
My First


01-06-2015, 03:36 AM

Amarant had followed the girl out of the crowd so he would miss any punishment that could have come on him or the woman he kind of stood up for. He had seen as his opponent whispered into the other's ear, and of course thought that it was only something nice and friendly she whispered to help the poor woman. As the walked away from the group to start their spar training, Amarant would speak out.

"So um..." He wouldn't ask her what she  said to that man or how she even felt about it... he wouldn't refuse listening to her if she wanted to talk about it but he assumed they would get the training over with and part ways. Of course, he enjoyed making friends and extra time together wouldn't at all hurt him. "I've never done this before, is there like a rule for who goes first?"

He would only stop if she did, looking at her with a crooked chin and perked ears. He remembered he felt this sort of anger when Colten wouldn't go back home with Rune or that same time when Kylar told him that he couldn't really just send Colten off on a voyage back there... He felt some blood lust then but it didn't amount to anything. Besides, this was a spar. They weren't actually trying to hurt each other.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
01-07-2015, 10:17 PM

She padded quietly away from the congregation, aware of her sparring partner follow behind her. The spotted boy would ask a question and Freya hesitated briefly, her head tilting to the side. "In all honesty?" She began picking up her pace again, seeking to put as much space between them and the silver queen. "I’m not sure… I’m a healer, not a fighter. The idea of seeing any wolf in pain is not one I enjoy all that much." Then she stopped, casting a gaze around her to assure no wolves more loyal to the Arcanum queen were in ear shot. "Which is why I asked my brother to be gentle with that woman. He may be eager to prove himself but he’s a kind wolf. I’d rather she get a few scratches from him then whatever sadistic punishment our alpha would dole out."

The golden girl sighed and turned around to face him. "I suppose there are tactical advantages to both being first and being the one to react. So I’m alright with you going first if you want."


[Image: wrqQfHn.png]


01-09-2015, 06:13 PM

"Well uh, thanks  for that." He would respond to the little help that she offered. "I don't really know her but she was pretty scared at that pack challenge."

She would offer Amarant the first move, and he would respond.

"Oh... um, alright."

His ears went back as he wasn't quite sure what to do. He wasn't fending for his life... it couldn't be the same as that. But there was a first for everything, even if he had no clue what he was doing.

(assuming they are no more than 10 feet apart) Amarant would make a lazy run towards the girl, but his towering body of the girl had probably made him a whole lot more intimidating. He hadn't realized how much taller he was until he had approached her.

He wouldn't run into her, but leaned his neck forward and moved with his body to try and take a hold of her scruff; the right side of her body, about halfway down her neck. He tried to give her a gentle bite, but it may have been a bit harder than he planned, he didn't know what the limit was. His only move was to pull her down to her right and throw her off balance.

Meanwhile, his neck was scrunched, his tail was straight out to keep his balance, his ears were pinned, and his eyes were narrowed. It was the only instinct he had... Again, he wasn't in any true danger, how could he know what to do?

Amarant vs Freya For Training Spar
Round One of Two

Attacks:Bite to right side, half way down neck; trying to throw her off balance by pulling her right side.

Defenses: Neck scrunched, tail out for balance, ears pinned, and eyes narrowed.

Injuries: None.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
01-12-2015, 12:49 AM

Her ears perked. Pack challenge? Was it possible the poor traumatized woman had belonged to her aunt? The golden girl made a note to ask the next time they had a run in, surely the red woman would probably want to know of what state her former pack mate was in.

Emeralds watched as the spotted boy approached, some instinctual part of her lowering her body closer to the ground, and making her splay her legs some, tail pulling out behind her and eyes narrowed. Very little else shifted though, just as inexperienced in fighting as her partner was. He wasn’t running full tilt at her and yet a part of her briefly feared he was about to collide with her, his bulk seemed more likely to simply crush her than allow for any sort of retaliation.

His jaws closed around her scruff, a bit harder than she had anticipated and a gasp of pain escaped her throat. He hadn’t just gotten her scruff but a bit of the base of her neck on the right side. She could feel him tugging on her, clearly meaning to topple her and her toes spread a small growl pushing past her gritted teeth. With some effort she suddenly threw her head back, hoping to connect with his throat, or the base of his jaw. If she was honest she wasn’t sure she would even reach.

She fought to stay standing, a losing battle unfortunately as she felt herself falling over. A squeak was the only sound she made as she toppled over onto her right side. The golden girl tried to quickly flip herself over on her left side, swiping out with her paws as she did in a wild attempt to sweep them out from under the bigger boy.

Amarant vs. Freya

For Spar


Attacks: Throwing head back and attempting to hit, something, wildly swiping her paws trying to knock Ammy down.

Defenses: Narrowed eyes, tail out, toes splayed, legs spread, knees bent.

Injuries: Moderate puncture wounds at the base of her neck, right side. Light bruising on the ride side of her torso.


[Image: wrqQfHn.png]


01-13-2015, 07:53 PM

Her squeals alarmed him, though he wasn't quite sure what he could do... surrender? Cat would probably be infuriated if he quit because he was too rough. Maybe he should give up just to get under her skin...

But his thoughts were interrupted when the girl threw her head up and hit under his jaw and chin, making him pull his body a little harder which made him successful at pulling her to the ground. He would let go of her scruff then, but before he could think of anything else, the girl started to claw at his legs. He started to jump around, avoiding at least a few of her swipes before trying to leap his front legs over to her other side and putting one paw on her shoulder to hold her down gently. His body would be standing over top of her with his back legs beside her stomach, and his front legs beside her back; of course aside from trying to place his left paw on her left shoulder. He didn't want to try and puncture her skin anymore, so he would hold back on anymore biting. His weight on her shoulder would be pretty weak that she could probably wiggle herself around, but might have been hard to completely knock his paw off of her.

His toes were splayed on the ground as well as his back legs spread to keep balance. He tired to keep his weight evenly distributed which shouldn't have been hard because the woman was so tiny compared to him. His hackles were raised (so long as he was able to stand over her), but his ears, eyes, and muscles weren't as tense because he didn't feel threatened by her anymore (ears and eyes completely relaxed).

(OOC: It's really hard writing a fight with a char (Ammy) that doesn't know how to fight xD)

Amarant vs Freya For Training Spar
Round: One | Two

Attacks: Trying to hold her down? 

Defenses: Toes splayed; back legs spread; weight evenly distributed; hackles raised.

Injuries: Possible light bruising under chin; Some claw scratches to both of his front legs

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
01-19-2015, 01:03 PM

Her skull collided with his jaw and she felt a twinge of sympathy, then was aware of the throbbing on her own head. Head-butting… probably not the best attack she could think of. Still there wasn’t much time to consider her own lack of strategy before she was being dragged to the ground. .

Wildly flailing paws hit his legs, once or twice at least and she managed to roll over onto her left side but quickly after he had leaped over her, placed a paw upon her shoulder. The pressure was light, not enough to do any real damage and she allowed an almost playful growl to rumble out from her jaw. Wriggling slightly Freya attempted to reach his paw. Jaws seeking to nip at his ankle, no real damage to be done just enough to get him to release her.

The fur along her spine remained raised, and ears were still pinned against her skull. Emeralds were narrowed, pointed in the direction of his paw but with her body pressed so firmly against the ground little else had carried over.

Amarant vs. Freya

For Spar


Attacks: Craning neck to try and nip at Ammy’s left ankle.

Defenses: Narrowed eyes, hackles raised, ears back.

Injuries: Moderate puncture wounds at the base of her neck, right side. Light bruising on the ride side of her torso.

OOC. Honestly the most fun I’ve had on a fight in a while. It’ll be interesting to see which of our inexperienced kids comes out on top, good luck. :D


[Image: wrqQfHn.png]

The Judge


02-05-2015, 11:55 PM


Round 1

1 for clarity: -1 did he attempt to come to a stop in front of her? -2 which way did he turn his head to try and bite her -2 where would his upper and lower jaws try and land -2 what type of damage was he intending to do to Freya’s neck -2 how did he intend to throw her off balance?
8 for powerplaying. -2 ‘ his only move was to pull her down to her right and throw her off balance’ you must attempt to do this.
4 for defences. +1 for each seen
3 for attack. +2 bite +1 pull
10 for injuries.First round

Round one AMARANT Total: 26/50


1 for clarity: -1 where exactly did the bite land? -2 what kind of damage did she take from the bite? -2 what did she intend to hit with her head -2 what kind of damage did she intend to do -2 how did she go from her right side to her left side?
8 for powerplaying. -2 you must specify where you intend for your attack to hit
5 for defences. +1 for each seen
2 for attack. +1 head butt +1 leg swipe
10 for injuries. First round

Round one FREYA Total: 26/50

Round 2

0 for clarity: -2 how did she hit under his jaw and chin when he was biting around her scruff -2 what kind of damage did he take from her hitting him with her head. -2 when you say he started to jump around what do you mean? -2 did any of her swipes to his legs land? -2 trying to leap to the other side? I’m not sure what you mean
6 for powerplaying. -2 ‘he began to jump around, avoiding at least a few of her swipes’ you must attempt to do this. -2 ‘his weight on her shoulder would be pretty weak that she would probably wriggle herself around but might had been hard to completely knock his paw off her’ you cannot assume your paw landed or what your opponent can and cannot do.
4 for defences. +1 for each seen
1 for attack. +1 step on shoulder

8 for injuries. -1 light bruising on his chin -1 scratches on forelegs

Round two AMARANT Total: 19/50

6 for clarity: -2 was she trying to get free, dislodge him etc -2 how did she attempt to reach his paw? Did she lean over, roll etc.
10 for powerplaying. none seen
3 for defences. +1 for each seen
1 for attack. +1 bite to ankle
9 for injuries. -1 light bruising to top of the head

Round two FREYA Total: 29/50


AMARANT: 45/100
FREYA: 55/100

And the winner is...

FREYA Amarant must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


AMARANT: Light bruising to his chin and scratches to his forelegs will take a few OOC days to heal

FREYA: Light bruising to her head, will take a few OOC days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For CHRONO Great fight! I know its hard playing an inexperienced fighter but you did a great job! Nothing much to note, mostly watch your clarity and power playing!

For LOLAF For you as well great fight, love that you played Freya as inexperienced and I enjoyed judging this, mostly for you just watch clarity and try some more complex attacks!

- By [DEE]