
Family is not by blood but by those who cares 4 u


06-04-2013, 03:28 PM

Tikaani soon found herself at the Vahallen boarders. The scent struck her like a brick wall, and she knew that anyone near by could smell her Tortugan scent. Tikaani stood there on the other side of the boarder debating if she should cross over. She wanted to see Chrysanthe and tell her about how Nnitora accepted her offer for him to train her. Tikaani knew that Chrys would be thrilled to hear such a thing.

It was decided then, Tikaani stepped over the Boarders and walked a bit inward. Not so far that she would be invading, but no so close to the boarder so it looked like she was trying to hide. She looked around the land and smiled a bit, it was a nice change then seeing mountains all the time. She raised her maw to the air and called out Chrysanthe. Oh how excited Tikaani was to ell her sister the news.

Lowering her maw Tikaani took a seat upon her haunches and waited for the appearance of Chrys. Tikaani also wanted to tell Chrys that she was participation in a tournament, and hope to win enough battles to get a decent rank. The odds of that happening was low due to hoe young she was, and Tortuga was leaning towards the wise, strong, and well thinkers. That did not stop the hope that she will get a rank worth her skills.


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06-05-2013, 08:40 AM
Gaining her bearing, she was starting to mark this territory as her own. Collision hadn't been around to do so for a while, and she doubted that Cairo had in the brief time that he was alpha. That was how she had spent the morning, and now it was well into the day - she had checked the borders and deemed things acceptable. For now, she would rest. Resting had become difficult as of late, she was plagued with feeling like she had to be doing something. The last thing that she needed to do was get lazy with her status. Her ears twitched atop her head, and she stood from where she had taken a moment to sit down, a peculiar scent wafting past her nose. It was Tortugan, and female, but familiar to her - she would not burst onto the scene with any sort of anger, but approach with caution.

It was while she was approaching that she heard the female's call - and grinned. Her adopted sister - funny she should show up here. Demonio had made an appearance only a day or two earlier - this must mean that the treaty between Valhalla and Tortuga was doing quite well. That or the two of them trusted her to accept them peacefully more than they were worried that the rest of the pack would greet them with malice. Chrysanthe didn't have to return Tikaani's howl, because she was rather close to the brown pelted female.

She approached her from behind, her figure appearing suddenly from the trees that littered the area. "Tikaani! What brings you to Valhalla?" She had told her, promised her, that she was always welcome wherever she resided. They were family, and whether she was allied or enemies with Tortuga it didn't underline her relationship with her - end of story. Still though, what if someone else had found her? It could have threatened the fragile peace that the two packs had between each other. "It's always good to see you - but try to be careful, our packs would love an excuse to be enemies again." She motioned toward the borders behind her and then left it at that.

"Notice any changes?" She asked with a half grin spread over her lips. Maybe she would scent it, or see it in her somewhat older adopted sister - that she was an alpha now - that this pack was hers. She would be a liar to say that she wasn't proud.


06-05-2013, 02:02 PM

It wasn't long before Chrysanthe showed up, Her voice echoed through the dame's ears. Tikaani came to her paws, tail swaying with joy as she turned to look at her sister. A smile came upon her maw as she walked up to Chrysanthe and gave her a slight nuzzle. Pulling back she looked at her sister before speaking,"I came here to tell you some good news sister." She said still holding that smile upon her face.

Tikaani soon her her say that she should have been careful, due to the fact that the two packs would give anything to be enemies again. Tikaani's smile faded a bit, she knew how risky it was but she walked over the boarders due to the strong scent of her sister on the boarder. Tikaani did not respond to that statement beside a nod that followed a huh hu. Her tail swayed gently as she stood there looking at her sister.

Then she said it 'Notice any changes' Tikaani smiled once more. "Oh yes i did, your scent is at the boarder sister. And that means you became Alpha! Oh how delightful." She said as a sparkle of happiness was clearly there for her sister. Tikaani stood there and she needed to tell her sister what she needed to. "i came here to tell you that i asked Nnitora if i can be his apprentice and he accepted! Also there is a tournament for ranks going on soon and i am going to be doing my first spar, i am so excited." She spoke with a little yip in her voice.

Tikaani still had a bit of child still in her, and she did not mind it if she acted like that in front of Chrysanthe. She felt safe to let her guard down, and not many people gain her trust. So far the only ones were Chrysanthe, and Nnitora were the only ones who she trusted.


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06-06-2013, 04:01 AM
It felt good to have Tikaani call her sister. The girl had been so lonely before, but now there seemed to be a new air of life about her. She was no longer trapped in her own fear and despair, it seemed that for now, Terror had retreated into the back of her mind. Chrysanthe couldn't have been more proud of her for that - she could only imagine what she had gone through to get where she was now. The lupine's smile pulled a smile onto the alpha's face as well, and she laughed lightly at the enthusiasm in Tikaani's voice as she said that she had noticed a change. She had smelled the scent markers that Chrysanthe had put up, and the alpha was glad that she had - a first step, albeit a small one, in doing the job right. She was happy to see that the other female was happy for her despite any sort of details regarding the matter.

Now, as for why Tikaani was here - Chrysanthe was a bit surprised at her news. Nnoitra, the old man that had forfeited his challenge against her for Neo - he was going to teach her? Teach her what? How to laze about and sleep like a dying man? But she digressed, perhaps he had some wisdom that he could bestow upon Tikaani that Chrysanthe herself had not gained in experience just yet. In any case she was happy that her sister had found someone in Tortuga that was willing to look after her, even if it was only enough to see that she learned to fight and take care of herself. "Congratulations! He had better teach you well." A part of her had wanted to train Tikaani herself, but it seemed that her sister was making a life for herself in Tortuga. Independence, she imagined that felt good to the other female.

"Your first spar? Let me give you a couple of tips then." She grinned, hoping that it was alright if she offered a tiny bit of her own knowledge. "Protect your vitals - your throat, the sides of your neck, your eyes, and your stomach. Head low, shoulders rolled, eyes narrowed." She fell into the defensive position herself, before her tail began to wag and she stood back up and stretched. "I hope you get the rank you want Tikaani - you deserve it." She really, truly did - the girl had been through so much. Did she realize what she had managed to come out of on top? "I'll be rooting for you!"


06-10-2013, 11:21 AM

Tikaani looked at her sister and smiled, she was glad that Chrysanthe was happy for her. Frankly that is what family is for, to be glad for you on most anything that happens. She walked closer to Chrys and nuzzled her, she could see a bit of disappointment like she wanted to train her."Chrysanthe if you still want to train me a little bit i don't mind it." She spoke with a huge grin upon her face, she took a seat upon her haunches and smiled.

She listened as he sister gave her some advise on her first fight, Tikaani listened closely as she waited for her sister to finish talking before she spoke. Tikaani stood up and smiled some more then started to talk."Thank you i will defiantly use those tips in the fight, i hope i do a good job at this fight. I wanna win so badly" she said as she nearly leaped with joy.


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