
Gladiator [Evelette]


04-26-2013, 09:04 PM

So much had been on his mind lately, his thoughts had become an onslaught of torment. He couldn?t remember a lot, and couldn?t remember where he had gotten some of the new scars that laced his body. The decision had been made in his mind the night before, and today he was off in search of the wolf?s whose expertise he needed. He hadn?t formally met this dame, but had heard that she had trained back in the lands of CIROC with Arkhein, a militant pack there. Perhaps she?d be willing teach him how to fight, the amount he knew about fighting was poor at best, he knew enough to stay alive but it was sloppy, often he reacted out of instinct rather than training.

His lack of knowledge possibly gave reason to his easy going personality, he avoided conflict like the plague, preferring simply to talk it out. It was awkward at best, for him to seek out a wolf to lean something he should have a basic knowledge in but when he was younger his parents had focused on obvious talents and had died before working on building other abilities between him and his sister.

The black brute traveled restlessly around the territory, hoping to run into Evelette. He didn?t want to call her, no, he didn?t want to draw that kind of attention to his random request. He hoped the lady wouldn?t mind sparring with him, and further he hoped that she wouldn?t mind making this request as private as possible. He didn?t want the gossip going around that he wasn?t a good fighter. At least he was trying to get better, and he was an excellent hunter, so his abilities could make up for his inabilities.

He walked with his head lifted, his blue eyes searching the horizon before him. He nodded politely, and greeted his pack-mates that he passed, has he headed towards the beach. On a warm summer day like today, maybe he?d find the lady there, if not, he?d continue on. He wanted to at least talk to her today about it, if not get started with his training, assuming she agreed to teach him. He wasn?t back to his full strength yet, his pelt didn?t gleam as it once had, and it clung to his skeletal frame.

Apprehension filled his gut, as he cast a glance over his shoulder. His confidence had ebbed, leaving in its shadow a wolf who was jumpier than a long tailed cat in a room full or rocking chairs. It hadn?t taken long until he reached the open shore of the beach, and his anxiety level raised. He hated being out in the open, nothing about it was relaxing. The hot summer sun beamed down on his black pelt, and he panted from the heat and the effort it had taken him to walk this far, now he just had to find Evelette.



05-02-2013, 03:22 PM

The ivory dame seemed to gleam in the warm sunlight. Bathing out in the open, bodice sprawled lackadaisically, chest rising and falling, crystalline blues gleaming in the sunlight... she was a picture of grace and beauty as she absorbed the glittering sun's rays. For the moment, her mind was at peace. She wasn't dreaming of betrayal's or deaths, she wasn't dreaming of love or admiration. Peace, sheer, unadulterated peace had blanketed her and she cooed, coiled in its thick embrace, she let it envelop her. The color of her pelt kept the sun's rays from overheating her, but allowed just enough warmth to make her comfortable, sometimes being of a lighter color, seemed a blessing, of course the heat of Valhalla could not hold a candle to the heat of Arkhein.

Evelette was not a vicious or vindictive creature, it was amazing that she had managed to squeeze into Arkhein at all, the militant pack went against everything she believed in. She was a creature of relative peace, she liked to talk things through, get to the heart of the matter and solve a problem with intelligence and a soft spoken word... but alas. Not everything could be done in such a way, and despite her soft nature she had managed to win the favor of two of Arkhein's most feared warriors... it was funny how life worked like that.

Her past was not something she often dwelled upon. It didn't hold a great deal of joyous memories for her. From Freak to Elyias... she was getting sick of being ripped apart. It wounded her, more than she cared to admit and she couldn't take such thoughts for much longer. Yes... she had been trained in Arkhein, yes she could fight fairly well, yes she could hold her own in a test of tooth and fang, she merely did not chose to do so very often. She would sigh softly, her breath escaping her in a languid puff of air.

The scent of something Valhallen, yet a scent of someone she did not recognize reached her sensitive nose and sky blue eyes would fall open, rolling herself onto her belly, her tail coiled around her haunches while her skull sought the stranger, lifting and seeking this new comer. What were they doing on the outskirts of Valhalla? Surely no one would be seeking her? She had done nothing to dismiss Valhalla's rules, they would have no reason to scold her. A skeletal form appeared on the horizon, ebony fur that had dulled and looked flaccid, border lining on emaciation, but the blue eyes seated within his cranium were seemingly full of life... how curious. He was like her perhaps, recovering from something he once held dear.

"Hello doll, I don't believe we've met, my name is Evelette, won't you come join me?" Her tail would flicker, drifting back and forth across the sands, a gentle smile tilting her lips. Ever the picture of kindness she would invite him with nothing but love ringing through her lyrics.



05-02-2013, 06:48 PM

The heat was unbridled, and it scorched his pelt, making his trek across the Valhallan territory a walking hell in itself. The golden orb that was the sun, burned into his pelt making him wish that he was any other color. Black audits would swivel forward, as his head would raise at the sight of an ivory dame further ahead laying down, as her posture changed and she looked at him, his tail would wag gently, to admonish any concern that she might have that his visit was anything but friendly.

Her voice danced across the sand, and it was light and friendly which washed away any concerns that he had about meeting her. He would move towards her, his muscles still moving fluidly in his emaciated state. He would pace towards her confidently, and dip his head in a respectful gesture.

She introduced herself as Evelette. That refreshed him, as his quest to find the dame was over and he wouldn?t be caught up in useless conversation. She was an impressive dame, and he wondered if everything he had heard about here was true. He would smile at her, before speaking his voice softly filling the air around them as he walked closer to her, pausing a close but respectful distance away.

?Hello, Evelette. I am Chronos, I would be delighted to join you. I hope you are well?? He spoke formally, and politely, trying to earn the lady?s good graces. And not just for the reason, of his visit but in general. Chronos hated to be on the bad side with anyone, he longed for friendships with most wolves and rarely engaged in violent or aggressive behavior. He found that behavior to be superfluous and foolish, which made the purpose of his visit seem redundant.



06-03-2013, 12:15 PM

The spring and the fall were her two favorite seasons, the summer was brutally hot even for the albino dame, and the winter was brutally cold. Neither fit her well, the sun today was scorching, but it wasn't destroying her. Crystalline blue eyes would flutter shut, her head falling to rest between her forelimbs as she listened to the crashing tides of the ocean, it was a soothing sound, easy and delicate and lulling her into a heady trance. She wasn't sleepy, naps had never suited the woman but a solid meditation had never hurt her either. She remained trapped in such a state until another would approach her.

She would greet the onyx male with a gentle smile and an easy countenance. Her demeanor was forever laid back and gentle, as a newt the ivory woman preferred a friend over a foe. Her lyrics were gentle and inviting, willing him to attend her. If it was a Valhallen wolf, than he was a brother and he was welcome to her company, it was about time she started to meet the rest of Valhalla. He would approach her with a bit more confidence and her smile would widen, tail flickering absently behind her.

"Please, come, lie down. The sands are far cooler than the air. You needn't be so formal my friend, you are of Valhalla and thus you are a part of my family. Eve, Evie or any other shortened abbreviation of my name will more than suffice." Her laughter was genuine and gentle. She pulled her head up to straighten her posture out a bit, no sense in looking lazy. " I am doing well and it tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance Chronos, how do you fair on this sweltering summers day?" her gaze was inquisitive, interested, he had approached her and she would, respectfully give him her absolute attention.
