
Turn to dust or gold


02-02-2015, 08:10 PM

She would stumble briefly in her steps. Her pace was painfully slow, a limb interrupting her usual graceful movements. Blood seeped from her wound, matting her pelt. Enough time hadn't passed for the injury across her chest to full heal, it was deep enough that the slightest movements tore it open. Her sprained ankle was still tender that walking long distances caused pain. She still didn't know what had caused to leave pack lands so soon after the accident, but she had, she needed to get away. Anger caused her blood to boil within her veins, making her feel like she was on fire. Sucking in hair, she would take note of the pack scent that filled her nostrils. Abaven. Bass. Weary, detached gaze would lift, her movements not stopping until she had stumbled half way across the border. A faint smirk would lift the corners of her lips, coral gaze searching the area. "Bass." She would coo softly, more to herself than anyone else. She had not taken the fall well. A sprained ankle, fractured ribs, a gash that went from shoulder to shoulder and was deep enough to cause a significant amount of blood loss. On top of the series of others cuts and bruises. Her head had knocked around a few times on the way down the ravine, jumbling up a thing or two. But none of it had stopped her from finding her way here, though she wasnt entirely sure why she was here.




7 Years

02-02-2015, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2015, 10:09 PM by Bass.)
Ooc ;; Set before the Hati challenge.

Bass lay on top of his den, head resting on his pale paws as he looked out across the land. There was a soft smirk on his maw as the sun warmed his back, a rare quite day away from all the craziness of his kids. He was about to close his golden eyes when a slight movement caught his eye. His head snapped to attention, lips pulling back into a snarl as he saw someone cross his border. Not even stopping to sniff at the air he jumped off of the flat rock and raced towards the trespasser. But that is when the scent hit him. Blood. And underneath that... it was Cataleya. Concern replaced anger as he slowed his movements, coming up to the woman head on. Her chest was bleeding and she was limping, causing Bass to race to her side as he offered her his shoulder to lean on. "What on earth have you gotten yourself into now?" He mumbled to her, a single brow raising as he looked at her beaten form. "I should grab you a healer, but first... why on earth did you come here and not go home?" He asked her, a low growl rumbling in his chest. Her home was far away from here, and if she walked all the way over here just to pay him a visit... well he would have to toss her around a bit more. He couldn't help but remember the look on Kylar's face when Bass sat next to his mate at the gathering, he could hardly imagine what he would do if he found her here, beaten and battered. The two alphas had a very strange relationship...


02-02-2015, 09:57 PM

A pale face would come to her side, his shoulder pressing against her own. She would slump her weight against him entirely a low chuckle rolling off her tongue as he spoke. He would growl more questions at her, her lips curling into a wolfish grin. "First, I didn't get myself into anything." She state, looking at him as though it was most ridiculous question he could possibly ask. But when he asked about why she was here. "Baby you shoulda seen me when it happened." A bark of laughter slipped from parted lips. Blood had bathed her entire chest and forelegs, she had been a mess, thankfully her wound no longer bled in such a fashion. She had been home, and had no desire to be there at the moment. She still resented Kylar for shoving her over the edge of the ravine. It had caused more problems than it had solved. Her crown would tip as she peered over at him, a smirk toying with her lips. Nostrils quivered as she inhaled the scent of his mate and children that clung to his pelt. It crossed her mind that she had threatened to steal his first born son. Mischief danced in her dull gaze.




7 Years

02-02-2015, 10:29 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2015, 10:49 PM by Bass.)

His eyes rolled when she said that she hadn't gotten herself into anything, looking her bleeding coat over. "So you just tripped and tore up your chest?" He asked her skeptically, his brow still raised. It was obvious that she had done a bit of healing, there was dried blood all over her silver pelt. He let out a sigh as he took most of her weight on him, shouldering it with as much ease as possible. "Someone pissed you off." Bass mumbled, grunting as he shifted his own weight to support both of them. She commented about seeing her before, calling him baby. His eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at him, trying to figure out what the hell she did to herself. Bass just let out a sigh, head shaking slowly back and forth. "I should get you something to stop the bleeding at least, unless there was something you came here for?" Cataleya never came here unless she was looking for something, or to try and piss him off. Bass was aware of her games, she had played him. But he was growing weary, his pups were waring him down and his patience was grinding down moment by moment. She hadn't done anything yet, but when didn't she? But Arcanium was a valuable ally, and he didn't want to lose that over being a father. Cat had her own children too, had even tried to get him to fight her while she was pregnant with them. She was up to something, he could feel it in his bones.


02-02-2015, 10:39 PM

She would hear the skepticism in his voice. She would scoff. She was not quite so clumsy that she would just fall over and wind up so beat to hell. "No, Kylar pushed me off the ravine." She said with a growl, though her body didn't react with that same anger that was in her voice. He would grunt, shifting as he supported them both. Cutting him some slack, haunches would slide towards the earth as she supported her, right foreleg barely touching the ground. He offered her some help, but first he wanted to know why she was here. She would frown briefly. Why was she here? A shrug would lift her shoulders. "I don't know." She would mumble with a pout. Damn her husband. Everything had been so jumbled lately she had no idea what to make of anything. Thankfully the pack was self sufficient enough to run itself, plus she could rely on Basanti and Meinx to ensure that things kept running smoothly. Her chest would slowly sink the ground before she rolled onto her back, wincing as her ribs were forced to support her weight, even if only for a brief moment. "Am I keeping you from something?" She would peer up at him through her lashes, for once not teasing him in some way.




7 Years

02-02-2015, 11:25 PM

No matter what he was preparing for her to say, he was not ready for what she had to say. Bass sputtered, flabbergasted at the very notion of that. He would never dream of harming Wren in any way, it would kill him if he ever laid a paw on her or his children. Gods forbid he did anything like that, he would be asked to be smited right then and there. "He what?" He managed to get out, the words a deep growl. He considered Cataleya to be an ally and a friend, and to think that her husband did something like this to her... shit, it made him madder than a hatter. "How dare he," Bass spat, his hackles standing on end as he practically shook from his anger. While Cat seemed to be rather still, her voice held such anger in it. "I hope you pulled him over the edge with you." The Azat was not a dark man, but he wished nothing more than to know that Kylar had gotten harmed as well.

The pale man watched as Cat rolled onto her back, flinching as he did. He remembered how much pain he had been in after his fight with the albino bastard, just moving hurt. Bass flopped down onto the grass beside her, eying her still bleeding chest. Huffing, he rolled his eyes and started to lap up the blood that now trickled down towards her throat. He grumbled while doing it, the familiar tang of blood on his tongue. "You got to take care of this so it doesn't get infected." He growled softly, lifting his head up to eye her pink gaze. When she said that she didn't know what she was doing here, his hackles settling as his shoulders relaxed. Bass' head lowered back to her chest, finishing cleaning up the wound before he rested his head on his paws. "Doesn't really feel like home over there right now, does it?" He asked softly, his golden gaze soft as he eyed the mighty Queen before him. She couldn't imagine how home felt now after that... he would have a hard time staying there too. He kind of felt honored that she had come here, that she thought of him as a good enough friend to come here. And walk passed his border... but that was a chat for another day.

When Cat asked him if he was busy with something, he blinked slowly at her. This was not the Cataleya that he knew, he had half the mind to ask where she was and who this was in her body. But he didn't, because her gaze seemed so... empty. Bass offered her a small smile, his tail beating on the ground a few times. "No, nothing at all. I'm all yours for the moment." He rumbled, flopping over to his right side flank as they lay in the grass. He sighed again, his gaze drawing down to her chest again. The bleeding seemed to slow, which was good. "Does it hurt? Should I grab you something?" He asked softly, trying to meet her gaze again.


02-03-2015, 12:07 AM

There were very few wolves she would turn to for anything. But who could she turn to when the one who had always stood beside her, tried to kill her. She would not ever burden her children, nor expose her weakness to them. The silver woman had very few friends, very few wolves she could turn to. Maybe thats why she found herself here, beside the pale man who she constantly tormented. He was shocked to find out that her own husband had shoved her over the edge of a cliff. A faint smirk would lift the corners of her lips as he stated that he hoped Kylar went over the edge too. "You should know me well enough by now, that he went over the edge with me." Her voice was soft, uncharacteristically so. He would clean her wounds, pausing only to state the obvious. She would remain silent, refusing to acknowledge that he was right. Her own empire didn't even feel like home.

His reprimand would pull her from her reverie, eyes sparking faintly with amusement. "Yes, almighty one." It was a half assed attempt to be a smartass. His small smile was partially comforting, she had him for the afternoon. He would offer to get her something for the pain, but she would shake her head. The pain was the only thing that kept her rooted to this world, to kept her from completely losing her mind. Once again her vision would blur. For days now she had held in her emotions, refused to break down and let it all out. But now it was overwhelming her. Again the dark waters were threatening to drown her, to pull her under and put her out of her misery. "He pushed me." She would murmur so softly it was almost inaudible. Rolling back onto her belly, she would curl up, her gaze detached, lacking any of its usual luster.




7 Years

02-03-2015, 01:17 AM

Her smirk made him relax a bit, her teasing more usual for her. It was half of what it used to be, but at least she was trying. He let out a chuckle, but just rested beside her as she whispered those soft words. Bass felt his heart break as the woman curled into a ball, a whine leaving his throat as his pale ears pressed back against her head. He didn't understand what she was going through, not at all. But he honestly didn't think that he would or could ever understand her emotions and feelings, he would never ever hurt Wren. Never. He just couldn't even... the images she must see when she closed her eyes. As he watched her for a moment, curled up in his pack lands, he felt his anger grow towards Kylar. Cataleya was a strong warrior woman, he had yet to beat her, and here she was so... broken. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. She turned down the herbs with a shake of her head, and he didn't know what else to do for her. Wiggling closer to her, he draped his head across her neck, gently pulling himself closer so that he was resting just behind her silver frame. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked her softly, his tail flickering slightly behind him. Bass felt a little uncomfortable, but she was his friend and he wasn't just going to lay there and watch her be upset... he wasn't like that.


02-03-2015, 01:51 AM

He would remain silent, moving simply to embrace her, his skull resting across her shoulders. He would ask if there was anything he could do. And for a moment, she said nothing. Right now, all she wanted was to be held, to be loved. To feel like she wasnt so horrible that the only one she loved could push her over the edge of a cliff. She would press into his side, tipping her head so that she could look at him. Eyes would darken as she leaned a little closer. A grin would slowly stretch across her muzzle. How long had it been since she had been touched? "Maybe." She would purr. She would peek up at him through her lashes, mischief mingling with lust. She would seek to press her nose to his cheek, a seemingly friendly gesture, if not for her underlying motives. Tongue would snake from between her jaws to lap tenderly at his throat. Seeking to press against him, she sought to absorb his warmth, to lose herself in his musky scent. A low growled mingled with a throaty moan. It had been far to long. After all that happened, she just wanted to lose herself in the carnal pleasures that life had to offer. She wanted to forget everything. To forget that the man that had loved had shoved her carelessly over a cliffs edge.




7 Years

02-04-2015, 12:01 AM

His question was met with silence, a quiet that he could easily follow in. His golden eyes fell closed as he just held her there, softly humming one of the songs that he would sing for his children. He laid with her, the only sound between them was the rushing of the river behind them, but all else was silent. He was glad that Cataleya felt save enough to come here to him, that this was a place that she felt comfortable... even if she did cross his borders without any means of a summon. She pressed closer to him, and Bass' hair stood up slightly at the contact. He wasn't used to this with her, usually when they were close she was trying to bite his nose off. But this wasn't the Cat that he knew before, she was hurt and just needed to be comforted. So he allowed it, not moving as he relaxed into her. His eyes snapped open when she stirred below him, lifting his head so that he got meet her pink gaze. The look he saw in them had his eyes shifting away, swallowing hard against the lust that he saw there. He knew that she was hurt, he got that. But Bass had a wife and kids, and he wouldn't harm them in any way. He couldn't be with Cataleya like that, not ever. Her soft, single spoken word reached his ears as her damp nose pressed into his cheek. It was a common enough jester, perhaps she was just thanking him for being here for her. But soon she was pressing kisses on his neck, and the growl and moan that left her maw had him slowly rising to a seated position. "Cataleya..." he started, trying to control his emotions. He couldn't help that her motions and sounds triggered his own lust, and he closed his eyes to try and hide that from her. She was not Wren, and he just... he couldn't. "I have a wife..." Bass said pathetically, swallowing again as he peered down at her. He couldn't do this, no matter how much she wanted it. He was upset that she was triggering his own carnal needs though, the want to please was still there. Him and Wren hadn't been together that way for awhile, how could they with all the little ones clinging to them? He wanted it, but he knew that he couldn't... do this.


02-04-2015, 12:16 AM

The silence between them had been comfortable, but there was a shift in the air. One that neither could deny. He was now in her crosshairs. A growl mingled with his moan. He sat up, but it didn't tear her. She sought to sit up beside him, a mischievous grin curling her lips. Her name rolled off his tongue, along with a very obvious statement. But his words were pathetic, almost as if they held very little resolve. She sought to press her side against his own, crown tipping towards him, jaws seeking to gently assault his throat and neck once more with a series of nips and kisses. "Are you telling me that you don't feel it?" Words came out in a husky purr. Eyes danced wildly with lust and mischief. He had a wife, she had a husband. But you only live once, she could certainly attest to that. To think, just days ago, her husband had tried to kill her, effectively bringing their relationship to a screeching halt, and now here she was, sitting in Abaven, trying to seduces it alpha. A soft, whimsical laugh would depart from dark lips as she devoted her entire attention to him. What a scandal it would be..... If he hadn't moved away or stopped her, she would seek to leave a trail of nips and kisses up to his ear before her tongue would flick gentle against the sensitive appendage.




7 Years

02-05-2015, 03:21 PM

Her flank pushed against his, her heat pouring over him like a wave. Bass felt like he was drowning in all of this, choking on the heady air that surrounded them. This was not what he wanted, no matter how his body was reacting. His mind and heart were screaming at him to run, but his paws stayed on the ground. He was rooted in place, trying to break out from this spell that Cataleya had over him. When her teeth and tongue covered his neck, his head tipped back, eyes closing. He choked down a moan, trying not to give her the satisfaction of turning him on. If he let himself think he could think that this was Wren, his lovely wife that nipped at his fur. But it wasn't. Eyes snapped open at her words, eyes casting towards her. He did feel it, and that was the problem. He didn't want to feel it. "This is wrong, Cataleya," he rumbled in a low growl, and yet could not make himself pull away. His body craved it, the need thrumming through his form. But his eyes grew wide when she lapped at his ear, the appendage twitching at the tender touch. His muscled coiled beneath him, and he finally found the strength to rise to all fours and take a side step away from her. His breath was quick and short, trying to regain control of the situation. "I know you're hurting, but I can't... I can't betray Wren."


02-05-2015, 10:38 PM

He didn't move, even as he protested. His skull would tip back, exposing more of his throat to her, allowing better access. His low grumbling growl did nothing to deter her. If anything, it only amplified her desire to bed the Abaven Alpha. It would take a moment, but he would finally rise, moving away from her. He fought in vain to regain control. He would speak of his wife and his loyalty to her. But that loyalty was wavering. Silver legs would push her upwards, seeking to bring him once more to his side. "It'll be our little secret." She purred, a smirk toying with her lips. If he stayed put, then she would lean into his side, wiggling against him, her neck craning as she again sought his ear, thought this tip to lightly tug on the pale appendage. "I won't tell if you don't." Sultry words fell softly from dark lips, eyes dancing with wicked mischief. This had been a long time coming in her mind. "You know you want to." Desire swirled through her veins, heating her flesh deliciously.




7 Years

02-11-2015, 01:36 AM

Even though he had moved, she soon stood and once again was pushing her flank against his own. She purred about it being a secret, and his heart hammered in his chest. But they were on pack lands, anyone could just walk up and see it. "My children could waltz on by and see this," he said with a growl, his eyes squeezing shut tightly as her pulled on his ear again. It was so sensitive and yet it felt so good, sending electrical shocks down his spine. No, he couldn't be doing this! He growled more, standing up again and walking a few more paces away. "Cataleya enough. You are a good friend and an even better ally, I don't want to ruin anything by doing this," he said lamely, her next words making his ears flatten against his skull. Perhaps it was easy enough to see his desire, but it wasn't his fault! He doubted any man would not feel turned on when a pretty lady was practically throwing herself at him. But he already had a pretty lady, probably sitting in their den waiting for his return. A heavy sigh was blown out of his lips, eyes seeking to look her over. "I can call a healer and even offer you shelter. But that is all I can offer." His words were more firm, claws digging into the earth as he fought to gain the upper hand.