
Something I have Never Dreamt of


04-23-2013, 05:22 PM

(OOC: I would like Arcane to reply first, then anyone else who would like to can reply ;) )

He knew it was his last day, something inside him just let him know. But it wasn't an aching, and it wasn't a curing. Just something floating around in his stomach told him today was the day. And so he hid away in his den like he did so any day.

He did step outside a moment, to see the home he had forgotten. He hoped he would remember all his memories before he left, but what kind of miracle wish was that?

His eyes wondered the wet land of Glaciem. There was rain yesterday, but today was sunny. The snow that had melted and the puddles that the rain created sprawled across the lands. Saix's den was one of the closest to the waterfall that ran through the center of the pack, and he gave it a nice look before turning around in his den.

His dark nose hit the ground as he smelled his place of rest. He rested his muzzle on the floor before plopping down. He laid on his side, curling his legs into each other, his head slowly laid itself on the ground. This was the time. This would be the end of the miserable brute's life. But he didn't regret any of it. If he truly knew the pain that he put Arcane through, he would still see no fault in his life. He would hate himself for it, but he would be thankful that his life was going to end.

The bright neon blue eyes looked up at the wall, his neck was stretched across the floor as he knew it was coming. His blinks became lighter every time they came. But his eyes then stayed opened a slit for the longest time. And after a few minutes, his orbs went lifeless and the eyelids naturally closed themselves as he gave up and let the darkness surround his soul.




05-12-2013, 02:56 AM

The girl finally had come to her senses enough to at least apologize to the male. She'd acted out of impulse, but who could truly blame her? She was just another unfortunate soul who'd been hit by one of life's curve balls and had been forced to suffer. She'd taken it out on him. He wasn't truly to blame. He'd gone crazy, but she'd taken her pain and blamed him for it. She had held a grudge. It had been easier to do that than to truly accept that they were gone simply because life saw it fit to take them all away from her.

She returned to Glaciem and began following his scent. He was old, he'd been older than her by a considerable amount when they had mated, but it hadn't mattered. Now he was on his death bed almost while she was still spry. Her depression hadn't taken it easy on her. Fur was matted and she was frail. Hardly anything to look at anymore. Once she had been a beauty, now she was nothing but dull fur and bones.

Slowly she padded towards the waterfall. His scent emanated from it and she knew he was in there. She hesitated though. She wasn't coming to make amends, only to apologize for her out rage so she could get it off her chest and move on with life. A part of her still felt for the male, but he remembered nothing and returning to Glaciem hadn't helped. A sliver of her heart still ached for him to remember, but it was a lost cause. He would die not knowing anything. She would be stuck remembering everything for the rest of her tiny existence.

She took a deep breath before peeking into the den. Jaws parted to softly call his name, but her voice caught in her throat as blue hues fell upon his rigid frame. Lifeless eyes stared coldly out at the world without really seeing. A soft gasp finally escaped along with a squeak of horror. Regret burned within the very depths of her heart. Slowly she walked to him, she seemed almost afraid as she did so. As if he were going to suddenly pop up and attack her. But no. The black beast was dead. Nose touched his neck to check for a pulse and she'd listened and watch his chest for any sign of movement, but all in vain.

Nostrils flared and tears welled in the female's eyes as silent sobs caught in her chest and rocked her tiny frame. She fell in front of him and then began to weep for the soul lost once more. Wailing. She'd failed to at least give him peace into the afterlife, and for once she felt like a heartless bitch. Something the kind hearted dame never thought she'd ever feel like in her entire existence. What had she done?



05-12-2013, 07:56 PM

(OOC: This doesn't get real until the seventh paragraph so...yeah that's like the only thing you can respond to. But feel free to read all of it lol.)
Everything had been dark, everything had went cold. Everything was about to end, and a cry echoed everywhere around him. The cry was familiar, but nothing really struck his mind. But that yell of horror gave the brute guidance to his destination. A small light was spotted at the end of his path. At that moment, all the pain, and all the suffering the brute had secured in the life he had known, it disappeared. His old age, his aching bones, it had left him. The scars were cleared of his body, he was aging backwards. The man was lost, he couldn't even simply remember his own name.

His body started to trot toward the light at the end of his tunnel, it was the only way he could go, so must he follow it? Though it was still dark, but the light seemed closer to him, he could see another wolf beside him. It was himself, just like a reflection. He cocked his head, as did this replica and as he realized it was himself, the other wolf turned away from him into a small den. Saix followed his footsteps, seeing as the twin of himself lay sleeping on the wall. There was a little pup that lay right beside him, tunes of grays and blacks rushed along side her fur, and Saix suggested to his mind that if the black fellow was himself, then this must have been his daughter.

He walked over to her, laid up beside her fake father, and Saix smiled just a bit. She was adorable, her little belly slowly moved up and down in her tiny breaths. At that moment he noticed that his replica started shaking, eyes jumping across the walls. His trembling was at it's worse, it woke the puppy and the girl looked up at the man. The black figure finally noticed her presence and looked into her eyes, the eyes pierced with pure evil. His jaw opened and drool started to leak out with the shivering and trembling that escaped. Saix walked over to the scene, and the black figure rose and in an instant, his jaw ripped into the tiny offspring of his own. His head thrashed and whipped around, ripping apart the entire being, Saix jumped back to the entrance of the den. He stared at the scene in horror as he then backed up quickly looking around before bolting away toward the light he had spotted at the end. His head turned around to make sure the evil creature was not following him, he watched the den fade into mist and as his head turned back around, his leg came tumbling into the air as he leaped off the cliff and watched the approaching water at the bottom. He let out a squeal and crashed into the waves smashing his shoulder onto the rocks closest to the cliff that he had not seen. His body floated to the the bottom of the ocean, his paws then set on the floor as he started to look around, frightened and lost even more.

The white brightness was spotted, not too far from where he last spotted it. So his paws led him closer. The sky started to let off snow, and mounds started to form beneath him. He was then strutting through it, the drifts coming close to above his chest. He laid to rest near a drift to regain some energy even though the brute was even tired or sore. But the next thing he knew, a girl came tumbling over him. He looked into her eyes, her maw was moving and letting out words, but it was as if the male was deaf. Nothing was heard but the whistling of the wind. She began to walk away and he followed her into the nearby cave. They laid down, her wordless strokes continuing to move around him. But the worst came to mind when a bear approached and attacked them, injuring him and the girl. He found himself running again, out of the cave and once again turning around to watch the cave disappear. The snow was now almost evaporating from under him, and he continued to run as he found his light. At this point he didn't want to stop running, and so he didn't. It was like every single memory of his own rushed through him running through this never ending tunnel.

But something in him wanted to know what was happening, if these were his memories than shouldn't he know? His eyes came open and he stopped by a brown wolf that seemed to be hurt. The man was laying on the ground, his pelt was dirty as he laid in a puddle of his own blood. When Saix came over to him, the white eyes looked up into Saix's neon blues, and in that instant his heart sank and Saix knew this was his blood, this was his brother. Saix dropped to his knees in an effort to save his brother who had gone lifeless, but really he knew there was nothing he could do to save him. The wind blew roughly and Saix turned his head with surprise when a white furred male approached with piercing evil red eyes. And all Saix could feel was anger. And he took it all out on that boy, he scratched and tore at him until his throat ripped out and his blood colored the black male's maw. And Saix continued his journey into the light to find out more about the life he had lost.

The man was really getting younger every time he stopped at his memories. He could feel every bit of it in his bones. His paw continued to pad along, letting everything stop him and give him the memory he had lost. Right now, he had been back into the snow. How he hated snow. But there was a girl of whites and browns that still seemed to tower over him even at his tall height. It was Crusade. Saix was instantly attracted to the girl, following her hops in the snow and watching the fluffs burst beneath her paws. She jumped and popped around until she came down and poofed into the snow, disappearing into the mist of it. Saix looked down where she had gone, it was a strange feeling inside, but all had been okay. Something inside him told him it would be fine.

The brute looked back up and continued on his journey to his next memory, he had spotted a beautiful white girl with crystal green eyes, Her belly was plump and she came to Saix nuzzling his cheek bone and walking off into clouds. But when Saix followed her around the bend, her body was in pieces. There was no more of the beautiful girl, she was gone. And so Saix walked away silently, spotting a cherry blossom tree in front of the light. It was in the center of this light, and so a black lining escaped across the darkened space. Saix continued to walk to the tree, blossom pedals falling to the ground every step he took until he was surrounded by the light.

His eyes then opened, showing a white space instead of black. A dirty brown-furred wolf looked him in the eyes and looked at him with confusion. "What's wrong brother, you seem terrified?" Saix's jaw dropped as he looked at Jethro seeing almost every lost memory of him. Jethro pointed his head behind him to a couple of young babies that sat together. Saix walked past him and stood over his children with a tear dripping down his face looking into Garnet's baby blues. "Daddy, why are you crying?" "Please don't be sad, we are happy here. We have been waiting for you to come with us." He looked at Cryptic and gave a tiny smile with another tear.

(OOC: This is real, like he is talking to Arcane now.)A cry interrupted him and he was soon brought to darkness once again. The dead body Saix had left then lifted it's head and opened the neon blue eyes to find the cry. The dead man started to speak to Arcane, knowing her presence was within reach. "Arcane..." His voice was cracked and dry. The voice sounded nothing of his old self, it was almost hard to understand. "Arcane...I...I'm Sorry." A long pause stayed between his words, it was hard to speak. "Cryptic and Garnet are here...They miss you and...They say they love you...They can't wait for you to be with them..." His head slowly hit the ground again and his eyes stayed looking at the wall of the den. "Arcane...I...I love you." And it was done. Saix was gone at last.

His eyes looked on Garnet and Cryptic; Jethro poked at his side as he started to lead the way into the light. They came across Aphrodite and eventually Jersey with both his mother and father. And then all of them walked away into the brightness where they all evaporated into the air to live a happy everlasting life together. And Saix could not wait to see his love again; one day him and Arcane would be together once more.

-Exit Saix-




06-01-2013, 07:28 PM

The black and gray dame could do nothing but stand in shock as she looked upon the body of her old mate. A mixture of feelings coursed through her body as she stared at him. Hatred had been there. Not towards him, but for what he had done. Life had been cruel to the whole entire family. It seemed as though her lineage couldn't catch a break. It was horrifying in many ways that were inexplicable.

Blue eyes checked the vital signs, waiting for something to magically start beating again. What she didn't expect was for him to speak to her. Body froze and blood ran cold as his cracked voice reached out to her. Ears flicked tentatively forward as she watched him. At first his words almost sounded like the rambling of an old psycho, but soon she understood fully what he was saying.

His words hit her heart and it fell heavy. It felt as though she were losing them all over again. The stitched up wounds was being ripped to pieces again in a brutal fashion. She missed her babies. Missed the family she had before Saix had lost his mind. Missed her children and the amount of love all had shared. Why couldn't things return to that? Of course they missed her. She wanted oh so badly to join them, and yet she was forced to wait.

The girl fell to the ground and buried her face in Saix's fur and began to sob uncontrollably. There she would lay. Whether someone came to find her or not it did not matter. She had no intentions of leaving from that spot. One would have to pry her from him.




06-02-2013, 05:38 PM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


Pawsteps like feathers were all that heralded the grey queen's coming. Ex Queen, in truth. The wind sighed through the trees as though mimicking the swan song of the fallen male. It seemed like everything was ?ex? these days. Years had flown by. Beginigs could still be found here and there, but ends were becoming more and more common.

Crusade paused a good distance from the little hole that Saix had claimed as his den. She?d visited the old male a time or two, and once had a good sit down conversation about the times gone by, but other than that she didn?t think anyone had visited him.

Anyone but Arcane, but perhaps this was the first time she?d gotten the courage up to see him? and now he was gone. For real this time. This time there was a body without soul, eyes without light, a heart without beat.

But there was another heart that seemed on the verge of breaking.

There was nothing to be said that Arcane didn?t know. No lesson or advice to give that wouldn?t seem inadequate and ill placed. All Crusade could do, that is, the most she could do, was be a sister. The timber-cross walked up to Arcane?s side without a word and laid down beside her, pressing light fur into dark as she offered a shoulder to cry on, or at the very least, a touch to know that she was not alone.


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"



06-05-2013, 08:35 PM

The girl was wrapped up within her mind. She hardly heard the footsteps of her sister. In fact she didn't know she was there until the familiar form lay beside her. The girl knew why she was here. A word need not be spoken. The silence meant more than a thousand words. Instead Arcane raised her head and then rested against Crusade burying her head into her fur and just lay there soaking in what little comfort her older sister had to offer. It wasn't much, but it made her feel somewhat better. She wasn't completely and utterly alone. That was what counted.
