
There's no place you can hide



4 Years
02-04-2015, 04:43 PM

She wasn't quite sure why she had come here. Maybe it was the memory imprinted on the back of her brain. For a very short time where Isokan stood, and she had to cringe at the thought. She still wasn't recovered from her wounds, while she had been better off than her armada companion. Arian looked like death loomed over her shoulder, fur was slightly preened and wounds freshly treated. She was very light weight, not overly so, but she looking like she was starving indefinitely. Vereux had sacrificed eating just so that she herself could, an unpayable debt to yet another master. Now, she was worth nothing, she was a sinner if left to her own devices. Arian didn't know where to turn, she wasn't sure and it was difficult to concentrate on her sense of self.

The things she suffered from however, were kept a secret. She looked calm collective, the crippled woman having her icy eyes dart over the entrance of the cave. Pacing slightly back and forth at the entrance feeling the ice underneath her paws. It was soft because of the spring. when would she die.....that was a question rolling over her mind. She was with her mother now, she didn't deserve it, she was with her sister and her wife, she didn't deserve it. They hated her, she knew it deep down. They resented her like so many did, she was a sack of meat ready to be harvested. Her ankles weak, her body sore, they were covered in teeth marks. Her body was no longer pure and her heart had been lost in the process.

Arian suddenly dropped the upper part of her body, folding her flimsy paws underneath her. She then rested the lower half of herself. Leaning the uncomfortably crippled leg to the side, if she just lied here, would she starve to death. Death, she sighed, she was terrified paranoid mortified of those thoughts. She didn't want to die, but that's what she deserved. So she'd let others do the thinking for her. She didn't know what else to do, her brain just didn't work right anymore. It was a useless function, if she would die tomorrow, nobody would care. Her mistakes could not be overworked at all or forgiven.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-04-2015, 07:11 PM

After hearing about Chione and where she lived at the moment, Ixionn was in quite a bad mood. He even scared Drago off, who had previously attempted to cheer him up. The man was guilty for it...and in total regret for yelling at his friend. But he was frustrated and stressed out. Nobody could blame him! Chione may not appreciate his company very much...but she was an ally in his eyes, whether she liked it or not. If she was in trouble, he'd be there for her. But damn...why all this? What was going on in that little girl's head?! Leave her home, her family! He'd never leave his family if they were still alive! And getting part of her site stolen from her...what a shame. One of her pretty eyes, gone.

Ixionn trudged through the Polar Sound and sniffed around for some food, but found none. Though, while he was there, he allowed memories of being here travel through his mind. It made him smile just slightly. All those meetings...the day he was announced heir. Ah, how nervous he was. But proud...he could feel his father's beaming smile on him. It was all gone now. It was when him and Arian were still friends, still friendly toward one another. Now he loathed her. Now matter how confused she was.

The boy finally found the mines, poking his head in, only to find a red-looking lump sprawled across the icy floor. It only took a few seconds to realize who this was. The masked boy quickly lurched backward and began snarling uncontrollably, eyes becoming dangerous slits and the fur upon his spine lifting with irritation. He aligned his head and tail with his spine and lowered his body a bit. Almost as if he were threatening her, claiming dominance. She was definitely not a friend of his anymore...although, even so, he wouldn't attack anyone without reason. Only for challenges and spars. Ixionn stared down at her limp body and managed to speak through his violent growls.

"You aren't welcome here. Get up and walk your sorry ass out, now." He snapped, claws digging into the stony, icy ground. He almost forgot why hewas so mad at her...but then, it came to him. She screwed up and ruined his life.



4 Years
02-04-2015, 07:26 PM

Despair, it was the only emotion to describe the situation she was in. Every night she only got maybe two hours sleep, the rest was spent rolling in pain. She made sure to sleep alone so no one would see her groaning in pain. Specially in her current condition, it was hard to see when she was laying down as well. Her crystal eyes would watch Ixionn as he came, her heart skipped. Fear filled her lungs and her anxiety kicked him. Even before he said anything not a single word left his mouth before her eyes started kicking out emotions. The wet drops soaking her fur, burning her skin through the scar. Her brows furrowing, as her ears pinned to the back of her head after what he said. What had she done. Worthless, a piece of nothing. She didn't deserve happiness, the pain was the only thing she could keep on having. Command her to be well, she was ready to get up and leave like he said but she was rather weak.

The woman would attempt to get up, her ribs showing as she shut her eyes through the sobbing. Speak you fucking idiot! Say something, he's the only one left! her brain screamed at her. Suddenly her jaw opened and she howled with pain pulling herself over to Ixionn's paws. "Ixionn, Ixionn, Ixionn it hurts so much." she muttered to him trying to calm herself down but her heart was already racing and she felt herself suffocating. "Gods forgive me, no, please you forgive me if only for a moment. For my sins, for my uselessness, for my mangled, ugly, disgusting body." her eyes searched over him but refused to make eye contact. She didn't function that way, she was a slave and nothing more.

"I'm....I'm scared. I'm nothing, I can't, do anything." Arian shivered, her bones felt like they would crack underneath the pressure. Breathing heavily, this was the first time she had let it out so hard. A mental breakdown really, she had cried in front of her mother sure but she was like a small defenseless pup now. There was one fact as well, she was terrified. Curling up she covered her face with her paws, please just make the pain stop. She curled her tail between her legs trying to stop her crying though it wasn't working.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-07-2015, 06:49 PM

When she weakly tried to stand at his command, a nasty, uncomfortable feeling twisted at the pit of his stomach. Guilt. Her crippled body looked horrid, her ribs popping out of her sides like black on white. Her once gentle eyes showed fear...and seemed drained of life. Was she dying?! He couldn't lose anyone else, no! Ixionn pursed his lips together and ceased in his violent growling, fur relaxing against his spine and tail falling between his legs. Faint tears began to form at his bloody gaze. The boy was no baby anymore, he wouldn't go balling his eyes out. But he wasn't afraid ton cry when he needed to. This was horrible.

She howled in agony and bowed at his paws, whimpering muffled words. His much it hurt. What hurt? Her wounds? His teary eyes drifted to her limp body, spotting the wounds. Another horrid feeling clenched at his stomach. He couldn't take it anymore! What was he doing? How dare he yell at her...she was his family. All he had left. And she was at his paws...sobbing, weeping in pain. Begging for his forgiveness. His heart raced, and he finally collapsed in front of her, pulling his body close to her and resting his nose against her neck. Of course, making sure he was not lying on any wounds.

He began to sob now, ears resting back against his skull, eyes slowly closing. He pulled his tail in and buried his face into her ragged russet fur. "Arian..." He whispered, cringing as warm liquid ran down his cheeks. He tried to embrace her broken body without hurting her, trying to share his warmth with her. "Shut up..." He sobbed, shaking his head. Apologizing was not necessary anymore. It was all his fault...she didn't mean to put the pack to ruins. He was just so stupid and stubborn... "We need to get you help..."



4 Years
02-11-2015, 01:12 AM

The world was a cruel place to her, and she feared not being able to help those in need. When is came down to it, she honestly believed that she could not make decisions on her own. Less they have a negative impact not only on herself but those around her. Ixionn was a fine young man now, a fine prince, and she had destroyed that chance of him being a ruler at all. It was her fault, it was never his. Everything was her fault, her tail tucked mildly underneath her as he felt his touch. Cringing to it, she didn't like it, it was one of her fears. Inching a little away from him she made it known it made her uncomfortable. Though she didn't mean to be rude, she honestly appreciated the attempt to make her feel better. Just as he ordered her maw clamped shut, she wiped the tears from her face with her front paws back when she was a safe distance away from him without him touching her.

"I have help.....I just don't deserve it." she whispered partly to herself. She was part of a pack, she was with her mother and her sister. Though it wasn't exactly a fantasy situation, it was better than what she could have been in. Arian looked up at Ixionn for a moment.....packless. "What.... happened to Isokan?"it had come to her attention that it was no longer here. So where was the pack she entrusted her first lover to now? Ixionn did not smell of it anymore. It rose her heart rate making her eyes widen. "She didn't.....I entrusted the pack to her and she threw it in the trash." for once she felt a spark of anger, but it was mainly at herself. She suddenly knew how Quelt must have felt towards her, how all the others did like Ixionn. She growled quietly lowering her head. Then looked pathetically up at Ixionn.

"I....I know it isn't much Ixionn. But will you come with me to Fiori where I live now if you don't have a home? My mother is the alphess, it may not have been any of the homes you know, but I would feel a lot better if you were there. Maybe I could make up for my past mistakes to you." the tears lingered in her eyes, still falling just not in the amount of before. Her body was sore and hurt, the sooner she returned home the probably the better at most. Though, Arian found it very hard to care anymore, about herself. She as afraid of dying, but she was also afraid of living. So she would suffer either way.

"Talk" "You" Think