
After The Storm

Mercy I


5 Years

02-22-2015, 10:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2015, 03:37 PM by Evelyn.)

She marched away from the ebony man, grumbling as her arousal drained and the pain came to her full force. It wasn't as fun without the touching and the groaning, now it just hurt. Her neck was still bleeding slightly, but she looked way worse off than she actually was. Kyarst had seemed to have fun spreading her blood around her ivory coat -- or at least what used to be ivory. She huffed and sighed, making her way back to the den that she shared with Revenge. Her only real wounds were just two moderate bites, one around her neck and one on her left shoulder, maybe only about an inch or so from her neck. Her still drying blood lay all across her neck though, kind of making it look like she was bleeding out. Of course she had not seen it, so she just sat calmly down and waited for her brother to show up. There was still a taint of his blood around her muzzle, and she savored the taste of their blood muddled on her tongue. Damn him all to hell, she just wanted him to have mounted her right then and there. But noooo, he just had to wander off and leave her all hot and bothered. Well Mercy wasn't going to let him forget it, and she was going to fuck him one of these days...


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 11:51 PM
Another day where he had tried to seek out Soliloquy's pups, though he was fruitless this time he had a feeling they were with Cascade. He still wasn't completely sure how he felt about the woman, she'd been odd but a decent teacher. Surely she wouldn't harm a child. He'd shake his head of the thoughts as he loped along with little purpose now. That was until he'd caught scent of his sister's blood.

Fear raced over him as his heart rate increased, a droplet of crimson liquid stained the trail back to their den, and he couldn't have moved faster. After rushing back to the den he shared with his sister the scene that met him was gruesome. He'd seen better looking fresh dead rabbits and by the look of the placement of her wounds Mercy might be heading to a similar state. He wanted to panic and scream, but he'd been taught well. Mostly. "Holy Sh... Mercy!" He managed to stammer out as he curled by her side, his tongue on her wounds as he tried to see the severity beneath.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Mercy I


5 Years

02-23-2015, 12:03 AM

At last she heard the running of paws that signaled that her brother was finally returning to the den. For the love of all that was good that boy better hurry. They stung, and she was still so hot and bothered that her elongated tail thumped on the earth. She turned to watch him run at her, but she was confused by the look on panic on his face. What, was there a fire or something? She looked passed him to check to see if he was being chased, but nope, he was just running at her. Then he practically fell against her, licking at her wounds. Mercy found herself having to bite her teeth hard enough in her bottom lip to draw blood, the urge to moan from his soft touch had over come her. Damn that Kyarst, he was going to get it for that. She almost moaned at her brothers touch! Shit! And he almost swore too, which actually made her look down at him with her brow raised. "What? Its just a few bites," she said, not really able to look down at her own chest. Sure, he had bit down on her throat pretty hard, probably harder than she remembered, but it was nothing that serious. There were little smears of blood from what she saw, but she had no idea that her entire throat and most of her chest was drenched in her own blood. It was mostly all show, he had only bitten her twice. So what was all the fuss about? She was fine...


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 12:10 AM
If he'd paid more attention to her behavior and less to the blood smeared over her front he might have noticed she was quite aware. She hadn't even called for him, but it was possible that she hadn't because she couldn't, though that theory was proven wrong as soon as she spoke, dissipating the rest of his fright. As she shrugged the injury off he'd notice the scent that clung to her, not that he recognized it as anyone other than another male. Now he was a little confused, but figured she'd only gotten through with another spar. He couldn't guess the door his sister had just opened, nor his part in perpetuating it as he tried to clean her chest of the mess.

He'd sigh heavily as he pulled back to look at her for a moment, the worry evident as he caught more than just indifference in her eye. What had she been up to? "I should still clean them." He'd tell her as he leaned back towards her, intent on removing the dried blood from her fur as well as cleaning up the bite wounds.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Mercy I


5 Years

02-23-2015, 12:25 AM

She watched him as he looked up at her, it was plain to see that he knew she had been up to something. Her ears pulled back to lay flat against her head, gaze looking at anywhere else than at him. He said that he would need to clean the wounds, and she licked at her already bleeding lip. She couldn't have him lick her clean, not with her so hot and bothers still. "A-are you sure that we just can't go for a swim? It is rather hot out, it would be nice to cool down," To cool down in more than one way, that was for sure. A crisp, cool bath would be just the thing that she needed to get his touch off her skin, to wash away all the blood. Plus she was super scared that if he started to lick at her, that she would not be able to stop herself from moaning. She had to pretty much chomp into her bottom lip to stop her from doing it the first time, but... her chest was still tender, her throat screaming to be licked at in a sensual way. Nope, nope. Hell to the fucking no. Her lips pursed as she tried to stop herself from giggling, it looked like that one little swear she had said had opened that can of worms. It was so easy for her to think it now, but she wasn't to keen on swearing right in front of her brother. In the corner of her eye she caught him moving towards her, and she scrambled up on to shaky legs and took a step back. "Really, they are a bit tender... wouldn't it be faster just to wash them off in a stream? Or something?" Mercy knew that she wasn't really helping her case, but... Ears still flat, she knew that Revenge would get it out of her one way or another. He always did.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 07:25 AM
She was obviously bothered by something, but Revenge was too inexperienced to pick up on the exact mood that he'd found her in. He might have reacted differently if he had realized, and now as she looked at him and tried to convince him of a dip in the river he'd notice the break in the skin by her lips. What a mess she was, and she wouldn't even let him touch her! He'd sigh and shake his head, she was just being difficult. However when she rushed to move out of his reach he became a bit disgruntled. Gaze would narrow as he eyed her, she looked so guilty again trying to convince him of a trip to the water. "What has gotten into you?" He'd ask, but it was obviously mostly to himself. He didn't really expect a real answer but, "If you don't want me to touch you fine, just don't make up stupid excuses." His voice wasn't harsh or accusing, just matter of factly. He didn't even feel hurt by her refusal, he'd sigh again. "Come on, I'm at least going to make sure you get clean for real." He'd move to leave the den and go to the stream that ran through the knolls.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-23-2015, 12:14 PM

She felt really guilty for all of this. Not for doing it, but for keeping it from him. He could damn well tell to, his gaze was calculating as he eyed her. She told her brother everything, but she was hesitant about this. He asked what had gotten into her, and she just shrugged her shoulders. He didn't seem to be mad that she pulled away, although she could have guessed that he wanted to know just what she had gotten herself into. He was used to her coming to him with bites and scratches from fights, but her mood was so different. Never before had she denied his touch, this was the first. Revenge didn't really seem rattled, but then again he never really was. Even though his voice wasn't accusing, she was still stung by them. If she was in his place, she would have been pissed that he wasn't talking to her. But Revenge forever had a level head. As he stood to go to the stream, she slowly padded after him. For several moments she was silent, but at last she let out a sigh. "There was a guy... and we were having a little fun. I'm still ah... sensitive." Mercy said slowly. She left out his name on purpose, he didn't need to know that it was with the newest member of the pack. Her purple eyes watched him carefully, trying to catch his gaze. She hoped that he understood, she didn't really want to go into more detail. Plus, she was trying to cool down, the last thing she needed was to get all wound up again.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 12:52 PM
She remained silent, shrugging her shoulders at him as he asked what had gotten into her, obviously not going to receive any answers right now he'd retreat. He wasn't going to make her tell him, but he was disturbed that she wasn't eager to let him know what had happened. Usually she was eager to let him know what kind of fight she'd been through, but this. This was something much different. He would have known if she'd lost a fight, that was also easy to tell, but as he walked he wouldn't lose the feeling that she hadn't been fighting at all. There was something else going on in his sister's world that he would never be a part of. That's what hurt.

He almost didn't expect the words she offered after the sigh, a tiny minuscule look into what had happened. He was reminded of Esti, and their simple date. Though Mercy and her partner had gotten much father than Revenge would realize the boy would kind of get what was going on. Though he still struggled with shy she hadn't wished his touch, he just hadn't quite made it to the stage Mercy had. Eventually he'd understand, but for now he'd just be confused and a little hurt. She'd catch his gaze but he found he didn't have much to say, he'd accept her answer and hope that eventually he'd not be so in the dark.

Though his mind also jumped back to their last deep conversation, the questions she'd asked him and the emotion's she'd elicited. Though he'd only become more confused as they walked, and eventually hit the stream. The boy remained silent, not realizing how much more mature his sister was than him now.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-23-2015, 08:06 PM

Mercy was only met with silence, his gaze as unreadable as it usually was. Mercy's ears lay flat against her skull as she let out a small whine. The reached the stream and she paused, fully turning her body towards her brother. He was silent, not saying anything at all. Her gaze begged him to say something, anything. It was worse that he wasn't saying anything at all, and she could have sworn that she caught a small glance of hurt in his sunshiny eyes. Was it because of the conversation of love that they had had before? What her and Kyarst had, it wasn't love. It was all tension and passion, blood and lust. She didn't feel like she loved him, even though she wanted him, what he had to offer her. It was all so confusing, a swirling of emotions that she could hardly pinpoint herself. "Please say something Revenge, anything..." She said with a whisper, stepping forward and trying to nuzzle into his chest. Even if he was going to lash out at her she didn't care, it would be much better than nothing.

"We didn't uh... we didn't have sex Revenge. We were just fooling around in our own messed up kind of way. It was fun, and it felt really good. But he left before it went further, which is why I pulled away from your touch. It um..." Mercy couldn't even look at him, having to look away from him. His touch had turned him on. They were a year and a half now, pretty close to two years old. Next winter would be her first time in heat, and it was crazy how little Revenge knew. Well, she hadn't known that much either until it happened. But from there she mastered it just like she had fighting. It was easy, and fucking great.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 12:31 AM
She'd turn towards him but he'd keep quiet, not really having much to say. He didn't want to ask her to explain further and he wasn't sure he wanted to know anymore but really his mind needed to grasp what was going on. This wasn't going to be an easy transition, but it was happening. Mercy would beg to hear a word from him, anything really. Not that he had much to vocalize. Though he was thankful for her touch as she stepped forward, nuzzling into him now unabashedly. He couldn't help the small smile that snuck onto his lips and he couldn't help but nuzzle her back lovingly as she went on. Ready to admit her actions.

He wasn't really prepared for her words but he'd take them all the same. Listening as she confessed her encounter she made it sound so simple, yet she still trailed off at the very end. She'd lost his gaze, and he tried to connect the dots so she didn't have to say it out loud. He'd watch her curiously, calculating as he processed what she'd said. Had those same dirty feelings surrounded her even as he'd rushed to her side? Had he caused to her to feel those same feelings? He wasn't sure if he was more ready or less to say something now as she'd explained further. "I'm sorry," He'd say, quietly, obviously those feelings had not been desirable. Still caught up in their previous conversation he'd catch on a little more. He wasn't supposed to be with her like that. It was unacceptable no matter how hurt he felt for being left out, or how much he thought he wanted to be there for her in that way.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-28-2015, 12:34 PM

After all that, all she had said and tried to do to get him to talk to her, all he could say was that he was sorry. It stung way more than she thought it would, the force of it making her fall back to her rump with a thud. Eyes were cast away from him, lower lip quivering as she fought against her tears. But as she glanced back over at her brother she saw the set of his shoulders, the slight drooping of his ears. Was he... upset? Sniffling, she padded forward and tried to tug on one of his ears, pulling on the appendage slightly. "Please tell me what's going on in that head of yours," she whispered, purple depths misty with unshod tears. It was hard to read him, it always had been really difficult to understand that boy. While Mercy was good at trying to hide her emotions, often they were displayed much more clearly on her face. But his? It was so hard to read past that stony look. "Revenge please, you're all I have left in this world. Don't shut me out, whatever you do, please don't shut me out." There was panic in her voice, her breath hitching in her throat as she buried her nose into the side of his neck. Her eyes squeezed shut as the tears started to flow, sniffling as she pressed herself further into his coat. Her wounds were forgotten about, bloody chest pressing into her brothers soft fur. She tried to push herself as close to him as she could, her paws shoving against the earth. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." she cried, head shaking back and forth as she tried to press it even tighter against his neck.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
02-28-2015, 06:56 PM
He'd feel her at his side as he pieced together this puzzle that had been created in his mind. Growing up was difficult, and he wasn't sure he'd been prepared for the challenge of it. All the emotions that had been brought to the surface and the thoughts that went along with trying to decipher those feelings. He felt overwhelmed, he hadn't been ready to accept this challenge to get into adulthood he just wanted to go back to when they were kids, just brother and sister them against the world. Living here and getting older would never allow that though.

With his thoughts interrupted he'd smile as Mercy nibbled at his pale ear, her words worried and pleading as she whispered to him. He'd catch her foggy gaze, not missing the tears in her eyes. He hadn't realized his silence would cause such hurt within her. He'd lean into her form, letting her meld into his chest as he wrapped a foreleg around her shoulders and pulled her in close. She was worried he was shutting her out, but there was no way in hell he would ever wish to distance himself rom her side. No matter what happened. "Shh... shh.." He'd try to comfort her as he caught the panic in her voice, his muzzle offering little touches of comfort down her neck as he tried to reassure her.

She would push herself as close to him as he was trying to pull her, and even through her sad apology he could blame her for nothing. "Mercy you don't have any reason to be sorry. I love you, so much I can't even..." He couldn't even describe it properly as they'd discovered. "You are literally my whole world, and I don't know, I just don't want to lose you to anyone.. for any reason." He wondered if this was jealousy? Was that why it hurt so much to know that she has gone to another for those affections?

Mercy I


5 Years

03-02-2015, 04:02 AM

He tried to calm her, light touches and kisses being pushed down her neck and spine. She shivered at the touch, it gave her more pleasure that it should have. But this time she did not pull away or shy from them, she let the feeling of them run through her veins. She leaned into the touches, her breath growing quicker in her throat as she panted on his shoulder. He pulled her closer to him and she felt her heart race in her chest. She whimpered, jaws parting to tug at the fur on her shoulder, her nips growing more frantic the closer he pulled her. The mix of her past feelings of lust and her desperation, it was turning into a whole new beast. He spoke of loving her, of her being his whole world, and Mercy felt herself pushing against him even harder. Ears were still flat, and gods she knew that this was wrong but she wanted it so badly. Tipping her head upwards she gently tugged on his ear, placing a gentle kiss there afterwards. He promised not to leave her, to forever be at her side. An all consuming love filled her, doubling the desire deep within her belly. "You know I love you too," she whispered, a dangerous tone in her voice. The blood on her chest was long forgot, the sting of the wounds vanishing again as she felt herself getting lost in her brothers talk. But she didn't want any more of it, just kisses and touches. That's all she needed, even if she knew that it was wrong. How could it be though, if felt so damn right! A tiny moan left her black lips, and it wa her turn to trail nips along his jawline. Growing more and more needy, her paw raised up and tangled within the pale fur there, gripping onto him as she covered him in little bites. Her heart was hammering so hard that she felt like it was going to explode. Would he push her away? Would he even understand the difference in her caresses?


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
03-02-2015, 06:07 PM
Revenge knew his sister, probably a lot better than she knew him or even herself. He noticed every little change that came over her body as he touched her. He wouldn't miss the shiver that emitted from his caress or the quickness of her breath. Even as he pulled her closer the sound that fell from her lips would awaken similar feelings in himself. His heartbeat would quicken and his skin would turn to fire at her teeth. Was this what she'd been feeling as he barreled into the den, half delirious with worry over her? He'd speak the truth to her, admitting what she was to him. He was a wolf of few words, when he said something he meant it.

The feeling of her pushing against him was not new, but the needy way she nipped his ear and the passion that he felt behind her kiss would overwhelm his thoughts. How he'd even been able to complete his last sentence he still wasn't sure. Her voice would silence him, her tone made it obvious that this was no question, but a display of their unending devotion to the other. He felt intoxicated as she moaned, he'd never heard her or seen her anything like this but as she nipped at his jaws he felt like he wanted so much more. The potential that lay before him seemed limitless.

He hadn't expected the groan that built up in his throat, but as Mercy took hold of him and he felt her teeth against his flesh. Hotter still he'd feel himself get, he'd feel uncomfortable in his skin, his belly would fill with greed as she showed him where it was he had wished to go. As he recovered from the initial shock he'd find himself returning her touch, feeling like he could never be close enough to sedate this feelings. He'd run his tongue over her plush fur and couldn't help the plethora of kisses that he trained over her skin. Pressure built between his legs as he grabbed at his sister's coat, his kisses quickly turning to more desperate bites, not enough to break her skin but enough to satisfy his need. What were they doing?

Mercy I


5 Years

03-13-2015, 11:43 AM

She was met with an unexpected thing, his touch covering her form as well. He matched her vigor, the difference in his caress was evident. She knew within her heart that this was wrong, one little voice screaming at her to stop, to back away and run from this. But no. She couldn't. Her arousal was too great, too strong. She wanted her brother, even though he held the title of her litter mate. It didn't matter in this moment, in the heat of their mixing passion. His groan filled her ears, causing a shock to run down the length of her spine. His bites soon covered where his sweet kisses at been, her eyes nearly rolling back into her head as he bit down on her skin. Another moan left her as her head arches upwards, giving him a freer range of her blood soaked neck. A pressure built within her, greater than it had been before. Her body was screaming for a release, something to take this horrible feeling away. She needed his, craved this. Purple eyes looked at her brother, her breaths leaving her maw in pants. Her toes curled as her claws dug into the earth, cutting though the substrate as the need within her grew stronger yet. But still there was a slight hesitation as she lapped at his ear, nibbling more on the appendage. "Is this wrong?" she would whisper, slowly grinding her chest across his. That little voice was getting annoying now, and she needed something to quell its endless droning. Revenge was meeting her touch with nearly as much passion as her own had been in, no hesitation in him at all. And damn did she want this, so badly. Her elongated tail had grown ridged, and slowly it curled over her back to expose herself. She hoped and prayed that he said no, that he didn't stop touching her in the way that he was. But what if she was forcing this on him? That was hardly fair. And yet... her teeth were still pulling softly at the skin down his neck, her movements thoughtful and slow. Could she even stop now if he said so? The need was too great to just ignore now, it was impossible to push away. Her lust was all consuming, and she demanded her need to be met.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
03-14-2015, 03:37 PM
In all honesty he hadn't expected any of the events that followed their earlier words, he'd never anticipated his own or Mercy's reaction. At first he had no idea what he was doing, but he'd learned enough in his healing lessons to have a really good guess. His body was on fire, and everywhere Mercy touched he felt another wave renew the passionate feelings. His breathing was becoming heavy, his heart raced in his chest as she pushed against him. He'd cause her lips to utter a needy moan as she offered up her neck to him. His tongue would rasp over her previous injury before he'd find himself gripping her with his own teeth. The need to draw her blood was real, but even as the pressure built up behind his bite he couldn't bring himself to harm her.

He catch her bright purple stare before she brought her muzzle to caress his ear. She'd cause a deep shiver to run down the length of his body as she uttered those three words. His brain tried to wrap itself around the question even as he pushed closer to her elegant form. She would barely hesitate as she continued down his neck. He didn't know how to answer. He didn't know if it was wrong, it certainly did not feel wrong. His body was eager, and very much ready to continue, but her words would slow him. Was this wrong? "It doesn't feel like it." He'd whisper back to her as he trailed his kisses further up her neck and to her ears, not missing the way her tail curled over her back. He silently thanked Ellis for the lessons she'd offered him. He knew in theory what he was supposed to do next, but the execution was a different story. Did Mercy even want him to follow through? Judging from the way she nipped down his neck she was as ready as he found himself. Holding back was getting difficult.

He'd find himself again trailing kisses and nibbles all down her neck, though he couldn't stop as he reached her shoulders. The boy continued down her spine, his movements soft, slow, and tender. Revenge wanted her, and as he grew more near her hips the pressure exerted by his teeth would increase until he thought he tasted blood on her rump. His side was pressed against her own as his features became obscured by the bright white fluff of her tail. He didn't stop his eager grooming as he ventured past her tail, salmon tongue would lavish her most sensitive piece with affections. Though even as he tasted her he knew he wanted more, "Should I stop?" He'd whisper as he looked back over the gentle slope of her back, he didn't want to ever stop. But all she needed to do was tell him to and he would desist.

Mercy I


5 Years

03-14-2015, 08:57 PM

Her whole body was alight with flames, every tiny touch was stoking the heat within her. She could hardly handle this anymore, and if she didn't find some sort release soon she was surly going to explode. He gripped at her throat and her eyes flew wide, glancing down at her brother. Would he dare to draw her blood, to awaken the beast that came with that? Her breath hissed between her teeth, her hair raising along her spine. But his bite was weak, and she pushed her chest closer into his jaws, longing for the bite to break through her skin again. She felt him shiver beneath him and it made her heart beat faster, the want for him was too much to handle. Mercy saw as his body hesitated, those words that she had dared to utter had drawn him back slightly. But she didn't let that stop them, instead trailed more kisses down his back. He said that it didn't feel wrong for him, and it didn't for her either. He didn't seem to stop him either, his bites and kisses trailing down her shoulders. Tenderly he avoided her injured area's, but she wanted to feel his jaws in her, his teeth bringing forth her blood. Her own jaws sought to bite down just behind his shoulders, her lips curling back as she tried to draw his own life blood. Mercy wanted him to feel like she did, to understand just why she had come so close to doing what she did with Kyarst, what they were even closer to doing.

Revenge's bite made their way down her spine, but they were too soft. Not that she didn't like the tender touches, but she wanted him to bite her, to tease her with a harsh contrast. She was a rough girl, and she wanted that now. Craved it. He moved along her side and suddenly his teeth chomped on her rump. A loud moan pushed out of her lips, neck tossing upwards as pleasure shot through her body. She didn't think it could get any better, until he tasted her. Mercy's entire body stuttered as her mouth opened into a silent scream, her hind legs quivering. She doubted that they would be able to hold her up any longer while he was doing that, licking at her most sensitive area. He asked if she should stop and her head lowered, looking over her shoulder to meet his blazing solar eyes. Slowly her head shook back and forth, she didn't want this to end. She wanted all of him, every little piece of him. The pressure was getting too much, to the point that it was almost painful. "Don't stop, please. Please take me." she whined, her rump pushing closer to him. Mercy let out a begging whine, a plead for him to take her to this place, to ease this built up tension within her. Fuck it being wrong, they didn't know her, didn't know him. This felt too right to ever be wrong.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
03-16-2015, 11:26 AM

.ooc. warning: all the raunchy
He'd consciously try and avoid the more famaging bites that Mercy asked for, he felt uncomfortable breaking her skin. He was supposed to fix her, not make her bleed. He couldn't deny the feeling that erupted from her own jaws though as she grabbed tightly to the skin at the base of his shoulders. He'd cry out as he felt her break the skin, Waves of pleasure would radiate from the wound as he bit down along her back. He was still hesitant to bite to hard but the taste of the crimson liquid only drew him further, the reaction he received fueled him further as his ears flicked at her needy moan. His own shiver would race down his back as he practically purred at the accomplishment. He'd savor the taste before moving further. He didn't miss how he made her legs weak as he adorned her with those most intimate of kisses, her body responded perfectly. He couldn't keep going with out permission though, and even with her body pointing him in all the right directions he asked her.

The needy look in her eye and the pleading she'd offer him were more than enough to quell his hesitation. She really was all his, he'd feel her press up against him as she moaned again. There was little that could stop him now with tha same painful pressure built within his own body. Revenge would leave her side, though he wasn't able to completely lose contact with her as he pressed his chest to her offered hips. Before he mounted her his jaws would offer a few more less than gentle nips to the flesh on her lower back. He couldn't hold himself back any longer though, and with all the inexperience he would make his way above her.

His long pale limbs would slide down her hips to grab at her thighs and pull her back to himself. He'd groan again at the contact as he grasped her scruff rather violently. He'd feel her blood pour from the puncture wounds and without even thinking he'd shove himself inside of her, completing the sin they so desperately craved.  Revenge would lose himself within her as he smeared her blood on his face and pleasured the both of them.


Mercy I


5 Years

03-16-2015, 02:08 PM

His touches grew deeper and far more intimate than she had expected, his harsh bites pinching her skin and daring to draw blood. She wanted everything, for all of her to be together with every part of him. She wanted to become fully his, in every way possible. There were no more thoughts of it being wrong, just the utter need to be pleased, to finally be brought over the edge. All her systems screamed at her, begging and pleading as their encounter kept dragging on. Revenge was still hesitating with her, which made her let out a growl. He was driving her mental, making her wait like this. But then finally, at last, with those words out of her maw he moved on. Brushing past her flank he came up behind her, his legs pulling at her hips so that he was pressed against her. Her eyes roamed up into her skull at the feeling of him teasing her most intimate area, her rump wiggling against him member. Mercy needed this, needed him. The harsh nips that he left on her rump were still on fire, but all of that was forgotten when his teeth locked into her scruff. His name was screamed from her lips, head thrusting upwards as her bodice quivered. And then, it happened. Revenge thrust himself inside her, shattering the very last part of her innocent childhood.

-fade to black-

Mercy's legs quivered beneath her as she nearly collapsed to earth. Her breath left her in quick gasps, the almost painful pressure was finally quelled. And from her brother, no less. Head turned to look over her shoulder, elongated tail lifting to swat at his features. A loving smirk was on her maw, and she found that she still wanted more. Her scruff still bleeding, and as the pleasure wore off the pain sunk in. The girl felt quite sore between her hind legs, but she licked at her lips as she turned around. Revenge's face was coated in her own blood, giving him a macabre mask. Chuckling softly, she reached forward and tenderly lapped at the crimson liquid. "It's a good look for you," she whispered, nuzzling against his cheek once he was all clean.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
03-16-2015, 02:51 PM

She was quivering as he left her, then the worry that he might have hurt her would take over his mind. The experience had been like nothing he'd ever experienced and he found controlling himself had been more than difficult. Blood covered the both of them, and the healer part of him cringed at what he'd done. Though he'd never be able to deny how good it had felt to be with Mercy like that. He'd find himself smiling like mad as she flicked her alabaster tail into his face. He'd watch as she turned around, the smile on her features making his heart flutter. His breath was just as uneven as hers as he tried to recover from the exertion, not that he ever would be exactly who he'd been before they'd fallen for the temptation. He'd feel his skin grow warm as she chuckled and moved forward to lap at his blood stained fur. He must have looked a mess.

She'd whisper to him teasingly as she finished cleaning the fur, "I didn't really butcher you did I?" He'd ask back in a soft tone, sure now that he hadn't caused any lasting effects. He'd still need to clean her up. He didn't want to think what his back looked like. He'd lean into her affectionate touch as kiss the fur closer to his maw. "Now I really have to patch you up." he'd chuckle softly as he pulled her closer once again, enjoying this new closeness they'd created.