
Like The Tide Beating Hearts Rise But Never Die



06-04-2013, 05:11 PM

Emaciated form strode forth across the bloodied ground. An uneasiness settled upon him and he looked around warily. He didn't like this place. The yearling wasn't even sure what brought him here. He was tiny. His skeletal figure was even more disfigured from lack of proper nutrition. He wasn't exactly the best hunter in the world. He'd had to learn on his own and there were times he would go days without eating. Needless to say it wasn't helping him look any better, despite how adorable his markings were.

Sandy ears flattened against his skull and tail tucked under as far as it would go. He didn't like it here, but he didn't know where any of the packs where and he was a bit intimidated by them all. He knew nothing of them, and was tired of traveling. He just wanted someone to find him so he could have a home and get a warm kill in his belly. Perhaps then he could actually settle down and start learning how to actually survive and be a good pack wolf. He had absolutely no social skills whatsoever, so trying to get him to interact with anyone was difficult.

Orange and yellow eyes scanned the ground and he cringed before swerving around a small pool of drying blood. Nose crinkled at the smell. He really shouldn't have come here. The sooner he got out the happier he would be.



06-04-2013, 06:13 PM

The hyena had no fear of wolves, these prattling creatures meant little to nothing to the Savannah native creature. Her nostrils would flare, her thick and heavy muscles would ripple with unbridled power. She tipped the smaller scale standing at a 33 inch mark, but her build was made for taking down creatures much larger than herself. Compact muscle that made a distinct impact when it collided solidly with another source. Elongated ears would twitch, her skull careening from side to side before she sneezed. She wasn't one to be underestimated.

Onyx eyes would peer out from her skull starring at the world around her with every self-assured step. Her thin, nearly hairless tail swung like a pendulum behind her as she entered this battlefield of death and decay her nostrils would greedily draw in the scent of blood... God she was hungry, she was getting sick of rabbit, perhaps she might find some corpse of a dead wolf to scavenge, it wasn't cannibalistic if you were of a different species. A maniacal grin would swipe the length of her maw as thick pads treaded the earth.

Obsidian eyes would fall of the emaciated form of the tiny male before her, he hadn't seemed to notice her yet. He looked about as frightened as a rabbit, tail tucked so far between his thighs that she could have mistaken it for his underbelly had she not been paying attention. he was emaciated, horribly so, an exaggerated snort would escape her onyx nose. Why couldn't she been blessed without emotion? Guilt was so God damned troublesome. "What are you doing here all by yourself kid?" Her voice was deep, a rumbling baritone as she slowly began her trek towards him.



06-14-2013, 08:53 PM

Wandering, it seemed she was always wandering. Why did she walk the path of her mother, Tracking the memories and consuming them whole? If only she could peer into that faithful day when worlds collided and realms became one. She wandered the world of in-between just like her mother and yet she couldn?t touch the silk that her mother often moved to view what she could never know. It was frustrating and yet she couldn?t help but continue to try and try again.

She had met a few wolves on the grounds of blood and decay. Where worlds ripped open and kings and queens fell from grace. Heavens angles gave no mercy in this place but merely stood by to take the spoils from the victors. What spoils did they stalk today? Words crossed her ears as she turned her light head towards the direction of the voice. It was an odd sound. Nothing like those she knew but something different. Her ears fell back with disgust. So Salamander wasn?t the only monstrosity was he? She shook her head at the disgust she held for her one brother.

Soon enough the duo came into focus. She noticed a pup, her age or younger maybe, and a strange thing to behold. What the fuck was it or rather who was it? She looked kind of canine but her odd markings and weird hair was a site to behold indeed. She looked towards the pup and she could see the fear settling in. her dark lips curled back in a miniature snarl as she ran towards the male. Her hair rose upright as she looked at the stranger and growled. ?What are YOU doing!? she all but spat. Her heart was in her chest and yet she couldn?t help the thrill she was feeling.

Part of her was curious. She wanted to watch this creature. To follow her movements and see whom she belonged to. Was she free? Her mother would love this creature. Yet she was unsure the creatures intentions with this male. She was like her mother in that sense, running into danger to protect those that she cared for, yet something told her she didn?t need to fear this thing. No other words escaped her lips. Merely the horror, confusion, and deep curiosity seemed to shine in her eyes. It was an internal battle of what would win but curiosity seemed to surpass any emotions she felt.