
The stars, are your soul.


06-01-2013, 09:46 PM

A deeper feeling that no one could explain ran through Orion.His head lifted up to the sky that was full of glistening stars. What a wonderful sight this was, and Orion knew that this is what he needed to wind up his day.His ears laid back as he closed his eyes, a soft wind ran through his fur, which brought a smile to his maw.

This wind was like nothing he had felt before, it was warm to the touch. A soothing warm, not a i want to burn your flesh off type of warm. This feeling made him know that his mother was looking over him, and Orion knew that she would never leave his side. Orion's tail swayed gently as he opened his eyes and looked across the land.

The night was young and peaceful, the sound of owls echoed in the distance. His ears perked up as he lowered his head and stood up gently, so that he would not disturb the sleeping rabbits int he burrow next to him. His yellow blue eyes,and the golden brown seemed to glow with in the light of the moon.

He looked up at the skies and smiled, Orion always thought that he could feel those who have passed. And now are the ones looking over the youth of this land. To some it may sound crazy, but to him, it was who he was. That was not going to change anything. Orion knew that he was from the stars, and his heart would always stay their.




06-01-2013, 10:29 PM

Wounds had healed as autumn began to fade into winter. Now all that was left was scars that were mostly covered up by soft silky fur. He was normally a cool headed wolf, bit it frustrated him to no end knowing he didn't have the skill to protect Luana. She meant the world to him. He'd found her and shielded her against the cruelty of the world when it had stolen her mother from her. He'd brought her back to Lentajin and then later moved her to Ludicael with him. They were given a home and from there inseparable. The fact she'd been hurt, and then he'd almost gotten his ass kicked by that Tortugan, it was frustrating. It made him angry! And he hardly got angry.

He knew what he wanted to be. He wanted to be a warrior, but he was fascinated by Marvel's ability to heal. Was it even possible to do both? He didn't know but he would surely try. He didn't want that same situation to happen twice. He refused to allow it. She was his greatest strength, but also his greatest weakness. He was normally so calm, so collected, and yet if someone even so much as looked at her wrong, he was ready to rip their face off. It was confusing.

The scent of another brought him out of his thoughts. Crimson gaze traveled upwards as he looked at the landscape around him. It was night, and he couldn't even recognize where he was. Had he really gone that far without paying attention? Damn. The brute studied the landscape for a minute. Stars were out lighting the place up. Little glints of unknown objects could be seen here and there. He could only ponder what they were. The scent of another reached his nostrils and ears flicked forward curiously. The man gave out a barely audible croon of his voice, wondering if the stranger would reply, or if the scent was stale.



06-03-2013, 08:49 AM

Standing up Orion could not help but think that some one was here. His thought was correct when a slight call traveled through the air and gently hit his ears. A twitch indicated that he was listening, Orion knew that he needed to reply. After all it was rude not to respond, at least that is what he was taught.Orion turned in the direction of the call and sent out a response call of his own.

"This shall be interesting to see who had sent a call his way. And by the scent of the other, Male is the gender.Orion Begun to walk to the other, his stride was soft and gentle. It was quite strange that he was apart of the pack Amenti, but something told him that the pack Amenti was his destiny. Soon he came into site of the other male, And this brute seemed kind.

Orion walked closer to the male not getting any closer than a foot from the other."Hello, I herd your call. My name is Orion, and who may you be." He spoke, tail swaying gently as the response was surely to come any time soon.




06-05-2013, 08:57 PM

The brute sniffed the air and the scent of Lent.. no Amenti filled the air. The brute belonged to his old pack? He shifted uneasily. He didn't recognize the scent but he began to wonder if this was a smart idea. Should he be out here? What if someone recognized him and tried to force claim him back into their pack? He wasn't experienced enough to fight against a warrior that had been through more training than him.

The male came into view and even greeted him warmly. Ceto was surprised but he dipped his head in return and offered him a ghost of a smile before relaxing. Perhaps this would be a better encounter than he originally thought. Perhaps he could stop worrying now.

"Cetotorah Tahir. It's a pleasure to meet you Orion."

Gray tail made a quick sweep behind him in return. the male was friendly. This wasn't so bad.
