
Play with me?


06-05-2013, 07:50 PM
Oh, how the boredom consumed her little soul. If it wasn't work, practice, train, work, it was lay around doing nothing while her mother and father took off. Her mother was the beta, so she had a good reason for being gone; but her father? She wasn't sure where he was now a days. She rarely saw him, and it broke her little heart. Would he be there to see all she will amount to when she takes her mothers place? Has her father even been paying attention to her hard work and dedication? Little ears folded. She was starting to hate him. A rock flew off toward the right as she kicked it from her path. What was there to do around here anyway? She wanted to meet someone her own age, maybe have some friends. She wondered if they would even like her. She had never played with another wolf before, and until now she had never left the den on her own. Being unsupervised for the day was loads of fun at first, but became lonesome as the day went by. She sorta wished she had more family now, all she knew in this world was her mother and father. Mama always told her Valhalla was her family, but how could they be if she had never met them? How many members were in this pack anyways? Her little mind drifted from thought to thought as she made her way around Valhalla, little legs pushing her forward. She was determined to find someone, or at least find something to keep her busy.



11 Years
06-06-2013, 11:51 PM

Ouch! What the butt was that? The little fair pup was disgruntled at the sharp thump at his head He looks towards the direction of the flung rock and bounced towards it, not giving a hoot about what could've thrown it at him. A short ways through the brambles he saw another wolf, a young one. She was probably about his age, though he had no idea how old she was, and he didn't care. He liked people. "Hey you!" He yelled to her as he came pouncing up the little tumbling slope of a hill to greet her on a worn path he'd been on a few times. "Did you throw 'dat rock at my head?" He queried her, his golden eyes intense, and his brow furrowed like his father's on occasion. One too-big-for-his-head ear was flopped to the side and a had a little welt on the left side of his face from the impact. "It's okay if you did... I just want to know." He stared at her, his face still contorted into a half-assed impression of his sire's stern face. Which looked less intimidating, and more cute. He'd left this morning on an errand for one of his sisters, but they could wait. He did favors for them all the time. He found someone new to talk to.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.


06-07-2013, 07:33 AM
Tiny white lined ears perked up as Ryker head heard another voice. He wondered who was talking....or had talked. The pup barely knew where he was let alone where he was going. All the the tiny male knew was that he was in Valhalla. Surely he was more adventurous than his brothers and sisters. despite the concerned looks his mother gave him when he returned home; he always saw a smile smile on his father's maw. Each day that went by had proved that he was becoming more and more like his father. First he had preyed Uncle Cyril and had came back with a feather in his mouth. Then, he had started to wander off and follow his paws. And recently his attitude had been changing as well. Also despite the fact his pelt was the closest to his father's as well. The boy thought it was a bit weird but took pride in it. Didn't every pup his age want to grow up to be just like their daddy's?

Ryker's gray tipped tail waved in the air as he approached the voices. The boy wished he could have a friend like his father too, like Uncle Cyril! A smile appeared on his tiny maw as he thought about all of these great dreams and thoughts. Then of course he wanted to be kind and gentle like his mother. The only time he had seen her get angry so far was when Uncle Cyril had made a threatening entrance as a far... But the boy loved his parents. Some days he wanted to just snuggle up with them and stay that way for a long time. Ryker knew he was a big snuggle-bug, and he relished the moments when he did get to snuggle up with his parents, or sister, or brother.

Shaking his head, Ryker's aqua blue gaze with a green fleck in each settled on two wolves. Both seemed to be around his age; and one was asking the other if it was their fault for throwing something at them.

As soon as he stopped at a cautious distance from the two, Ryker stood there with his gray tipped tail still waving in the air.

"Hi" he said with a friendly smile

forgetting to introduce himself at the moment, the boy stood there waiting for a reaction or reply from the two other pups.


06-20-2013, 05:12 PM

"Hey you!" Another voice broke the silence, causing the little girl to turn toward its owner. It was another pup, possibly a bit older than her. And it was a boy. She had never talked to a boy before, but she had always dreamed of it. She saw the way her father adored her mother, and she hoped someday a boy would feel the same way about her. She didn't know her rock had hit him, she hadn't meant for it to. She was simply kicking it out of her way. "No I dint mean ta. I was just kicking it away from me." Little ears folded against her skull as she looked him over, examining the little bump carefully on his head. "Ma daddy is a healer, he could help you with dat." She had a fluent Australian accent like her mother, but she didn't know it. This boy sounded a but funny, but she assumed it was because she had never talked to anyone besides her mother and father. To her they sounded normal, and she was used to it. Another boy came onto the scene, and Liberty couldn't help but take a few steps back. She felt very uneasy, she had never been around so many strangers before. Well, besides the meetings her mother dragged her to, but she never spoke to anyone then. Now there were two cute boys trying to talk to her. "He-hello." She stuttered, but offered the new boy a warm smile. Oh how exciting this was!



11 Years
06-25-2013, 11:37 PM

His tail began wagging as she spoke to him and looked a little sullen. He didn't mean to scare her, or whatever it is he did. He knew she just looked scared. "Well! Well! ..Well it's okay. It didn' hurt that bad." With a skip, he was in front of her a mere couple of feet with a big grin on his face, those big gold eyes bright with excitement at the new face. His siblings faces got boring sometimes after a good long stare. With a big paw he nudged a rock towards her as another voice ring from behind. His head snaps back and he watches with interest, as yet another small pup joins the conversation. "Howdy!" He calls as he pivots his head back, turning his body to have a better view of them both. "Ain't seen you around before." He sniffs at the new cub with a slow, awaiting wag.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.