
Death Of An Assassin


06-04-2013, 12:44 AM
The assassin would stutter and fail, the woman had reached the extent of her use, she understood, she knew that. In her declining years she wouldn't make for a useful bringer of death, her days were numbered and spent, her mate slaughtered by her own hand, her past a bloodied, mangled mess of pain and suffering, she had brought death to the highest of nobles, the greatest of King's what would be a greater poetic justice than to end herself? But the assassin had a bit too much pride for that and thus she found herself, knee deep in the Ghoulish swamps. She was a small, lithe creature, comprised of compact sinewy muscle, deceptively tiny, she packed a nasty punch.

The muck suctioned to her pads, threatening to drag her down into a dismal oblivion, with each paw she lifted free she sunk that much lower into the slime until the filth and debris covered her, masking her scent entirely and blocking it away from the rest of the world. With one final step the muck had suctioned the dual colored woman down far enough to render her immobile. She would stand like some impenetrable stone, allowing it to drag it down. Her dual colored gems would flutter shut, her muscles relaxing, accepting her dismal fate, the image of her lover flickered behind her eyelids, a visage she hadn't seen in years and a true, tiny smile would drift across her maw for the first time since she had torn the throat out of her own lover as the heavy muck finished its job, her cranium disappearing beneath the sludge.

(((OOC: Im giving whoever a chance to save her, a few days at best, if not I will presume her dead. )))


06-04-2013, 11:02 AM
aaaand the biggest asshole of the year goes to:

Thank you Lube ♥

Migrating south to escape Jack Frost?s merciless clutched seemed like the most beneficial option for the sensitive wraith who loathed the winter months, but the warmer climate of the southern region was not what attracted her to it. Rather, the rancid scent caught between jagged breaths that stemmed from her state of illness was the thing which intrigued the maleficent wench and forged an anger that brewed within her chest, only fueled by righteous hatred at the recognition and foul memories that rushed back to ensnare her head with bitterness. Vi had failed in her mission, had failed the woman who had barked the sinister command of death, and had thus failed the planet as she allowed filth to populate its surface. But no matter, the white witch would just finish Vi?s unfulfilled duty herself despite the fact that her reasons to do so had long since expired the moment she had been banished from Tortuga.

Like a bloodhound she tracked the specific aroma of the traitor, muzzle just barely sweeping the ground while elongated limbs propelled her in the direction her senses led her, intense concentration working her legs faster in an attempt to scour for the source of her anger. A snort brushed past her nostrils as the scent grew prominent within her nose, muzzle crinkling with a simultaneous mixture of disgust with the stench and delight that she was drawing nearer and nearer to where she supposed Cyanide resided. So far from Collision?s protection, my dear? Once the scent was almost intoxicating because of its strength, metallic eyes removed themselves from the ground to search her surroundings for any trace of the proclaimed assassin she stalked. Instead of finding the being that was the traitor, all that could be found were dainty pawsteps in the muck, leading in the direction that Morphine had been traveling ? but the scent trail abruptly dispersed there, signifying that the imprints did belong to Cyanide and causing a devious smirk to flicker across the pallid wraith?s visage. May nature do its bidding. Instead of traversing straight through the mud like that who came before her, the woman sought a safer path for she was bright enough to know the dangers of the marsh, maneuvering quickly up a ledge that led to elevated ground upon which she would enjoy the presumed show.

She ran a short stretch of course, dampened grass, silver depths peeled to the muddy area beneath her vantage point in search for Cyanide. At last, the petite figure of the assassin was found, half consumed in the muck as she waded in it, seeming to sink with each lumbering stride she took. Morphine observed the spectacle through greedy eyes that lusted to see Cyanide drown in the mud, a sinister grin warping her visage as her eyes? desire was fulfilled. Black nails kneaded the earth beneath her in anticipation as the mud bubbled up to the traitor?s neck, soon devouring her muzzle and continuing to consume Cyanide?s body until her apex submitted to its fate. Breaths came out in rasps as her gaze remained fixated upon the area where the assassin had disappeared, just lying in wait to see if Cyanide would pull a Houdini and manage to struggle free from death?s grip. If any would wish to ruin this moment for the wraith and attempt to save the dying creature, she?d be sure to push them into the muck and secure the same fate upon them.




06-04-2013, 12:37 PM

Eight years. Damn I'm getting old. The male grumbled as he walked. He didn't appreciate old age. It was making him frailer. Granted he'd gain more than his fair share of wisdom, he had no exited his prime. He couldn't run as fast as he used to, or run as long. Time was beginning to take it's toll. He eventually would no longer age gracefully. He truly would look like a skeleton by the time he died. Soon it would be a battle against death to see how long he could last. But there was always that saying. No one gets out alive. He eventually would have to succumb to nature and that would be the end of his existence.

For now though he would take his leave from Tortuga and run in the somewhat warmer weather of the south. The mountains had begun to chill long before Winter had come along. Snow covered the mountain tops the majority of the year. Now with Winter the whole mountain and valley was covered. Layers of it clung to the icy ground and he found himself sick of it. The phantom no longer wanted to blend in, but stay warm. A swift decision was made, hence why he was taking a small vacation to go south.

What he didn't expect to find was the scent of the old Assassin, Cyanide. Charcoal colored nose twitched and ears flicked forward at the other scent. Morphine. The banished Queen. A curious expression overrode his visage and his pace quickened. He was well aware of the situation at hand. Cyanide had betrayed Tortuga and had left for Valhalla. Morphine had been the one to try and fight for Cyanide, but all in vain. Surely she would still hold a grudge against the girl for leaving in the first place. Regardless of how the rest felt towards Cyanide, he still enjoyed the woman's company. While he had ruled she had served faithfully. She was not to blame for not liking Kaien, and damned Valhalla had done to them what Neo and Kaien had done to them. He blamed no one now.

Long strides at up the ground navigating the terrain with a careful ease. He didn't want to be swallowed up by the earth. What he saw ahead of him though made him slow for a moment. Morphine was watching as the last of Cyanide slipped under the surface.

Ignoring the other white wolf he picked his way around the spot she had disappeared. The majority of the ground was wet and he was careful not to misplace his steps. An ears would flick occasionally to Morphine wondering what she would think of his appearance and to keep tabs on what she was doing, but other than that he made no sign she was there. Instead he finally found a hard patch of ground close to where the female had gone under. Without hesitation he plunged his face into the muck and grimaced before clamping his jaws on what he thought to be the scruff of her neck and began to tug, using every muscle in his body to fight the mud that wanted to continue to suck her under.

[ooc: If he pulls her out or not, that's up to Cyanide. If he hasn't grabbed her then he's grabbed a stick or something xD]



06-04-2013, 04:26 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Ears swiveled forward attentively as the muck gurgled over the area where the traitor had been consumed, attention hardly wavering from Cyanide?s deathbed despite her dangerous surroundings; death lurked in every corner of the marsh, had the traitor been dafter than the ice queen expected? No matter, she was meeting with a fate she welcomed just by setting foot in the swamp, and Morphine was simply rejoicing at the luck she had encountered for she had been able to watch the demise of an adversary ? with front row seats, too! If only her former superior hadn?t butt his head into places it did not belong to ruin her moment of glory.

The faint squelching of paws trudging through mud alerted the wraith to his presence, an expression of pure shock dominating her visage as metallic eyes fell upon his figure, frail with age, traversing in the direction of Cyanide. Memories of that dreadful day when the traitor had been lost to the damned Valhallans surged through her diseased mind, vividly remembering each event and the faces that had been registered there: the two Valhallans, Cyanide, Grinner, Kaien, and Nnoitra. Questions sought answers as she looked upon Cyanide?s knight in shining armor, horror filling her eyes to the brim at the realization that he was attempting to save the life of the fool who betrayed the very pack he had established! No! the wench thought as she observed his approach to Cyanide?s deathbed, Tortuga is done taking from me!

With that, she burst forwards from her vantage point, paws skidding as she levered down the short ledge before the muddy expanse that had swallowed the assassin, forcing her digits to clench as black nails grappled the grass adorning the ledge to slow her momentum and stop herself from diving face-first into the marsh. Her tactic proved to be a success for her body skidded to a halt at the base of the ledge, immediately tearing off down the short stretch of rough ground as she drew level with Cyanide?s positioning. Metallic eyes darted for her former King, now righting himself upon a patch of dry land nearest to the area that Cyanide had disappeared beneath, seemingly preparing himself for a swim in the muck. A snarl warped her countenance as he plunged into the soft substance with jaws set agape, igniting a fire within his former lackey that would not be quelled unless he were to pull the traitor out, snap her spine, and send her back to her mucky grave ? but instinct told the wraith that those were not his intentions. So quickly she hopped, cautious of her footing, closing the slight gap between she and the lanky King in a few strides until she was within close enough proximity to reach out and touch the brute. Own jaws snapped forward as she approached his rear, aiming to sink her teeth into the base of Nnoitra?s tail as he scavenged for the traitor beneath the surface. If she were to successfully grasp his tail ? any part of it ? she would yank her weight back with all the might she could muster in an attempt to pull the King from the depths of the muck, and, should he have the traitor within his grasp, she would release his tail and shove her weight forward to send him toppling into the mud right behind his companions so that both would meet with their untimely death.



06-04-2013, 05:57 PM
Cyanide had just turned two when the howl careened through the air, a demand, a call for her presence. Her two toned dial would turn, eyes sharp and keen, missing nothing. Her analytic mind broke everything down, the terrain she had mesmerized, the scents of her pack mates, she recognized and analyzed them all near subconsciously. The call was familiar, a demand, a cry, another victim, another life. They would command her and she would obey, a silent shadow, a stalking phantom, a reaper of death itself. Talons scraped the rocks beneath her and she climbed to where the cry had come from. The entire pack awaited her, watching silent and eager. Her King stood proud, regal and unreadable as always. One of Cyanide's dearest friends. Without a word she would dip her maw in greeting, a bow to show his nobility. Before she could rise she knew what next would fall, a name, an assassination and they would eagerly await her acceptance. A celebration would occur that she would vanish from, and she would not return into the targets blood stained her pelt.

"Adyrion." That snapped her head up to attention. A breech of protocol. A break in the routine, the assassin was knocked off her rocker, head snapping up, two toned eyes locking with that of her King. What madness was this? Adyrion was one of their own, a hunter, did he expect her to assassinate him in front of everyone, to slaughter one of their own in cold bold. Her harsh training demanded she obey, her remaining sense of honor and decorum recoiled at the thought. All of these thoughts flew through her brain in a split second. The hunter called would step forward, a bird trapped within his jaws. He stood beside the king and dropped the avian corpse. A falcon. It was a falcon. Her brain quickly pieced together what was happening and utter shock settled upon her maw, her jaw falling slack.

"As is tradition, when a soldier brings back the corpse of a falcon, they may choose a mate. Adyrion has chosen you Cyanide... Congratulations." Cheers would erupt around them near deafening, but her eyes would linger only upon the male grinning triumphantly. For once every coherent, analytic thought dropped from her brain like lead weights, her focus completely on her mate.

Cyanide registered pain in the sensitive nerves of her neck, and the sudden burning sensation of the lack of oxygen in her lungs. her thin, loathe corpse was being dragged upward. Someone had found her worth saving aside from Adyrion. her legs swiveled beneath her, aiding whoever it was in dragging her back to the surface. As sweet air met her fur she sucked in a much needed, greedy breath and her dual gaze snapped open, landing on a wolf she didn't think she would ever see again.




06-04-2013, 06:25 PM

The man gave a mighty tug and with one last squelch the girl came from of the mud. With that lust tug though Nnoitra was fortunate. While he was plunging his face into the disgusting swamp he had momentarily stopped paying attention to Morphine. He had not expected her to come charging at him with the intent to keep him from saving her. At the same time he pulled Cyanide out from the mud he felt teeth sink into his haunch barely avoiding her intended target. A snarl left his muzzle and lips pulled back to reveal sharp ivories as he instinctively turned towards Morphine's direction to snap at her, curling his body inwards towards her body assuming she was still there.

Ears would flick backwards in irritation and what Cyanide said was nearly lost. He was upset. Betrayal showed in his eyes and he was hurt. Here Morphine was attacking him for a crime he did not commit. He had done nothing to the white Ex-Queen and here she had no problem attacking him to achieve her own goals. She had served him loyally and had they met on different terms such as this he couldn't help but wonder if she'd still be enraged by him.

Visage would correct itself as he calmed himself letting his intended snap fall short as he pulled back before attempting to further reach her. Hair still stood on end and it was very clear he was not pleased with the situation.


He said icily. Insulted would be the word for it. He never would have attacked her had the roles been reversed, so why did she feel the need to turn on him now?



06-04-2013, 07:37 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Despite the fact that this was her former superior and one of the very few creatures the wraith considered welcomed company, the attack upon the base of his tail would not be made gingerly for she was beyond the boiling point at Nnoitra?s abrupt heroic nature towards one who had betrayed his pack. Jaws would snap with intent vigor and connect upon the brute?s haunch, missing her intended target by a hair as a sharp inhale towards her victim?s front would greet her ears and cause them to slick back with irritation as she realized Nnoitra?s efforts went fulfilled. Before she could thrust her weight forward in hopes of toppling both canines over the edge and into their muddy graves, metallic eyes witnessed her opponent?s own jaws snaking towards her face in retaliation, causing the woman to release her grip upon his haunch, tearing her discolored teeth free of his flesh to ensure as much pain as possible while she avoided his attack, unaware that he had no intention to strike his former and undeniably loyal lackey. The wraith would retreat a few steps, allowing her ears to pin against her skull and her chin to tuck against the curve of her neck defensively, expectantly. Alas, the brute would make no further notion of attack and would seethe where he stood, a greeting laced with evident venom pouring from his jaws while disregarding their mutual object of interest: the traitor who was blissfully unaware that she was within inches of a woman who urged for her death. The white witch?s upper lip would furl upwards, bloodied incisors protruding from her curled lip as she offered the male an insight to her internal fire, disregarding what he once meant to her completely. It was not mistaken that her allegiance towards the brute had been lost and she would no longer hide it ? he did not deserve her loyalty if he would rescue a traitor but do nothing for one whose allegiance towards Tortuga went unwavering when she was banished from ever returning back to it. In that moment she hated him for not giving a damn about her situation and in that moment she would stop caring just the same. You get what you give.

Pupils would fix themselves upon the worn and taut muscles of the male as if pleading for them to move so that she could continue to make her assail upon him, make him feel the rage and sorrow that screeched within her ? she would educate him if only he would make his move. But, for the moment he refrained from doing so, and the girl would be granted a leeway to verbally retort. I wondered when I?d be seeing you again, Nnoitra ? but I must say, I had not hoped to reunite like this, she informed, her vocals entirely calm despite her anger and the message lingering behind it almost sentimental. Not with you risking your head for a traitor! And with that, all possibility for sappiness was forced into oblivion, a growl rising in her throat as she spoke. She deserves death ? she betrayed Tortuga, not just Kaien. How dare you rescue this filth; she is not fit to breathe in your presence! Her vendetta may reside with Kaien -- rest your son?s fucking head -- but she turned her back on the pack as a whole! Gaze flickered briefly towards the traitorous assassin, gleaming with disgust to even look upon her mud-encrusted form that had barely avoided death?s cruel grasp. Skull shook in disbelief and her pupils darted back towards Nnoitra, the urge to attack still prominent within her.


Ezekiel I


06-04-2013, 07:58 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


one time, very, very long ago, ezekiel had stopped for a little while and thought: wow, maybe i have better things to do. what a joke that was.

with a cackle the gargantuan bird alighted above the crowd, drawn to despair and deception like a moth to light. it was safe to say that the scavenging avian had a keen sense for it, if not even a sixth one. from his perch he stared down at the situation below, having watched the beginning of the spectacle from above but now being within audible range, hearing the word 'traitor' cast about. a pretty white gal seemed to be the accuser in this, throwing her insults at a chick covered in absolutely disgusting muck and at another male who seemed to have tried to rescue the dirty gal. he took in all of this, and had his facial features been capable of such, a wicked grin would have struck itself across his face. tortuga--the pack he'd tried to sway into deception only to be met by some blubbering idiots incapable of their own thought.

"a bitch, a deserter,

a traitor, you say?

good, toss her in

and forbid her the light of day!

"the white woman is right,

why save the girl?

ugh, your precious emotions

give me the need to hurl!

"she tried to end her life;

the coward's way out!

she deserves zero mercy

without a damn doubt!

"give her what she wanted:

the cold embrace of death!

i promise, dear, it's not too bad--

just a little lack of breath!"

as he spoke in a tone laden heavily with crackling and rasp, his body moved with the rhythm of his lyrics, causing the branch beneath him to waver wildly and bounce, but never once did he allow it to near breaking. he laid his beady eyes fondly upon the lady known as 'morphine', a rumbling peal of laughter trickling ever-so-slightly from the depths of his chest. what glee she brought to his heart with her perfect sense of judgement! it made the vulture wish to sing with praise, but he bit his tongue, staring down the other two perpetrators with an unwavering glare.


06-04-2013, 08:13 PM
Dual colored gems would gleam with life... apparently just to spite the ivory goddess. To Cyanide's knowledge, she was still a Queen, but she wasn't Cyanide's Queen. Morphine had been half the reason for her betrayal. She held no respect for the creature before her, quite the contrast to the male who had just saved her aging hide. If Nnoitra had still reigned over Tortuga, Cyanide never would have strayed. She believed in Nnoitra, they had been the closest they could come to friendship at one point. She had been Tortuga's third official member, had helped lay the foundation for what the pack stood for today. Yes..dishonor, distrust and lies. Valhalla lay in shambles, it too was a mess of a pack, it seemed the only sanctuary the assassin would find would lie in death, her pack had been long since banished, destroyed, no less, by humans.

Her cranium would shake, sending clumps of mangled dirt vaulting through the air to land with a sloshing sound. The woman's words would reach her ears and they would swivel forward, catching venom flavored words with ease. Not a single drop of emotion would test the pools of Cyanide's eyes. Completely distant, completely vacant, the woman would stare, all memories, pleasant or otherwise vanquished as she gave the two her full attention. One wished her a corpse, the other wished she continued to breathe.

"Traitor? I will take that name, but you... you are nothing more than complacency, apathy and disgrace. You and Kaien accomplished nothing save for unnecessary hostility, wicked bitterness, and cruel deception. You would come to power via Kaien's lack of will and made no effort to know your pack, you would disreguard us, unworthy of your time, and all the while expecting us to follow you blindly like sheep. I was one of Tortuga's oldest members and you nor Kaien held any respect for such loyalty. I will take the name Traitor but I will ne no lamb, I will not be forgotten and fade into shadow because some spoiled brat wouldn't know respect if it erupted from her womb. I choose to keep some semblance of honor and respect. I betrayed Tortuga because its two leaders were cowards unwilling to fight but allowing a traitor to wallow in our midst at least when Nnoitra led us he did so with dignity and respect, he actually gave two shits about us, unlike you." Her words were neither biting nor venomous. They came in a neutral tone, completely sparred of emotions. The bird above would screech his lyrics of poetry and Cyanide's tail would whip violently, sending more chunks of muck flying. She cared little if she lived or died here. Her purpose had been served and ended long before she had met Nnoitra. She didn't so much as flinch.


06-04-2013, 08:59 PM
ooc; -enter the big bad, guise-

The swamps weren?t a place that he traveled through often, as he despised the muck that would stain his ivory legs. Boredom had driven him to adventure into the swamps, to see what darkness lied beyond the twisted trees. The brute paced through the twisted and tangled vines, branches and thorns sticking into his thick white fur. Lazily he followed the remenants of a scent, following close enough behind her to not be detected but still keeping her in his sights. As the woman stepped into the mud, he slipped behind some trees, two-toned eye watching as she slowly sank into the ground.

Just as he accepted that she wouldn?t fight for her life, an ivory beast plunged into the mud to pull her out, freeing her from her icky grave, to be attacked by another ivory wolf. It seemed to be a clearing of whitey?s, though he couldn?t guess the color of the wolf with the mud stained pelt. Watching the group, his head would turn upwards as a vulture landed on a tree, and began to speak to the group, listening to the birds dark but annoyingly rhyming words he pondered what this seemingly tense meeting was about.

Striding forward from the brush, he made his presence known as his cold and distant voice cut across the clearing. ?Traitor? Bitterness?. Deception? Bitch.., such lovely yet insulting words. ? His voice would trail off here, his gaze raking over every wolf and vulture in the clearing, before pausing on the muddy figure. ?Babe, I watched you sink. You didn?t even fight, perhaps, the bird is right? Maybe you are suicidal, love.? His head swung to stare at the other two wolves, pausing on the white she-wolf. ? Such fire, you seem as if you?d like to rip his balls from his body and force them down his throat. Quite the lovely, she-wolf, eh??

An indifferent look would land on the other male, and to the bird, though he wouldn?t acknowledge them. Strolling closer to the group, he would stop a distance away, and watch, praying to some unknown deity that they would rip each other apart. The bloodshed would be quite the pick-me-up for his horribly boring day.


06-04-2013, 09:35 PM

Curiosity. It was such a wonderful thing. It had led her to many places, meeting a few new faces along the way, some enjoyable, others not so much. However she wasn't fond of her current location. Muck slung to her dark pelt, matting it together. Muzzle wrinkled in distaste. Why was she even here? She had no idea wht had brought her to such a god awful place. Each step was slow, precise, paws sinking in under her weight. Winter had taken hold, hadn't it? She couldn't afford getting sick. It couldn't happen.

Her thoughts where interrupted by the distant sound of voices. Ears pushing forward, she strained to listen. Traitor. Die. Kaien. Intrigued, she pushed forward. The journey was slow, but thankfully she close. Emerald eyes settled on the multitude of wolves. All white. Morphine and Nnoitra she recognized. But the other two, a she-wolf and an ivory brute she did not know. She slunk forward, muscles tensing at the hostility. She had no idea if Nnoitra would know her, but she hoped she could be of some use. It would be tragic if the Alpha of her pack should die defending another. Her chin tucked defensively as she got closer to Nnoitra's side as she could, which still left her a few feet away to avoid being consumed by the swamp. There was that odd bird again, he seemed to get around. Moving on, she assessed that Morphine, her ex-Queen, seemed to be the threat here. But why?

It probably wasn't the best thing for her to do, to but into some fight that she had nothing to do with, but she was still young, naive, wanting to prove herself. For the moment she remained silent, simply an observer, that is until someone decided to attack. The young she-wolf was aware of the Alpha's growing age, and being up against younger wolves put him at a disadvantage, what she wrong? She didn't think so. But the only fighting skills she had was what she learned from wrestling with her brothers. Would she be able to hold her own in a fight for survive?



06-05-2013, 06:47 PM

A simple stroll was all he was looking for, but fate wouldn't have it that way. Here he was, watching the scene unfold. My oh my. Cyanide had gotten stuck in the muck, and of course, someone had to come to her rescue. He was surprised when he saw Nnitoria, because he wouldn't have expected him of all wolves to give a shit about this bitch drowning in the depths. But alas, one of his favorites, Morphine, came onto the scene, trying to send both to hell. He watched eagerly, lips curled into a devilish smile. Death had always drawn him in, especially when it was the ones he disliked dying. If he was lucky he could fish out their corpse and have a feast on their dead bodies. Oh how delightful it all sounded! The lords mouth foamed with saliva, salmon toungue caressing his lips as he wiped it away. He couldn't wait... but, the tables turned again. Nnitoria had pulled the bitch out, and now the trio faced off. Words were spit here, venom was splashed there. Some odd bird flew above, taunting everything in its path. Two more wolves came onto the scene, one he did not know, but the other registered as Secrets daughter. Secret... god, her name brought tingles to his organs, especially the one between his legs. He could only imagine how tight her daughter would be... Would it be like fucking a mini her? He could see it now, him, pushing her against the earth, fucking her brains out while Morphine slithers over for a piece of her own... No. He needed to stop this shit, he was married to Newt... but he couldn't help but fantasize. He slithered toward the collection of wolves, amethyst eyes hovering over each face. He was right, each name he had said belonged to each face... But he did not know this riddle spitting bastard singing along with the bird. Who he was he did not care. He was simply enjoying the scene before him. "My, oh my. What have we here?" Lyrics fell like venom from the mans lips as they curled into an unnaturally proportioned smirk.



06-05-2013, 07:22 PM

He would listen to Morphine as she spoke. She offered him a portion of the hatred she had to show and he could see there was quite a lot of it. His haunch burned like fire, but the man stood steadily. He refused to appear any weaker than he already was. Age had already been unfair to him, now his bleeding wound would make it even more so. This would take a while to heal. He was positive he wouldn't be able to take her on in a fight either. She was much younger and more agile than him.

"She may be a traitor, but I wasn't going to let her die in this swamp. Not when I hadn't gotten the chance to speak with her on why she betrayed the pack in the first place. I don't enjoy meeting up like this either morphine, but I did have my reasons for saving her life. I will not say her actions were right, but neither were my son's. Everyone makes mistakes and I can accept that."

And there it was. Cyanide spoke and he then learned the reason as to why she had betrayed them. Granted he felt as though she should have come to him, along with any other of the Tortugans that had complaints. No one ever did though. He would have easily taken the throne from Kaien though. In fact, had he known it would have caused so many problems, he never would have let Kaien have it to begin with. He'd left for his own selfish desires. It was wrong, but at the time it felt right. It wasn't as though he could foresee the future.

Head then snapped upwards as that blasted culture came into view. The damn scavenger then began spitting out his horrid rhymes like he had done at the pack meeting. Lip furled back into a gruesome snarl as he glared upon the bird with obvious malice. He had absolutely no business being here. This was an ordeal that he absolutely did not need to antagonize.

"Dare come closer and I promise you your head will be severed from your neck and no longer will you be able to spew those petty little rhymes of yours scavenger."

If the damned creature made any move towards them he would do whatever he could to make sure the blasted thing died. He found it absolutely despicable. Fur bristled and head snapped as a new arrival came upon the scene. What was this? It surely wasn't a fest for just any wolf to come upon. He shifted uncomfortably and Nnoitra's muscles tensed in preparation in case he was attacked. His uneasiness grew. Would they even make it out of this alive? It didn't seem as though he would. The way this gathering was going it wasn't going to end well.

As if it couldn't any more crowded though a new wolf came to the scene. This one was familiar though and eyes rested upon a black yearling. He looked at the raccoon marked wolf and muscles relaxed slightly. He wasn't happy she was here. Secret would probably have his hide if her child go hurt. He also didn't want to see her injured because she brought herself in a situation. He was also glad for her presence though. It made him feel just a ta bit better having someone who wasn't going to make the situation worse. At least if things went to hell he had help. Perhaps though they would have a slightly more peaceful meeting now that they were all outnumbered. A fight right now could be chaotic.

The last wolf to arrive about made him want to roll his eyes. Of course the bastard had to show up now at all times. The male's presence surely wasn't going to be helpful, unless he magically grew a heart and took his side on things. If he was lucky though he would stay out of it and just observe. Voice colder than ice drawled out as he spoke, trying to hide his obvious irritation with things.

"Kaios. I do hope you're here to not antagonize things, because if you hadn't noticed there's enough imbeciles here already doing that."

Two toned gaze flashed dangerously towards the white wolf he didn't know, and then the damned bird. His gaze then traveled back to Morphine. His gaze was weary and tired, and yet he still retained the fire he had for all of his youth. This was between them and he would make that known. He did not wish to fight her, for he still viewed her as an ally, if she did not view herself as a friend. Loyalty was something he thrived on, and he viewed this as merely a misunderstanding and different views clashing. Could they work something out, or would she continue to hold this against him?

"Are we going to be civil about this, or is someone going to die today because of a simple failure to communicate and a clashing of different opinions? To me it sounds like a horribly petty thing to fight over if you ask me. Not worth dying over."



06-05-2013, 08:08 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

A rustling in the trees overhead alerted the enraged wraith to the presence of a bird, familiarity wracking her mind as her pupils danced across its gargantuan body to notice its plumage ? she had encountered the creature once before when she ran an intruder from Tortuga?s domain whilst she still reigned Queen over Tortuga. It was here to observe, lyrical speech pouring from its beak as it passed its judgment upon the situation, seeming to commend Morphine with her argument, then succumbing to uncontrollable laughter that would have been contagious to the woman had her mind not been plagued with anger. Instead, she managed a sinister smirk as she looked upon the intriguing creature with approval, allowing it to fade abruptly as her skull whipped back around to take in the figures of both the traitor and the former king expectantly. She was more than prepared and even confident for a brawl despite being outnumbered by the duo, fully aware that the lanky male before her possessed bones weakened with age and a dwindling energy level, and that the female would be weakened from her ?suicide? attempt ? not that the wraith expected much out of her, anyway. She seemed more bark than bite in the witch?s perspective, a proclaimed assassin and yet Morphine was well aware that the woman had neither been sent by her command nor Nnoitra?s to slaughter for Tortuga had never had any true adversaries and had always claimed neutral ? ironically Cyanide?s given argument for leaving the pack in the first place that Morphine had had the utmost pleasure of tearing down that day upon the battlefield.

The traitor dare spoke to her, monotonous voice with insulting intentions falling upon deaf ears for every word strung from the bitch?s mouth were unjustified opinions or blatantly untrue statements; Morphine had never asked for this dense traitor?s commentary nor did she seek approval from her. The effort to deter the ice queen would be for naught, and a laughter void of the bitterness it should have possessed, instead a genuine and charming sort of laughter, cascaded from her leathery lips. Unnecessary hostility, wicked bitterness, and cruel deception? Was this woman pulling blind insults out of her ass to turn the tables upon Morphine when it was truly she who deserved such insults? I do not know who you are rambling on about, but that certainly sounds nothing like me, dear, really. Never have I once acted with hostility towards a Tortugan to keep them in line, I had nothing to be bitter towards during my reign and wouldn?t act in such a manner without a reason much less to a pack I was loyal to, and I?ve yet to deceive a Tortugan to bend them to my will. I commend you on your efforts though, but perhaps it would have been effective had you given evidence. Unfortunately, you truly do not know exactly how I treated Tortuga during my rule, for you abandoned us as I came into power, rendering your argument against me invalid. Perhaps you are pinning the methods by which Kaien ruled upon me, but, then again, those accusations don?t fit the bill there either. Eerily calm vocals unfit for the current circumstances slithered through her jaws as she cut across the woman, nostrils flaring as the traitor continued her speech laden with false accusations and complete irony that earned her a few other chuckles from the white witch. But she did not see the need to cut across the fool and would allow her to finish in the case that she should redeem herself, alas, she did not, causing Morphine to inhale deeply as she prepared her elongated retort. Perhaps you are too dense to remember that I came to Tortuga during its rise and proved myself to Nnoitra through sheer skill, and climbed my way up the ranks whilst remaining loyal to my pack just as you had. Kaien knew my capabilities, and no matter how idiotic you believe he is, he wouldn?t let an incompetent fool lead alongside him, and I have no doubt that your savior would have knocked me down a few pegs if he believed me unworthy of my title, because both gave a damn about Tortuga just as I had. If we hadn?t, don?t you think we would have run it into the ground by picking fights we could not win, enslaving members, or even killing them off? We did neither of those things ? I will not take the blame and I?ll speak on Kaien?s behalf to say that Valhalla?s negative reception towards Tortuga was undoubtedly spawned through Neo?s disloyalty ? something neither of us had control over. Tortuga still survived beneath Kaien, but it is not his fault he came under leadership at the wrong time when a volcano forced the pack apart and sent its numbers dwindling and we were forced to start from the bottom up once more in a place so unfamiliar with slower activity, and it is not his fault members akin to you were too close-minded to accept new leadership, even if the leadership was passed on by the very male whose feet you once kissed, for it was not him. And I was in no position to kiss the very ground you walked upon just because of your seniority, for you proved yourself to Nnoitra, not to me ? in fact, I don?t believe you?d accomplished anything for Tortuga during Kaien?s reign, therefore, praise wasn?t an option. Regardless, I never recall disrespecting any within the pack ? I give respect where it is due; none had offered disrespect towards me so I had dished none out. You say you know honor, you claim Kaien and I cowards, but need I remind you that you had neither relayed your faithlessness in your superiors in private, always having to be in the company of another in case your disrespect provoked, and you had someone else fight for your freedom in your place. Had you truly had any sense of bravery or honor, you would have spoken your complaints without the presence of another to protect you and you would fight your own battles; however, you?ve done neither. If either of us are a coward, it is you, my dear. I do not stray from a challenge or ask others to fight in my wake while I stick to the sidelines; I face them head-on just as I do now in defending myself, just how I greeted the challenge for you despite my obvious disadvantages against my opponent. I failed ? but failure does not make me a coward, so do not speak down upon me as if I am one. Learn to reflect upon your own actions before judging another upon theirs. The wraith finished with a snort, vocals still reflecting her adversary?s monotonous tone despite her internal passion towards her subject. She would not have one who knew completely nothing about her reduce her to common filth, and she was satisfied with her defensive retort, knowing she had met fictitious calculations with fact to validate her argument.

Cool gaze would waver from the traitor?s heterochromatic as a new wolf waltzed in on the scene, seemingly foreign to all present as a mere bystander. Ears would flicker in his direction as words flowed from his jaws, skull still tucked to the curve of her neck as she was wary of this new presence even if he had commented on her spitfire nature. Others were drawn to the scene like moths to flames, causing irritation to bubble within her but she paid them little mind, focusing upon the duo still dangerously close to their muddy graves. One little push was all it would take, but the wench was eager for Nnoitra?s reply, which he would give without disappoint. His words lacked the disrespect she had been anticipating, and yet it still displeased her to acknowledge the fact that Cyanide would not be cast aside as the traitor she truly was. Your son may have been a coward for not fighting against Desdemona for his crown or against Valhalla for Cyanide, but other than that, there is no reason to talk of him with disdain. He is dead Nnoitra ? your son ? I watched him die with my own eyes and it upsets me to see you agree with Cyanide when you know as well as I do that he wanted Tortuga to thrive as I did! There was no attempt to complacently watch as the pack crashed and burned ? we tried, Nnoitra, we did, and no one gave us the chance. Her words were almost pleading with the brute, but her expression was stoic, emotionless. She was not expecting sympathy, merely attempting to prove a point and defend herself and Kaien. She was done with being looked upon as nothing, as if she had done nothing ? she would have it no more, and she would not have Nnoitra look down upon her especially. She may have hated him in that moment, might have desired to push him to the mud, but subconsciously she was still loyal to him, even if he had allowed her to have been banished.


Ezekiel I


06-05-2013, 08:21 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


a devious cackle cracked like thunder from his maw, harsh and pleased as he listened to the spitting words of the idiot alpha. ezekiel was beyond pleased with his work already--he was under the cretin's skin like a bug. to taunt the male he indeed flew closer, but did it in a different way--by flying and landing on the branch directly above him, where he shook the limb with practiced ease, causing irritating creaks. ezekiel paused for a moment, blinking plaintively as he excreted a blob of gritty, viscous scat of an off-white hue in quite an impressive amount, hoping that it would either hit nnoitra or some of the splash would impact him. it was unlikely that the older wolf could move faster than the speed of gravity, especially without warning.

"petty? petty?

but i think they're quite fine!

a sign of definite intelligence

is rhyming on a dime!

"and come closer? closer?

i'm not stupid like you!

closer, says the old white cretin

who saved a chick from goo!

"so you'll kill an innocent bird

but not a guilty traitor?

a hypocrite, and a liar?

oh, what a dirty hater!"

many had entered but the new individual that was of the most interest to him was the lad that agreed with his statements. shifting his weight upon the wobbling branch he examined the male, beak clacking. despite his interest he remained silent until he heard nnoitra's final words.

"granpa, what are you?

some sort of saint?

i ought'a ram my claws

right through your taint!"

with an indignant hiss the avian ruffled his feathers, settling down upon the branch to listen to morphine, greedily taking in the gossip and information and storing it for his use. oh, my, what a blossoming gem! he cooed inwardly, infinitely pleased with the knowledge she delivered. oh, what an attractive, wonderful femme! the winged being knew he would have to seek her company some other time and possibly scheme with the girl, and the other man, too!


06-05-2013, 08:44 PM
Cyanide was in her waning years, she had been the source of a great deal of pain and delivered her kills without question or pause. The white witch would spew into a lengthy defense that she disregarded. Cyanide had left several months after Morphine had obtained her crown, but continuing this pointless argument seemed more hindering than not. The bitch was set in her ways as was Cyanide, they would lock skulls forever and Cyanide had not come here to make idle chit chat. It seemed wolves poured in from the very woodwork, the fabric of the trees until quite a crowd had gathered. her irritation would grow, but no semblance of it showed. Nnoitra would speak, willing peace but Cyanide knew better, such peace would not come. Her audits would flicker, two toned gaze locked upon the white witch... a coward was she? Very well.

"You think my lot is too cower behind Collision? The brute wanted my skill set, he wished to fight for me, Tortuga held nothing more for me, I agreed." The shrug would come with nonchalance. "You claim me a coward, unwilling to fight my own battles when you didn't so much as make a move towards your opponent that day upon the field of battle? Very well..." She would shake the mud and muck from her coat, sending it flying before her stance would widen to better brace herself, knees would bend, her tail would rise even with her bodice to maintain her balance, and dual colored gaze locked upon Morphine. The barest hint of ivory canines flashing as the woman delivered her speech. "You want my life Morphine, than come and claim it. I challenge you, a fight to the death.

(((OOC: As per site rules, you get to chose rounds and you get the first move if this is accepted.)))



06-05-2013, 09:57 PM

The man listened to Morphine as she gave a long speech to Cyanide. He made no words. No commentary. Just simple listening as each of them said their piece. It wasn't until the very end that Nnoitra really began to listen. Her words were not taken lightly either. He stayed silent, if only for a moment, as he listened to her heart rendering words. She believed he looked upon his dead son with disdain? No. He may have annoyed the hell out of him when he was younger and he may not have been blood, but Nnoitra did not criticize Kaien for his mistakes. He accepted that they all made mistakes, but regardless he wouldn't be hateful towards the boy. Not like she was explaining it.

"I realize he tried Morphine. Hell, you both tried and I saw that. I thank you for doing what you could, but I cannot say that you both helped. Granted you're right. You weren't given the best of circumstances to work with, but perhaps I shouldn't have made the mistake of passing Tortuga to someone else for their own selfish desires. I blame myself for his death, and I apologize for you having to watch it."

It would be the only heartfelt piece he would have to offer. Words were directly for Morphine and he ignored what anyone else had to say. The other bastards supervising the scene would judge him. The Tortugan King was known to be cold and emotionless for the most part, but he figured Morphine at least deserved that last sentiment. That last piece of his mind. She had, after all, tried her best with what was given. It just wasn't what Tortuga needed. Kaien wasn't it either. He hardly was much better, but things were improving. He just wished all of this hadn't of happened. He'd lost quite a few loyal members after the eruption It disappointed him.

The bird began to speak his piece as well as Cyanide. Needless to say he wasn't expecting the damned creature to excrete anything, but he knew exactly what it was as something wet and slimy oozed onto his head. Eyes closed and the male shook his head controlling his breathing. He was eight years old. Too old to be dealing with a damned bird. Taking a deep breath he calmed his boiling blood and wiped his face upon the ground making a mental note to scour his face later.

Cyanide got to her feet and with a fiery passion challenged Morphine to a death match. Eyes shifted between the two and he stepped out of their way. There was nothing he would say or do to stop them. He knew that he wold lose one of them. Perhaps it would make Morphine feel better. At least if Cyanide died it would be a more just way for her to die than die in a swamp, and if Morphine died, well it certainly was a way to go. He would stay out of their way as would anyone else. He'd make sure of it.



06-07-2013, 03:02 PM

thank you shrap ♥

Metallic gaze would remain fixated upon her former Vecaan?s shades of cerulean, dismissing the traitor?s presence for the moment as her pupils desperately searched for any trace of realization towards the harsh reality that had befallen his adopted child or remorse towards it. Alas, her eyes? desire would go unfulfilled for Kaien?s surrogate father either utilized the apathetic fa?ade she had witnessed upon his countenance many times before, or he truly did not care for the deceased brute. Nnoitra?s piece, however, possessed undeniable emotion that the wench would relish in, fully aware that this was likely the first and last time the brute would reveal his internal feelings, casting aside his mask and granting her the opportunity to piece a few parts of the complex puzzle that was Tortuga?s king together ? if only for a moment. His words did not appeal to her leadership but he acknowledged her efforts and did not spit blind accusations upon her, unlike the traitor, and although she disagreed with the elder Vecaan, his speech would not be met with hostility. On the contrary, her hard gaze would soften and the snarl laden upon her features would dissipate sluggishly, hesitating as she pondered the proper method by which to respond. After a moment?s pause, all she could manage was a short nod that lacked the passion she had attained throughout the encounter. She morphed from the maleficent queen, hell-bent on extracting misplaced revenge upon the white male before her to something calm, almost sad, in a matter of seconds. Her vendetta resided with Desdemona and the traitor, not the male she had once dubbed king, and certainly not the pack she had grown so attached to over the years. Perhaps she and Tortuga had just been an unsuitable match and she had been too blind to realize it over the duration of her membership, for one desired bloodshed and the opportunity to conquer whilst the other wished to cling to neutrality, and it had consistently been as such. She had misjudged Tortuga for a pack that revolved around malice, alas, it had never been, and Nnoitra would be right to claim the white wraith as something the pack did not need, would never need ? at its head or in its midst.

But in an instant, Morphine would warp into the adamant and maleficent fiend she normally portrayed as the traitor?s defensive speech writhed through her pallid ears, insinuating a surge of irritation that coursed throughout her form as the monotonous drone met the air. Eyes threatened to roll in their sockets at the excuse offered but she would refrain from such an action, instead greeting the situation with that infamous, devious smirk of hers. Both females were too stubborn to allow such an argument to pass without the final word, and so they would clash and insults would continuously slice through the air, both women intent on disregarding Nnoitra?s urge for civil mannerisms and maturity. This would not end well and blood would splatter the battlefield once biting words would not suffice the desire to defeat the other; all that remained was for either to grow so impatient with the verbal argument that they would issue the demand for blood as an easier method to determine the victorious from the defeated, and that would first be the traitor?s command. She beckoned for the white witch, a dance to the death, and Morphine would react as any adamant creature would once they had been accused of being a coward: without reluctance. A wicked grin would chisel her visage and metallic eyes glazed with malice would lock upon her adversary to confirm her acceptance while Nnoitra flitted to escape the arena without protest for what was about to occur. One of his favorites would be abducted by death?s cruel and merciless grasp, and if that favorite happened to be his much younger, former queen, she would greet it with confidence that she had defended her honor against one so intent upon ripping it to shreds.

Silver slits were all that remained from her eyes as the wraith would narrow her gaze slightly to protect them from teeth or claw and her ears would swivel back, pinning themselves to her crown for similar reasons. Her skull found comfort in its position, oriented in alignment with her spinal cord to limit the possibility of a lethal grip to her neck and her chin would tuck strategically to the curve of her neck to buffer any attack to grasp her mandible while her tail would flag to act as a counterweight. Jaws would slacken and limbs would bend to enable swift movement as the woman would slither in the direction of the bitch, no intention to attack just yet noticeable in her motions, carried out with the purpose to limit Cyanide?s leeway in maneuvering from her position so close to the mud she had almost drowned in (since you did not mention her moving at all in your previous posts), pupils set upon Cyanide?s chest to detect any signs of movement, ready to follow her opponent so that her body would serve to block the girl from moving too far forward. ?As you wish, my dear,? the petite wraith would purr, tones entirely sultry, now within an uncomfortably close proximity a step or two away from the renegade.

And just like that, her slow and calculated momentum would shift in the slightest and she?d burst the short distance between she and her opponent, thrusting her left shoulder before the rest of her body with the intention to forcibly slam into the traitor?s chest, slightly off center and a hair to Cyanide?s left (Morphine?s POV), to both wind and shove her back into or nearer to the quicksand-esque mud where she belonged. Heels would root themselves firmly to the earth while performing the shoulder thrust to stop her from barreling too far forward in the case that Cyanide would manage to dodge her attack, all the while gaping jaws would snake forward to reach across her opponent?s chest, angled downwards in an attempt to tear through the upper portion of Cyanide?s right forelimb (Morphine?s POV), teeth seeking to puncture muscle and tendons to complicate movement in the limb. Whether or not her jaws received Cyanide?s flesh, they would clamp shut and then immediately unhitch again and she would angle them in towards Cyanide?s own jaws and would pull back, at the ready for another attack while she?d try to step backwards to grant herself enough room to assess her opponent?s movement as well as distance herself slightly from her. Morphine only assumed she?d need to utilize what she depicted as an advantage over her much older, presumably weaker and slower, opponent: agility. Therefore, she?d continuously strike like a cobra, then distance herself as far away from the traitor as possible before she had the chance to retaliate.

round number
I ? II ? III ? IV ? V

ATTACKS attempt to shove her left shoulder into cyanide's chest, slightly off center and to morphine's left. simultaneously, her jaws would snap downward to grasp the upper portion of cyanide's leg that is to morphine's right, attempting to clamp down and then immediately release.

DEFENSES eyes narrowed to slits, ears pinned to her skull, neck and skull in alignment with her spine, tail flagged for balance, chin tucked against the curve of her neck, opened jaws, and limbs bent for swift navigation. whether or not morphine's attacks hit, her jaws will immediately part again, pull back, and turn back in towards cyanide's front, and she'll try to step backward to distance herself from cyanide. she'll root her heels during the shoulder-shove to stop herself from pushing too far forward in the case that cyanide dodges it.

INJURIES none, first round.

OOC good luck, eve! also, i'll be going on vacation from early sunday to late wednesday so i won't be able to post during that time and perhaps even a little bit after, depending on if my family members flock to the computer. so i hope this situation won't make me default because i have no control of when i'll be able to reply :/


06-09-2013, 07:43 PM

Soon after he made his presence known, two other wolves entered the clearing. The first another female, that smelt of a pack then another male, that smelt of a different pack. Indifferent eyes passed over the new wolves, and he turned his gaze back to the other three. Two colored eyes landed on the vulture who spoke in overly annoying rhymes and he felt a small smile tug at his lips. That bird could pose to be an interesting ally in these lands, though Creedance would never go as far to call anyone a friend.

So many things happened and so many words were spoken before the mud coated wolf, whose name he had deduced to be Cyanide challenged the other she-wolf whose name he had also deduced, Morphine to a death match. Plopping on his haunches, his ears pricked with entrance the words oozed from his jaws in excitement. ?Awesome, a chick fight!? He watched the pair happily, praying that one of the ladies would rip the other apart, his mind already rooting for the one called Morphine.

ooc; short post is short, but hopefully enjoyable c;


06-17-2013, 11:08 AM
Cyanide locked down her stance before the words of challenge had ever past her lips. She steadied her breath, slowing her heart rate to preserve her energy, she ignored each and every one of their spectators in favor of the ivory damsel before her, broadening her stance, she bent her knees to lock herself into position, both for balance and for a quick response to whatever attack Morphine would deliver. Her tail is kept low, but straight out in front of her, to act as a counterweight to prevent her from falling back into the muck. They were in close proximity, it didn't leave a lot of room for momentum to build, which could be a good thing or bad, depending on the circumstance.

Cyanide may have been in her waning years but she was in no way, shape, or form weak. She still trained daily, as she dipped the tip of her maw down, shielding her neck and her vitals from being obviously hit. Claws flexed, digging into the unsteady ground to better stabilize her, and just like that the woman would strike. Her left shoulder connected off center, and Cyanide allowed herself to move with the hit, back end swinging out to the right to avoid being easily grasped and keeping her vulnerable belly out of an easy attack, as Morphine's head dipped to hopefully grasp at her forelimb, Cyanide struck downwards, jaws splayed and aiming for that sensitive nape of her neck, hopefully grasping it as Morphine's teeth found purchase on the left side of her lower chest, missing its initial target. Bending her back legs, Cyanide would push off, to hopefully ram the smaller woman and knock her off balance to avoid this game of petty attacks. If this is successful, Cyanide will aim towards Morphine's maw, preferably catching an eye or a lower jaw. If this is unsuccessful, since Cyanide's jaw is already angled downwards to protect her throat, Cyanide will meet Morphine's own fangs as she reaches up to snap at Cyanide's jaws, her intention to coil her teeth tightly enough around Morphine's muzzle to prevent her from pulling away easily. Her intention is to draw the woman backwards, away from the quicksand-like muck.

Round: 1/5

Attack: As Morphine bends down to attack her forelimb, Cyanide is angling her head down in hopes of grasping the nape of Morphine's neck. Pushing off from her hind limbs she hopes to ram into Morphine and disorient her, if this is successful, she intends to snap at Morphine's maw, aiming for eyes or lower jaw if this is unsuccessful and Morphine continues her attack up at Cyanide's maw, since her head is already angled down, she intends to meet Morphine fang for fang and lock her jaws to make escape difficult.

Defenses: She steadies herself, slowing her heart rate to preserve energy, her tail is acting as a counterweight to prevent her from sliding backwards into the quicksand-esque muck. Her legs and stance is broadened to improve stability, her knees are bent, her head is dipped to shield her throat from becoming an easy target.

Injuries: Potentially bruising from Morphine smashing into her, minor punctures in her lower chest on the left side from where Morphine's attack hit.

(((OOC: I am so sorry you had to wait so long ;_; Stupid wrist)))