
It's Britney, Bitch [SIEGE]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-22-2015, 11:04 PM

Without hesitation, Imperium's King sauntered across Lydovne's border, the translation from sunlight to shadows happening in the blink of an eye. He breathed in the pack's scent as it swept over him. The scent-markers of a pack told everything one needed to know. Much could be gathered from this simple defense; numbers, habits and the like. One thing stood out to him: this was not a pack that craved unity. No, it was made of far inferior things, just as he'd expected. She'd been a lousy member, shunning unity and harboring secrets, and it was clear that she was piss poor leader to boot.

Low and strong, his voice cut through the murky forest like a blade as Valentine attempted to coax the little gremlin and her lackeys forward. His challenge was crystal clear. It was time to pay for her sins. Would she stand or would she flee? Oh, how he hoped for the former. The brute would take great pleasure in dragging her by a horn to Arcanum. If destroying his slanderer's pack wasn't proof enough of his capabilities, he had no problem with carving her up before the Queen.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-22-2015, 11:13 PM

Mercy walked at Valentine's side, although her head was at his midsection. She was not his equal, and would not match pace with him. When he stopped, she paused as well, eyes scanning the forest of mist. Her heart felt heavy as Valentine howled, tempted to add her song to it as well. But she hesitated, not sure if she was even allowed to. But she stood tall and proud at her alpha's side, ready to fight her first battle with him at her side. All of her training had been for this, all her hard work had been so that she could be at his side when battle was called. Sucking in a deep breath she pushed away her sadness for Dione, her hurt and rejection she had felt for this woman. None of that mattered, and she could not let it hesitate her movements. Instead she found her anger, her hate, ever present and lingering on the surface. Looking to Valentine with respect as well as her burning passion for fighting, she offered him a small smile. She was not going to back down, or give up. If she died here today, so be it. She was doing this for her pack, for him. Never before had Mercy felt such power in her bones, her soul crying out for blood shed. She had not always been to eager to spill blood, but time changed all things. She would win this for Imperium, even if she had considered its green alpha her mother at one point. But no longer.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-22-2015, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2015, 11:32 PM by Evelyn.)

Stalking on the heels of the young alpha, Hati presented a visage that was disconcerting and horrifyingly pleasant. His skull mask had been left in Imp as he did not wish it to be lost somewhere he had no intention of returning to, and a toothy smile split his muzzle. He looked... happy, and that was unusual enough to be awful. He didnt even spare a scowl for the brat who marched along at the alpha's side as though she somehow belonged there despite it being a bit over her pay scale. Any other time he would have at least glared grumpy... now he merely ignored her to lean eagerly toward the border of a territory that had once housed him, but held no sentimentality for him. The alpha let loose a howl to taunt the enemy pack into defending themselves, and the Praetor ran his tongue over his teeth with anticipation. come out and play.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
02-23-2015, 07:21 PM
Bouncing up from her wide arc around the group to scout, Cas pulled close to Valen to report in. "It's pretty quiet out there," she told him cheerfully. "Gloomiest, most depressing place I've ever been in too but not well marked. Can't have more than a handful of wolves and I didn't see a single one. Not even the bitch who used to live here before Dione took the place over." Her tongue lolled as she panted lightly, ears perked forward and alert. Nothing. "Maybe they're hiding? They have another land, I could scent it from where I was but I came to see if you had orders for me." A strange mix of soldier and child in her voice and actions she was alert and on edge, leaning forward toward the center of the territory yearningly. Oh the things she would see today, the blood that would drip from Valen's fangs. Her breath caught to think of it and saliva ran thick in her mouth. Energy crackled through her... She couldn't hold still, but danced around him excitedly.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
03-01-2015, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 11:36 AM by Dægmar.)

Dægmar trotted along after their leader with a spring in her step.  She was on a cloud!  War, war, war, they were off to war!  Finally, some dam excitement.  Best of all she was kid free and maybe, just maybe she could bring back a piece or two of her opponents for the kids to play with.  A game of tug o' tail maybe?  Kick the eye around?  Or a lucky wolf's paw!  Well… more like unlucky.  Either way Dægmar couldn't wait to cut lose into chaotic mayhem.  

Coming to a stop next to Hati she sniffed…. hmmm…  where were they?  Playing hide and seek?  "Ohhhhhh Diiiiionneeee….. come out, come out wherever you are!  We're here to plaaayyyy." Her sing-song cry echoed eerily through the forest.  Ick, what a depressing atmosphere. She couldn't believe anyone actually wanted to live here.


03-01-2015, 11:31 AM

(OOC: SO i didn't know what was happening with the died kids so you guys can ignore if you want or whatever or a staff can delete this or however Dee wants to react to this #awks)

The boy hadn't wandered too far from the den, he had made just outside the soulless forest when he noticed the scent of someone familiar. Being scared of the forest, he wouldn't go too far inside there either. He was curious of the scents that he seemed to know but wasn't sure if it were only the monsters trying to trick him. But his sights wouldn't be of much fear as he peeked from behind the tree at his old pack mates; or whatever those creatures were to him.

Slowly he would come out and walk closer to the group; "Va-Valentine?" He would whisper through a choking voice. He had a hard time actually remembering the man's name, but seeing as he met his son not too long ago they were pron to more than one meeting.

Was his mother holding a festival? Were they here to have a big party or something? If Dione wasn't aware that they were here intruding, her son definitely would have drawn her out. Necro had a curiosity towards a lot of things; little did he know that this was a danger.

Walk "Talk" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

03-01-2015, 01:45 PM

It was way to damn quiet, no one had even bothered to show their faces yet. Letting out a huff she looked up at Valentine as Cascade said that there was no one here. If Imperium had someone just walk across their border, there would be a swarm of wolves on them in a matter of moments. But here... She knew that Dione was no fighter, but she thought the woman to have a little more courage to at least run. No matter how much it hurt for her to say it. But their Alpha had said that she had slandered not only himself, but their whole pack. Sighing softly, she took a few steps away to do some sniffing herself when Nercrosis showed up. Her heart twisted in her chest as she went over to him, lowering herself on to the earth. This may be war, but she would not harm an innocent pup. Mercy nuzzled his cheek softly, trying to draw his attention to her. "Hey buddy. This is kinda a thing for grown ups only, and we're looking for your momma. But you should go off and stick with your siblings, okay?" Mmm, perhaps Mercy did have a bit of mercy in her. But this was only a child, who should not be harmed because of the action of his parents. She looked over her shoulder to Valentine, not sure what to do. He wouldn't want to hurt these guys, right? Looking back at the harness marked pup, she gave him a soft nudge. "Now run off, okay?"

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



03-01-2015, 02:56 PM

This was stupid. Mother said that Valentine was there to hurt them, but Toxin didn't think he'd really do that. He still remember how the big alpha would talk to him, how he'd promise that Toxin would grow up to be big and strong. Well, Toxin was almost full grown now and he still pined for strength, even if he was beginning to understand that he'd never achieve Valentine's immense stature. Rainbow had been told to lead them away and even if Tox had fought it, he'd gone... Until Necro slipped off. It looked to him like he might have gotten confused, or maybe that was just his resting face, but either way the blue boy wasn't going to let him fight alone. He was the big brother, right? And anyways, he wanted to see this for himself.

What he found was scary. There were a lot of grown ups there and they all looked mean and scary. A lot of them were glowering about, calling out for his mother, who didn't seemed to be around. Toxin dashed forwards and slid to a stop at Necro's side, hackles up and eyes wide. "What are you doing?" he whispered to Necrosis under his breath, harsh and worried. They were gonna die there! Toxin was beginnging to understand that this had been a stupid idea, and maybe his old pack wasn't as friendly as it had seemed. Something inside him crumbled and tarnished, and his wild gaze turned to Valentine, boring holes into his slate coat. He'd lied. Toxin wasn't going to grow big and strong. At Valentine's maw, he might not grow up at all...

"Talk" "You" Think



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-03-2015, 10:06 PM

Silent reined in the forest. Such a cowardly, fitting way for the gremlin's fledgling legacy to end, no? Not a single adult member showed. It seemed that once their rock was flipped they'd fled like the roaches they were. Turning to Cascade, the King said, "Search the forest again." If there were children still here they couldn't have gone far. Unless, of course, the boys had been deliberately left behind.

Approaching the boys, Valentine nudged Mercy's hip in the hopes that his presence was enough to gain control of the situation. Somberly, he said to the children, "It seems your parents have run away, leaving you behind. I guess," he sighed, "You're like me; I wasn't good enough for my dad either. He had his favorites and when he didn't want me anymore, he just left. Didn't even say good-bye." Valentine may not have been able to get a fight out of the gremlin, but how sweet a victory would it be to turn her children against her?

Briefly looking over his shoulder, he glanced at each of his packmates in turn in the hopes that's they'd catch onto what he was doing and either help or stay silent. Valentine then turned back to the boys. Fixing them with a sympathetic expression, he said, "I'm sorry, but I don't think they care about you. I think they left you here because you weren't good enough, like I wasn't good enough for my dad. Where's your sister? I see she isn't here." What was her name? The little green one? Gangrene? Gonorrhea? Something with a 'G'. Turning to Daegmar, he said for the boys' benefit, "I bet she was their favorite."

Really laying it on thick, the brute, with pity shining in his eyes, regarded the boys once more. "I think what they did to you was very rotten. I also think they were wrong." He paused to let that sink in, then, "How do you feel about proving them wrong?"

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-03-2015, 11:03 PM
Hati hadn't lost hope for a war, though his mood was darkening and his paws twitched restlessly upon the earth as the wait continued to draw on and on. And then a figure appeared, and Hati perked up. Saliva pooled on his tongue but eagerness turned quickly to outrage when the figure resolved into that of a child. We come ON. A second child quickly join the first. What was this shit? "Are they sending their children out to face us because they are too frightened?" He rumbled to daegmar. Valentine stepped forward to speak with the brats. At first Hati just flowered silently into the trees but he wasn't a complete idiot. The glance valentine had thrown him made it clear what the young alpha was doing. Yeah he could play along. Kids probably wouldnt even recognise him without his cool mask on. Maybe it would draw out mummy and dada. Placing a paw against his shaggy chest the scarred male solemnly intoned "If my Mama had abandoned me because she didnt want to fight to protect me," which she had actually, more than once... the bitch.... "my feelings would be hurt. Its just not fair is it?"
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Marina I


7 Years
03-03-2015, 11:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2015, 11:04 PM by Marina I.)

Where had they gone? The boys, in a sense they were her nephews. Dione had trusted her to protect them and yet here she was, letting them walk right into danger. The call of war lingered in her ears, and the fur along her spine bristled in agitation. Rainbow would move like a wraith through the forest, coming closer to the intruders who lurked within their territory. No, within the old Lydovne territory. She didn't know where Dione and Novaro were but she knew where her duty lay. She had to protect those children from these demons...

She would arrive on seen, sliding out from the bushes like a rainbow snake from hell. She heard the blue man's words and she would look at him with her bright eyes, narrowing them sharply. "Necro, Toxin. Come. You're coming away with auntie Rainbow and leaving this place." Her words were a low growl of warning, urging the children away. They didn't know her too well, though Dione and Nova trusted her with them. That was enough for her, and her love of precious babus would not allow her to leave without them. "We have no business with them." She would add, refusing to acknowledge bit of their enemy that was gathered before them. Her goal was not a fight, though her crawling skin seemed to beg her to attack the blue man for his words. Or the large black male for his. Now... now was not the time for such things.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

The Judge


03-04-2015, 01:16 PM
Default to Imperium

Because Lydovne has disband, the winner of the siege is Imperium.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-04-2015, 01:36 PM
Valen asked her to scout the forest again, and with a jaunty salute with her tail she bounded off again into the murky depths of the forest, though she sent him a curious look as she did. What was he going to do with Dione's wayward boys? She was most curious to listen in while he spoke but instead she did as he'd asked and raced silently through the trees, first arcing out around the pack and then zig zagging her way across the territory, head up so she could both scent and watch for signs of the other pack. Nothing. Really? Completing her loop she returned to find a... rather unusual female hovering over the two pups, though really was it surprising that Dione and Novaro had attracted another unusually colored wolf to their pack? Coming alongside Valentine in both a show of solidarity and support, and so all interested parties could hear her she spoke. "They're long gone, Valen. Dione and Novaro's scents are cold all over the territory. They had to have left as soon as they heard us call. A pity - must be why they left the kids with a babysitter, probably figured the little tykes would slow 'em down when they took off."
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



03-06-2015, 07:51 AM

The air gushed from Toxin's lungs as if Valentine had kicked him in the ribs. He thought the manwas lying until the dark furred woman returned, proclaiming their homeland empty. He thought she was only lying again, but if Mother or Father had found her they wouldn't have just let her roam through, right? Mother was supposed to be the most powerful... right? He took a worried half step backwards, the fact that they were all alone with these big angry wolves hitting him all at once. He was scared, terrified, and Dione and Novaro had left them behind.

Anger bubbled and roiled in his stomach, bile like sickness threatening to overwhelm his senses. The blood roared in his ears, nearly deafening him to the point that he could not hear Rainbow's arrival, barely heard himself snarl out, "What do you mean they left?" No, they wouldn't do that. Except... Dione had only ever cared about getting what she wanted, what she thought she deserved. She hadn't ever bothered with the kids except when she wanted to mold them, and once she got bored of that... Where was Dione when Toxin had needed her? Where was she, other than terse remarks and demands on his time. He was old enough to begin seeing under her sickeningly sweet guise, to catch glimpses of the monster that larked lurked there. Monster hunting had been his favorite pastime once... "I accept," he hissed.

With rage burning in his purple eyes, he strode over the border, towards the wolves who had come there to kill him. With a flourish he swept his tail out and around, resting it at last atop his paws, sitting at Valentine's side.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-06-2015, 10:58 AM

The green and blue boy would turn an emotionless gaze to his "big brother" but also with a sense that he was confused. He didn't understand these wolves were here to fight, to kill his mother. He saw them as good just as his mother had at one point. "I-" He turned back toward Valentine as he started to speak. Something about abandonment and how his father didn't love him, all of which Necro didn't care or had no relation to look at. Dione didn't leave him and Toxin behind... he came into the forest his self...

But the colored woman named Rainbow would come to the children not long after and demand almost sweetly to them that they had to go. Though she growled with a hidden evil thought on the wolves here, Necro still didn't see that they were bad, but he would obey anyway. Though his thoughts were interrupted by his blue brother moving towards Valentine and the rest of Imperium he would only follow with his eyes for a second. He never showed much care for his other siblings, it wasn't because he didn't love them or whatever it was just that he "loved" mother more.

He turned his gaze back to the woman, Rainbow, and then started his way away from the wolves. Whatever Dione wanted was what he desired. Little did he know that she truly was leaving them, but not abandoning them because she didn't love her children just as Valentine suggested.

Walk "Talk" Think


03-06-2015, 01:49 PM
Toxin and Necro had already disappeared, they had not come to Dione's call when she had attempt to send her children off with Rainbow. She was trembling, running. Nova had already disappeared hopefully to see if he could hold off the siege for as long as possible while Dione ran around frantically. She had hoped that they had fled when they had heard the howl but no... She would catch Toxin's scent and her heart would plummet in her chest as she followed it further into the forest. She had always told them not to venture into this forest... She would dart frantically forward before taking a sharp right and almost tumbling into Novaro in her panicked state. Wild eyes would turn to him before her lips would soften into a smile. "No matter what... Get the boys out..." She would say, her words hushed before she would stretch her neck out and touch her nose to his cheek. This might be the last time they saw each other. "I love you..." She would murmur before ducking forward and stepping in. A frown would knit her brows as she stepped forward, immediately moving between her son's and... Rainbow? What was she doing here? Precious dear, she had come to collect Dione's children. Dione would nod to her, giving her thanks before turning to Valentine. "I would ask you not to speak your lies to my children. What brings the good king here?" She would ask. She knew he was here to fight, she wasn't an idiot but his reasoning was beyond her. She would keep herself distanced, keeping a solid ten feet between herself and and the pack of wolves having gathered before her to ruin her home. She would stand easily though her defences were set. Head lowered, chin tipped down and ears pinned to skull, she would fight if need be but obviously this was a personal vendetta. One of them had an issue with her and she wanted to figure out who...



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-06-2015, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2015, 05:41 PM by Hati.)

The way the boy stood as the realization hit him, the rage that burned in those too-old eyes, jerked memories into the forefront of Hati's mind with all the force and inevitability of a rockslide. How old had he been when he'd made the same discoveries about his parents? Younger? Older? Probably a little older, really - he'd been the favored child and that had blinded him to his parents' faults for far longer. Maybe it was when he'd been forced to break Thor's leg, and had felt horror at the feeling of bone snapping when before he'd only relished the rage and the fight. When he'd realized that their mother not only didn't care but approved of Hroovitnir's treatment of them. When he'd realized she wouldn't step in and save them if he went to far.

At least he could keep this weird-looking child safe from the fate that had eventually befallen him - when he'd finally been driven to snap completely and had torn his father's throat out. He could see that same rage simmering within the boy that seared him constantly. The rage that was both comfort and damnation.

The long-looked for but... rather late voice of the little green she-devil broke into his little trip down memory lane and Hati jerked his head up to stare her way. Saliva coated his fangs as he bared them at the fungal creature, and he stepped protectively over the blue-coated child. "Coward," he rumbled, his hackles rising along his back in aggression. "We didn't lie. You rabbited soon as you heard us. Why'd you come back? Don't like someone else taking your toys after you left them behind? Don't like 'em having minds of their own?" He gave a hoarse, barking laugh - a sound he rarely, so very rarely made but there was no humor in it. "Boy made his choice like an adult and you ain't got a thing to do with him now. You want to force him to go with you, bitch, it'll be over my cold rottin' corpse." An ecstatic tingle trickled down his spine, gold eyes afire at the prospect of her actually trying. He'd save the blue boy the trouble of doing it later in life and just rip her throat out of her miserable body here and now.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-06-2015, 06:04 PM

Finally, finally one of Dione's lackeys slithered forward. Like its master, the creature was splashed with a ridiculous assortment of colors. It tried to persuade the children to come with it and was moderately successful. Toxin, the boy who wished to be big and strong, quickly left his brother's side to take a seat beside the King. Good. "Welcome to Imperium, Toxin." His interactions with the children had been brief, but he was certain that out of the three, he was walking away with the best and brightest of them. The other boy made it clear he was going with the lackey and Valentine was debating whether or not he wished to pursue possessing both lackey and pup when the gremlin herself made an appearance.

It seemed he would get what he wanted after all. "'Lies'," he laughed humorlessly. "Don't play stupid. It's you who has lied, Dione. And those lies are why I'm here. The entire time you were in Imperium you bitched and sulked about. You even flounced out of a meeting for god knows what reason and yet when you decided to leave the pack I let you go in peace. I even offered you sanctuary should you need it and how did you repay me?" He paused for a tick as if thinking. "Oh, that's right. You went to my mother and told her me and mine were weak." What could she possibly have hoped to gain from it? Did she think that his mommy would turn him over her knee for not being a good enough bad guy? Would seeing him get spanked make her feel better?

"And you know what," Valentine said matter-of-factly, "I would have been content with a call to the battlefield to settle things between us, but then you had the nerve to move in right next door." He tsked and shook his head at her. Stupidity was costly. Now he wanted everything.

Hati was suddenly beside him and looming protectively over the boy. What was this? Mr. Perpetually Grumpy had a soft spot for kids? Who knew? He spit hostile, challenging words at the gremlin and Valentine's browspots rose. His Praetor had a point. They had fled and because of that, their pack was gone not with a bang, but a whimper. The boys had to be the reason for her return although Valen suspected that Hati was right and the motive wasn't of love, but of the desire to possess. If Hati wanted to protect the boy with his life, so be it.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



5 Years
03-06-2015, 06:49 PM

Anticipation was met with silence as frustration built within the mottled wraith. Her king had called her to war but where was the war? Alacritia really was thick with cowards, it was absolutely disgusting. "That's right! You better hide bitch before I snap those horns off your head and shove them up your ass!" She waited, breath bated, verdant eyes piercing the mist. Come on! Where was everyone? She snorted and stalked off behind a tree to empty her bowels both in frustration and as an insult. Fine! If they weren't going to show then the land now belonged to Imperium and she would mark it so.

Yet, what was this? Out of the fog came a glimmer of hope bathed in unfamiliar scents. Fangs gleamed as she grinned and bounded back to the group only to find… pups. The warrior snorted. Pups? The bitch had gone and left the pups? What the fuck was she supposed to do with these? Gaze fell to Valen. She'd come here for a fight dammit, he didn't really expect her to battle these pups? They might be nearly adult size but she doubted they had the skill to offer her any challenge.

Dægmar stalked toward Hati, playfully reaching out to nip at his shoulder. They could always spar each other if no suitable partners could be found. She only half listened as Valentine spoke but as Hati joined in she found herself gazing at him curiously before adding in her own two cents. "That's right kids…. no self-respecting mother would abandon her kids on a potential battlefield. After all, if we were really, really, reeeeaaallllllyyyyy mean… well, you could've been killed or raped or other nasty things by now. I'm Dægmar by the way. Resident badass and I maayyy be willing to teach you what I know." She winked playfully at them. This was kind of fun. She still would rather fight but this manipulation was nice for a change. Wouldn't Loki be proud? That reminded her, she needed to do something about her wayward first litter.

The vibrating thrum of excitement shivered down her spine as a mutated freak of a wolf appeared. Oh… perhaps they were hiding? Perhaps the land was not entirely deserted. Dægmar felt herself shudder. This wolf was was even more disturbing than Dione. Every color of the freaking rainbow matched her pelt! That was down right unnatural…. it was like a skunk and a wolf screwed each other and the wolf vomitted a rainbow on the skunks back. Dægmar shook her head. Wow, she could not process this. Even catchy nicknames seemed to be eluding the warrior in the face of this…. well, this whatever it was she was looking at… oh…. RAINBOW.

Dægmar moved to get behind Rainbow, to prevent easy escape and she grinned. "Hey there miss technicolor skunk, you wanna play? I'm dreadfully bored." The pups were speaking but Dægmar's attention was fixed on the potential of a fight. Some blood, just a little…. ok maybe a lot….

Fixated gaze broke only for Dione's entrance. Well, well, well… so the salad slut herself had the guts to show her face. "Oh Dione, how kind of you to join us. We were just about to play a little game." Eyes flitted from one Lyd wolf to the next waiting lightly for volunteers before she would inevitably make her move. She'd let them argue about the children for now. The brats weren't big on her priority list. She wanted flesh…. eyes flickered to Hati to see if he had a preference.

ooc: holey catchup post batman

Marina I


7 Years
03-07-2015, 01:03 AM

Her goal was simply to get the children away, yet, with the words of these strangers, the children would make their own choices. What they believed was their business, though Rainbow knew where her duty lay. She would bite back the urge to growl at those who spoke, eyeing the female who circled around behind her. So escape might not have been an immediate option, though the female was not afraid to fight. To die if need be. She would adjust herself, letting her gaze rest hard upon the black and white female for a moment in silence before another, more familiar figure would show. Dione.

Rainbow would adjust her gaze to the other woman, breathing in slow. Gaze flicked between alpha and alpha, to the children who made their choices. With any luck Ganja had already started towards the island, and the Rainbow creature would take a few steps forward, ears flicked back to catch sounds of the female lurking at her exit. “Do not believe the words as you hear. Your mother wished to save you children first, to ensure your safety, before battle. She asked me to protect you and your siblings until things were settled here.” Her voice rumbled to Toxin and Necro, though whether or not they believed her was on them.

“Dione is not a perfect wolfess, but I will say this. She has given a home to those who would otherwise be homeless. Those who are cast aside by society because we are different. For being different in ways that we can not even control. Yet, I ask you, if you simply thought because she moved next door a war was answer, what right do you have bringing those innocent of the crimes you feel are committed into the conflict?” Her pink eyes were upon the blue man. “...The children are old enough to make their choice. They know Dione better than the rest of us do. I will not sway them, but I can say for certain she DOES love them. She did not want them to be here for this. Do you not see that only Dione and I have showed? We don’t have the strength to answer a war.” Not that it mattered. It knocked on their doorstep anyway.

Rainbow would adjust herself, several defenses naturally slipping into place. “...I am here now, and if you threaten these babus, or try to force them where they do not wish to go, so help me I will fight. I am not afraid to get blood on my teeth for what I believe.” Rainbow would harden her gaze. “...and I’m not afraid to stand for the fact I am but a wolf, even if the damned gods cursed me with this fucking raging rainbow upon my back that makes the rest of you view me like scum.”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]