and a void within her depths had been crafted as a result of it. She craved something; but what it was, she knew not ? she had only made herself aware to the fact that she could no longer lie in wait for whatever it was and that she had to scavenge for it all on her own. But for how long could the woman endure the lust for change without it being satiated before she was only reduced to the shell of her former self?

A harrumph escaped from unhinged jaws and reverberated within her skull, freeing herself from her thoughts just momentarily as she came across a miniscule clearing with a diameter of about ten feet. She walked the perimeter of the small circle, her eyes narrowing to mere slits as she examined the surrounding areas of the circle just to ensure that she had not attracted the attention of any passerby?s, reaching the disheartening conclusion that she hadn?t as no other forms had manifested in the distance. Trudging to the edge of the circle, she allowed her mass to fall to the grassy earth there, greeting it with a soft thud, and leaned against the trunk of a massive tree as she attempted to find comfort, inviting sleep with the promise of immediate surrender.

Speech. Thought. 466.


06-03-2013, 02:39 AM

The scent was unfamiliar. It was fresh. It was unwelcome. Too close to the den. Too close. Too close. Foreign things had no place in her domain, no matter how temporary her current dwelling may be. This was her spot. Her safety. Hers. The term 'sharing is caring' was blown to hell and back as far as Vitani was concerned. Sharing was for the weak. For Prey. She was not Prey. She was the Hunter. The Killer. The Loner.

'A tasty little morsel, waiting there for me.'

The intruder was female, a traveler, strong. A nuisance all the same. She could be the gods' gift to earth for all Vitani cared. None were welcome. None were wanted. None but Silence and Solitude. She had all the company she could need. And yet the intruder remained, walking through the forest, pretty as you please. A few well placed bites, and that silky white coat would be bubbling with crimson regret. Regret for the unwanted. Regret for the unneeded. Regret for the Trespasser.

'Crack goes her little spine, snap snap snap.'

She followed at a distance, her already stealthy movements muffled by the thick fog that enveloped the forest floor in its eternal embrace. Mismatched occs zeroed in on the femme as she reached the clearing, burning amber and glittering gold. The Tresspasser thought she was alone. That she was safe. What a foolish notion. Monsters were always dwelling in the darkness. Ghosts never slept. Vitani was no exception. Insominia was her best friend.

'She sleeps, the sheep, waiting for the slaughter.'

Only when the Tresspasser's breathing slowed did Vitani emerge from the hollowed depths, hips swaying with every well-placed step. Her instincts screamed for this bitch's blood. Who was she to invade Vitani's new space? Granted, she'd be well on her way to a new location before sunrise, but for the moment this was all hers. But weren't all creatures most vulnerable in sleep? No lies could be spoken or promises broken while in the clutches of darkness. This Tresspasser was no threat. At least, not yet. So why not take a moment to study, observe, learn. The blood letting could come later, like it always did.

What was once a cautious, guarded expression slowly melted into one of innocent curiosity. A freak she may appear to be on the surface, but underneath the facade, Vitani remained to this day the very creature she'd been reborn as; a timid, clueless little thing, naive to the worlds ways. Previously narrowed eyes widened in a false attempt to take in every detail they could, her body, now crouching low to the ground in what could be perceived as a submissive posture, bringing her level with the slumbering she-wolf's form. Oh, the things this prone figure could teach her, if only Vitani knew how to ask.

"Speech" 'Thought'