
drop the bass



3 Years
02-20-2015, 03:00 PM

The patchwork girl was quite content to be wandering, despite having been sorely missing her family. None of them had made very recent appearances, and she was beginning to feel like she was all alone here. Where could they all have gone? She sighed heavily as she padded through the immense maze of stone slabs. Her ebony coat soaked up the heat of the sun without mercy, but it had never been very thick to begin with so it was actually quite welcome after the past winter and spring. Her head hung between her shoulders as she plodded along, tongue lolling from her maw as she panted quietly under the intense heat.

Even her siblings had disappeared, which wasn't unlike them, but such time had passed between sightings of them that she was beginning to feel as though something had happened to them. Maybe she should consider joining a pack, just so she didn't feel so alone all the time. However, what would she do in a pack? It wasn't like she was good at anything, or worked well with others. Sighing audibly, she slumped to the ground and sat amid all the beautiful stones as though there was nothing to see here. Slowly, her toxic gaze rose to take in her surroundings. It was a crime to be so depressed in a place like this, right? Yet, that somehow changed nothing. She wanted her family, or someone to talk to at the very least, after so long spent wandering around without anyone to talk to.

Her sides heaved with the force of her second sigh, but she couldn't bring herself to get up and keep walking. Things must have changed while she was walking, something to make her family disappear without a word of warning to her. Had they gone back home? She'd never been, but from what she understood, it had been a really shitty place, and they'd had no reason to go back. Had someone kicked them out, driven them away? The colourful lass glanced around, but no distractions arose to bring her mind away from all this. Maybe she should go to Secretua, she'd heard her Aunty Akemi had been living there last time she'd talked to her family. Maybe Akemi would know...

Slowly, she would rise to her feet, acidic orbs flicking to and fro. It was so lovely here, maybe she would go after a quick stroll through the labyrinth. Maybe it would lift her spirits, too. Tea cupped paws would pad silently across the lush grass, dark pads tickled by the soft stems underfoot. There wasn't much to see here in the maze of rock, but there must be a hell of a view up on top of the slabs of stone. As she wandered, she sought out a good place to jump up and see what kind of view this place offered. When she did come across one, she leaped atop it without a thought, and smiled a little at the view. It was rather nice, despite the sun high above her beating down upon her narrow spine. This did make her feel a little bit better.




2 Years
02-21-2015, 11:49 AM

Aksel was in a down mood for the first time in a very long time. With Warja's help he'd healed from his mother's assault but the reality of meeting her and left him feeling… well… he wasn't sure how he felt about meeting his birth mother. She was shrewd and coy, much like his father, but she was also more of a monster. Aksel was a fair fighter in his own right but this woman was something else, he'd never lost so badly before. And the fact that he apparently had siblings on the way that she was going to do who knew what with? It was just too much to take in. That on top of the general lonliness he'd been feeling. Aksel had always been a wander er and being alone wasn't normally that bothersome… but it had been so long since he'd seen his family.

The young man sighed and eased himself down onto the warm stone, closing his eyes and letting the breeze wash over him for a minute. He was still sore but his injuries had healed better than he'd expected. But now what…

The breeze shifted just slightly, tinting the air with a familiar scent. Aksel dismissed it as his imagination before the scent slowly increased in strength. Acadia? Mismatched, jewel-toned eyes fluttered open as his brow crinkled. Getting to his feet the male started picking his way along the steppe until a familiar form came into his view. Grinning Aksel called out,  "Hey, stick ass! Where the hell have you been?"




3 Years
03-14-2015, 04:10 PM

ooc. sorrysorrysorrysorrrrryyyyyy

A familiar set of vocals dragged her from her stupor, acidic gaze drifted towards the source. Her features were graced with a massive grin, lopsided in appearance. Just the loser she wanted to see! Bounding forward, she sought to reunite with her brother after so long. When she did reach him, she found herself careening right into his smaller form. It was a very sloppy tackle, but no doubt it would get the job done. Her breath would be knocked from her with the force of the impact, though it didn't seem to stop her in the least. Dark features would press into the fur of his ruff, drinking in everything about him. His scent, the texture of his fur, all those little details she missed so deeply. Nuzzling his neck affectionately, the lass would beam at her brother. He was the only male of the litter, and she was delighted to be reunited. The two of them had always been the most reckless and carefree of the group, after all. Two peas in a pod. "Right back at ya, loser." She snorted, still grinning like an idiot.

Triple hued banner would gleefully wag at her rump, delighted to finally be seeing her brother. "Feels like it's been centuries, man!" She announced, a little disappointed by that statement. Honestly, they should work a little harder at staying in contact. Even if the family saw each other once a season, it would be better than never knowing where the others were. Maybe they should make that a thing? Maybe even go and see their mother at some point? Did Aksel even know that their mothers name was Daegmar, or that she was a bit bitchy? Probably not, it seemed like she was the only one to have met her. "How's life been, bro?" She questioned, raising a brow. Bubbly as she was, that was the real question she wanted answered. She was genuinely interested in knowing if her brother had been living the dream. She herself had been living, for the most part, in a drug induced haze. In fact, she probably had the stink of cannabis permanently stuck to her. Sure, she'd dabbled in other things, but the leaves seemed to be her favourite. Those weird ass mushrooms had left a bad aftertaste, and she was pretty sure she'd eaten a few rocks by accident in her high.




2 Years
03-14-2015, 09:47 PM

AH, it had been too long! Aksel grinned as she turned to greet him in her typical fashion with a grin as wide as his. Good lord, he'd missed her. Maybe the two of them could go looking for Astrid later, goodness knew what trouble she was getting into at this very moment. The boy laughed and nodded.  "No kidding! I was starting to wonder if I'd ever run into you guys again. It's been a… frustrating season." Aksel paused, his cheerful demeanor falling just slightly. Did he dare tell her that he'd met their mother? That they'd had a… less than pleasant conversation? That they now had siblings. He winced a little at her question. The truth was he'd been having a rough time. Apart from getting his ass kicked, with the scars on his shoulders and hips to show it, he'd felt so… lost. He missed his siblings and especially his father. It seemed as if all Hroovy's had moved on somewhere and left him behind.

But that was in the past, Acadia was here! Aksel grinned and shrugged.   "Oh same old, same old. Wandering around, getting into trouble. Thought about joining Imperium's ragtag group but… well, you know me and responsibility! How about you sis, how have things been? Meet anyone interesting?"




3 Years
03-26-2015, 05:51 PM

ooc. den is bad den and doesn't reply ever to anything, also Ace muse is taking a dive sorryyyy

Her brother admitted that they'd been apart for far too long, and she bobbed her head enthusiastically. His admittance that he'd been having a bit of a rough time prompted a small whine to escape her, brows rising with concern. "What happened?" She asked softly, butting her nose against his cheek in an attempt to comfort him. A small wag of her colourful banner would be a pitiful try at lightening the mood again. He continued on, regardless. He gave a brief history of the adventures he'd had since last they'd seen each other. He asked his own questions, and she snorted. Her grin was very broad, acidic gaze dropping to the ground at their feet for a moment. The sun beat down heavily upon her back, and she couldn't help but be amused. "If I did, I was probably too high to remember them." She replied with a giggle.

Haunches would drop to rest upon the warm stone, the coarse fur of her ruff shaken casually. She watched her brothers expression with a soft, sardonic smile. She wondered how he would feel knowing his big sister was the biggest drug addict there ever was. Come to think about it, she was beginning to find herself craving another high.




2 Years
03-26-2015, 07:05 PM

It was great to be in the company of family again, all that was missing were Astrid, Helena and their father. Aksel's thoughts drifted slowly to Dægmar. Once again he found himself worrying about the younger siblings he supposedly had but… well surely Dægmar wasn't as cruel to them as she'd been to him. He had to admit he felt some small admiration for the woman. The way she moved when she fought was incredible and reminded him of his own shortcomings, though he was far from a novice in battle.

Aksel laughed, ready to play off the question but slowly his expression sobered. "I ran into our mother… our birth mother. Apparently she's gone and gotten herself knocked up again. The kids are in a pack called Imperium…. " He'd leave out the part about their fight and her staining his body with fresh scars. That could be discussed another time. "I… I was thinking I'd go visit them actually. You want to come? I'd appreciate the company."

If I did, I was probably too high to remember them

Aksel stared at Acadia for a moment and frowned. "What happend to me? What happened to YOU? Did someone hurt you?" It must've been something awful if she felt the need to get high all the time. While no rule abider himself Aksel found the thought of his sister going around high all the time rather alarming. It'd be so easy for someone to take advantage of her when she would be unable to think and defend herself.




3 Years
03-28-2015, 06:50 PM

Her brother slowly relinquished knowledge of their birth mother, bringing forth memories of a woman who looked akin to a storm cloud. He continued to announce that she'd found herself with another litter on the way, and the patchwork girl frowned deeply. Was she going to abandon this lot too? Evidently not, if the little critters were in a pack, though he didn't explicitly say she was there too. A low huff of mild irritation left her, tail tip twitching. He asked if she'd like to join him in a visit to see their new siblings, and she grinned, perking up instantly. "Hell yeah!" She yipped, tail wagging a little. Meeting kids was always great, though she was a little worried about what might happen if they went right to the borders of a strange pack in search of children. That didn't sound like a good plan at all.

Aksel's reply to her offhanded comment was very nearly bordering on violent, and the lass jerked backwards a step or two. He demanded to know if she'd been hurt somehow, and she shook her head slowly. Mismatched audits would press close to her skull nervously. "Nothing happened Aksel, jeez." She muttered, cranium lowering between narrow shoulders. Expression would shift into one of mild incredulity, brows rising as she inspected his features. "I choose to do it, I like how it makes me feel." She informed him slowly, enunciating clearly so there would be no mistaking her statement to mean something else. "Why are you getting your nuts in a bunch?" She muttered, snorting lightly.
