
We Met One Stormy Night


02-23-2015, 01:35 PM

The female had been on her way back to Secretua, yet the idea of heading to another sandy beach before she made her way home had caught her interest. She would head in that direction then, finding the crash of the waves on the sand a relaxing sound. The solitude she had spent had been wonderful. Peaceful. It had helped clear her mind, and so she was able to return back home, at least soon, to do her duties as a Secretuan. She was the Huntress.. one that needed to lead a hunt soon. There were always mouths to feed. It would also just be another good way to get to know those of her pack a bit better.

The female would pause those as she first set paw on those beaches. There were other scents here... multiple ones. A family? A... pack? Akemi would pause, the remains of her ears giving a thoughtful twitch as her single orb scanned up and down the beach. No sign of bodies... and there weren't really the sort of borders one would find at a pack. Deciding to press on she'd lift her head and walk down the sandy land to where the water crashed on the shore. The sky had grown dark, graying as a storm rolled on in. Head would lift to the sky as large droplets of water began to fall on her face. It was going to be a stormy night.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years
02-23-2015, 01:46 PM
How many was this now...three? Four? Ten? How could one beach have so many storms?! He whimpered softly as he sat at the mouth of his temporary home, wondering just where the rest of his family had ended up. He knew Glacier and Serefina would get home soon, they knew how he was during thunderstorms, especially alone. He waited patiently, watching the storm clouds roll in as his chest grew tight. It was silly of him, a very grown man, to be so terrified of something he was supposed to adore. It angered him, put him off, and made him feel far too different from the rest of his family. Serefina wasn't scared of the flame, Gale didnt bat an eye as the winds grew strong, he couldnt understand why he was so terrified of storms. He sighed gently, closing his eyes and leaning against the wall, having nothing better to do. He couldn't go out and run, waste his extra energy, he was stuck here, in this cave. He watched as the waters raged rough against the shore before he blinked. Someone was out there! Quickly lifting to his feet he stared as the small girl walked along the beach, far too close to the water for safety as the clouds rolled in. Many things coursed through him, battling inside his chest as he watched her wander around their home. He had to go out there and see what she needed, escort her away before another family member did so, but he also couldn't go out there. It was unsafe to be so close to the water front during a thunderstorm. But he took a deep breath and quickly leapt out of his den, into the rain as it hit the earth more quickly as the seconds ticked on. "Good evening!" He called over the distance with a boyish smile, trying to keep his fear at bay as he trotted towards her. "Are you here for a visit, or is it merely coincidence that you've stumbled upon our beach?" He grinned easily, tilting his head and swishing his tail behind him. The brute meant no harm, he just wanted this conversation to go by quickly and have her on her way before the thunder began. He needed to be home, hiding in his den while he waited for his brother and sister.


02-23-2015, 08:22 PM

A voice called to the young woman from over a distance as the rain started to come down in large drops. The remains of her ears would shift and head would shift, the scarred beast looking towards a stranger marked with gold. The female would eye him carefully, on guard, though he didn’t seem threatening. No... He was grinning, tail swishing behind him. He looked to just be curious, really... About her appearance here. Akemi would frown some, still uncertain. There was some uncertainty still about meeting a non-Secretuan male alone. “Your beach huh? So is this indeed a pack then? Or one in the making?” Her words were a bit wary, guarded. “I was just planning on visiting a short while before I went back home. The sound of the waves... Is relaxing.” Her words still came slow, her red eye not leaving him for a moment.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years
02-23-2015, 09:05 PM
She was wary and he could very well understand why. Voltage could be a force to be reckoned with when he needed to be, but he wasn't mean, or scary. He smiled softly to her then, stomy eyes shining as the drops of water slipped along his muzzle and nose. She was scared, and he wanted to do something to calm her down. With a gentle tilt of his head he reguarded her and her question. Pack? He shook his head then, dispelling the rain drops. "We may be pack sized, but we aren't a pack" He said gently, smiling down at the girl. "My family and I have taken this place as our home.." He said with a gentle smile before he moved to sit, trying to appear a lot less dangerous than he seemed. He wasn't submissive, but he was relaxed. "The waves are very relaxing." He agreed, glancing out towards the ocean before shaking just slightly. "But it's very dangerous during a thunderstorm. The electricity can shock anyone close to the water, or so I've been told." He said with a laugh, turning back to her. She seemed to have a myriad of scents upon her fur, and yet it seemed to all seem rather similar. Perhaps she was from a pack, or a large family herself. "Would you like some shelter from the storm? The rain is only going to get worse. And I assure you, no harm will come to you on our beach." He said softly, delicately, smiling at her, tilting his head towards the dens which most were unoccupied and unclaimed.


02-24-2015, 01:38 PM

So they were pack sized and yet not a pack. Akemi felt a bit of relief at this though not by much. She wasn't scared, but she was wary. The female would take on any of them, including the large brute here. Akemi was a spitfire, a warrior in her own right. Though she knew her limits, the chance death could loom if she set off all those who lived here. They had claimed the beach as their home, though not officially in a claimed sense it could still be a bit overwhelming to nearby packs to know so many lived together so close. Perhaps they were going to make it official soon? Akemi could only wonder how Rune might take this information. They were close enough to the beach after all.

His word of warning caught her off guard too. Electricity... he meant the lightning? She would blink, head tilting slightly to the side as she continued to wear her frown. "Sounds rather odd. Though the forces of nature are rather mysterious." She'd glance at the water for a moment, debating about trying to make a break back to Secretua or not. That was then he spoke again, giving an unsuspected offer. The offer of shelter from the storm, and reassurance no harm would come to her was given. Akemi couldn't help but smirk some, a bit of a playful light coming to her single eye.

"Oh come now... do you expect me to be some weak little fae just cause my body is a little roughed up? I'm more than capable of taking care of myself." The words left her in a chuckle. They were light, not at all angry. "Though you've got a point. I've seen how the storms get around here... with it rolling in so quick I'd probably catch my death sooner than I'd make it home... so I'll take you up on your offer of shelter."

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years
02-24-2015, 02:33 PM
He grinned down at her, quickly deciding that he like this little thing. She reminded him of a more subdued Serefina, and he couldn't help but grin. "Lightening is an amazing thing" He said with a gentle smile. It was his element after all, but he doubted that he had the same connection to it as the rest of the family had with theirs. But that didn't mean he didn't understand the powerful force that was lightning. He grinned a toothy grin as she accepted his offer, but not first without saying that she could easily take care of herself. His smile faltered just slightly as he tilted his head. "If I offended you, I apologize. I didn't mean to ignore your abilities." He said with a gentle smile, lowerinng his head just a little to be more at her level as he tilted his head. "I don't doubt that you could take me on, little lady. Now, let me show you to your den." Turning then, he trotted towards one of the closest unclaimed dens, expecting her to follow without looking back at her. Perhaps it was a little rude, but its the way he acted with his family. They followed him (sometimes reluctantly) and he was used to it. So he moved towards the den, peering inside to deem that it was dry in the coming rain, when suddenly the thunder and lightning began. He threw himself into the den, jolting as the thunder boomed in the sky. Stormy eyes grew so wide as he ducked into the shadows, whining as he curled up tightly, when he remembered the company. With a embarrased laugh he hid his head in his paws. "Sorry.."


02-28-2015, 12:55 AM

Akemi would shake her head, keeping her smile. “It is quite alright. If you had doubts you would not be the first, and you wouldn’t be the last that I could prove wrong.” Her smile was a bit knowing. Sure she had faltered in fights previously, but that didn’t mean she was weak! No, she was strong. She had plenty of strength and what she lacked in actual size she made up for in sheer willpower. Akemi would give a small nod, following after the stranger. He seemed nice enough at least. Not quite like Rune, but certainly not unpleasant.

She would blink as he suddenly jumped into the den, ducking into the shadows and curling up at the sign of thunder and lightning. She would blink, raising a brow as her single good eye looked up at him. She wouldn’t judge though, sliding into the den after him as the rain continued to come down outside. “It is alright. We all have something that we are afraid of. If yours is thunder or lightning, or both, so what? Fear is a natural thing.” Akemi would settle her body down, letting out a small breath. “Ah yes... Where are my manners? I am Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir.” She would introduce herself, though she didn’t expect the male to remember her last name. Not many did it seemed.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:33 PM
Voltage stretched out along the wall of the cave, his paws reaching out infront of him as he chuckled to himself. She seemed to brush off his fear, accepting it easy and letting him know it was okay to be afraid. What she didn't understand, however, was that it wasn't right for him to be scared. Lightning was his element, wasn't it? It's what he knew, and he was terrified of the thing that was gifted to him, or rather the thing that accompanied it. Serefina wasn't scared of embers, Glacier wasn't terrified of hail. It was almost like he wasn't suited for the element he was given, the black sheep, the misnamed one. His family had assured him, each in turn, that what he felt was okay, and they loved him reguardless of if he was the Lightning in the sky, or the energy of the earth. They wouldn't care if his name was Mud. So he would smile, nodding to her, not wanting to explain all these emotions to her. "I guess so." he whispered.

When she introduced himself he blinked before he chuckled, shaking his head. "I am terribly sorry, but I greatly doubt I would be able to repeat that." He said with a laugh, grinning up at her. "Akemi, however, is a gorgeous name. Does it have meaning?" He asked then, motioning for her to settle in the den. He hoped she wouldn't mind if he stuck around for a little while to chat, he enjoyed his new friend. But if she were tired, he would leave and go hide in his storm-proofed den, knowing Serefina was probably waiting for him since the first clap of thunder. Oh, he loved his sister so.


04-22-2015, 07:27 PM

The female couldn’t help but suppress a chuckle of her own when he answered saying that he doubted that he would be able to repeat her name.That was alright... Sometimes it was any wonder it left her own mouth. Perhaps it merely came after so much practice. She would close her single eye, not used to being complimented. She would give a slow nod after a moment however, and she would find her voice.

“It does. In fact... Both of my names do. My first name, Akemi means beautiful sunrise, or dawn. My middle name, Miu, also has the meaning of beautiful, as well as feather. I guess it was a hint at my size for the middle name.” Akemi would open her eye again, glancing back out to the storm as she settled down, getting comfortable. She would give a soft sigh, her thoughts wandering.

“Are... You and your family close?” She would finally ask.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno