
Can you fill the silence



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2015, 01:15 AM
Hati Hróðvitnisson

Hati stalked along huffily, masked head swinging with every step. He knew it was a bad idea to get involved with women. Hell, even Daeg kept dragging him into crazy ass shit and she was practically a guy. She was a bro, you know? But this bitch of Valentine's, she was a serious problem. He hadn't even been involved with her and she dragged him into this shitstorm.

But the evil within him roared gleefully and he could not argue.

He stopped. Where had he gone? Ah... instinct had led him to the battlefield, that prairie soaked with the scent of blood and fear and death, the place he both felt most at home and most on edge. Who the fuck had that bitch said he was looking for? Oh, right - some dude named Bass. His heavy head dropped back, jaws parting to send a challenge ringing through the air. Don't be a little bitch, that challenge taunted. Give me what I want or I'll rip you apart. If there were gods, oh let them make it the second... Let there be blood...


Round: 0/?




Out Of Character Notes:

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

01-27-2015, 01:35 AM

Bass had been curled about with his pups when the howl called, and his head shot up at the challenge that was called. But a challenge for what? Abaven? Regardless the male growled, it was quite the run to make it to the battlefield. Regardless, he exited the den and let his own, dominate howl ring. He was on his way, but the male who called couldn't blame him for the distance. Peeking into the den, he said a quick good bye, while extending an invitation to his wife and kids, before racing off. They could come if they wanted to, but he wasn't about to stand there and wait for them.

The Azat skidded to a stop as he neared the battlefield, catching his breath as he made his way towards the only wolf standing there. He took in the male, he seemed to be the same height and weight as himself. He looked at the strange mask he wore, a question shining in his golden gaze. "You called?" Bass asked, a single brow rising, "And what have you called me for, stranger?" he asked, a growl rumbling out of his maw. He thought it was for his pack, but he had no idea it was for his chocolate coloured sister who had eyes for this brute's alpha. He sniffed and picked up the slight scent of Imperium, which made his other brow shoot up. So not for his pack?



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2015, 02:42 AM
Hati Hróðvitnisson

It took... a really fucking annoyingly long time, but a white male finally appeared to stop before him. This must be Bass Destruction... why else would he be here to get in the way? Aggressively Hati shook off his mask and attempted to close the distance between them down to a few short feet. "Damn right I called." The male's weirdly polite manner put his back up. Like seriously, the guy obviously heard him call or he wouldn't be here - why waste time with the small talk. "You're Bass Destruction. I'm challenging for your sister, Rhyme... wait no... Rhythm. I'm challenging you for Rhythm." He showed his teeth in a fierce snarl, no longer impeded by the skull. It felt freer and yet... too open. Too bright, the moon. It made his blood boil, his fangs burn... He didn't want to wait for the other male's response. He didn't want to hear it.

Heavy body set itself - the weight settled evenly on all four of his limbs, his stance widened slightly in a bulldoggish manner for the balance, knees bending for better shock absorbency. His toes spread, thick nails clinging to the earth for better grip. His head lowered like a bull's to the level of his shoulders, tail rising to an equal level and his shoulders rolled forward to bunch his scruff in a protective roll over his neck, chin tucking toward his throat to protect the delicate area beneath his jaw. Jagged black hackles rose in a spiky ridge along his back and neck, ragged ears pinning back against his head. His eyes narrowed - something he'd proven the importance of with the near miss that scarred the skin around one. For good measure he wrinkled his facial skin in a snarl to bunch the skin up more and provide added protection.

The leash slipped, and Hati's muscles bunched and released like a coiled spring as he attempted to hurtled himself forward head-on to the alpha. They may be nearly the same size but Hati had something Bass did not - nothing to lose. Shifting his weight to his hindquarters he attempted to push off with his forefeet and lift himself into a rear before he judged they would collide. Bringing his right shoulder forward he attempted to slam the front of the shoulder down at the point where Bass's neck met his left shoulder with all his weight behind it in the hopes of badly straining the tendons that held the shoulder in place.

As he did that, hoping his rise would put his head above Bass' and with his muzzle already tilted forward to protect his throat... as his weight attempted to come down and forward from his shoulder attack, he sought to bring his head smashing down as well, aiming the ridge of his forehead - the front of the skull between his eyes and his ears - seeking a collision with Bass' left eye socket in an attempt to fracture the arch of the eye socket. It would cause mild bruising on his forehead, but there wasn't a lot of muscle to bruise worse than that and the bone there was a lot thicker and stronger than anywhere else on the head - Daeg always said he had a thick skull...

Simultaneously with both other actions Hati, as he attempted to drop his weight down, aimed to press the paw of his left foreleg against Bass's right foreleg at the point exactly where the leg met Bass' chest, and at the same time to straighten his left leg stiffly in an attempt to shove Bass' leg sideways and unbalance the alpha as Hati forcefully tried to bring his weight down on shoulder, and head, and leg all at the same time.


Round: 1/?

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

01-27-2015, 03:46 AM

The strangers words showed that he indeed knew who Bass was, tacking his last name on there as well. His eyes grew wide when he said that he was here to challenge for Rhy. But... why would they want her? Why did he want her? His hackles rose at the male who was now in his face, only a few feet keeping them apart. He was given no time to answer, and didn't care to give the black beast one. At least he shook off the mask, it would be hard to fight him with that thing over his face...

As the black male set his defenses, Bass rolled his in as well. Eyes narrowed as he spread his legs in equal distance, toes spreading as claws dug into the ground. His head aligned with his spine as his tail rose to do the same, shoulders rolling forward as his chin tucked towards his chest. His legs bent as his muscles coiled, growls rumbling between his bared teeth as his lips pulled back into a snarl. Neck scrunched as he gathered his scruff tightly around his vitals. His weight spread evenly across all four legs, rooting him as best as possible in place. Pale ears pulled back against his skull to top it all off, eyes never leaving the black beast.

Bass allowed the male to charge forward, not trying to move out of the way from his head on charge. The thing that surprised him though was that before Hati reached him, he reared up slightly in front of him. Gears turned in Bass' mind to try and work around this, this was no average attack. His muscles were bunched and ready for the assault, and Hati's right shoulder met its mark. A severe bruise stretched across the left side of his chest, right where his right shoulder met his neck. Teeth gritted at the pain, but the rush of adrenaline helped him ignore it. He felt the weight of Hati start to drift downwards, and Bass attempted to lower the front half of his body, trying to stretch out his front limbs towards Hati. He was trying to drop into a sort of play-bow, the one that his puppies often took on when play fighting with each other. His bruised shoulder groaned in protest, but he tried regardless. Because of this Hati's head slam missed Bass, and the Azat tried to keep his head as aligned with his spine as he could, weight adjusting with his attempted movement. As Hati's paw came down to his hopefully adapted position, Hati's left forepaw came crashing down just to the left (Bass' left) of his right leg. This put Hati's paw just off center, more towards the right, of the space between his two lowered legs.

Since Bass was now hopefully lower than Hati, he took this into play. He tried to raise himself to a level position by trying to drag his stiff forelegs back towards his own chest, but as he rose he tried to raise his right forepaw up off the ground. Bass hoped to hook his right front paw around Hati's left leg right around the ankle as he rose upwards and tried to bring his own right leg back towards his chest, hoping to pull Hati's left front leg with him. Bass' weight shifted towards his left to make up for his tripod state. The white brute parted his jaws and attempted to turn his head to his own left, and hoping that Hati's head was still lowered from his (Hati's) attempted attacks he aimed to bite down on the top of Hati's muzzle. He was trying to bite down about half an inch away from Hati's nose, top jaws aiming for the right side of his muzzle while his bottom jaws aimed for the right side. Bass was trying to bite down as hard as he could, hoping to tear the thin skin of his muzzle and hopefully bite down with enough force to crack his upper jaw. The white male hoped to obtain a grip on his muzzle as well, hoping to refrain Hati from taking a bite at him.

ROUND 1 of 3 (if you agree, Tea. If you prefer two, I don't mind.)



13+ Years

Treat 2019
01-27-2015, 11:49 AM

The delicate she wolf made her way back to the dens rather easily, her chocolate form slipping into her own to find Shaye and Motif curled already quite asleep. She couldn't help but smile at them as she looked on, finding that she was unable to disturb them. She could sleep outside, the weather was nice and she wasn't sure she would be able to sleep anyway. Her head was still abuzz with the date she'd only just gotten back from.

Her heart was not sore, and it was likely she would not wake up from a nightmare this evening. Over the last few days she'd been waking up frequently to terrible dreams she couldn't seem to shake off. A shiver would run down her spine at the thought, her memories replaying the recurring dream. She knew she was disturbed by the loss of her nephews still, but the boy in her dream seemed so alive. He easily could have been Motif's son. In every dream he finds himself in peril and every time Rhythm was unable to save him, she sees him dead before waking up sobbing.

Motif was there a couple of times, her shoulder a place where Rhy had cried many tears already. A sigh would filter through her dark lips as she dropped to the ground, her form curling up outside the den as she made herself comfortable. It seemed however there was more excitement in store for her night. The call that rang out for Bass would cause the girl to lift her head, worry coursing through her as she suspected a challenge for their pack. She didn't recognize the voice, and had she already been asleep she might have stayed behind. However her mind was fully aware and her body still ready to work her form would rise and carry her to the battlefield.

She arrived almost the same time as Bass, she'd seen him a little farther ahead of her on the journey. Her lithe figure would appear behind him, far enough away that she could claim spectator. This place always made her feel uneasy, but as she heard her name from the stranger's lips confusion overtook her. He wanted her? She had no time to react as her brother and the scarred man leapt at each other. Her heart would sink was she watched, a whine stifled in her lips as she tried to comprehend why. She could smell Imperium on him, but it didn't seem right. If Valen had wanted her with him he would have asked her.. or come to fetch her himself.

She couldn't make herself sit as her bright blue and purple gaze were glued to Bass and the one who wished to keep her.


Motif I


4 Years
01-27-2015, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2015, 02:04 PM by Motif I.)

Motif was a little slower to arrive, but only by a moment or two – still she was able to hear the words slip from the strangers lips, and the golden eyed girl would push her shoulder into Rhythm's, and lift her entire body as tall as she could as she placed herself before her, hackles raised and eyes promising hell. “Over my dead body” she softly promised Rhythm. Her eyes followed the battle anxiously, this was not a fight that Bass was allowed to lose, and on the off chance that he did then this stranger.. this wolf that smelt like Imperium would never again have a moments peace.

She would do whatever the hell she could, hell, she would challenge for Imperium and that slimy fool who thought to send his lackey to take the girl he supposedly liked, would pay hell for this atrocity. She debated a moment slipping away right now and challenging for that pack, then this brute would come home to find that he belonged to her that they all belonged to her... she hadn't done battle for a while but she would fight like a hell cat for what she loved, for what she had promised to keep safe, she would burn the whole damn world if it protected Rhythm. She stayed in her protective stance over her sister, sending all her thoughts of love, respect, and trust to Bass - he could do this, he was a fighter too, just like her.





4 Years
01-27-2015, 07:28 PM
Chord may not have been an Abaven wolf but the man still cared deeply for his family and their well-being. As the howl sounded out from the battlefield calling for his brother the concern of course would fill him, what trouble had his brother found himself in? He wasn't sure he could or would be able to help in anyway, though he would still go to offer his support, do what he possibly could for them, or perhaps just be nosy and see what was going on. It was definitely the first but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious.

Arriving with his sister's, just in time to catch the stranger's words as well Chord would find himself surprised. Rhythm was the one causing the trouble then it seemed. Unaware of Imperium or Rhythm's boyfriend-type-fellow Chord was of course rather confused upon the entire situation. Concerned of course still and his green eyes would fall upon the darker sister's form now. "What have you done?" He enquired softly, glancing back to the battle as it begun. No he couldn't really help here, he may have been her brother but Bass was her alpha, this was something he had to do alone unfortunately.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2015, 08:30 PM
Hati Hróðvitnisson

His attacks missed, all but the shoulder, and the instant his forepaws touched down between Bass' own forepaws his body readjusted itself on instinct. His weight distributed itself equally to all four paws once again, his joints bending as they absorbed the impact of his landing and staying bent. His toes spread wide and his nails dug in as the paws kissed the dirt, and he rolled his shoulders forward to bunch up his ruff. His tail lashed back to the level of his spine as his head dropped back down, having missed it's target, to come to the same level, the chin continuing to be tucked slightly to guard the throat. His hackles remained raised, his ears had not moved from their position pressed against his head and his eyes were still narrowed and locked onto his opponent as the Destruction went from... a bow (what the hell? he snarled to himself) to a stiff legged rise back to his full height.

Hati was nothing if not tenacious. The instant his balance had adjusted to his new position he shifted his weight once more to his hindquarters and attempted to rear up, to pull his forelegs to his chest... as he did narrowly missing having his left leg swiped out from under him. He was not so lucky as to escape Bass' jaws, but in his elevated position the bite struck midway down on the front of his neck, the loose ruff of skin and fat and fur there catching the brunt of the blow, but teeth still sunk in a fair amount to leave moderate puncture wounds in the meat of his neck. It did not matter in Hati's one track mind. Determinedly he rotated his right shoulder forward once again and, once again, sought to bring the front blade of the shoulder smashing down on the same spot, where Bass' left shoulder and neck met, seeking to further batter the tendons in the hopes of disabling the leg for the rest of the fight. He paid no heed to the grip Bass had obtained on him, only in as far as it would drive Bass' teeth in further but could also very well contort alpha's head at an unnatural angle. The hellhound shuddered in both disgust and anticipation at the thought of the white male's neck snapping like a dry stick.

This time even as he sought to repeat one attack, he did not seek to have a complete repeat performance. Instead as he sought to bring his head over Bass' again he would also attempt to latch his fangs around the base of Bass' skull, where the head met the spine with Hati's lower jaw on Bass' left and his upper on Bass' right, in the hopes of squeezing down on the small vertebrae there and causing pain excruciating enough to make the pup just give up now. Though he wouldn't say no to a bit more blood and violence yet in this match...


Round: 2/3

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

01-29-2015, 08:54 PM

Bass watched with narrowed eyes as the man once again rose to his half reared position and he let out a growl. Well it would seem that his opponent had a favorite position... Irritation flared in his chest as his eyes pulled down towards Hati's semi-exposed chest. His forelegs were dangling over his chest, making him look like a big black meerkat looking for danger. The Azat couldn't help but sneer at the male, the image in his head was quite comical. If Hati was a meerkat, it would make this fight very one sided. That didn't stop him from attacking, although since the brute had moved his teeth instead sunk into the flesh of his (Hati's) neck, right in the midway point. Bass felt the blood trickle down the back of his throat as he obtained a grip. Bass tried to bite his teeth down even further, attempting to shake his head back and forth with vigor, trying to do as much damage as possible. But Hati wasn't done with him, once again repeating his shoulder attack as Hati tried to lower his right shoulder and press it back into the fold between his neck and shoulder. Bass felt his heart pounding in his chest, and it was as if he was watching this whole thing in slow motion. He knew that if he was hit there again his muscles would strain and possibly even snap, and knew that he needed to avoid the attack. Thinking fast Bass bunched his muscles towards his hind end, trying to spring forward and press his weight against the grip that he had on the man's neck. Bass tried to push back with all of his might, hoping to knock Hati back onto his back. Because of the attempted movement, Hati's right shoulder slammed against the back portion of his left shoulder, the part that meets the left flank. A moderate bruise spread there, making most of his left shoulder now bruised. He hissed through his grip on the man's neck, but kept trying to push his weight into the brute. As he did this Bass attempted to lift his front right leg, flinching slightly when he threw his weight more towards his left side. Trying to thrust his right forepaw forward, he tried to wrap it around Hati's hind right leg around the ankle as he attempted to pull his own right foreleg towards his chest.

As Bass kept trying to push his weight into Hati, he felt the black males teeth bite into the skin between his shoulder blades, right on top of his spine. The man growled as the bite sunk in to create moderate puncture wounds between his shoulder blades. Hati's front jaws were to Bass' left and his bottom jaws to Bass' right. Hoping to throw Hati off of getting a grip, Bass attempted thrust his left shoulder upwards in hopes of driving the top part of his shoulder blade into Hati's nose with hopefully enough force to rupture blood vessels and make it bleed. Wolf's noses were pretty sensitive, so Bass hoped that the pain was enough that Hati would let go of him. Because of Hati and Bass' twisted position, he felt the strain against the right side of his neck as he tried to keep his teeth in Hati's mid throat and knew that he couldn't hold on for long.

Through all the fast paced movement, Bass tried to keep his defenses as best set as possible. The three limbs that remained on the ground were slightly bend, all the toes that he could spread, spread as his claws bit into the earth. His tail stayed raised and aligned with his spine, and he tried to keep his head as aligned with his spine as he could. Weight was leaning more on his left side because of his tripod position, muscles tensed as he kept trying to push Hati over. Ears pinned flat against his head as his lips stayed in a snarling position, golden eyes still narrowed.

ROUND 2 of 3



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-01-2015, 09:37 PM
Hati Hróðvitnisson

As he rose once more Hati solidified his defenses. His weight was balanced evenly on his hind legs, his joints bent deeply to lower his center of gravity and his legs spread to widen his stance. His tail thrashed behind him at hip level for balance, his toes spread widely to give better surface area and his claws dug in for grip. His back was rounded to better balance over his legs, his shoulders hunched forward to keep his ruff bunched up and neck arched to keep his head in as balanced a position as he could manage given the awkwardness of his position. His chin he kept pulled in as close to his throat as he could to protect his throat. Hackles were raised, his ears pressed close to his skull and his eyes were narrowed.

Hati, contrary to popular belief and his own protestations, was not an idiot, but what happened next seemed to happen in such rapid succession he wasn't entirely sure they weren't simultaneous. Bass moved rapidly beneath him, shaking his head and in the process tearing gashes through the skin and fat of Hati's neck - though the close quarters and Hati's own movements thankfully did not allow Bass' teeth to reach major arteries the wounds sustained were still severe. His shoulder struck, not the soft muscle tissue and tendons in front of the shoulder but the hard part behind it, and he grunted in irritation as a bruise made itself felt along the front of his own right shoulder... mild, but still an unexpected annoyance. The white male pressed forward, and Hati released his bite on the other male's back to respond, narrowly missing having his nose smacked as Bass bucked beneath him. As it was Bass' back between the shoulder blades hit Hati's chin, driving the teeth together with a click and catching the left side of his lower lip on his canine... another minor irritation that Hati was really, really starting to resent.

As Bass pressed forward Hati released his claws' grip on the ground, allowing himself to slide back rather than trying to hold himself against the other male's push so as to not overbalance. As he did he sought to bring his forelegs forward to hook both paws behind Bass' elbows - his left paw attempting to reach around the back of Bass' right elbow and his right paw behind Bass' left elbow - in an attempt to jerk himself forward sharply, hoping to bring all his weight to bear against Bass' head, hoping if Bass attempted to keep his grip the contorted position and sharp movement would finally be enough to snap the male's neck and end it. (counter? sort of?)

Suddenly Bass' paw swept at Hati's right hind ankle and Hati lurched as he was forced to jerk his paw up as it was pulled forward toward Bass' chest, barely shifting his weight in time to his left hind leg, his one point of contact remaining on the ground to keep from being overbalanced entirely. Had he not already been hunched forward to shift his center of balance toward his chest he might not have been able to catch himself in time. As it was he wobbled, and a snarl of pure rage bellowed from him. Rather than just set the paw down nicely and politely and move on, he attempted to stamp it back down like a child throwing a tantrum, seeking to shift his weight back to that paw and send it crashing down upon Bass' left forepaw. As he did this (partly in an attempt to regain his balance with a grip on Bass and partly in pure, rabid fury) Hati aimed a fierce bite toward Bass' spine immediately behind his shoulders - lower jaw on the left side of Bass' back and upper canines seeking to dig under the right side - seeking to catch the spine itself between his teeth and sever the cord.


Round: 3/3

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

02-06-2015, 10:53 PM

Bass' head shook back and forth as he tore into Hati's flesh on his neck, tearing the wound open further. Blood stained his otherwise pale muzzle, but he didn't bother to stop and clean himself as he tried to force Hati onto his back. He pushed with all his might, growling with the exertion and irritation. The pressure on his spine was gone when the black brute let go, but Bass knew that he wouldn't be able wot relax for long. Bass' shoulder didn't hit Hati's nose as he had already moved, but it instead clicked his jaws together on the left side of his bottom jaw. It wasn't what he had really intended, but hell, at least it hit somewhere on his opponent. Hati started to slide backwards, but they hardly moved a few inches before the darker man tried to hook his forepaws under Bass' elbows, trying to press his weight on to Bass' back. Letting out a grumble he allowed his legs to slide forward an inch before he let go of Hati's chest, able to then scoop out Hati's hind right leg out from under him. Bass then tried to put himself in the same position and attempted to rear upwards, trying to duck his head down and bring the heel of his skull into Hati's neck, right below his jaws, to try and knock the wind out of him as he tried to push upwards. Because he was standing on only two legs now his weight shifted to his back legs, his toes spreading as his claws dug into the earth. Bass tried to keep his head as aligned with his spine as he could, chin tucked towards his chest as he attempted his throat slam. Ears were still pressed against his head and his tail tucked under him to protect his now exposed... family jewels. Muscles tensed across his body, golden eyes still narrowed. His back legs were parted as well, trying his hardest to stay in his hopefully raised position. His lips were pulled back in a snarl, still coated in Hati's blood.

The Azat couldn't help but let out a chuckle when Hati let out an angered roar, slamming his paw back down to the ground. But Bass' position had altered, his paws no where near the earth to be trod upon. Bass laughed again, really getting a kick at how angry he was becoming. Hati's strong bite that had been intended for his spine below his shoulders, but it didn't quite reach there.Instead his fangs sunk into the top of his neck, just a few inches above his shoulder blades. Bass' neck scrunched to try and lessen the damage, but the puncture wounds he left were moderate. Hati's top jaw had landed to the right while his lower were on the left side of his neck. Growling, Bass parted his own jaws and attempted to turn his head towards his own left, seeking to sink his fangs into the upper part of Hati's neck, two inches below his jaws. His bottom jaws were aimed for towards Hati's left while his top jaws aimed for Hati's right. Bass was hoping to bite down with enough force to put pressure on the windpipe, hoping to bite down and hold it in hopes that Hati would pass out from the lack of oxygen. Bass then tried to extend his forelegs, trying to push them into Hati's lower chest and once again try to topple the black brute over. Bass' front right paw sought to push against the left side of Hati's chest, just above where the chest met his foreleg, while his left paw sought to push against the ride side of Hati's chest, also just above where his chest met his foreleg. With this movement Bass aimed to shift his weight towards his front half, using both the position of his paws (hopefully) as well as his aimed bite to try and force the brute on his back, and finally draw this battle to an end.

ROUND 3 of 3

The Judge


02-08-2015, 01:49 PM


Round 1

9 for clarity: how high up did he try to rear? -1
8 for powerplaying. head butting while moving back down from his rear would definitely cause more damage than just a moderate bruise -2
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. shoulder check +2, head butt +2, leg slam +1
10 for injuries.First round

Round one HATI Total: 42/50


8 for clarity: Bass aimed his top and lower jaw for the right side Hati’s jaw, not sure if this is typo or not, but its confusing -2
8 for powerplaying. dropping into a bow and rising up in the same post is a lot of movement -2
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. leg swipe +1, bite to muzzle +3, +1 grip attempt
10 for injuries. First Round

Round one BASS Total: 31/50

Round 2

7 for clarity: you didn’t state the damage Hati took to his shoulder -2, how high is Hati attempting to rear? -1
10 for powerplaying. none seen
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. shoulder check +2, bite to the base of the skull +3

5 for injuries. severely bruised shoulder -3, moderate puncture wounds -2

Round two HATI Total: 37/50

9 for clarity: im not entirely sure where Hati’s shoulder landed on Bass -1
10 for powerplaying. none seen
9 for defenses. +1 for each seen
4 for attack. head thrashing +1, shoving Hati +1, swiping at Hati’s hind right leg +1, shoulder blade checking +1
6 for injuries. moderate bruise to left shoulder -2, moderate puncture wounds to shoulder blades -2

Round two BASS Total: 38/50

Round 3

10 for clarity: clear
10 for powerplaying. none seen
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
6 for attack. forcibly bear hugging +2, paw slam +1, bite to spine +3

5 for injuries. mild bruise to left shoulder -2, moderate gashes to his neck -2, light jaw damage -1

Round three HATI Total: 41/50

8 for clarity: how did Bass go from head butting Hati’s throat/neck, to trying to bite it? -2
8 for powerplaying. not sure how bass could get his paws against Hati’s chest with how close they are -2
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. head butt to the throat +2, bite to the throat +3
8 for injuries. moderate puncture wounds to just above his shoulder blades -2

Round three BASS Total: 39/50


HATI: 120/150
BASS: 108/150

And the winner is...

HATI! Bass must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Rhythm now belongs to Hati/Imperium.


Hati: severe bruise to shoulder (2 ooc weeks), moderate tears wounds to neck (1 ooc week)

Bass: severe bruise to left neck/shoulder (2 ooc weeks), moderate puncture wounds to shoulder blades (above and below) (1 ooc week)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Tea

Good, clear posts! Just watch out for the little details.

For Eve

Your posts were kinda confusing in this fight, though your responses were creative and different. Watch out for using to much movement in your posts and work in some bigger attacks for more points.

- By [Saffie]