
Hold Me Like You Do

Mercy I


5 Years

01-22-2015, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2015, 01:31 PM by Evelyn.)

Ooc; Set right after her meeting with Dione.

Mercy stumbled around, paws dragging across the earth as she wept. Tears streamed down her face as she started to feel lost all over again. All of this was so very messed up, and she didn't even know how to start gathering her thoughts again. She had thought that she had everything under control, and then her world came crashing down on her all over again. She needed her bother. She knew that he was lingering in the shadows somewhere, and her head tipped back as her sorrow filled song called out for him. The pale girl then fell to the earth, whimpering as she curled into a ball. Her tears wouldn't slow, no matter how much she cursed herself for being so weak. Dione had made her choice, there was no way that she could ever stop her. Her heart should be hardened against all of this, should understand that not everyone would last in her life. But this was different, it was so soon... too quick.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
01-22-2015, 01:26 PM
She was very much correct in assuming that Revenge was lurking within the shadows that covered the lands of Imperium. He had not let himself eaves drop on his sisters conversation with the green woman but the boy knew very well where his beautiful sister has been. However what he hasn't expected was the mournful howl that would reach out to him sorrowfully. He wasn't sure that he'd ever heard her so completely saddened, and his large white paws would not hesitate to rush to her side his sister needed him and the very last action he would take would be ignoring her.

Swiftly the boy would materialize from the darkness, bright yellow eyes would roam her form, making sure the girl was not in pain and was not hurt. He smelled no blood and no wounds so found no hesitation in dropping himself by her side and taking her in his arms. She was so distraught, leaning down the boy would tenderly lick the years from her cheeks. "Mercy..." his features would move to nuzzle into her cheek, he didn't have to say anything else he only wanted to comfort the wolf his world revolved around.

Mercy I


5 Years

01-22-2015, 01:42 PM

She felt him as he fell beside her, pulling her larger form into his belly as he wrapped his legs around her. Sniffling she raised her head and nuzzled it against him, humming as he lapped up her tears. He whispered her name softly and she felt her heart break all over again. Revenge was the only one who was ever here for her, who would always be lingering in the shadows around her. Mercy didn't have to worry about ever losing him, and for that she was ever thankful for. Sobs wracked her frame, causing the warrior to shake as her brother dearest held her close. "She's leaving, Revenge," she whispered, her voice sounding oh-so broken. Wiggling herself further into her brothers arms, a shuttering sigh blowing out of her maw. She was so lucky to have him in her life, and she had taken his constant love for granted. All that time that she had felt so alone, she needed to look no further than his gray dappled coat. Sniffling again her tears slowed, and she blinked her damp, purple eyes up at him. A hint of a smile warmed her features, Revenge seemed to soak up her sadness and just take it all away.

Shuffling slightly so that she could touch her nose to his cheek, Mercy placed a sweet kiss on her cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you, Revenge. I love you," she murmured, ears pulling back as she gently licked his cheek again. Through everything that had happened to her, he was always there. Rain or shine, Revenge was there for her to lean on. No matter what he found her, tracked her down and didn't let anything separate them. How could she have been so blind to not see that? She didn't need anyone else, she had him.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
01-22-2015, 02:37 PM
She would respond simply to his touch, raising her head slowly as she nuzzled in against him. She would hum softly as he kissed away her tears, seeing how distressed she was would cause a soft whine to slip from his own lips. He would always be by his sister's side, no matter what happened he could never leave her. He would always be in the shadows ready to be there when she needed him. Like now. Her soft sobs would continue as she found her broken voice telling him what had caused this distress. She was leaving.. who was she? He'd take in her scent with the lingering smell of Dione and would make the connection with out having to make his sister try and explain more.

He knew of his sister's relationship with the woman, and he might have known her were it not for the pups she'd just birthed. She had been intended for his teacher, but now she was going away and the boy would not learn his poisons. Ellis's meager knowledge in such a category was all he'd have to go on. A disappointment, but he was sure his emotions were nothing compared to Mercy's. He wouldn't bother her for anything, only holding her and softly reassuring her with his affections.

Eventually her tears would subside, blinking away the tears she would look up to him even finding a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He'd return the smile, his bright yellow eyes showing his pleasure in seeing her smile as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you, Revenge. I love you," Pale ears would fall to his skull as she said those sweet words, his tail wagging lightly as she kissed his white fur. "I love you Mercy, and I won't ever leave you." There was one wolf he could be completely confident around and it was Mercy. For her he could do anything.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Mercy I


5 Years

01-24-2015, 03:45 AM
She seemed to have taken for granted just how much her brother cared for her. He was her rock, always a sturdy thing to lean on and yet... She had still pushed away. Maybe it was her fear of losing those close to her, or maybe she was just blind. Purple eyes took in his sweet features now, his smile making her own grow. It would seem that he could even take her greatest sadness and turn it into something grand. He told her that he loved her too, and that he would never leave. Mercy bit her lower lip to quell the tears that threatened to fall once more, ears pulling fully back as she took in his wonderful features. "I'm so sorry for leaving the first time..." she whispered, a soft whine leaving her lips. Her head lowered as she once more cuddled her large frame into his form, long tail sweeping across her belly. She never felt this good unless Revenge was at her side -- he truly was her better half.

A shaky sigh whistled through her teeth, eyes stinging from the amount of tears that had fallen. Her thoughts went back to Dione and the fact that she was dragging her kids out of the pack. It must be hard, to move a large family like that, she couldn't imagine doing it herself. But is that what it took to be a good mother? Her body quivered slightly, spine arching against her brothers belly at the thought. She wasn't close with either of her parents, and now the only other woman she was close with wad leaving as well. Did this mean that she was doomed from the get go? "Do you think I will be a good mom?" she asked suddenly, eyes staying closed as heat rushed to her pale cheeks. It was a bit of a strange question to ask, but she had to know what he thought. He was the only one that mattered, the only thing constant in her shaky life. Plus it wasn't like she wad planning on having kids any time soon, it wasn't even possible yet. But the thought had entered her mind, and it wasn't an easy one to just shaky off. Finding strength she rolled over to her back, head resting against Revenge's paws as her purple eyes opened to search his face. She wanted to see his thought process, even though she knew that he would be honest with her.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
01-24-2015, 02:35 PM
Revenge had no care the treatment or appreciation he could get from Mercy, he wished her nothing but the acquisition of her dreams. She could have easily treated him like dirt and he would have still followed obediently at her heels. He'd take in her bright eyes and growing smile and feel a peace within himself, as long as she held a smile on her face his mission was complete. He'd see as she bit her lips, the tears welling up in her eyes again as he confessed to her the undying love he felt within. She'd apologize to him, her voice turning into a whine as she buried her features into his plush coat. He'd hold onto her tighter, humming softly, "Don't worry about that anymore," He'd softly whisper, "We're here now. I've got you and I'm never leaving you again." Another promise that he would never intend on breaking.

He could tell her thoughts would disturb her as she would not settle in his grasp, though even with the preparedness of knowing something was wrong he wouldn't be able to expect her words. He'd look to her features, unable to discern anything from her closed eyes but he'd notice her flushed cheeks. Parenthood hadn't crossed his mind at all yet. She'd roll over, allowing him a glance at her beautiful eyes now. "Mercy, I know from experience you are good at whatever you choose to do." He'd kiss her forehead tenderly, "Especially running from me." He'd tease, nipping at her ear before withdrawing from his affections.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2015, 01:24 PM

"I've got you and I'm never leaving you again."

Mercy let out a soft breath, knowing that he was right. They had each other now and there was no reason to be so upset about the passed. She had him here with her, and would forever cling to him. She hummed softly as he nuzzled further into her pale coat, relaxing into him until her body felt like it was connected to his. Mercy was just so happy that he didn't blame her for what happened, that he didn't hate her cause she ran away. That truly was love. Pausing in her thoughts, Mercy's ears pressed against her head as she thought about that word. Love. There were many different kinds of love, the love of family, the love and respect of a leader, and the love of, well... lovers. But what love did they have? She knew that he was family, but Mercy felt a true connection to him that she hadn't with anyone else. Was it because she had loved him the longest in her year on this earth? Because she chose him to be with her? Blinking her purple eyes she was pulled out of it when her other question was answered, and she giggled softly at his teasing words. He always knew how to make her laugh when she felt her worst. Her ears perked forward as she laughed, allowing him to nibble on her ear softly. Raising her right paw she tried to boop him on the nose, her smile sweet as she searched his face.

Mercy laid there in the silence that spread between the two of them, enjoying it for a moment. As she gazed at him she wondered again with what kind of love her brother loved her with. Their bond was different than ones she had observed, and she didn't really get it. Was it because she didn't really understand the emotion herself, or the bond that her and her brother shared? Her mouth opened to ask, but she snapped it back shut again as her gaze left his face. What if he thought that she was crazy for thinking like this? Huffing, her head whipped back around and she held his gaze, almost daring him to look away at the intensity of her gaze. "In what way do you love me?" She asked, searching his face for any answers. She knew that it was kind of a vague question, so she wiggled a bit before letting out another huff. "Like... what kind of love do you love me with?"

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-01-2015, 07:07 PM
He wouldn't hear her try and argue his point, its truth too obvious to try and deny. His teasing would bring a giggle to her lips, causing him to smile brightly in amusement. She would allow him the nibble he placed on her ear, but he would back away after she booped his nose. His sun lit gaze would search hers as silence fell between the pair, he wouldn't be able to read her mind but he knew very well that he would do absolutely anything for her.

The complicated thoughts of trying to decipher and describe exactly what they were together had never crossed his mind. Mercy was easy to be with, a comfort to him that was deeper than he even realized. She was a reminder of home as much as the focus of his future. He'd touch his nose to her softly before he'd watch her go to say something, but would suddenly shut her jaws and look away from him. He'd pull his head back a bit, a confused expression playing on his features as she looked back at him with her startling purple gaze. He wouldn't look away, but would hold her stare as she became serious with her sudden question.

He wasn't sure where her curiosities had come from, or what she was questioning his love for her. He wasn't even sure what kind of answer she wanted but he would speak with his heart. "Um." Revenge would start, unsure the answer she wished before she explained a bit further. What kind of.. love? How many kinds of love were there? How was he supposed to put his love for her into words? He'd blink, "the kind of love that has caused me to devote my life to seeing you succeed. I love you so much.. I don't even know how to describe it." Still quite unsure how she might feel about his answer pale ears would fall to his skull as he watched her sheepishly. "How do.. you love me?" his voice equally as shy he kept her gaze.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2015, 07:30 PM

It took a long time for him to answer, he stumbled on his words as he finally got it out. She couldn't help but smile and blush at his words, her elongated tail thumping on the earth. He asked how she loved him, and it was her turn to fall silent. She realized that it wasn't an easy question, but his answer wasn't really what she was looking for. "I love you the same Revenge, and I care for you way too much to let anything happen to you. I feel so close to you, and when we don't see each other for a long time I feel the need to be beside you again. I just..." she broke off, the skin under her cheeks burning hot as she tried to find a way to formulate her words, "I don't see a lot of other siblings out there who care as much about each other as we do. Maybe its because we've been through so much already, or maybe cause Mother loved Father way more than he did to her... I'm just... I dunno Revenge." She woofed, letting out a long sigh. Turning and snuggling into his coat she tried to hid her face as her mind reeled. What was it that she was getting at anyways? It wasn't like she was questioning how much he loved her, cause she knew that it was limitless. She had wanted an example of how he loved her... like how a brother loved a sister. But there was something in her that made her feel like her brother carried something a big stronger than her. He was always more devoted to her than she was to him, and she would be stupid not to see it. That is what she didn't understand.

Mercy squirmed about again, letting out a groan as her head started to hurt from all the thinking. Leaning back to meet his gaze that put the sun to shame, she returned his sheepish smile. "I guess what I really needed to ask, is... do you love me like a Daddy loves a Momma?" Her words were whispered silently, her teeth biting down into her lower lip. She felt like the earth stopped moving as the air seemed to rush out of her lungs. This was no easy question either, but Mercy wasn't an easy-going girl. She was tough, and strong minded. She didn't skip over the main problem and cover it with sunshine and rainbows, but instead got right to the point. And this was a point that she needed to make, a question that she needed to be answered.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-01-2015, 07:55 PM
He wasn't sure how but Mercy seemed pleased with his answer at first, he wouldn't miss the slight blush on her cheeks or the happy thump of her tail. He'd find a bit more confidence as he held her, his lips turning back up into a smile as he watched and waited for her answer patiently. He knew the difficult of it, and he'd struggled finding the words at all. What she said was similar to his own words, the need to have her by his side, wanting nothing but happiness for the other. She would try to reason her thoughts to him, to show him where her question had come from instead of him guessing that she doubted himself.

He couldn't really deny her observation either, he could hardly bare to leave her side at times, he wanted nothing more than to come back after a day of training with Ellis to fall asleep snuggled next to her. There wasn't much else in the world that he could even imagine loving more than her. Pale ears would keep to his head as he realized she wasn't quite satisfied. He'd nose her softly before her vibrant eyes were turned to his. Did he love her... like she asked? Now was his turn to tear his gaze away from her, uncertainty written quite plainly on his face. He tried to remember what their own father had been like around Othello, surely he loved her even more than that. "I.. don't know." he'd whisper back, did she mean if he wanted to become a parent with her? The thought had never occurred to him until that moment, and he wasn't altogether repulsed at the idea. He'd still not turn his features back to her, suddenly lost in the train of thought.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Mercy I


5 Years

02-19-2015, 01:55 PM

She watched as he looked away from her, her own ears pressing flat against her pale skull. Purple eyes tried to catch his gaze, a soft whine pushing free from her lips. There own parents love was pretty messed up, he wasn't even sure if Scorpion loved their mother. But them? They were different. Mercy felt bad, because she wasn't sure that she loved her brother in the same way that he cared for her. Just like their parents. He would speak, but his gaze would stay off of her face. Lifting up her front right paw she tried to pull his muzzle towards him again, a soft smile on her lips. "Hey, forget I said anything," she said softly, blinking her purple eyes up at him as she attempted to hold his gaze -- if he had even turned back to her at all. "I'm just... lost is all. Love is just one word but it can be expressed in so many different ways. Like..." she paused, elongated tail tapping on the earth as she thought. "Like I love Valentine, but in the way that wolves love their alpha. Its respect and gratitude, and I would stand up to protect him. And I love this pack like one loves their family. But for you... I dunno how to explain it..." Mercy huffed, brows knitting together. There was no way she could explain it, the words just didn't flow together. Blowing out a loud sigh she flopped over to her flank, tail thumping on the earth in an aggressive matter. She should have just kept it quiet...

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-19-2015, 02:29 PM
He'd feel her paw at his muzzle and he'd let her lead his features back to her own, her muzzle held a soft smile and it reassured him as she took back her words. He didn't even have to worry about it, and he'd put the thoughts from his mind, though he would likely revisit their conversation more often the older the pair of them got. His bright sunny eyes would find her royal purple stare and his pale ears would perk back up as she confessed her inability to navigate the emotion that was love. He couldn't deny her words, there were indeed many types and they were confusing to navigate. As he said, he wasn't even sure of his own emotions. He just knew that he would devote his life to Mercy with out a single blink of hesitation. She'd admit that she couldn't define the love she felt for him. Not that he needed it.

He'd push closer to her, feeling the comfort of her contact as she quieted. "I don't need a label to know that I love you. Or to know that you love me." The world that she was trying to jump into was vast, and they had their whole lives to explore it. He had no doubt that even a couple of years from now their love might even be completely different from how they felt today but that wouldn't change that it was still there. "I love you more than anything Mercy, and that's all I know." He'd eventually tell her, reaching out to nuzzle her lovingly.