
a word of welcome and of warning



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-10-2015, 08:05 AM

Though her relationship with neighboring packs was not one of her biggest concerns, she knew that her pack's relationship with their closest neighbor, Threar, had to be addressed. They were a pack of mainly Destructions, or so Jupiter had told her, and her former Sol had kept a fair number of the family captive. What sort of reaction she might get from the leader, or leaders, she was not sure, but it was something she was unwilling to ignore. There were Destruction wolves among her own, there out of their own free will rather than force, and she wanted no harm to come to her own pack because of it.

There was little hesitation in Epiphron's step as she made her way to the borders of the lands, careful to not overstep their boundaries. Only when she comes close to their home does she lift her muzzle to the sky, letting loose a howl for whoever might be in charge here. There is confidence in her posture as she comes to rest on her haunches, remembering just how daunting talk of politics can be and wanting to get this meeting over as quickly as possible.



5 Years
02-10-2015, 08:57 AM
The Author was very clearly pregnant now the pups would likely be here within the next week or so. She didn't think she was quite as large as the last pregnancy, though perhaps that too was all part of the adjustment from the second time around, knowing more what to expect this time. One thing she knew full well though was no matter what her size was, she really shouldn't have been answering calls at the border right about now, she couldn't help herself though.

That voice, she had heard it recently calling from Ludicael lands. Of course she wasn't foolish enough to go and visit Jupiter's pack but now that same voice was summoning the alphas of Threar she couldn't simply ignore it. Frith wasn't in the den at the moment, probably out hunting or even perhaps patrolling the borders himself. She had no doubts that he would answer the call, though she still gave a little bark summoning her son to join her as well, to accompany her on the walk if nothing else. With Aslan at her side she would continue a slow pace until at last the pair stood there before Epiphron.

By sight alone the woman was not anyone she recognised. With Frith not here yet truth be told the Author now found herself thinking this quite the ridiculous plan though it was too late to change anything and there was no use in standing there like a fool. Instead she put up her own air of confidence and began the introductions. "What are you doing here?" At least she had intended upon introductions before she opened her mouth, knowing this woman had some link to Ludicael had certainly put her on edge and truth be told she feared that Jupiter herself would appear at any moment.



2 Years
Extra large
02-10-2015, 08:58 AM
Aslan had certainly been surprised upon hearing his mother call for him. He suspected initially perhaps she simply needed help with something, not that she had been considering going to answer the call at the borders. He knew little about politics and alpha responsibilities though he was certain that his father would have been perfectly capable of taking care of things.

There was no changing his mother's mind though and he was of course to go along for support. He didn't mind that quite so much, his mother certainly couldn't go alone after all though the boy still wished that she would have simply left this particular task to his father. There was no turning back now, they were here before the stranger. He'd never seen his mother greeting wolves at the borders, though the boy was certainly shocked to hear the rather blunt question sounding from her lips, no introductions or any kind of pleasantries. It was all rather cold in comparison to the usual warm and gentle personality he saw his mother with. With no need to speak and nothing of course to add, Aslan would simply stand at his mother's side as her silent guardian for now.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-10-2015, 10:26 AM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2015, 12:33 PM by Nyx.)
The confidence that she exhumed could quite easily be mistaken as threatening; for she had nothing to fear. She was no tyrant and she would show no harm to the Destructions that had made their home within her ranks. Though she wished to be amicable to the woman that ruled this neighboring pack, she had little to do with what Jupiter had done to her prisoners and she hoped her offer of peace would be enough to reconcile whatever wrongs had been done.

The woman that arrived was entirely unfamiliar to her, and beside her stood a darker male who appeared quite young. Neither of them seemed particularly happy to see her, and her own expression was rather guarded as she waited for their approach, eventually dipping her head to each of them in polite greeting.

It wasn't entirely surprising that she didn't get the same sort of greeting from either of them. After a moment of silence, she parted her jaws to speak. "I didn't expect such a friendly welcome," came a playfully sarcastic quip, a sudden bit of amusement flickering over her pale, steady features. The moment would end as quickly as it had begun, and she noted the sharp seriousness on the other woman's face. "I wanted to tell you that Jupiter is dead, and Ludicael is no longer." What she knew of Jupiter's relationship with this pack, or this woman, was next to nothing; she knew she had kept Destruction wolves as prisoners, though their shackles had been loosely bound and would've been opened had they simply asked. Epiphron searched Novella's face then, looking for a glimmer of relief that she expected to show at the news of Jupiter's death. "She appointed me as her heir, before her death," she admitted, anticipating no particular reaction from this admission. "My name is Epiphron Adravendi. I have renamed the pack to Fiori and have released all of Jupiter's prisoners. I want no part in whatever went on between her and your family." It was an educated guess at best that the wolves before her were Destructions, and she welcomed them to correct her if she was mistaken.

"I had no part in the claiming of your family, so you know. I joined after all of that happened, and only knew Jupiter from a former alliance many years ago, and I can assure you that I hold no grudge against your family. Some have even chosen to stay now. Two women and their young sons." Perhaps she might know of them? She supposed they had wanted to stay because their sons had grown up in those lands, but it was a fact regardless. A moment of silence would linger as she watched for the reaction of the two before her, tail curling absently behind her back. "I come to offer neutrality, if you'll offer the same in return." An alliance was something she didn't know if she wanted, nor if Novella wanted, but it was a discussion she would be glad to have.



5 Years
02-10-2015, 12:08 PM
Frith had indeed been on a trip around their borders, so far in his duty that he was on the exact opposite side of the territory when the call rang out on their borders. He would hope desperately that Novella had had the sense to stay in their den, especially with the voice that called to them. As he trotted (quickly) towards the call he'd hear her request for Aslan, even if it was somewhat distorted over space. He couldn't help the knot that would tie itself in his stomach as he hurried his pace.

He'd arrive as Epiphron would explain the demise of Ludicale's previous leader. His hackles would smooth as he came up to stand beside his wife. He would listen, pushing himself into his wife's shoulder. He had to say that he felt more at ease even as she spoke, especially her mention of the members that had remained in her care. Surely if they felt in danger there they would have come to see their family here. His bicolored gaze would watch the pale woman curiously, she would offer them a neutrality that he felt he really couldn't deny. If she had no further ties to the previous dictator he saw no reason deny her that. However he had no intentions of speaking over his wife and her decisions. The man would keep quiet, looking to Novella to speak and make the decision.



5 Years
02-10-2015, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2015, 02:38 PM by Novella.)
The sarcasm wasn't taken too well initially, the attempt of any sort of playful banter seeming completely disgraceful given the standing between what Novella believed to be the two leaders. Knowing nothing of Jupiter's demise all she could assume was that this woman before her was some lackey for the other woman. Of course before any response could be given in return to the sarcastic remark, Epiphron would deliver the blunt truth. Jupiter had gone and the pack with her.

Novella was stunned, she certainly hadn't expected that news. Not one part of her felt sorry for the loss, any part of her that had once respected the woman had been destroyed the moment she had taken Novella's family prisoner. What did all of this mean for those family members now? Before she could find the words to ask, Epiphron was speaking once more offering more details into the matters. The name alone was more comforting, she only knew of three others that carried the Adravendi name and they were most certainly counted as friends and family to her.

She couldn't help but feel uneasy about the fact that Jupiter had trusted her however. Of course the orange woman had once trusted Song, perhaps if there had been the time history would have repeated itself with the Adravendi's earning the top spot on Jupiter's wanted list. Novella still couldn't understand the seemingly rapid change, the sick obsession with the Destruction family and causing them trouble. Maybe the woman simply wasn't really meant to have an ally in the world.

Epiphron would explain how she had come into Ludicael in the first place, no part in keeping the Destruction's prisoner, simply an old ally not caught in Jupiter's line of fire. Those details would soften her slightly, as would the news that some of Novella's family had remained there. Her guess would immediately leap to Novel, Ara and their boys. They must have grown so much now, perhaps there was hope that the family could reunite in safety.

"That Jupiter certainly seemed different from the one that returned." Novella pointed out, voice certainly slightly calmer now, the cold edge to her tone having melted. "Back then my family had been valued members of her pack." Evidently something had happened to the woman to make her change, and over the space of a couple of years it wasn't such a sudden development really at all.

"Novel." Novella hastily wished to leave from the topic of Jupiter, settling upon the mention of her niece and her family. "That is who has stayed behind, right? Are they all ok?" Having seen the state Myth was in she had to ask. She worried where her sister was of course if the woman hadn't appeared upon the Threar borders and apparently hadn't remained in Fiori. Now eager to learn about her niece she wouldn't immediately extend her acceptance of neutrality. She certainly didn't want a war though and had no problems with the Adravendi family so far.

ooc: Aslan is just going to be quiet now so go ahead and post again when you're ready Nyx


02-10-2015, 05:35 PM
Bjorn had not been far behind Epiphron when she left, shadowing her from the border and ranging out to scout for danger as she left the pack land, and had the neighboring pack been further away he may have caught up again before the alphas answered the call. As it was he moved silently - far more silently than one might have expected for a wolf of his stature - to take up a seat behind and to the right of Epiphron's position. He didn't speak, only inclined his head respectfully to Pip as he took his place to guard her. His ears swiveled constantly on the lookout for danger, but he was otherwise still, a statue beside her as he watched the other pack's alphas guardedly. Not that he thought there was a great risk of danger here - he had spent enough time in Ludicael to be less than impressed with the family who had once ruled there and here. But he hadn't survived as long as he had in his hostile birth pack by being stupid... there was always a risk.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-10-2015, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2015, 07:49 PM by Epiphron.)
Perhaps her slight sarcasm was a bit over the line; and while her own amusement was justified, she knew that these wolves were likely concerned for their family. They didn't know that they hadn't been harmed, though it was a fair assumption that a prisoner was likely not treated well. The other woman's expression was hardened for a moment, though seemed to grow less cold as she broke the news of Jupiter's death and the official dissolution of the Ludicael pack. Briefly she found herself away of Bjorn's position nearby and she greeted him with a nod, appreciative of his support whether she truly needed it or not.

"Time had changed her," Epiphron explained with a careful nod. There knew was little she could do to make Novella understand how time had changed Jupiter, though she herself had understood her decision to some extent. She herself had felt the bitter knife of betrayal, and knew how it felt when it was twisted -- once, she too might've taken a group of Armadas captive if she'd had the chance, regardless of who was or wasn't responsible for what had happened to those she had loved. And yet her own intense demeanor had been softened slightly by the presence of her children, the burning rage that had once built deep in her heart slowly calming until they were mere embers rather than a scorching fire. "The true reason I decided to join her in Ludicael is because she reminded me of my past. I know little of the Destructions -- in fact, I've only met one, a man named Iorwerth some years ago -- but I can assure you I told no grudge against them." Nor did she favor them, no more than she did any family she knew little of; she had no reason to wish ill will on them, even if they did strike her as somewhat weak for not fighting for their freedom.

"Yes, and they are fine," came her answer to the sudden question that left Novella's lips. "Her mate Ara, and her siblings, were born into Seracia when I was their Queen." She didn't know their relationship was something that some might not know about, nor did she know if this alpha knew anything about her former Kingdom or the wolves that had reigned in those days. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she let her mind wander back to their current situation. "They seem content to stay in the lands they have come to know as home, with their sons. Their freedom has been offered and they have seen former prisoners leave, though still they still stay." Epiphron was eager to stress that nothing was keeping them their by force -- nothing physical nor mental that might be binding them to her that Novella might suspect. They were rumored to be healers, and could prove to be quite useful to Fiori if they did decide to stay, and she would be happy to have them. "As far as I know, they are the only family members of yours within my ranks. Much of the rest of the pack consists of my own family." There was a similarity between the two of them there, though she didn't know it and could only assume that this woman's pack held a fair number of Destructions as well.



5 Years
02-18-2015, 08:57 AM
He'd stand closely to his very obviously pregnant wife, his presence only a comfort as she was the voice of both of them. He'd spare a respectful nod to both a soverign and her guard as another wolf found its way to the meeting. He felt no hostility from either of them, but with Novella's condition he couldn't have not been at her side during a time like this and to be honest he wished she had stayed in the den. Though the news the woman brought was not what he'd expected he couldn't help but appreciate her announcement. Ludicael was no longer.

He'd refrain from leaning over to give Novella a comforting touch as the opposing queen gave her news about the Destructions that still took up residence in the pack, even more so would he feel the need to have some kind of peace agreement with the woman. Of course with familial ties in either pack it seemed an intelligent option, especially when she offered it so easily. There wasn't much need for an alliance, unless one was asked for. He would be content knowing they could just be friendly neighbors. He'd wait for his wife's answer before he spoke, ready to give his input if she wished it.



5 Years
02-18-2015, 09:49 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2015, 09:49 AM by Novella.)
Novella had been fortunate enough to lead a rather peaceful life in comparison to Epiphron's family feuds and betrayals. Anthem had once nearly brought a war down upon them and whilst there had been a price to pay, it had been quite a minimal one really to avoid further damage to the families on either side. These problems with Jupiter, difficult to understand the woman's thoughts and frame of mind was harder to forget. It was still so fresh and from a leader she once thought she could respect made it all the more difficult. Perhaps Epiphron could have shed some light onto the ordeals, though she wouldn't offer and Novella wouldn't ask. The topic of the now deceased woman could be buried.

Instead Epiphron would mention she had sought out familiarity, nostalgia in joining Ludicael and once more confirm she had no problems with the members of Destruction family. The fact that Novel and Ara had chosen to remain behind was all she needed to put her mind at ease though the mention of Iorwerth would be a rather surprising addition to the conversation.

Novella could have smiled at the image of Iorwerth hearing those words. He had never exactly been too welcoming towards his family after all and to be wrongly titled a Destruction probably wouldn't have made him too happy. Her features had softened, though any evidence of the humorous thought hadn't shown upon her expression. "He's not a Destruction by blood or name, though he is family; a cousin from my father's side." Novella thought she ought to correct her on that point regardless of whether Iorwerth would ever know or not.

Seracia though, that made sense as to how the woman had known Iorwerth. If she recalled correctly as well Song had informed her that was the pack that Silent and Bronze had been a part of, proving Epiphron's statement about Ara having been born there the truth. "I believe my sister, Myth, was in Seracia for a short while, she was amongst the wolves in Ludicael. I don't suppose you have any idea what has happened to her?" She hadn't been in a good way, but had left Threar before Novella had gotten a chance to speak to her. She had assumed it was simply to return to Ludicael before anyone got into trouble, though she still worried about why she hadn't seen her now she was free.

"Your offer, it's one that I can certainly accept and extend the same back." She didn't want to push her luck with too many questions before agreeing to the neutrality between the two packs. Perhaps it also bore a mention now that another wolf had joined her, there would definitely be no need for any hostility and bodyguards. "An introduction would only be fair as well. I am Novella Destruction, this is my husband Frith and our son Aslan." In all the surprises suddenly launched her way, Novella realised now that whilst Epiphron had introduced herself, Novella had not yet done the same.



2 Years
Extra large
02-18-2015, 09:58 AM
Though he relaxed slightly with the presence of his father, now knowing that if anything bad suddenly happened he wouldn't be the main one responsible for his mother and unborn siblings' safety. He wouldn't take the arrival as a sign to leave though, he would remain in place unless either of his parents told him to do otherwise a decision he was glad he had chosen as another male, one as tall as he, joined the little gathering, standing to the side of this Epiphron.

From the talk between the two women however, it seemed that this was to be a peaceful meeting between them. His cousin still resided in the lands, and the rest of the trapped family had been granted freedom. Did this mean his father's warnings could be lifted slightly as well? He still wouldn't go rushing off on big expeditions alone though he was already a welcoming thought that the danger he'd been told to fear didn't linger right on their borders anymore.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-20-2015, 11:16 AM
When first confronted with the fact that Ludicael was now hers, initially she hadn't wanted it. She had ruled a pack once, and she'd failed, distracted by raising her children. Only when Amalia had shown up here, asking for a home for her family, had she considered keeping the pack. And seeing Cassius and Arian, both in need of a nurturing home, in need of a family to care for them... it had only further cemented her decision. This time, though, the pack would not be ruled solely by her, but by those she trusted, with decisions made as a group rather than resting heavily on her own shoulders.

Briefly her gaze drifted to the male that stood tall at Novella's side, and to the younger boy that had joined them as well. They all seemed to relax considerably as she explained what had happened, and even more as she told them that Novel and Ara and their sons had decided to stay within her pack despite everything. Her smile grew a bit, a pleasant expression that was in stark contrast to the more serious one she'd worn upon coming to the border.

She had only assumed that Iorwerth had been a Destruction, due to his markings and his scent that had led her to believe so. She would nod as Novella corrected her, listening to the information carefully. Novella seemed to want to know about a sister of hers, Myth, though she could not recall the woman. She shook her head, genuinely sorry she could not give her any more information. "I can't say I recall her," she told her after a moment of careful though. "I'm sorry. I believe the couple that has stayed is the only family of yours that I have seen recently." If Novella had not seen this sister of hers, she wondered where she might have gone; though admittedly she knew little about the Destruction family and couldn't offer much insight into the issue.

'Well, it is a pleasure, Novella Destruction," she let the name be burned into her memory, her tail flicking idly behind her. "And Frith and Aslan, as well," she nodded to the two of them in turn. They seemed quite eager to accept her offer on neutrality, and she found herself quite grateful that she had come here. "Perhaps in the future we can reassess our agreement," she offered gently. She felt she was walking a fine line, for she had still been associated with Jupiter, who had been keeping so many of Novella's family as prisoners; anything about an alliance would certainly be pushing too far. It wouldn't surprise her if the wolves of Threar were still wary of her and the pack she would try to build up. "Though I think this suits all of us well for now."