
Instant Karma



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2015, 08:53 AM

Mithras let out an overly exaggerated sigh. What the hell had just happened? Swimming off shore with Caia was supposed to have been simple, because everyone knew those islands were supposed to be just over the horizon. And they were both strong enough to get there but... Something had gone wrong. There had been a storm and... and then that clump of flotsam. He'd lost Caia, which caused him a distinct discomfort. God what if Mom found out, she'd kill him, and never mind that she'd already be killed. Just as any other young wolf, Mithras would never doubt her power of omnipotence. He tipped his head back and let out a loud, ringing howl for his sister. She couldn't be that far away, right?

If floating on open water for a few days hadn't been bad enough, he'd washed up in a barren wasteland, peppers with deserts and crags and blah, blah, blah. He let out another sigh, which tapered off into a mangled sort of growl (which sounded suspiciously like a temper tantrum.) He glared at the surface of the lake before him. It was summer and he'd just trekked through a bloody desert so he had been thrilled to find it... you know, for a while. He muttered under his breath, "Dobro sestra, Jas sum se napravi so ovaa igra. Kade po ǵavolite si ti?" His glare only intensified, and he sent a quick prayer to the gods he detested, hoping that they might for once protect himself and the only family he had left.

(Hover over pink text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-21-2015, 10:44 AM

Summer storms had electrified not only the air but Birna's restless nature. The heat did not set well with the arctic woman and the hot springs of Fiori would offer her no comfort. Not only that but the woman had been a wanderer so long that every so often she needed to take off and get the wanderlust out of her system. She was not keen to abandon her Queen.

Salvation touched the horizon in the form a sparkling lake and slowly Birna eased herself into the water, sighing contentedly as this respite from the heat. She hoped Bjorn would not be to cross with her for taking off.

A howl rang out across the lake, catching her attention. Birna listened for a moment before emerging from her swim and shaking out her coat. Taking a few moments to smooth out her fur and make herself at least somewhat presentable she gave in to her curiosity and journeyed along the lake edge to find the source of the call.

What she found was a very strange and yet beautiful man, brightly colored beyond reason as if he'd simply been plucked out of the evening sky. More so than his coat was his size. HE WAS BIGGER THAN SHE WAS! By a good three inches too. Never in the woman's history had she ever expected to see a wolf that topped her height. Now what manner of beast was this? She did not believe in gods really, perhaps this was some form of spirit?

"Are you a spirit? Did the heaven's cast you out that call so feverishly for company?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2015, 11:04 AM

His call did seem to have beckoned forth a woman, but it was not the one he'd been looking for. When he heard the sound of pawsteps he turned on his heels with a broad grin, only to deflate into a slumped posture when he noticed this dinky wolf certainly wasn't his sister. Okay well she wasn't as dinky compared to some others, but she was smaller than him and Caia which was basically the same thing! Then she started speaking in a language he'd only heard once or twice in his entire life, and only from the wandering nomadic packs that would sometimes visit his homeland. "Dali vi zboruvaat moJot Jazik? SvoJ nerafinirano Jazik boli moite uši." Okay so maybe it was rude, but his hopes had been so high that Caia was nearby and then instead he gets this Drab and dinky. Nothing like his own kin.

He could only pick out a word in three in the woman's short speech. "I am no heaven spirit. I search sister." Would that be enough? Had he said it right, pronounced it in a way she would understand? He swore at himself for not paying more attention to father's lessons, only they had been so boring! Oh well, live and learn...

(Hover over pink text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-27-2015, 08:52 PM

Intense blue gaze examined the male as she idly wondered if he was more than looks. Could the male fight? If so he'd be an excellent opponent. Birna had never once in her life fought a wolf larger than herself. She could not imagine what else he would be good for, hunting maybe? Many of their prey were colorblind so perhaps his obnoxious coat would still allow him some camouflage.

Brow furrowed as he began to speak gibberish. What sort of language was that? Well, it was obvious from his appearance he wasn't from around here so Birna supposed she should not have been surprised. He spoke again and to her surprise, in her own tonuge, though it was coarse and heavily accented.

Birna shook her head. "Sorry, I have not seen another like you." She assumed this sister of his would surly resemble him though if she were mistaken perhaps he'd offer her a description. The bear woman stood still and silent. "If you want, I can help you look. Where are you from anyway?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 262ny8g.png]