
Look at you, all grown


06-05-2013, 07:55 PM

Ulrike found him self pacing, a lot has happened in the few seasons, and frankly the old Brute was trying to put the pieces together. He and all the other members of Tortuga were stripped of rank and now needed to compete for them. Ulrike liked that idea,and knew that he would get a rank that he deserves. The one thing that was eating him up was that through all of this his daughter was no where to be seen.

His ears swiveled upon his head as he paced some more, Where is she, what has she been doing, Ulrike knew that His little girl was all grown up, and could handle her self, but he still worried for her. Ulrike stopped pacing and stood there looking off into the distance, his tail swaying gently. Oh so many things were going through his mind at the time, to many that he could not make out all of it.

Ulrike was eight now, and was not getting any younger. His leg that he hurt while still a little thing had begun to hurt him more and more. The Brute did not show it though, in his mind he needed to be strong. He needed to continue with his duty till he dies. Ulrike is not the type to rest when age hits, he will remain in duty until his time comes. His nostrils flared as the scent of some one near hit him. He took in the scent once more and his ears perked up, it was Xenios. How far she was he did not know. Ulrike let out a call for his daughter and stood there and waited hoping she would come to him.




06-05-2013, 08:08 PM

The girl was just on her way back from her meeting with Creedance. The feeling, it'd been an intriguing one. So many emotions thrown into one encounter and to top it all off it had made that damnable craving go way. Little did she know it was her heat that had been satiated for the time being. Regardless she would find out in less than two months time when her stomach would swell and she would become a bi-polar bitch because of hormones.

Now she was home and the scent of Cree still overwhelmed her. The scent of their consummation still lathered her body. Had she known and had she known she would be meeting her father she would have cleaned herself. Still his howl rung in her ears and she would not be one to ignore it. Very pleased to see him she raced in his direction and only halted when she was almost upon him. With a friendly smile and a happy wagging of her tail she pressed her nose to his chest in a loving manner.

"Hell father. You called?"

She drew away and golden eyes studied her aging dad. She hadn't realized it, but he was growing older. A part of it scared her. She would one day lose him. She didn't want to lose him. She had already failed to see her mother, now she would eventually lose him as well. Leaving her alone. Save for Him but he was hardly any worth keeping around.

"What's the matter love? Don't enjoy my company? Too much for you to handle?"

"Speech" "He speaks"


06-05-2013, 08:22 PM

His eye watched as his daughter approached him, wagging tail and all. He was delighted that she had came, and as she pressed her noise to his chest Ulrike Laid his head upon her's and gave a gentle lick. He watched as his daughter as she spoke to him, his face remained that serious expression, while his tail swayed gently. He did not respond right away, he just laid his head upon hers and closed his eyes. He knew that he would not be here for more than two more years, and what ever is brewing in his leg will only get worse. He Licked Xenois's head and lifted his own to look at her.

"Yes i did My daughter. Please walk with me." he said as he turned around and started to walk, he walked with a limp, which was normal since he walked like that for years, but the limp was much greater now. "Xenios i can tell that you see me aging, and when i look at you i can see a bit of fear. I just want to let you know that no matter what happens, i want you to do your best in life. I don't want you to regret anything that you have done. " He paused and inhaled, the scent of another came from his daughter's pelt and to his nose. Ulrike stopped and turned to his daughter, he pressed his nose to her pelt to make sure what he smelt was correct.

Pulling back Ulrike looked at Xenios, he smelt male on her. Normaly he would ask questions but he wanted his daughter to tell him. Surely she figured out as to what he had smelt by now. He stood there not saying a word except
"Why is that scent on you, my daughter"
