
We Forgot About It All



6 Years
01-30-2015, 11:08 PM

He had traveled far, but he felt the need to spend some time with his mother; especially since it had been a while since he last saw her. He had been rather distant from everyone. Even pack life had become a drag. But he chose that for the reason that he didn't want to get tangled up in someone's death squall or maybe have someone think he was against the pack and turned into a slave.

But today he was here to find his mother. He specifically went around where they last met, but far enough from his sister's home that she wouldn't be drawn to his voice. Though she probably had her children to look after and wouldn't be bothered by it.

He sniffed at the fall fruit that had rotted, which seemed pretty odd to him since it had just became spring... But he would lift his gaze into the orchids and then called for his mother. Hopefully she was around for him, it wasn't often that he came out of Arcanum.

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-06-2015, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2015, 08:56 PM by Epiphron.)
(Note to self: set before pack meeting, after threads with Amalia/Athena and Cassius)

It was surprising when Caeto's call echoed through the lands. It seemed her children were summoning her more frequently these days, a reality that she would not complain about. There was no hesitation in her step as she made her way to him. In fact, moved with a slight bit of concern -- wondering why he'd called her from so far away from where she lived.

The journey would go by quickly, though her mind couldn't help but race, fearing for the worst. And yet when she arrived, he seemed to be well, and she found herself rushing to him and aiming to embrace him, as she would any of her children. Though he was arguably the most serious of all her children, she loved him no less and knew he wouldn't argue at her simply display of affection. It was only when she pulled away that she could speak, head tilting in visible curiosity as she came to recline to her haunches. "My son," came her soft voice, tenderness audible in her tones. "You summoned me?" There would be time to catch up after she'd assured herself that he was fine, and she knew why he'd called her here.



6 Years
02-07-2015, 12:47 PM

He didn't know his mother was far away, and though she was he wouldn't be waiting too long. She called them once from the east coast, his littermates and Arian showing but he thought she would be somewhere near the center of Alacritia from the last time they met. Of course they were visiting Isolde so she probably didn't live too close by.

As she came to view she would briskly  come before him and immediately come into an embrace. He wouldn't fight it of course, he even picked up his paw to wrap around hers until they pulled away.

"I hope I didn't alarm you." he chuckled at the end, "It has been sometime since I've seen you. Or anyone in fact."

Arcanum had drew him away. He wished that he didn't have this regretful feeling of Zaria so he had no intention of staying to redeem himself. He felt like it was too late to turn back, he gave his word to Cat.

"How have you been? Have you seen any of the others lately?" Of course he meant Isolde and Leo, his older siblings seemed to have started their own lives and didn't have time to come back to mommy. Of course he thought a visit every now and then would be good. Little did he know that they had spoken to Epiphron too. He would be back with his family again soon.

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-09-2015, 12:02 PM
Epiphron couldn't help the worry that had sneaked itself into her tones. As a mother, she could not help but fear for her children... especially Caeto, her son who had always been distant from the rest, had been through far more than he seemed to let on. Her gaze softened instantly upon hearing his voice, far more cheerful than the last time she'd spoken to him, and she found a genuine smile drifting over her ebony lips. He even seemed to embrace her back. Something had changed in him -- and it pleased her to see Caeto in a remarkably good mood, for the serious boy.

"A call from any of my children brings worry," she admitted softly to him. "Though I'd much rather you cause me worry if it means I get to see you again." The warmth in her features was visible as she watched him. What a fine man he had turned into; she couldn't be more proud of him, though she felt she hadn't gotten to know who had had turned out to as well as she might.

"Amalia actually came to me recently, with her wife and the sons she had adopted with her." Though she didn't sound upset at the fact, it was still strange to her, and something she was learning to get used to. "And I've seen Cassius, as well." A hint of sadness touched her lyrics. Caeto's older brother wasn't doing well, though she intended to nurse him to health as well as she could with the help of Amalia and her family; not just physically, but emotionally as well. "I've actually inherited a pack," she admitted, her voice somewhat guarded as her two-toned ears twitched, assessing his features for a reaction. "The former leader of Ludicael was killed, and she chose me as heir. Why, I'm not really sure -- but I'm thinking of building a home for our family. For you." A bit of playfulness sparkled in her blue eyes. Though she had been power-hungry once, eager at the thought of being known as a Queen across the lands, she had lost everything. All she had now was her children, and she was determined to build a place for them to thrive, together.



6 Years
02-09-2015, 02:02 PM

Caeto would smile back at his mother, a tiny little grin but still his best. He was glad to see his mother as much as possible, and was extra glad that she felt the same. But as she could clearly see, he was in no danger, he had no harm. He was just out and about and decided it was a good time to see if his mother was around.

He was taken back to the names of his two older siblings, actually pulling his neck up in disbelief, their names feeling foreign to him now. "Wow, really?" He wasn't really aware that his mother's voice had a sad tone to his brother's name, but just the fact that it was used was overwhelming to him.

And then his mother had spoken something else that he never thought would be true again. She had a pack again, and she wanted her children to come have their home back with her. He too, at one point, had that desire to sit on a throne and rule his pack after his parents went, but he no longer felt that any longer. She just wanted to have her family back and he was feeling the same.

"I would love to come live with you and my siblings once again." He was really excited to be with his older brother and sister again too. "I just..." He would look backwards toward the way he came, Arcanum. "I would have to ask to leave Arcanum." He would turn back to face his mother again.

He wasn't sure how Cat would react if he asked to leave, but this was family. She could take whatever she wanted from him if it meant she would let him leave. This may have been his way out, maybe she would understand and let him leave. He could never read that woman...

"Could you meet me back here in a few days so that we could go home together?" A grin placed itself back on his maw. If he didn't come back in a few days... well, he was probably a prisoner. Or dead... But if he was here, he could be in horrible shape without an eye or a tail or something. If there was a truly a miracle, a miracle in his mind, he would be here without a single scratch. And everyone would be happy.

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-10-2015, 09:51 PM
Her decision had been cemented in stone as soon as Amalia had asked for a home for her wife and their sons; otherwise she likely wouldn't have wanted to keep Ludicael as her own. The promise of a high position and the glory of having a pack of her own had tempted her once, but now all that she had left was her family, her children... and she would fight for them until her dying breath. Perhaps this was her opportunity to carve out a permanent, safe home for them, a place they might be able to stay for years to come.

The disbelief that washed over his face was entertaining. Epiphron's own grin widened as she leaned forward to nudge him lightly, nodding quickly to his question.  "Really," she told him eagerly.  "I've only seen those two, and you now, but I know Isolde lives near here and Leo is rarely far off either." As for Arian and Quintus, she had no clue, but she had no doubt she would eventually find them.

Caeto seemed willing to join her, his voice giving off his own excitement. It was quite possibly the happiest she'd been in some time, and to see such joy radiating off her more serious son was refreshing.  "I would love nothing more than to have you with us," she noted, her voice serious but enthusiastic all the same. Though her children had splintered off quite young, the thought of them all together again was a good one. She knew that together only great things could come from them. There was a bit of wariness in his voice as he spoke of having to ask permission to leave his current pack, and she hoped it wouldn't be as difficult as she worried it might.

"Three days it is," she agreed. She would return them, hopeful that his freedom had been granted. If not, she would be willing to fight for him, though she hoped it would not come to that. "I can't wait."



6 Years
02-11-2015, 03:52 PM

Caeto would smile just a little brighter, his eyes shining in desire to his mother. He was going home. He would move forward to embrace her, when was the last he did that himself? Had he ever? He would pull himself back from her, looking at her for just a little longer, "See you in three days." He'd get here one way or another... He had to be here; he had to go home.

-------------------- Fade to Three Days Later --------------------

He had managed to escape Arcanum without a scratch on him. Escape? No, he didn't "escape". He felt like he did, but Cat let him take his choice peacefully. If she actually understood, he didn't know. Maybe she did, but there was no point in asking. The two needed to go their separate ways on a neutral playing field.

If his mother was around yet or not, he would be here all day waiting for her. He lifted his maw to let out a call but would only call once. If she were around, she would be here. Otherwise, she knew where to show.

When she would come to his side, he felt inside like tears were falling from his eyes, but outside he was a stern as he always was. If she embraced him in a welcoming or if they simply just stood there looking at each other, he would still announce really to himself, "I'm coming home."

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-20-2015, 09:52 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 09:54 AM by Epiphron.)
Caeto had planted another seed of hope in her heart. Her family was coming together again; still she longed to know where Quintus had gone, and where Isolde and Leo might be, but she knew they both lingered near these lands and would likely be found soon. Her gait was hurried as she made her way back to the Range, eager to know if Caeto had been granted permission to leave his current pack and eager to begin again with him. His demeanor had lightened considerably, she noted at their last reunion, and she could only hope her serious son was beginning to feel some sort of solace -- perhaps in knowing he would be joining his family again. A smile painted her features as she approached him. She swore she felt the joy emanating from him, though he was as serious as ever, despite his hopeful words. "Indeed you are," she told him with a grin, moving to nuzzle him happily, glad to have another child joining her in her pack.

"If you'd be part of my council, I'd be honored, she offered gently, grinning wider now. She'd been going over the ideas for how she wanted her pack to be run in her head, and had decided a democratic system would be best, with input from a group of trusted members. "I'd like you to contribute to decision-making and official pack matters. What do you say? If he was not interested, or had other plans in mind, she could certainly work with that just the same. With that they would head toward the lands she had claimed, a new bounce to her step as she walked with her son, content to be in his presence and to know they would be together as family once again.