
We'll go down in history


02-23-2015, 05:39 PM

He had gone out hunting, looking to bring dinner home to Ekko and Cohen. He moved silently, dusk settling in, grass tickling his belly. So far things had been quiet. His grandfather, nor Cat had come looking for him, which was a relief. But he was still constantly looking over his shoulder. Russet audits twitched, picking up the faint sounds that drifted up from the grasses. Summer had taken hold, heating the land to unpleasant temperatures. Thankfully it was cooler during this time of day, making hunting bearable. Verdant eyes scanned the area before him, searching for his families next meal.

But instead something else would catch his attention. Lips curled into a devilish grin, eyes darting back and forth as he searched for her. Rarely did he get any alone time with the mother of his child, the woman he loved, so he took every chance he could get. A low, rumbling growl would playfully leave his lips as he beckoned her closer, wherever she was hiding. His pace would slow as he navigated the grasses, growing impatient by the second.




7 Years
02-23-2015, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 05:50 PM by Ekko.)

She tried hard to suppress the giggle as he noticed her scent, trailing behind him and slightly off to his left. She had been so tired lately, her age really catching up to her. While she may be only seven, Ekko had been a slave her whole life. Since she was little she was battered and bruised, beat for no reason other than sport. It had added on so many years, and made her feel like she was eleven already. This aged not only her body, but her soul. She was tired, but had just enough fight in her to spend time with those that she loved.

Graying muzzle ducked down at Colten turned her way, that growl of his vibrating against the blades of grass. Her small lithe body was good in these situations, she was able to get quite close to him before he rumbled for her. Grinning, the old wolf jumped towards his flank, trying to nip at his rump as she batted at his tail. Thy were hardly alone anymore, their time had been taken up by Cohen and constantly on guard. But for now, it was time to play.

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02-23-2015, 06:06 PM

She was silent, her light body making almost no noise as she moved. But he heard her faint giggle that she was obviously trying so hard to repress. He would turn, just as she shot forward from her hiding place in the grass. She would nip at his left flank, not hard enough to do any damage, as she swatted at his tail. He would laugh, pivoting as he sough to reposition himself before her. Russet jaws would shoot forward, seeking to nip gently at her throat, his chest seeking to press against her shoulder. "I've missed you." He would murmur, words husky, verdant gaze searching her face.

It had not gone unnoticed that she spent most of her days sleeping, her energy seeming to have disappeared. He knew she was considerably older than himself, and she didn't have the same energy level as himself, but she seemed slower than usual. He did everything he could to make sure she was comfortable and happy, but he couldn't help but miss days like this, when she would romp and play with him, when her smile graced her graying face. He missed when he could simply spend the afternoon wrapped around her, enjoying her quiet presence and occasionally her body. He missed it all, but he wouldn't give up Cohen to get it all back. He loved his son, and would do anything for him.




7 Years
02-23-2015, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 06:27 PM by Ekko.)

As she nipped at his side, he turned to face her, jaws coming forth to nibble at her face. Ekko stretched her head up to give her better access, light blue eyes shutting tightly as she let out a soft purr. He pushed against her and right away her tired heart beat faster, feeling him against her like she had all those times before. She knew that she wouldn't be on this earth a lot longer, it was evident in the ways that she was finding it hard to move now. The heat was too strong, she stayed in her cold den most of the day. But tonight, tonight it was different. She felt like this was her last chance to play around with her loving Colten, she knew that this was a sort of goodbye. Ekko felt it deep within her that she wouldn't make it another year, that the past winter had been her last. It had been hard enough for her to get around then, and now she had Cohen. Her last little gift to Colten. Lowering her head she placed tender kisses on his cheeks and muzzle, humming softly to him. "And I you, my love." she murmured softly. Ekko pushed her tiny body even closer to Colten's, craving the heat that his larger body had to offer. She shivered softly, but it was not the cold that had gotten to her. She kept her eyes closed, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. For whatever reason she knew that soon she wouldn't be able to do this anymore with him, wouldn't be able to be excited by his handsome features. Perhaps that is where she had this energy coming from, her very soul knew that it was going to be called home soon. She wanted to tell him so many things, to ask him to love again after she was gone. This is why she hadn't wanted to get close to him in the first place, because she knew that she couldn't outlive him. But he had to move on, she would hate to see him suffer once she was dead and gone. But how to bring that up? Lifting her head up she opened those pale blue eyes, misted with tears. "I..." she started, but paused as she fought for words.

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02-23-2015, 06:42 PM

Her head would tip back, providing better access, her purr vibrating against his lips. His own lips would pull back into a grin. Her soft words shot right through his heart, amplifying emotions he still didn't fully understand. Her gently kisses would lavish his face, his eyes slipping shut as she did so until she curled herself against against him. He would peer down would, holding her close, allowing his warmth to seep into her. When she finally did look up at him, her lovely blue eyes were misted with tears. Concern flashed across his features, uncertain as to what had upset her. She would try to speak, to explain, but she couldnt get the words out. "Shh." He would try and sooth her. "Forget everything, and lets just enjoy tonight." Soft woulds were whispered to her ear, silently begging her to put aside her worries. He needed this, craved this. In the back of his mind, he knew their time together was limited, that one day he would have to continue raising Cohen on his own, that he would no longer wake with her beside him, but even when that day came, she would be forever tattooed on his heart, a memory that would never fade. She was his first love, the one to help him pick up the pieces whether she knew it or not. His time with her had never been wasted, he craved her presence like an addict, needing nothing else in life.

He would bury his nose in her fur, inhaling her heady perfume, eyes slipping shut. So much that was unsaid hung between them, hung over their heads like a guillotine waiting to fall. It would crush him when she left this world, cripple him. But she had given him the greatest gift of all. Cohen. "I love you." He breathed into the fur on her neck, struggling to beat back their demons for her. He wanted her happy, spoiled beyond question and a smile always on her face. They could forget for a few hours.




7 Years
02-23-2015, 06:59 PM

His head fell over her as she was cradled against his chest, drinking in the smell of him. She could feel his heart beat against the side of her face, making it even harder to hold back the tears. When she did pull back and try to explain what was happening, Colten told her to hush and to forget all about it. Did he feel it too? The looming presence of death that surrounded them? By the sound of his own beating heart, picking up in pace as hers did, she knew that he felt it too. It was lingering, haunting them, trying to rip apart this last night from them. Sure, they would be after this, but she would be curled in the den with hardly enough energy to eat, and none to preform... carnal activities. This is what she was craving from him now, to really go out with a bang. As he tried to sooth her, she had a feeling that it was for the both of them. He was right though, they just needed to enjoy tonight. Push everything else aside and focus on just themselves. Blinking up at him she smiled softly, her head nodding up and down. Of course he was right. Who knew how long she would last after this? So her muzzle tipped upwards as she sought to press her nose against his, eyes slipping closed as her tongue snaked out to caress his lips. His sweet taste exploded in her mouth, sending a thrill down her spine. Oh how much she loved his man, how she wished that he was older, or she younger. But time was a cruel mistress, and was already pulling her away from him.

He wrapped his neck around her, pressing himself into her scruff. When he said that he loved her she felt like all the breath had been forced out of her lungs, weak limbs quivering below her. "I love you too Colten, more than you can ever know," she said, her voice quivering and breaking. "I will always love you." Ekko's words were soft as she pressed herself into him again, drawing him closer and closer. A fever of nips were placed where ever she could reach, as tears slipped from her pale eyes. One more night. That was all she could hear, all she could pray for. She just wanted this one last night.

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02-23-2015, 07:14 PM

She would nod, accepting his quiet demands. Her kisses would fall across his lips as he leaned into her touch. Her shaky voice would fill his ears with shear pleasure. She loved him. She would press closer, gently nips falling across his chest and neck. A low groan would vibrate in his throat, his skull tipping back, eyes falling shut. One more night. It was less than what he wanted. He wanted endless nights spent in her embrace, drowning her gentle touch. His great thundered in his chest, his breath hitching. His body reacted to on its own accord, desire shooting through his veins like white hot fire. He could never grow tire of this, even though a quiet, nagging voice told him that she would not be able to give herself to him for much longer. Frenzied need would snatch him, jaws tipping down to decorate her scruff and back with gentle nips and kisses. Labored breathing ruffled her pelt as he body craved only her.

He would shove aside the eery cloud that hung out. A cloud that promised death and heart ache. He wanted to lose himself in her, to forget everything. He didn't want to think about how cruel time was, how she had been nothing but a bitch to him since he was only a pup. Fate too. His mother was gone. And the love of his life was dwindling away before his very eyes. A desperate whine would leave his lips, emerald eyes wild with desire and uncertainty. He would trail kisses down across her hips as he slide his chest down her side. "Ekko." Her name fell from his lips like a question. Was she ready? Could she handle it? Did she want this? He certainly hoped so.




7 Years
02-23-2015, 08:01 PM

His moan that came forth from her nips and kisses was enough to push away the thoughts of pain and dying. She pushed away thoughts of leaving them behind, and focused on the man before her. None of that mattered right now, just her and Colten under the moonlight. The dusting of stars hung above them, long blades of grass whispering softly in the breeze. It tickled at their bellies, proving the most romantic setting than she could have ever imagined. Her blood pounded quicker in her veins, body screaming to be touched and caressed. He leaned down towards her and covered her neck and scruff in frantic bites and kisses, making her breath hitch in her throat as a wispy moan left her maw. Her toes curled as claws bit into the spongy landscape as his shaky breath scattered her thin hairs. Ekko pushed her body even further towards him, but soon he started to slip behind her. Her legs quivered, but he moaned out her name, ending it in a question. She looked over her shoulder and nodded her head slowly, bracing herself for the pleasures to come. She faced forward again, pale eyes slipping closed as tears fell. She was not in pain, not afraid, but the note of finality was hard to push away. Her shorter tail pulled to the side for him, presenting herself for the final time.

One last night.

One last sign of utter, true love.


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02-23-2015, 08:12 PM

The world would fall away, leaving just her before him. She came to life under his touch, her breath hitching as she leaned into him, demanding more. She looked over her shoulder, baby blues clashing with his emeralds. A nod was all her needed. Her tai swept aside, though he still took his time. He adorned her hips and rump with soft nips and featherlight kisses before lifting himself up onto hind legs. He took his time, forelegs wrapping around her narrow hips as he held most of his own weight, not wanting to tire her out too much. His neck stretched, trail kissed up her back, tongue lashing out against her ears, nibbling softly at the tender flesh. Only when he pushed her to the point of frenzied need did he give him. He would press into her, hips thrusting forward as he lost himself in her, tumbling over the edge into a world of carnal pleasure. Even if it was only for one last night.





7 Years
02-23-2015, 08:20 PM

She crumbled and fell below him, struggling to catch her breath after their coupling. She felt so broken and whole at the same time, like nothing and yet everything could shatter her. Lifting her head to look up at Colten she smiled at him, eyes still clouded by tears. No matter how old and tried her body was, it still reacted to him like it had when she was his age. The movements and sensations had been enough to send her over the edge again and again, and she was pretty sure that he would have kept going if she hadn't fallen over. She wished that she could give him more, but she was too tired. Rolling to her belly she lifted up a single hind leg she gently scratched at his sensitive belly, rusted head tilting to the side. How did she ever deserve someone like him? He was an excellent father, a fantastic lover and an even sweeter love maker. Laughing softly, she stretched a front paw towards his face, placing her cool paw pad on his cheek. "You're so sweet to me," she said sweetly, trying so hard not to cry even more. But that finality was there to catch up with them, no matter how hard she fought against it.

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02-23-2015, 08:33 PM

In some ways the world was too kind. He lost himself in her over and over, youth being on his side. Labored breath would heave his sides as she crumbled beneath him. For a moment he was concerned, but as she rolled over, a delicately hind leg scratching his underbelly, he knew she was fine. A shiver would run down as his spine, claws raking his sensitive skin. A low growl would rumble in his chest as he peered down at her, a smirk toying with his lips as his eyes darkened with desire. "Don't tease." His words were low and husky, threatening to once again take her until neither of them could stand. Her paw would extend, brushing against his cheek, her soft words pulling his lips into a smile. "Anything for you." He would murmur, his head lowering so that he could press his nose against her.

With a deep breath, he would inhale her scent, eyes falling shut as he remained standing over her. He stood there, silent, simply enjoying her presence, having her so close. He would give anything to remain this way, to never have to leave her side, to never have her leave his. "You. Are. Gorgeous." He would murmur each word between each kiss that he trailed down her neck. His tail wagged slowly at his hocks, contentment shining in his gaze. He would finally move to flop down beside her, curling his larger body around her, protectively, possessively.




7 Years
02-23-2015, 09:57 PM

He would growl as her claws teased his belly, commanding her not to tease him. The woman heard his husky tones and knew that if she kept teasing him, that he would take her again and again. She was pretty tempted to just let him do it, but her body was more than done. He told her that he would do anything for her as she caressed his face, her own head tilting to the side. She hated the amount of sadness that lingered in their conversation, it was the underlying tone of all of this. Then his damp nose came forth and brushed against her form, and Ekko leaned into his touch. She let out a soft hum, eyes closing as she breathed in his heady scent. The smell of their lovemaking was a heavy mist around them, and she let herself settle into it as she lay in the grass.

A moment of silence spread between them as he stood over her, her head stretching upwards to lick the sensitive shell of his ear. A soft whine left her mouth, a needy sound. She craved him beside her once more, to completely lose her tiny form in his brown coat. Ekko wanted to be held until she couldn't even feel where her own form was, to just melt into Colten. The silence was broken as he told her that she was beautiful, eyes misting up all over again. "And you are my handsome devil," she cooed, eyes following him as he flopped down beside him. Finally he would pull her into him, her back arching against her belly and she molded into his form. Curled into a tiny ball she let her eyes close, head turning to lick at his legs and chest. She was silent for many moments, her heart still hammering tightly in her chest. "Thank you, for everything." She whispered, pale eyes opening to try and find his emerald gaze. "You changed my life in more ways that you could ever know. You gave my life purpose for once... something that I could never repay you for. I love you with all my heart, my dear Colten, and I will never forget you."

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