
Stars in the Sky



5 Years
02-15-2015, 03:20 AM
The Volcano itself does nothing to clam the purple spotted girl, it is the altitude. She spends much of her time at the top spending time with Serefina, even though the two really haven't exchanged many words, but that is not uncommon Astrea doesn't talk much at all, not even to the sun and moon; Salini talks enough for the both of them anyway.

So it is not a surprise that Astrea is again sitting at the highest point. Yes the sun was out blocking out the stars but even though she could not feel them, she still felt the hum of being nearer to them. Not to sound crazy or anything, but she just felt calmer to be nearer to her namesake.

She sat, her starry tail curling over her paws, but instead of looking up which is her norm, she looks out onto the land. It is extremely different then the island she grew up on. She could see for miles at the top of this mountains, directly north was this strange stone structure, north west is a lot of snow, the south she can see just endless grass. A full world just waiting for her to just explore it, maybe, someday. But not today, today she was content to sit on the top of this mountain, close to the sky just seeing all the possibilities stretching out before her, if she is willing to look for them.

OOC- sorry, its terrible, but im half asleep, good luck xD



6 Years
02-15-2015, 04:44 AM
Voltage had not done his job very well as leader of their little band of misfits. At least, he didn’t believe he did. While he did go out and scout a new home for them, and try to understand what this new place was like, he didn’t spend much time getting to know the youngest of the siblings, or checked to see if everyone was okay. While he did spend some time with his siblings, the most seemed to be with Serefina and Glacier, with the rest getting very little of his attention. And he felt terrible for it. So, he wanted to change that little fact. And it seemed that this would start with his favorite star child. A gentle grin crossed his lips when he found her at the peak of their lovely crowded mountain. “Ah, I had a feeling I would find you here.” He said, his tone jovial as he trotted towards her side. He didn't know her quite so well yet, but he was sure that she was a lot like the rest of his siblings. He didn't clash with any of them, and he loved them all more so than he loved anyone in this world. “Is it not a little early to begin star watching?” With a tease he turned his eyes towards the sky, blinking at the harsh late spring sunlight. If she was like her sister, she was one that excelled at night, when her named element was out.

With a tilt of his head he motioned towards her side, always the polite young man. “May I sit with you? Wait for the stars?” He asked, hoping to nudge her into a conversation with him. His energy seemed to almost simmer in his veins, as it seemed to do when he was in the company of his more calmer siblings. He wouldn’t nudge her or try and play, no, he felt she would like him to be calm. With a swish of his tail he moved to sit regardless of whether she agreed or not. He was polite, yes, but he had a rather short attention span or patient.

Burn Baby Burn



5 Years
02-17-2015, 02:06 AM
Astrea was about to take a bit of a nap maybe wait until dusk where she was at her calmest but before she could lay down her brother made his way up the mountain. She was about to tell him that Serefina was not here when he made it clear that he was looking for her. She was a little shocked. Its not that she didn't know that her sibling loved her, it just that she was the quiet one of her litter and easily over looked. She eyed her brother, trying to decide what he could possibly want, or what has happened for him to seek her out. Is it wrong for her to think that was all her older brother sought her out for? She was unsure but it was irrelevant at this point as he went on. She smiled at this point, they may not have talked often but her brother did know her, and it seemed payed a bit more attention to her then she thought. "I may not be able to see them, but they are still there."

The quiet girl looked up at that point, her pale eyes searching for the smallest peek at them. "I can feel the hum from them, even in the daylight." She tilted her head, thinking for a moment. She again thought about that very line. Was it normal to feel that way? To feel a pull or call from something that was so far away? She wanted to ask, she really did, but she did not want Voltage to look at her like she was insane, she wanted his respect and love.

She was ripped from her thought as he moved next to her, missing what he asked entirely. She blinked, her eyes focusing on his larger frame. "I watch them come out from behind the suns brightness every night." She let silence fall again she she watched her brother instead of the sky. He was not as bulky as Glacier but just about the same height. His bright yellow pelt was lovely and matched his sleek form. Did he feel the best when there was a thunder storm. Did He get depressed when there are no storms? She wanted to know, she wanted to ask... She could not hold back any longer. "Is it normal?"



6 Years
02-22-2015, 02:42 AM
Voltage sat beside her in silence, staring up at the sky. His tail twitched behind him due to his innate inability to sit still. Yet he remained patient, kind, sitting and listening to his sister's soft voice as she spoke of her stars. It was the same passion he knew the rest of his family felt for their named elements, maybe even going above and beyond normal. Their family wasn't normal, there was always something a little off about their origins. Each were named for, and loved a specific element, leaving Voltage with the mystery of whether they had fallen for their identities before their names, or their names were given to them because of their specific passions. With a gentle sigh he continued to watch the clear sky, feeling the calmness of the earth at this point. Soon the sun would set and her stars would shine and Astrea's destiny would come to its head, only to repeat the next night and the night after. Voltage wondered what it was like to feel such a love for a celestial body, but he himself believed he had found his passion...even if it weren't for the element he was so named for.

He blinked at her question, tilting his head towards her and giving her a boyish smile. "Cant say its normal to stare at the sun.." He said with a laugh, shaking his head slightly at his lame joke. He hummed then, thinking. "Well, that bares the question, are we normal?" He asked softly, shifting to press a gentle shoulder against her, to soak in her warmth and familiarity. "Can't say we are. But you are no different than the rest of your siblings. Locha could probably grow fins and no one would bat an eye because that seems to be her destiny, the water. Terrae could start sprouting leaves and it'd probably go unnoticed." It wasn't normal, in a sense, to feel such a kinship with natural elements as they do, but then again, they weren't normal. There was always something off about their origins..

"Have you ever wondered.." He began, turning his eyes again towards the sky, waiting for it to dim. "What it would be like if one of us didn't feel a connection to their named elements? What would they do then? What if they felt fear for the thing they are supposed to love? Would they truley have a place in our family...the one that was misnamed?" He asked gently. It was something that was weighing on his mind more and more, and he often seemed to ask deeper and deeper questions to selected family members. They would understand, he was sure of it. But he had to know. It was his own personal mystery.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 03:35 AM

Astrea chuckled at his play on a joke. "Don't tell Sol that." She smiled up at the male, admiration filling them. She loved her older brother, he was a constant in a world that has changed so quickly around her. She did not always take change well, something most probably dose not know about her, giver her time and more then likely she will stop being a child. She was the youngest, she was allowed to be a child sometimes.

When he got to the meat of the question though she was a little reassured about her place in life. So she was not the only one of the siblings that felt the pull. She thought that she was a odd, of 'course if she had just asked the sun and moon it would have saved her a bit of time, but she always felt left out with them. Yeah Sol cared for her, but Selini didn't seem like she wanted her around. When Astrea thought she was a shadow of the two it was a bit more accurate then is first thought.

"So if I sprouted wings and flew off to the stars no one would be shocked?" she tried at a joke. Not that she would fly away from her siblings, they where just about everything to her, but maybe not the only ones close to her, Seerten seems to be raising higher and higher on her importance list.

Then Volt grew serious, then started to talk about a sibling that may be abnormal for the family. He seems like something form his own experience... Astrea tilted her head at him her eyes looking at his face. Was he afraid of lighting? Which is understandable, lightning is a scary thing if you think about it. All that energy just going down in one bolt. "I think we would all understand, no matter what the situation was, no matter what you feel, we are all family." Astrea pressed her nose to her brothers cheek, humming softly. "Its ok brother to be fearful of such a powerful force of nature." She smiled then. "I think I would be fearful if my element was lightning, I do not know how Arcus does it, always running out in storms." She shudders a bit and then looked into the first blinking star.

"Look brother, the first star of the night, make a wish!" She hummed again, basking in the power the stars give her, she cannot even start to understand his problem with the lightning but she can accept him for who he was, someone to get his power from his family instead of a force of nature, which frankly makes him more sane then the rest of them.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 03:49 AM
He chuckled deeply as he gazed down at his sister, grinning his boyish grin. She was easy to talk to, he found, and seemed so soft and magestic. He felt drawn to her in these moments, when he needed a respite from his high energy life, or the serious of business, or even the sun. Night is when the world was bathed in a gentle glow, and he enjoyed the rare serenity he felt. "I don't think even he stares at the sun." He said with a laugh, nudging her just slightly with his shoulder. She seemed to almost calm with his answer, and Voltage grinned at her. None of them were ever left out of this family, they were all odd and unique and they matched so clearly and yet were so varying. "Well, we might notice the wings." He said with a laugh, grinning with an easy smile. His nose would search out her neck fur, nuzzling gently in the folds and fur and bathing in her delicate warmth.

When she began to answer his question she, like the rest of his siblings that he had asked, easily figured it out that he was talking about him. Well, that proved that Voltage couldn't do subtle. He sighed softly as she said he would still be accepted, they wouldn't leave him out, but it still didn't entirely calm his nerves. But when she decided it was lightening he was scared of he shook his head, smiling warmly. "It's the thunder.." He said softly, the companion to his lightening. He could enjoy the sight of his element in the sky, feel the static energy it caused and he felt as if he could just soak it up. But it was all short lived when the echoing thunder rang through the air and he felt as if the world was breaking apart. He shook his head when she spoke again, blinking up at the dimming sky and seeing the first twinkling light. Closing his eyes he sighed, letting his shoulders relax as he made his wish. It was the same thing he always wished for, that their family would settle and be happy and prosperous.

Blinking open his stormy eyes he turned towards his beloved littlest sister again, a teasing grin upon his lips. "What did you wish for?" He asked, his tones hopeful as he turned back to watch the sky, waiting for more stars to shine in the sky, and for Astrea's beauty to fully glow in the coming night.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 05:35 PM

Astrea smiled at him, he took the bait of her joke, maybe she was not always in the forefront of the family, but she is always part of it. She tilted her head back again to look at the sky. She loved her siblings, They where her everything, the ones who she knew wanted her... well besides Seerten. For whatever reason he was ever so important to her. She hummed again, her eyes focusing on the stars that where ever blinking into existence. They called to her, almost like they called her name, there she goes sounding crazy again. A large smile spread her maw, if she was not talking to her brother who just got done telling her that the feeling was normal maybe she would feel crazy but at this moment she does not.

When Volt closed his eyes and breathed deep making his wish. Astrea got up and pranced, tossing out her paws. She danced in the light of the first star of the night, expressing the joy of their awakening. She did this every night when she was alone, not even the twins seen her awakening dance, and the fact that she was showing Voltage said in action what words could not, she trusted him, as he trusted her. When more stars blinked into light she stopped and smiled over her shoulder at a now opened eyed brother. He asked her what she wished for, and that is easy, she wished for the same thing every night, "For love, happiness, and acceptance; for our family and for myself." She smiled then, her pale eyes full of joy. "Volt, I wish to find my place in this world and be loved for it, and I wish that for all of those I love." She turned, her small body turning gracefully.

"Do you ever wonder why we are so connected to our element or in the twins and my chase celestial bodies?" She had always wondered why she felt such a connection, why they called to her like nothing else could. Did her name shape her or was she named for it already? She had wondered for a long time, even since the stars first called to her. She always sat under the stars and looked up wondering why they called, why she felt like she needed to answer that call. "And if I picked it for myself, why stars? Why did I pick something so far away, why not something from home like plants? Or why did you pick something that is companion to the thing your afraid of? I don't understand."




6 Years
02-24-2015, 08:15 PM
He watched as she danced, her movements so fluid beneath the starlight and he couldn't help but smile so gently. There was so much beauty about their family, everything about them seemed so different from the rest of the world, and he wouldn't change it for the world. He merely watched her, his voice silent and his eyes committing her dance to memory. She seemed to be the stars incarnate, and he decided that she just might be. When she stopped her thumped his tail, stormy eyes shining brightly in the fading light. "You are so beautiful." He whispered tenderly, smiling down at her as she moved to his side once more. When he heard her wish he grinned a tender grin, his eyes falling half mast as he turned his eyes up to the stars. "Perhaps the stars will grant your wish, since its been said twice this night" He said gently, shifting to nudge her lovingly.

But then she began her own deep thoughts, and he was almost surprised to find that it echoed the same thoughts he had mulled over for the past several weeks. Were they named for their connection, or do they feel connections due to their names. He sighed softly as he looked at her, wondering how to word this answer. "I have asked some of our siblings the same question." He whispered softly, looking to her before glancing back to the night sky. "I believe it is destiny. We are all one part of a whole, and the universe decided what we were most suited for. Perhaps our parents have the connection to the universe, the way we have connection to the earth...and that is why we have been named for our connection" He whispered, closing his eyes. It still didn't make much sense why he was misnamed, or why his element didn't sing to him the way the stars sung to her.




5 Years
02-24-2015, 10:01 PM

When he complimented her she preened. If everyone kept complimenting her like this she was going to get a big head. Astrea sat up taller, at least as tall as she was able, which frankly was not that tall. "Your not the first to say that to me, maybe I might start to believe it." She smiled, a goofy grin now filling her face. She loved thinking of Ten, he was so cute in the fact that he was just as obsessed with stars as she was, maybe more so. She has been back to his cliffs since meeting him and together watched the stars, picking out patterns and the like. It was almost like they where two halves of one whole.

But as he answered her later question her goofiness faded replaced by the seriousness of her thoughts. So She was not the only one wondering? Where they all questioning how and why they feel the way they do? It was odd that two parents who look nothing like them but yet parented them all. Why did they seem to have those powers but not other wolves? How can two normal wolves make such children that are connected to the world around them. They must also be special, but she could not remember, why can she not remember her own parents? And if they where also gifted like their children was it with the powers of the universe? "Does that mean I am more like mom and dad? I mean the stars are the closest thing to the universe that anyone is going to get..." She pondered that for a bit, tilting her head and humming softly. "Why cant I remember them? I can kinda see their outline but nothing more..." She shifted, her mind now racing, she lived with them for two years, you would think that she would be able to remember them.. But she couldn't, it was like the little bit of time that has passed was a lot longer then it was. (Father time, eh?)

She sighed, unable to solve the mystery that she may never be able to figure out.and she settled down, closing her eyes and basking in the energy that she got from the stars. She was content with her life as it was, and frankly she may be happy with it; her newly found siblings and a just met Seerten has tipped the scale.




6 Years
02-25-2015, 02:45 PM
He would smile brightly at her, but his brows would shift together just slightly. Who else would say it to her? Unless Glacier, he didn't see any of his other brothers or sisters speaking so tenderly. But he sighed, shrugging it off and smiling back at her. She really was, but all of his siblings were. They were all amazing, gorgeous, and predestined for some sort of success. He sighed softly and lifted his head back to look up at the sky. He sat there as she mulled over his answer, merely staying silent as he watched the stars blink in the sky. Night had darkened steadily around them, and more and more stars would twinkle to life in the sky, it was gorgeous. "Why hadn't I taken the time to see the stars with you before?" He whispered as he felt his energy settle to a simmer. It was calming here with his littlest sister, and he sighed gently. When he heard her voice again he tilted his head to look back to Astrea, humming lightly. Was she the most connected to their parents? He shrugged slightly and turned to look out at the lands that expanded around them. "Honestly, little sister, Ican't say one way or another." He said softly, sighing. He didn't know too much about their parents, aside from the fact that they had once loved them all dearly. He didn't know what their connection was, he had been to distracted with his own and new siblings to ever pay them much mind. He merely shook his head, eyes tracing the mountains and lands in the distance. "It makes sense, doesn't it? Why would their most recent litter have three wolves all connected to a celestial body, when everyone else has been connected to some sort of element? There has to be a reason that you, Solaris and Selini were born at the same time." He whispered softly, looking back to his sister. "But it seems that you and I are both in the dark about those answers..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-27-2015, 07:50 PM

Astrea hummed as her brother asked her why they had not talked. She took a moment to think, much akin to Ten's long pauses. She tilted her head one way then the other, looking from the stars then to her brother. She knew her brother was busy, there was a lot of siblings to care and look out for and only Glacier to help Volt in that task. The starry child hummed again, "You are busy, we have a lot of siblings." She shrugged and looked back up at the stars. Who was she to take up the yellow brother. He was important to the family, where she was just the shadow, far from the center of the group, distant just like the very stars she was looking at.

She did not look away from her stars as he answer he questions as best he could. She did not understand why she had chosen something so far away. It felt more lonely then it should; because she was surrounded by family; but day after day she watched as Serefina basked in the warmth of the volcano and was amazed at how Locha almost grew fins when she entered the water. But she, she was stuck on the ground only wishing she could go to the stars, it was extremely lonely.

She looked at her brother, her pale eyes vulnerable as the feeling seemed to dig deep into her heart. She did not want her energetic brother to see her like this, at her worst. So she yawned, a ploy really. "I think I will sleep, brother, it has been a long and insightful day." She put on a smile as she lay down on her normal bed of short grass. She wondered if Voltage has seen the vulnerability in her eyes or whether he will give her the time she needs to think.



6 Years
03-28-2015, 09:28 AM
Doesn't mean I shouldn't manage my time better." He said softly. He would have to make the time to spend more of it with his littlest sister and the other quiet siblings. He spent a great deal of his time with Serefina or Glacier, but even less with the rest of the family. No, that wasn't very good. "I'll be sure to watch the stars with you more often." He said with a gentle smile, leaning over to nuzzle his muzzle into her fur.

The air around them seemed to cool, and he wondered if that was because of the falling night, or the words he had said. He tilted his head to look at her sidelong, as the vulnerbiity filled her gaze. Lungs tightened but he merely slowly turned his gaze back up to the sky. He wished, then, that he could have the answers for her. He had missed the first star of the night, but he wished on each and every star in the sky, in turn, that he could answer her questions, solve her problems. How important she was to the family, and to him. The stars that grant the wishes, that give the hope. The celestial bodies that are depended to be there, at all times. And he sighed. Blinking, he'd glance towards her, smiling knowingly as she said she wanted to sleep. Liar But he wouldn't voice it. Instead, he stood, stepping towards her to push his muzzle into her fur, and give her gentle kisses goodnight. "Sleep well, Astrea." He said softly as he turned to walk to where he slept with Glacier or Serefina. Pausing, a paw in the air, he'd glance back towards her again. "If you ever need someone need someone, to talk or just to keep you company,'d hurt me if you didn't call." He said with a gentle smile. "I do cherish you, little sister, like every last star in the sky." And he'd turn then, to trot off to his den, knowing she needed her space at this time.

"Burn Baby Burn"