
Make connections



10 Years
Athena I
02-15-2015, 07:02 PM

The pack members were few and far between these days. Besides her daughters and Helios who really had stuck around once they found out about Natalya's illness. She was beginning to wonder if there was even really enough of them around to constitute them being a pack... What if Pantheon just faded into nothing? She didn't want that to be her legacy. A life full of fuck ups only to end with being the cause of her family's kingdom dissolving into nothing. In her failing attempts to avoid this she was searching the pack lands for each and every member, wanting to speak with each of them personally. She realized she also did not know many of them really and if she did she really only knew their names and not much else... what kind of alpha was she? With a sigh she moved across the Strip, her silver gaze glancing from side to side, hoping that finding one of her pack mates would be easier than it seemed. While she walked she tried to make a mental list of all of those that had been at the meeting, like a mental check list of wolves for her to speak to.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-15-2015, 09:32 PM

Thanatos had yet to come to terms with it at all. It still bugged him, deep in his core, to know his mother was dying. Natalya and Helios had been there for him when his own mother could not, and was not. The boy would breathe in slowly, sitting alone outside of a den he chose for himself. Seeing her newest children, that the Olympian legacy would live on, should have brought some sort of relief. Yet it did not. Even one of the pups was solid black, just like Natalya. Would she be completely melanistic? Some part of him hoped that would not be the case. Thanatos would let out a soft sigh.

Were the gods angry with them? Had they done something wrong? Had Natalya done something wrong? Helios? Thanatos would quickly dismiss those thoughts. Of course not! Both had fought for their family, all they loved. The aided by the laws the gods set for them. The boy would shift, head turning up to the sky. So why then? Why the sickness? A test? A trial? The boy would furrow his brows some, flicking his tail slowly. "Not all... that is bad... is bad..." He would try to remind himself quietly. Just because Natalya was going to die didn't mean that it was necessarily as bad as all took it. Yes, it would hurt losing her, but when she went she would have no more pain. No more suffering as she went to the the underworld to walk along the paths lit with those special flowers in his dreams. The underworld flowers would shine a path of light for her to follow to where good souls rested and there she would wait for them all in turn.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono



10 Years
Athena I
02-15-2015, 10:50 PM

After a while of searching she finally spotted someone, a young brown-hued male with a pale face. She racked her brain for a moment as she moved toward him, finally remembering that he was one of Virgil's youngest. She realized that she had probably been fairly absent for most of his life so it was no wonder that she did not really know him at all. She padded toward him, seeing that he was obviously distressed by something and she was just close enough to hear his quiet words. "Not all... that is bad... is bad." It was an intresting thought, but she had no frame of refrence to know what it was that he was talking about.

She smiled slightly as she stopped in front of him. "Hello there... It's Thanatos, right? I don't think we've spoken before." She settled onto her haunches as she examined his expression. "Is something bothering you?" she asked. Even though she didn't know him too well, he was still family and he was a member of her pack so she was still concerned for him. Everyone, herself included, was taking Natalya's illness hard and she wondered just how much it was effecting the younger members of the pack.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-20-2015, 09:36 PM

A female would approach him, and Thanatos would lower his head to meet her gaze as she stopped before him. His mind searched for a name as she spoke, finding it with relative ease. Phoebe. She was the one who had taken up the throne in place of his mother and father, in place of Natalya and Helios. "Yes ma'am... that's right." They had not spoken directly before, though he remembered seeing her about when he was much younger, even if only vaguely.  She was an Olympus and that, to Thanatos, was a big deal. Family was precious, for you only really got one. The young man would give his aunt his full attention, frowning a bit as she asked him if something was bothering him.

Thanatos would not lie. "Yes..." The boy would utter quietly. "Dwelling on... mother's illness... about what... it really means."  The young man would  give a soft sigh. "Death is... what we... make it. I... I just... wonder what... she... makes death." His words might have been strange -- his fascination with death wasn't exactly something all that normal. Still, shifting your perceptive on certain things like that could make things easier to bear.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf



10 Years
Athena I
02-20-2015, 09:58 PM

He spoke of his mother's illness, reminding her that Natalya had adopted this boy as her own. The things he said were very deep for someone his age and it made her tip her head to the side thoughtfully. "Loosing her isn't going to be easy... on any of us," she commented gently, her silver gaze still thoughtful as she pondered what he said. "But Natalya has always been the best of us... She will have a place waiting for her with the gods, I know it." She wasn't so sure about herself, but she wouldn't bother the young man with that. That was only something that she would ponder late at night when she was laying awake.

"Try not to dwell on the fact that she is dying too much," she suggested, "Just... focus on that she'll be in a better place where she won't be sick any more. And that you'll be with her again one day." She smiled softly, not really knowing if her advice would give the boy any solace or not, but hoping that it would. She paused for a moment, letting that sink in, before she asked him a question, hoping to maybe steer their conversation in another direction. "What do you enjoy doing? Hunting? Fighting? Healing?"

"Talk" "You" Think


02-20-2015, 10:26 PM

It would seem that Phoebe didn't fully understand the meaning behind his words, though that was to be expected. He was a strange individual when it came to death, and he would give a small smile. "That is not... the part... I'm wondering... about." His smile seemed a bit knowing, almost as if he had some sort of expectation after death. Well, naturally he did. "The underworld... flowers... will guide her... to where... she'll await us." For now Thany would leave that subject alone and decided instead to focus on the other question Phoebe posed to him. A question about his future in Pantheon, and a question he had an answer to without hesitation.

"Fighting... is the art... I wish... to perfect." Thany would rumble on his slow speech. He knew that healing and hunting were both equally important to fighting as well in their own rights, but Thanatos knew where his heart lay -- on the field of battle. Dancing with death itself as he breathed in the scent of the crimson liquid. It was a strange thought perhaps, but welcome. "I want... to be able... to defend... Pantheon... from anyone." His eyes would shine with determination and light, his head being lifted a bit higher. "I want to... protect... everyone here."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono



10 Years
Athena I
02-21-2015, 07:41 PM

His response was quick and sure, no matter the slow canter of his speech. A fighter then, a warrior. She saw a new determination as he continued to speak, smiling at that light in his eyes when he spoke of defending Pantheon. "Then a warrior you shall be!" she determined with an approving smile. Her tail thumped lightly against the ground, happy to have moved away from the topic of death, even if ti was just for a moment. "I'll get a training session together soon and you can show me what you've got. I trained for many years to be a fighter before Natalya began training me to be the Delphi so I know a thing or two myself! Maybe we'll have to train together some time."

Part of her hoped she would be around to see this young man grow up and become the strong protector he wanted to be. It was ambition like this that made her happy that she took the position of Matriarch for her sister. If only the rest of the members of the pack were like this. She knew her girls were still a little too young to really know what they wanted to do so she didn't blame them, but she would love to see some more initiative from the other older members. Namely her husband... but she wouldn't go down that path. "Have you met my daughters? Hera and Desponia? I feel like they don't interact with their family enough, but I don't know how to get them out and about."

"Talk" "You" Think


02-28-2015, 01:18 AM

A warrior he would be, and his aunt approved whole heartedly. There would be a training session soon -- something Thanatos looked forward to. He would give a nod, a smile gracing his features. “I would... like that... very much.” The boy would say softly. The chance to truly test his mettle against a packmate would be far more beneficial than the training he had in Yfir. He would frown a little however when she mentioned her own daughters. He had not met them, however he had something to say on the matter.

“When I was... Little... I did not... Interact with... Others much.” The boy admitted. “It is... Better not to... Force it.” He would allow a small smile to come across his features once more though. “I have not... Met them... But... I would... Like to.” Perhaps they could learn a thing or two from him as well? That was a nice thought. To help someone overcome their own challenges was always a nice thought.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono



10 Years
Athena I
03-01-2015, 04:18 PM

Phoebe smiled and was pleased that he would like for her to hold a fight training. She knew it was going to be beneficial not only for him, but for the entire pack. They had been sitting idly by for too long. When he spoke again she would listen to his advice with interest and would nod in understanding. It was hard for her to accept at times that maybe her children weren't just like her. When she was young she sought out anyone and everyone to talk to or play with, but her daughters didn't seem as interested in that kind of thing as much.

She smiled and added, "I'm sure you'll see them at the training at least. It'll be good for them to meet their cousins I think." She rose to her paws after that, giving her coat a little shake to loosen up any dust stuck to it. "I've very much enjoyed talking to you, Thanatos, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again soon. Don't be a stranger, feel free to come talk whenever you like. But, for now, I better go do my patrol." With a small dip of her head she smiled and turned to walk toward the border to go do the patrol and renew the scent markers. She felt a little better about this pack now that she knew at least one of its members seemed to care. One was better than none.


"Talk" "You" Think