
We fall down



3 Years
Extra large
11-09-2014, 03:58 PM

He had left them. Did that make him an awful person? His parents were hardly the greatest examples in the world he had come to realise. Biologically, Isardis was his father and there was little good Kismet could say about him. His mother he had always cared for however but she had vanished once more. What was her reasoning now, did she have one? And Sarak, the man he had viewed as his father, it'd taken him almost a year to meet his children. What role models were they?

There was a difference. Kismet had a pack he needed to return to and he had informed them all of where he would be how they could find him if they needed him. He hadn't simply vanished from their lives, he had left them with their own choice. They could come and meet Rune if they wished to join or find their own path elsewhere as he had. He would be there for them as much as he could but he couldn't leave the pack he had only just joined. Something told him he would never get any respect from Rune if he chose that path.

Much of the journey had passed in a blur on this occasion, head swimming with these thoughts and worries, when he finally paid attention to his surroundings again he realised just how caught up he had been. Night had fallen, the only light coming from the moon above as it appeared from behind the clouds and the soft glow of the waters. The latter likely would have intrigued him more had it not been the clue as to where his feet had carried him. Kismet knew this place, He had visited this area once before, it was here he had first found out about Secretua from Warja. His friend was nowhere in sight now though and there was still a fair journey ahead before he reached Secretua. Time to rest though, not that he was sure the break would do anything to clear his mind.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-10-2014, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 10:26 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron would seemingly glide along the unfamiliar terrain, her paws carrying her along with purpose. She moved alarmingly like a specter, her body illuminated solely by the light of the moon and the gentle twinkling of stars overhead. There was obvious fervor in her step, growing determination with each step that she took. There were a few wolves she needed to find, to settle her restless mind and to ease the worries that plagued her sleep. Where was her sister these days, and was she faring well after the loss of their brother? Where was Erani -- and did she even know all that had transpired over the last few seasons? Had she even met her youngest children? They were not even children now. Soon they would be two years old.

Had it really been that long since she had seen her adoptive mother? An audible sigh left her lips as she continued through the near-darkness, her mind suddenly clouded with unpleasant thoughts. She knew that Valhalla was no longer, but she wondered where her old pack had gone, if they were even a cohesive unit any longer, or they all had dispersed across the land just as the Kingdom of Seracia had.

An unfamiliar scent tickled her nose suddenly, her attention shifting from her relentless movement to her surroundings. It had came abruptly, though she knew her senses had been hazy as her mind had grown cluttered with thoughts. Slowly she dropped her head to the earth, tasting the scent with a sharp inhalation of cold air. Though the scent wasn't directly recognizable, it held an air of recognition that she could not ignore. Quickly she would make her way toward the scent, curiosity gripping her and refusing to relinquish its hold until she knew who lingered nearby.

Epiphron swore, for a split second, that it was Chrysanthe standing there in the distance. The white fur and the russet face mask in combination made her chest tighten, a rush of adrenaline surging through her -- but a moment later she knew the scent was distinctly male and it was not her dear sister, and certainly not one of her children, either. And yet this male seemed familiar regardless, and she eyed him with intrigue from a good distance away. "You are an Adravendi," she would call out in the night, her words unsure, more of a guess than any kind of declaration. Perhaps he was not, but it seemed a fair guess -- warily she stepped a bit closer to him, nearly laughing at how similar the two of them were in appearance.



3 Years
Extra large
11-10-2014, 12:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 12:28 PM by Kismet.)

As Kismet had suspected his mind was still clouded with thoughts so much so that the presence of another wouldn't immediately grip his attention. There was little else he could do really, he knew that but they were his family and still he couldn't help but worry about them. Those worries wouldn't vanish though new ones would appear when he finally registered the presence of another, her voice meeting his ears and bringing him back to the present moment.

He certainly was an Adravendi and proud of that fact as well though not everyone was quite so pleased to meet a wolf from his family and he only knew the half of it. Nerves wouldn't rise as high as they perhaps should have done though as mismatched eyes settled upon the woman he could see similarities and suspected she only asked because she too was an Adravendi.

"I am. Kismet" He declared, introducing himself to the other. His own name perhaps wasn't quite enough information in this situation however, if they were family it would be nice to know how they were related. "I'm one of Azalea's sons." He offered his mother's name as well, unaware of the possible tension such a fact could bring.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-03-2014, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 10:47 PM by Epiphron.)

Perhaps in another scenario the serenity of the night would've proved to be romantic; but instead, it simply made her feel painfully nostalgic. Her mind would whirl as she focused on the male before her. If Chrysanthe might ever decided to be a mother, she decided that her sons would be the splitting image of this stranger. Ebon nose would twitch as she took in his scent, examining it and storing it carefully in her mind.

He would turn to face her, and she took in his features gladly. Though she was fairly certain that he was an Adravendi, it wouldn't have been too strange she had simply been mistaken. However, he was an in fact an Adravendi. A smile painted her lips, tail twitching where it lay behind her. Blue eyes gleamed in the moonlight as she stepped a bit closer to the one called Kismet. He introduced himself as Azalea's son. Was this one if the children that Isardis had forced upon her? Nose would wrinkle for a moment as she considered. "I am Epiphron Adravendi," she would offer, an air of confidence building as she spoke. "I suppose I am your great-aunt, though that makes me sound terribly old." The smile she displayed was friendly and genuine, though a hint of mischief lurked behind her stare. Though she couldn't help but feel betrayed by Azalea, her son was not to blame -- even if the thought of his mother made her stomach churn with anger. "It is a shame we haven't met sooner..."



3 Years
Extra large
12-04-2014, 01:16 AM
The Adravendi family wasn't exactly small in number, and so there was a fairly high chance still for Epiphron that she now gazed upon a relative. Not through the wolf she had first suspected of course though Kismet would of course be able to reveal that she had been somewhat right and he truly was a member of the family. The revelation seemed to please her and he would return the smile as she introduced herself, confirming now for him that they were family. "Are you Chrysanthe's sister then?" He would take a guess that this was the case, though the similarity between them was of course not quite as strong as his own similarity to the woman he spoke of now.

Her guess that he was one of Isardis' many children as well was of course a correct one. These days though the boy had returned to having no father as far as he was concerned. Sarak, whilst not blood had laid claim to that title for a while but after the way he had left his family, his real children behind and appearing to take them away when it suited him, well he was hardly the role model that Kismet had once thought. Fortunately the matter of his father wouldn't be discussed however and instead they could focus upon the simple matter that they were related, that this was another great-aunt.

"It is." He nodded, simply agreeing with her sentiment. "It's always good to meet family." He added, the words genuine. His Armada line he preferred to abandon and forget about though Adravendi's were of course welcomed into his life. There were many more Adravendi wolves out there to meet though as it stood Kismet had barely met them all and somehow continued to avoid such meetings now, this was a refreshing change of pace. Of course he wouldn't understand the deeper meaning behind her words, that it would have been more fortunate to meet whilst there was still a good relationship between Epiphron and his mother.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-09-2014, 08:22 AM

Her posture held a bit of playfulness to it as she stood and gazed upon her great nephew. Epiphron was always grateful to meet family that she didn't know well -- especially those she didn't even know of. She'd known Azalea was pregnant by Isardis some time ago, but she had never been given the opportunity to meet these children. She wondered, briefly, if Kismet knew that he was not an Adravendi by blood; it was not a well-known fact, as Collision had been her brother as long as she could remember, but in truthfulness it was mostly coincidence (and a fair amount of Soleil's bloodline) that had led to Kismet looking alarmingly similar to herself.

Her gaze was almost kind as she searched him, a kind of warmth emanating from her that was typically reserved solely for her family. "I am," she agreed quickly. If there was a single thing Epiphron was proud of, besides being an Adravendi, it would be that she was Chrysanthe's sister. A painful tension tugged at her chest at the mention of her. How was she faring, she wondered? There was little to no chance that Gideon had stuck around to care for her. She could only hope she was well, wherever she might be, though she new in her heart that their paths would cross again someday.

"Were you brought up in Glaciem, Kismet?" a tentative question would fall from her lips. With Isardias as a father, she couldn't help but wonder what he thought of the Adravendi family. He seemed pleasant enough and willing to talk, but that didn't erase the possibility that he'd be taught something untrue growing up. "And your mother -- is Azalea around?" Though she didn't want to speak with her, she was still curious as to her niece's whereabouts.



3 Years
Extra large
12-19-2014, 10:49 AM
The fact that he wasn't related to the family by blood was certainly not anything he'd ever been made aware of. Perhaps too young to have it all explained to him at one point and other dramas interfering and preventing any chance of it later. Given the resemblance that was shared though, there was certainly no reason to suspect any different either it may have only been a coincidence though Kismet didn't know any differently. It would probably be rather disappointing to learn the truth though, he considered himself far more an Adravendi than he did an Armada after all.

That little detail meant that the topic of Glaciem was a rather sore subject for him. A small frown would cross his features at the mention, souring slightly though at the thought rather than Epiphron herself. "No, in Valhalla mostly, though I was imprisoned there for a while." He responded. The topic of his mother unfortunately wouldn't help the situation too much either. "She's gone." Was the blunt response. "We've no idea where."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-13-2015, 08:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 08:01 AM by Epiphron.)

Once, she wouldn't have thought twice about one who was an Adravendi by loyalty and not blood. But now -- her adopted family members had only proven to be weak-willed, with fragile loyalties, easily forgetting who they were and who had raised them. Neo had shown her the same kind of betrayal that Azalea had... both leaving their families to side with the enemy. Only those who were of true Adraendi blood had not failed her.

But this boy? He showed promise. He reminded her strongly of Chrysanthe, and again she found herself wondering if her sister ever had children, if they might look like this one. And despite being Azalea's son, he admitted he didn't know where she was. A bit of indignation rose inside her, but she was guilty of leaving her children once; but she had hoped Azalea would remain loyal to her children, if no one else. He seemed a bit unnerved at the mention of Glaciem and she found her gaze softening again. Her own daughter had been enchanted by the Armadas in the North, and Epiphron would admit silently it was nice to know that not everyone had joined them.

"Valhalla..." she would echo wistfully. "I was born in Valhalla." And truthfully? She wished she had never left. "You must know my adoptive mother, Erani?" the woman would probe gently. Epiphron didn't know how much he knew -- or how long he had been in Valhalla, but perhaps he would get her one step closer to reuniting with some of her lost family.



3 Years
Extra large
01-13-2015, 11:34 AM
There were many things that Epiphron knew that Kismet probably wouldn't take too well if he was to discover. The first evidently was the fact that whilst he was Adravendi by name and loyalty, by blood the family that lay claim to him was Armada. It certainly wouldn't change his feelings at all on matters, though it would be a sad day in his life if he ever came to learnt that.

It was surely his mother's apparent betrayal to this family that would shake him the most though. He knew she had befriended Roman Armada, and joined the woman's pack. She was apparently different to her father, their father technically speaking, though it was still a choice that he had never quite gotten on board with. It of course wasn't enough for him to be completely disgusted though if he knew of the challenge and his mother's support of Isardis, well Kismet certainly would have been less than happy. Epiphron fighting with Azalea surely wouldn't please him either, but even though he had never met Syrinx, had Kismet been present at that death match he would had stood on the same side as the rest of the Adravendi's.

Epiphron was evidently familiar with Valhalla, a fond tone falling across her voice as she repeated the name of the pack and stated she had been born there. "I was too." He answered. He would have shared the same sentiment as well, that somehow it could have been made that he had never left the pack, life had gotten a lot more complicated after that first challenge.

Epiphron would mention Erani now and he would nod his head once more, a soft smile falling across his features. Though he hadn't known the woman too well he owed her a lot. "Not too well, but she was the one who made the arrangements to get me and my brother out of Glaciem." He told her. "I think I would have liked to have known her better."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2015, 07:41 AM

He was certainly a site for sore eyes, as she stood and gazed upon her newly-discovered nephew. It still struck her as strange that the resemblance between them was so strong, for they had blood relation, but she didn't know if Kismet knew this fact... and it was a conversation best left for another time, if ever. There were some things better left unsaid, and she wondered if this might be one of them.

He seemed to share similar feelings about Erani -- he caught the warmth in his voice as he spoke of her, a smile painting his features. Epiphron's own expression mimicked his. Where was Erani these days, she wondered? And what of her children? She could only hope that she might see them again someday, wherever they may have ended up. "She was a good woman," she agreed wholeheartedly with his statement that he'd wished he'd known her better. It was no surprise she'd gotten Kismet and his brother out of Glaciem. That was another surprise; that Azalea had another son. "She helped raised me after my mother's death. It's been far too long since I've seen her, though..."



3 Years
Extra large
02-11-2015, 08:25 AM
Unfortunately Kismet had no idea where Erani was. After Valhalla had been lost for the second time the pack had scattered in a number of directions. So caught up in checking in with his mother in the North and Warja in the South, the boy hadn't been able to keep track of many of the pack, his step-father included on that list. Sarak had apparently been in touch with Erani during that time though, he knew not how the woman was coping now, had selfishly been too annoyed with Sarak's abandonment of his children to think of such details. He wouldn't bring up that fact now, ashamed of it.

"I haven't seen her since Valhalla was lost, though I heard she had been ill but is alright again now." He'd mention only that detail, not who he had heard the news from. He would rather leave Sarak out of his thoughts for the moment, concentrate on this far more joyous meeting with his great aunt. Just as it seemed he was losing family, he would discover more. He only wished he had known where to find Erani so that he could pass the information onto Epiphron now.