
What did you see?[Joining/Athena&Amalia?]



6 Years
02-03-2015, 01:52 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2015, 01:59 AM by Vereux.)

It was sickening, to see any wolf like this. Starved, dying, only held on by the herbs covering the scratches of his body. The sun was high in the sky, it was already well within the day. Birds were out flying around, but he was only paying attention to the woman in front of him. His sister in law, an obligation the man had to protect her after she had saved his life. Though the offness of her personality, he feared was nothing that he could fix. The man's slate blue fur was matted and covered in mud and wounds. They had swam here, and it was more difficult on her than him so he had kept quiet the entire time. He followed her scent, Athena's and this is where it had led him. Vereux was unsure if she would even want to see him, that was okay he just wanted to make sure she was okay and that Arian would be safely transported somewhere when she deserved better. The hate sat back in his mind, they would loathe him and he wouldn't be welcome. Just like as a slave, oh what they did to them, it sent shivers down the poor man's spine. As his blue paws settled across the mangrove they reached the border and he lightly touched Arian on the shoulder to make her stop before he looked at the scent marker. The invisible mark was like a barrier of do not enter, that was obvious enough.

His ears twitched, pulling them back in discomfort of the whole situation. No matter how much he feared though, there needed to be closure. He didn't know what happened to them while he was gone. His children who didn't need him, they had two beautiful mothers, Vereux just wasn't needed anymore. His sense of self was a bit stronger now, but the lax man knew the nagging unforgiveness in his life. It wasn't his fault no, but that didn't mean they didn't feel something while he was gone. Those feelings were just as real as his own. After contemplating this he raised his head in a howl. All too familiar it would be, for the alpha, and Athena along with Amalia if they wished to show. Either way he didn't mind, as long as they were safe, and alive.

ooc: For epiphron, but Athena and Amalia are free to enter as well for all the feels and angst.
“I speak”



4 Years
02-03-2015, 01:58 AM

She was selfish, making him do this. It was obvious wasn't it, there wasn't a place here for her. There wasn't a place anywhere for a useless piece of meat like her. The same as Vereux, the lithe woman was covered in wounds plastered with herbs, muddy underneath covering the white that struck her underbelly. She barely even registered the sun high in the sky. Limping as fast as she could, which was at a slow rate as she followed him. Her crystal blue eyes looked around, partially she wondered what was here, she hadn't bothered checking for the scents or any of those things. Arian didn't need to, if she died, she died, but either way she didn't disclose these thoughts out loud. Shrugging herself lower to the ground, as they reached the borders Vereux stopped her making the woman look at him to make sure he was alright. Did he intend to just leave her here? That was okay with her, and it didn't surprise her either.

Though when she finally caught the scent of the border she understood. The many wolves mixed, there was something in there that screamed 'there are adravendi here' it made her sigh. Would she be able to face her family again, she would rather not know, but now that she was here there was no turning back. Her mangled face looking inwards towards this territory. Her ears twitching as her crystal eyes blinked. Arian looked ahead as if she was looking into some sort of fog, she raised her head a little bit but her posture was still shabby at best. Her mentality was still that of a slave, she feared people here would do the same to her. She would rather someone take control so she didn't make those horrible decisions she always did. Arian waited patiently, for whatever they were waiting for of course.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-03-2015, 02:37 AM

She could hardly understand the howl that rang out, a voice that she knew so well. She looked down at the boys and Athena, thankfully all still sleeping. She prayed to the gods that they wouldn't hear, that they would stay resting in their nap and think it was all a dream. Dragging herself slowly out of her den she picked her way towards the border. Amalia knew that it wasn't her place to answer calls, but she couldn't leave it alone. And when she found the two, her heart dropped. She remembered Arian from when she was a child, but this wasn't the woman that she had known and loved, exploring that cave with her. But it was the man beside her that caught her attention, that made her heart sink. The pure, peaceful female's lips pulled back as she snarled at him, even though it was shaky at best. She wasn't a fighter, but she was not going to let her family go through this pain again. "You left," she whispered, hackles raising along her back as she stalked towards him, ears pinning against her red head. "you have no idea the pain and suffering you have caused them all. You have no place here, and you need to leave. Now!" Her usually sweet voice held anger and hurt in it, as her blue eyes cut towards the woman beside her. She nodded her head, gaze softening slightly. They both looked half dead, she wondered if this really was a dream after all.

Amalia's eyes glanced back over to Vereux, blinking at hot tears ran down her face. "You lost your chance with them Vereux, you had it all and you left them. Athena searched for you for weeks, often not coming back at all during the night. I was left with boys who cried for their father, not matter what I said! You tore them apart, and it has taken me this long to patch them all up. If you come back, you will be tearing into that freshly healed wound. So get out! Now! Before they see you." She growled, the tiny girl threatening the much larger man. "I will not stand by and watch you ruin my family again. We have lost everything, the boys lost their father, their aunt, and their home. They don't need you, not anymore. I will not tell you again, leave." She puffed out. None of the words were directed at Arian, she was sure that Epiphron would be upset to see how lanky the woman was. But him, this once man? She didn't care, which was very odd for this sweet girl. But she saw what it did to her loved ones, and she would not let him anywhere near them. "You are never to see them again."



6 Years
02-03-2015, 02:54 AM

Vereux would not stop in his tracks when he saw the woman coming. There was something in him, it told him to stay calm and listen. She was angry and that rarely happened to her, the sweet girl. Vereux's expression stayed firm watching her. His ears moved respectfully as they did when he was in the mud people's place to show he was listening. Like a rock, he didn't move, his muscles stiffened up. He had hurt them, his heart broke. He didn't need to be around them, they no longer needed him and his children didn't need the pain of a father they lost so long ago. If she wished it than he would remain gone, but he just wanted to make sure they were all safe. Vereux didn't even need to explain his situation, while he had feelings, he had his guilt his urge he wanted to see them so badly. There was something about his own feelings, that meant nothing to him, it was all them all that mattered was them. Vereux wheezed softly, obviously having breathing problems but he refused to let them show how bad of a shape he was in.

“Then, I will leave.” Vereux said to her softly. He just was happy to see that she was alive. “I only came to bring Arian, and, my heart wanted to check and make sure you and the family was okay. The pain, oh the pain I have caused and not even a apology will fix it. I wish I would have fought harder I wish I would have fought with all my strength until I died to come back.” his words were soft and broken, hoarse as he lowered his head. He shut his emerald eye as he looked at the woman. She was a better lover than he'd ever be. He didn't deserve Athena. “I will not throw excuses at you, you don't care where I've been. Arian won't tell you either, Amalia, please make sure they have all the happiness they deserve. I don't want to be around them, to tear them apart again. Tell Athena....I loved her, if you could please as a last request of this old slave.” Vereux finished that sentence and nearly choked on his tongue.

His tail twitched indefinitely, he stopped his wheezing and tried to calm his lungs down. The man looked towards Arian, he nuzzled her softly on the shoulder before turning around. He could not bear to see the pain he would put them through again even if he had intended to stay this time. The world had its ways of pulling him in and throwing him out. He should have died in those mud covered cages. Vereux took one last look at her, tilting his head back towards them. He needed to find a new home, and repent for the sins taken place. But, he smiled at her, dipping his head and whispering a thank you for being there for them as he moved on.

-exit vereux unless stopped for some reason-

“I speak”



4 Years
02-03-2015, 03:08 AM

Arian was not expecting the girl to come over, it was the small pup. A part of her jumped a little, her hackles raised from paranoia until they settled as soon as Vereux started speaking. She knew nothing of their life, their relations other than Amalia was married to Athena. She had held onto the small shred of hope because she was connected to Vereux by family. The quiet girl only watched, a little perplexed. Her little crystal eyes blinked, mouth slightly opened as she listened to him. Figured as much, Vereux would never wish misfortune on others because of his doing. He was correct too, she would not be telling anyone of what happened to her. The damage had been done, she didn't matter and she needed to move on. Though the word 'dropping off' made her ears pin back a bit. She was scared, so scared, that this woman hated her. That her family wouldn't accept her. She had done something so horrible, she had abandoned a pack that needed her. Taken why by those....those slave traders. She sighed a little, her shoulders relaxing watching Vereux leave. Her attention turning back to the girl, what, should she do? Apologize? Be happy to see her sister again even if it had been so long ago. She bit back the tears fighting at the corners of her eyes and mangled face.

You don't deserve them, they don't care about you, they won't either ever in your entire life time. she thought. Yet, spoke differently, but the situation was tender she understood that enough. Despite her condition, her situation she was still a genuine genius and a bright and kind mind. "I'm sorry, please forgive me. I must have forced him to come here with me, I just....didn't want to go alone." she shook her head. Though her chest heaved a little, Vereux had sacrificed a many to make sure she stayed fed and well secured. She was in much better condition than he was. Yet, he would heal alright, he didn't need her anymore. "How you've grown so beautifully Amalia." the name was nearly a curse on her tongue. It stung to speak it so, she was not in deserving. The other was the master, and she was the servant.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-03-2015, 03:17 AM

Amalia listened to what he had to say, her hackles settling down along her spine. Anger didn't suit her, it never had. Tears welled up in her eyes as he spoke of nothing but guilt and hurt, and the woman swallowed hard. She knew that her words had been harsh, but there was no other way. She would not allow him to walk into their lives and ruin everything, not when the boys were trying so hard to settle in here. If Ver came back into their lives... she shuttered at the mere thought of it. The boys were still broken over it, and having to lose Roman so close to when he vanished. He asked her to tell Athena that he loved her, and she nodded her coloured head. "I will, Vereux," she said softly, falling heavily on to her rump. A shuttering sigh left her, tears falling. "I'm sorry that it happened like this, but I just..." she cut herself off, head hanging a bit lower, "I'm sorry..." Amalia watched him turn and walk away, keeping her eyes locked on him to make sure that he didn't come back. But he turned his head, and she saw the words that were not spoken. She smiled softly, sniffling as she tried to calm herself. And then, he was gone. A heavy breath rushed out of her lungs, relieved that no one had been here to see him leave. He was so close to death that his scent was hardly there, the border basically eating it all up. She knew that she had to hide his coming here, so she walked up and covered his scent with her own.

Her blue eyes fell on Arian, finally stepping forward to nuzzle her cheek. "I don't care what happened to you, but I have a large stock of herbs here. I will get you fixed up as soon as Mother gets here." Her voice was back to being sweet, lips quivering as she tried to smile. She pressed herself up against her sister, even though it had been years she was still family. "You know that Mother hates them all, the Armada's. She nearly had Athena's throat when we first found her." Ama laughed softly, head shaking at the memory. "And please don't be sorry, I didn't mean to react like that. But they just took so long to get over him... I couldn't put them through that again." She hoped that Arian understood it, because she already felt the guilty enough. "Now, enough of this sadness!" Shaking her head, Amalia pressed her nose against her scared face, heart breaking for her. When she said how beautifully she had grown up, a slight flush rushed to her cheeks. "Oh hush, you know its all from Mother," she said with a laugh, stepping back to give the woman some room, "and she should be here soon."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-05-2015, 09:41 AM
The call of a stranger roused Epiphron from light slumber. With grace she would rise to all fours, beginning to stretch her limbs and shake sleep quickly from her form. Though she trusted her children to help as needed, she knew much of the pack’s beginning depended on her own ambition; and so with ease she would slip from her den, making her way toward the masculine howl.

When she arrived at the scene, there was no male; only Amalia, and her daughter Arian. The shape that she was in was nothing short of appalling. Her wounds were fresh, though it seemed someone had taken care to try to help with the healing. A frown graced her features as she quickened her pace, coming to face Arian with a soft, sympathetic expression. “Arian,” she began to speak to her daughter with firm but kind tones. ”You are home now. Do not be afraid.” There was something different about her, in the way she stood so fearfully, in her submissive posture and the scared expression that shone brightly in her eyes. Even Amalia had tears visible in her own eyes, and she tilted her head in quiet inquiry to her daughter. ”What has happened here?” The scent of a male remained in the air, and yet there was nobody here besides her two children, her beautiful, strong Amalia and her battered and broken Arian, who she was determined to build back up, no matter the cost.



4 Years
02-05-2015, 10:21 AM
Complicated. Thats what a rians life was. A piece of her heart fell out again when she watched vereux leave as her sister approached she would not accept the touch. Her instincts pulled her back scared of touch. Who was going to take responsibility for her now. Who would tell her what to eat, when to sleep, when to reproduce. Her crystal eyes stopped for a moment she had tried hard to keep vereux safe, after all she was a healer no matte how bad she assumed she was about it. No, it wasn't safe she would never be safe. A worthless waste of space. Though when as a direct question she needed to answer right. But seeing her mothers face she began to cry.

"Ive messed up, really bad" she whispered looking back she didn't even smell vereux she didn't bother to try. "Even vereux left me, what did I do wrong? Did i not treat his wounds properly" she sobbed. Her stomach growled wincing a bit. She didnt want to be touched, so she kept her distance. "Please forgive me, let me live here i can....i can be a healer even if im not very good at it." She asked the two of then. Arian kept her body low, she felt sick but didnt voice her discomforts. She never would really.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-20-2015, 10:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 10:07 AM by Epiphron.)
Arian hadn't been given the best start in life. Her father had died when she was merely a child, so it was no surprise that she had emotional issues; though it was surprising to see her quite so broken. Epiphron felt her chest tighten as her daughter began to cry. "Shhh," she cooed softly, not wanting to see her in pain. "You are safe here, Arian. You have no reason to be afraid." Her children knew she would kill for them, and she would die for them just as quickly -- there was nowhere they would be safer. She watched as Arian pulled away. There was no doubt in her mind that she had been hurt by someone, had been mistreated... though she wouldn't try to extract the information from her, seeing that it brought her pain.

"Of course you can stay here, she told her readily. Briefly her gaze fell to Amalia, wondering what he daughter's reaction would be to Arian's state. "And I welcome you to practice healing with Amalia. She will help you learn more," she suggested warmly. Arian had always been skilled. Had being mistreated made her forget that she had worth? Epiphron knew that Amalia wouldn't stop until Arian was herself again. "I missed you," came her next offering, and she moved to embrace Arian tenderly though would stop quickly if her daughter retracting from her touch.