
Checkin' You Out



3 Years
02-08-2015, 09:56 AM

Brynhildr's stomach growled. The season of plenty, of rebrith, of life and she hadn't been able to snag a fresh bite to eat for almost three days. If it hadn't been for that discarded bear kill she might be in serious trouble, and even that was all but gone now. A string of bad luck and worse timing had really put a twist in her tail, putting the fiery fae in a bad mood. She was laying on her back, trying to pass some time with cloud watching, put hunting on hold until sunset when the prey would be worn out from their daily travels. "Screw this," she muttered, rolling over and up, then shaking out her fur. There would be more clouds tomorrow, but only if she didn't keel over first.

The woman made her way through the sparse trees, warm sunlight dappling on her back. It might have been soothing under other circumstances. The sound of running water drew her in like a fish on a line, ("Mmm, fish...") and she picked up her pace when she say sunlight glimmering on water up ahead. Fishing wouldn't be so bad, right? Maybe a little sloppy but nice and cool, plus food. She crept towards the bank, keeping a careful eye on her shadow less it cast over the water and startle anything lurking below. She sat there, poised and watchful. Nothing, no glimmer or shimmer of scales. She slunk over the lip of earth and into the narrow creek, making certain to stay very still. The water came midway up her leg, tickling as it tugged her coat this way and that. C'mon, you little bastards, she groused within her mind.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
02-08-2015, 05:05 PM

Sigmarr knew he probably should have said something to Kassander and he definitely should've said something to Sindri. The scent had crossed him in his travels. The scent of his former master, Aerndís. She was still in Alacritis and a huge threat to both him and Sindri. Was she still hunting them? Would she come for them? He just didn't know.

Sigmarr was out tracking hoping to learn more of her travels and pick up information that might help him keep his family safe. With a little luck she'd lost interest in them but it was to great a risk to take. The sound of splashing water caught his attention and he slunk down into the foilage. Ice blue eyes peered ahead into the delta where a lovely young woman was fishing. She seemed a bit scruffy and very hungry and from his position he couldn't catch the scent of a pack.

Quietly he stepped forward, was she trying to catch fish? How strange. Fish were nearly impossible to catch she'd have much better luck with rabbits or something of that nature in his opinion.

"You'd have better luck farther north, the salmon should be spawning around this time."




3 Years
02-08-2015, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2015, 08:09 PM by Brynhildr.)

The sudden sound of another's voice startled her, but she was not so inexperienced as to let herself jump. Instead she slowly lifted her head so that her golden gaze would meet his, a startling shade of blue. She quirked a brow. Not that it was any of his business, but if she had to trek all that way she'd probably keel over within the first week. "You get more meat off a catfish than off a half-dead salmon," she murmured, trying to convey as much sass as possible while maintaining a low volume. This moron was going to scare all the fish off but gods almighty was he large. Best not piss this one off, methinks, she quipped to herself. She opened her mouth to lighten the mood, but a shimmer of silver caught her eye, and her breath. She stood as still as she could manage, hardly daring to breathe.

She'd seen it happen before, curious fish coming up to investigate the strange fuzzy sticks that had plunked themselves down in the river, never knowing that they were in truth's a predator's legs. She cursed the slow creature, feeling saliva begin to well up in her mouth. The ponderous fish was taunting her Closer... closer... closerrr... She felt a tug on the fur of her front, left leg and the fiery woman exploded into motion. She flung her limb upwards as fast as possible, feeling the slippery sack of meat catch, watching as it was cast skyward amidst a gout of water, and never mind where the fallout landed (Sorry-not-sorry, stranger!). She snapped her jaws, missing by a mile and letting out an explosive expletive, watching the fish crash into the water once. Bryn leaped on it, knowing their sorts were easily dazed. She felt it against her paws, then it was gone again, all within a massive din of splashing and cursing and struggle. She had given it up for lost when it left from the water, either alarmed or disoriented, and Bryn found herself submerged entirely as she followed after.

Her jaws grasped something solid, salty, and slippery. With a gasp she stood upright once more, jaws clenched around a weighty fish, ignoring the barbs in it's dorsal fin which were poking into the meat of her cheek. Tail arched like a cat in the cream, she pranced from the water, trying to hide her panting behind the still-struggling fish in her jaws. Sopping wet, she looked towards where she'd last noticed the stranger watching her, eager to see what he'd thought of that!
"Talk" "You" Think