
So Hot I Melt Your Popsicle



7 Years
02-19-2015, 03:29 PM


Summer sucked. It was all warm and it meant she was in heat.

Oh crap that meant she was older.

The tiny woman groaned as she rolled onto her back, mismatched paws dangling in the air over her belly. She hated being in heat. It made her grumpy, lazy, and damn it made her horny. Her cheeks grew hot even at the thought of it, her back squirming against the earth. Summer was always such a long season because of her stupid heat, which is why she had been working to hard in the Spring to get all the herbs she needed, cause she knew that she wouldn't want to be doing anything at this time. It was strange for her to be so stationary, maybe that's why she was so jumpy for the rest of the year...

Rolling over she picked up her own scent, and turned around to glare at her butt. Stupid body doing all this stupid stuff. It was just so... stupid! Honestly, ugh. She felt like crawling up in a tree and just nibbling on pine cones until this stupid Summer was over. Granted this was only her second time being in heat... so maybe it got better. But she really highly doubted it.


Athena I


9 Years
02-21-2015, 11:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 11:52 PM by Evelyn.)

Summer was DEFINITELY in full swing. It was literally the hottest temperatures she had ever experienced in her whole life and she felt like she was going to suffocate she was so hot. Her thick coat was definitely not made for this weather! In reality it probably wasn't all that hot, but to her it felt like she was walking through the desert. She had gone out early that morning to look for some breakfast when it was still moderately cool, but now the sun was high in the sky and she just couldn't be out in the sun any more. She would have to start hunting at night she supposed. She was seriously considering migrating north for the summer when she suddenly caught a scent she had never smelled before. No... she had, but it was... different. Suddenly it dawned on her and immediately she felt a blush come to her cheeks. Amalia was in heat.

She slowly moved toward the scent, quickly finding her beautiful wife. Ama was visibly irritated and it made Athena smirk and chuckle. Oh she knew all too well what it was like to be in heat... maybe that's why she was suddenly very eager to be around her wife. With that little smirk on her muzzle she trotted toward Amalia, her tail waving behind her gently as her split ruby and emerald gaze found Amalia's sky blue one. "Hello, beautiful," she said softly as she stopped in front of Amalia and grinned, leaning down to nibble gently at her cheek.

"talk" 'think' "you"



7 Years
02-22-2015, 01:43 AM

Her coloured ears fluttered when she heard the approach of another, her head lazily turning that way. When she picked up her wife, her heart skipped a beat as she let out a tiny gasp. Pure blue eyes roamed across her silver form, her cheeks growing really hot. Athena came over to her, calling her beautiful and nipping her cheek. Another gasp sounded at her touch, feeling as the woman had set her face on fire with her delicate touch. Slowly she raised her paw to touch her cheek, as if it was truly on fire. Why did she want to come closer to the woman, to have her bite her like that all over? Oh goodness, these were dirty thoughts! She grew slightly stiff, her gaze sheepish as she searched her lovers face. Was this is how it felt to be touched while in heat? She wanted more of it, which made her blush even harder. Truly she felt like she was dunked in one of the hot springs. Realizing that she hadn't said anything, she opened her mouth to say something, but only a little, quiet moan came out. Shocked, Amalia's jaws snapped shut as her eyes grew wide, looking over her shoulder as if to double check that it had been her that had made that sound. Oh goodness, this was all just so dirty, and all Athena had done was nibble on her cheek! "H-hey there." she managed, although she wanted to hide her face in shame of all of this.


Athena I


9 Years
02-22-2015, 02:37 AM

Amalia's reaction was priceless. She watched as her little Ama floundered helplessly for a moment, trying to speak only to have words completely fail her and give a soft moan instead. Athena blushed furiously, but probably not for the same reason Amalia did. She chuckled softly and grinned when Amalia did finally manage a few words, though not many. It was so tempting to completely short circuit her wife here and now, but she kind of wanted to play with her a bit. Her innocence was so adorable. She almost felt bad for thinking such dirty thoughts about her. Almost.

She made a little circle around her so that she could come up along side of her and lay down as well, leaning her side into Amalias as she ran her muzzle through Amalia's scruff and breathed in her wife's sweet scent. She nibbled lightly on her russet ear, knowing that it would make Ama unravel again. She grinned to herself, loving the fact that she was getting to indulge herself with her wife, even if it was just for a moment. One of the boys, or worse one of Ama's family members, finding them came to mind and as she tipped her muzzle down to give the curve of her girl's jaw a few light nibbles. "Should we go somewhere more private?" she whispered, pulling away for a moment to let her eyes find Amalia's again. She honestly wasn't sure how much Amalia was going to let her play so she wanted to see if finding themselves a little hide way would be worth it.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-22-2015, 04:40 PM

She noticed the change in Athena, in the way that she was looking at her. Amalia had never quite seem her wife smile like that before, and it excited her and scared her at the same time. Never before had Ama been in love with another, well this kind of love. She hadn't ever umm... laid with another. Sure, her and Athena had kissed and loved on each other, but this was different. Her whole darn body was on fire, and the worst part was that Athena seemed to know that. Her blue gaze followed her as she circled around her and flopped at her side, making her toes curl at the close contact. Then Athena's silver muzzle would work its way through her scruff, and Amalia quite literally squirmed at the contact. Her whole body was alight with energy, every single nerve on fire and longing to be caressed. But it was just so foreign to her! And it was so scary!

When her ear was nibbled on, she just about lost it. Her neck stretched upwards as her eyes squeezed shut, her breath leaving her mouth in short pants. Crap, how was she so good at this? Her teeth then made their way down her jaw line, and Amalia stretched her neck to give her wife better contact. A huge shutter ran down her spine, tiny form quivering from the moves that her wife had. She couldn't even move to touch her back, it just felt to darn good to move. Letting out a little squeak when Athena muttered a few quick words, her eyes snapped open as she peeked up at her. Move somewhere else? Oh right... they were like right in the middle of the pack land. What if they boys saw, or worse... her mother. Ew ew, ew... icky. Slowly her head nodded, finding that she was too wound up to even speak. Her little rabbit tail quivered behind her, such naughty, dirty thoughts filling her mind. Why was it so nice to think them when she knew that they were so... um... erm... sexy. Slowly she rose to her trembling legs, almost falling over as she righted herself. Ama didn't know where to go, and they sure as hell couldn't go back to their family den. So she kept her gaze on her wife, knowing that she was going to have to lead her through a lot more than just getting to a private place...

"Talk" "You" Think

Athena I


9 Years
02-22-2015, 05:12 PM

Her lover's reactions were even better than she could have imagined. It was very obvious that Amalia had never been like this with anyone when she was in heat, if ever, and it humbled Athena a little bit to think that she might be her wife's first everything. Part of her was a little sad that Vereux took that moment from Amalia on her end, but without those moments with Vereux they wouldn't have their sons and she wouldn't know exactly how to make her wife squirm like this so she couldn't be completely ungrateful. When Amalia's eyes finally popped open and she gave a nod of agreement to Athena's suggestion the silver woman smiled, peering down at her innocent little Amalia. As she looked at her sweet blue gaze she paused for a moment just to drink in how incredibly beautiful she was. "I love you," she said softly, placing a small kiss on Amalia's nose before rising to her paws to lead Amalia to a den she had in mind.

It only took a few minutes walk to get there, but Athena still kept her side brushing lightly against Amalia's the whole way. As they walked Athena realized that even though this wasn't the first time for her to be like this with someone, being with Amalia was going to be very different from being with Vereux for some very obvious reasons. It didn't make her nervous exactly, but it did make her a little apprehensive since she wasn't entirely sure what to do. But when she looked down at Amalia she realized she didn't care. She was going to be with her wife and they would figure it out as they went along, that's what mattered.

They finally got to the den she had been thinking of, a moderate sized den thats entrance was draped over with branches from the willow tree that stood above it. She had found it just the other day while she was hunting and had thought to herself how nice and private it was. Little did she know she would be using it so soon. She grinned at her wife and nuzzled her cheek before slipping inside and laying comfortably toward the back of the den, stretching out on her side and waiting for Amalia to join her while trying to calm down the nervous butterflies in her stomach.

Speech Thought



7 Years
02-22-2015, 07:27 PM

When Athena looked down at her and said that she loved her, her knees just about gave out all over again. She pitched forward, but caught herself at the last moment. Holy crap on a stick this woman knew how to make her shake. "I love you too, my darling." A soft kiss was places on her nose and she nearly fell over all over again. Giggling softly she trailed along her wife, their flanks constantly brushing against each others. It was hard for her to focus, her head spinning. She didn't even really realize what was going on, what was happening, but she knew one thing for sure -- it felt great.

Soon they came up to a den, pushing passed a lone willow tree in the mangroves. The tendrils hung down and kissed the earth, fluttering slightly within in the breeze. Amalia paused, taking in the breath taking view around her. She tried to soak it all in before Athena nuzzled her cheek and reminded her the real reasoning for them coming here. She took one last moment to take it in before slipping into the den. She had to blink several times before she was able to see Athena at the back of the cave, lounged out on her side. Amalia let out a tiny giggle, sheepish smile still pressed on her tight lips. Ever so slowly she stepped closer and closer to her wife, laying down so that her spine was pressed towards Athena's belly. Blinking up at the lovely woman, she wiggled her way closer to her lovely bride. "Athena? I'm... nervous." she admitted in a soft voice, squirming slightly against her silver form.


Athena I


9 Years
03-05-2015, 06:52 PM

Athena watched Amalia slowly move closer to her, feeling absolutely entranced as she looked at her beautiful wife. Here it was easy to feel like they had been hidden away to some entirely different planet where it was only the two of them. Time stood still and it was just them and all of this love that Athena wanted to shower Amalia with. Amalia's scent filled the den, making the air rich and heady with the smell of her. Those butterflies continued to dance in her stomach even as Amalia came to lay down and cuddle up against Athena's stomach. A gentle smile touched Athena's muzzle and she draped her forelegs around Amalia's small form, pulling the pale woman tighter to her chest. She nuzzled Amalia's neck and placed small kisses just behind her wife's russet ears.

Athena's dark tipped ears perked when Amalia spoke and the silver woman paused her affections to listen, her split tone gaze peering down at her little lady. She smiled a little wider, her gaze softening. Some how hearing that Amalia was nervous too made Athena relax, realizing that they were both in this together helped. "I'm nervous too, sweetheart," she replied softly, pressing her nose to Amalia's cheek. "This is new to both of us, but we'll figure it out as we go, okay? Just relax..." She she nuzzled Amalia's cheek and ran her muzzle through the thick fur on Amalia's neck and scruff, breathing in her wife's sweet scent. "You're so beautiful..." she breathed as she set about loving on every inch of her wife's sweet form, making sure to go slow so her Amalia could enjoy every lick and nibble and nuzzle. This was all about Amalia and making sure that her first time was a glorious one. Athena's had been desperate and strange, she didn't want that for her beautiful wife. No, she would make sure that everything for Amalia was perfect. Not just this, but every aspect of their lives. She would bring the moon to the earth if that was what would make her Amalia happy.

- fade to black-

"talk" 'think'  "you"