
Brother time



6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 04:24 PM

The brute was bone deep weary from the day, and attempting to make happy some a big group of wolves with such a large range of temperaments. He needed some of Voltage's go lucky energy, his excitement to soothe his aching soul. He had found himself exploring beneath the side of the mountain that out skirted the beach, where the rocky terrain led around the mountain by the beach side, so he had the water beside him and the great walls of the mountain beside him. There was nothing like a mountain to really put in perspective the size of a wolf, even a titanic brute like Glacier.

He seated himself against an outcropping and raised his head and howled for Voltage, needing his litter mate in that moment. It was still the same 'day' as the one they had moved in, but now it was well into the night, with a brilliant crystal clear sky above them. He sighed as he let his eyes wonder from the sky back down to the water that rippled and crashed softly beside him, and the occasional spry would sprinkle lightly into his fur, adding a salty scent to him as he watched the reflection of the moon ripple across the surface of the water.




6 Years
02-23-2015, 05:12 PM

Voltage craved his brother's energy before he even heard Glacier's call, and he had been just about to set out to find him. He had decided to spend the night in the main den with the rest of his family tonight, needing all their affection and warmth, but it seemed that a certain man was missing. He slipped out into the dead of the night, feeling the chill of the ocean sink into his skin. It was a gorgeous night, and it seemed as if the sky had whisked away all signs of the thunderstorm that had chased him as he went out to find Serefina. Infact, it almost appeared as if one never occured, and he wondered if perhaps he was just imagining things again. Ears perked when he heard his brother's call, and without hesitation he turned in the direction that his scent was the most strong.

It didn't take long before he found his brother settled on an outcropping, and without a word he moved to sit beside him. He seemed to almost glow in the night, the yellow of his fur reflecting the moon light amazingly it was almost blinding. With a gentle sigh he watched the waves as they crashed to the beach, breathing in the salt on the air. "Serefina and I spoke deeply about my inability to let go of my responsibility, and how they had all grown into adults now. How we should share the torch, as it were.." He whispered softly, looking up at his brother. "She has come to accept the beach as her home, though, so that's a good thing." He said with a gentle smile, moving to rest his shoulder against his brother and closing his eyes to the shining night. "Is there a reason you're out here, big brother, and not in the den sleeping today's events away?"




6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 05:27 PM

Almost as through he had always been there, his brother would appear at his side, scooting onto the outcropping and also looking out at the brilliant sea before them. They sat in silence for a moment, one which Glacier enjoyed, the presence of his brother was a fulling one and already he could feel his doubts chasing away with the gentle wind that ruffled through their coats. When Voltage did speak, it made Glacier smile gently, and nod his head “Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way, they need to have a say in anything, but I believe it sits on our shoulders to make the hard decisions, and to protect, them, no matter how old they might get...” he said softly, his gaze not shifting from the ocean as he spoke, not for a long time, before, still with a soft smile he turned his head and nuzzled it gently against his brothers check, in response to his brother resting his shoulder against Glacier's.

“I'm glad she can accept this place, and I did my best to find something they can all hold onto as being there's, and a part of them - in this we both tried out best” he amended, and again fell silent, after his brothers question, and did so for a little while longer before sighing softly. “As you said, there all growing up, all so different, so unique and themselves, and I worry and wonder if I will always be able to protect them” he said softly, but he shook his head, and smiled. “But I called for you because I wondered if perhaps you wanted to do some further exploring with me?” he asked softly.




6 Years
02-23-2015, 05:42 PM

Glacier would accept Voltage’s present just as easily as it took for Voltage to settle silently beside him. Their attention would stay on the ocean in front of them as they spoke about where they stood with this family, and what changed. “Business” between them was easy and quick, they were fast to get their ideas out, come up with solutions and continuing on with their day. They were two sides of the same coin, very different personality wise but when it came to their family they were the same. "We need to ensure their safety, that’s a given." He said with a gentle smile, thinking of the pacifists of their home. "And stay together. We must do everything we can to keep us all together"

He nodded his head at Glacier’s sentiment, that they had both worked hard to ensure all the members had something that they could all love and appreciate.He smiled to his brother as he nuzzled him, tilting his head up to him finally. "It is nice to finally have a home to call our own. I’m sure they all appreciate what we have done to ensure their happiness" He said lightly. And then, suddenly, business was done. Glacier was caught up on most of what he and Serefina had spoken about, and it was time to close the book and relax after their hectic day. Exploring? He laughed, grinning toothily. "Aren’t you sick of exploring, Glacier?" He asked with a laugh before nodding in silent agreement that he would go out and help him explore their home further. Perhaps there were more secrets they hadn’t found yet.




6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 06:08 PM

Volty was easily in agreement with him, that his first comment was about their safety was no surprise, and Glacier simply nodded, knowing Voltage knew their safety was as important to him as it was to Voltage. They where also as equally adamant about their family staying together. Maybe their group was large now, but that didn't matter, they where a team, now until the ends they would always have each other. He butted his brothers cheek again gently but stayed quite, his brother was in agreement with him and the two of them where on the same page with their family – which they almost always where.

When the mention of exploring came out, he could see Voltage come to life, he would see his brothers expression break out into a grin. “On the contrary, you know me, I don't like to settle anywhere without having the lay of the land memorized” he pointed out, smiling softly. Glacier's sentiment was pretty much to have the ability to walk the entire land blind folded without tripping, walking into anything and knowing where he was the entire time. He hadn't fully done so on the volcano, but he had known the island like the back of his hand. “I want this to be it Volty, the place we can stay and settle and fell safe, but enough sentiment, i'm going to follow your lead” he said with a grin, indicating that Voltage should pick their direction.




6 Years
02-23-2015, 06:21 PM

They were always on the same page, it seemed. He and Glacier had the same mind when it came to their family. There was very few that Voltage felt this way with, where he didn’t have to really speak to be heard, his thoughts already shared. Glacier and Serefina seemed to stand with him on this mental level, able to interpret his emotions and his thoughts so easily. He wouldn’t trade his partner in this for the world. When Glacier spoke about exploring more, about how he liked to know the place well, Voltage chuckled and nodded. He remembered them as children exploring the island, remembered how Glacier would try and find every secret the little place could possibly hold. When Glacier spoke once more Voltage stared up at him, feeling like the big brute was in his head again. Voltage needed for this to be their solution, for this to finally be their home. He needed to have a solid base so he wasn’t running about tripping on everything, he needed to know that the place where his brothers and sisters laid their head was safe and secure. With a gentle sigh he quickly moved to stand, shifting back to turn around. With the most playful of grins he looked back at his brother. "We need to find access to high ground, for the celestial triplets." He said then, deciding their objective for their night time exploring. With a bright smile he turned back and began his walk, his gate steady and quick as he felt the static energy of his family, of his home and the excitement for making it theirs.




6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 06:36 PM

He stood when his brother did, shifting his bulk and stretching with a yawn that snapped his teeth together. He wasn't tired, or at least he couldn't sleep, but the stress of the day had been exhausting and he was looking forward to chilling with Voltage, and having a bit of fun. His brother would mention high ground, and the mountains brute would nod. “Aye” he agreed, high ground was essential, and there was a cliff right beside them – their caves where in its side, if they could find an easy access up it perhaps that would seriously aid into making this place home. “Good thinking” he agreed.

Voltage began to walk and Glacier would easily follow him, giving the journey three purposes, learn everything he walked across, find cliff access, and enjoy the day with his brother. He easily fell into step beside his brother, allowing the other to guide them as Glacier studied their surroundings, and no doubt both where looking for cliff access.




6 Years
02-23-2015, 07:45 PM
Voltage grinned up at his brother before he continued to walk along the little outcropping they had settled on. He was quiet as they walked before the family den, and then the little one he and Serefina had claimed for stormy nights, making sure that he didn’t wake their siblings up as he moved. It was often that the two eldest found themselves outside of the den, doing things like this for their family, exploring for everything their family could ever need. He kept moving, glancing this way and that for some way to get up to the cliff beside them. There had to be some way that was safe and secure for his family. Blinking he turned his head to look at a few emptier caves before he turned back to his brother. "Big brother, have you searched any of the dens for tunnels?" He asked in a hush tone so his family wouldn’t hear. Surely Selini was awake, but he hoped she was the only one. If one of the dens had a tunnel through the cliff side maybe it opened up to a path that lead to the cliff, to a place where the celestial triplets could bask in their chosen celestial body. He turned towards one of the unclaimed dens and peered inside, trying to see, in the dark, if a wall was open to allow large, adult wolves to walk through the tunnels that were surely hiding within the cliffs.




6 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 04:01 AM

For a collosul giant, the Titan cold work quietly when he wished it, and the soft pad of Voltage and his own steps where nearly inaudible as they moved quietly passed the den of their family. As they did so he found himself looking inside without stepping into its threshold, and smiling at the soft noises of sleep he could hear in side, his heart contracting with a painful need to ensure their safety, a painful feeling of love that rippled through him, these wolves in there, his family, they where his life.

As Voltage's quite tones reached out to him, the boy turned his face back to the golden streaked wolf, leaning closer so his own voice could be spoken softly. “No, I've barely explored them past the main cavern and a few small ones” he admitted gently, wondering what his brother was considering, and willing to go along with whatever ideas his crazier sibling might have, Voltage was daring, but his hunches almost always paid off.
They moved together to one of the caves and as Voltage peeked in Glacier himself would step across the entrance and look inside also, seeking any hint of star or moonlight on the other side that might indicate another way out, a way up the mountain.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 03:02 PM

Voltage nodded when his brother said he hadn't searched the dens or tunnels beyond the main den. That had to mean...there had to be a way up to the cliff through the natural caverns. He squinted through the dark of the den he was peering in before he huffed and hopped the distance to the neighboring cave. When he looked in again he breathed in, searching for the dense air that seemed to fill a den. His hopes raised when he got a scent of fresh air, and he grinned to his brother before he stepped inside, searching the walls for any sign of a tunnel. It was so dark he doubted he could see the sky from here, especially if the tunnel had curves as it raised to the sky. He blinked suddenly as he saw the smallest of holes, tilting his head. "Glace!" He called, his voice echoing around him as he turned back to the hole. It was small, nearly the size of his head, but he smirked as he raised his paw to push against the wall. Rock tumbled away, widening the entrance as he peered inside. "I think I might have found a tunnel. Come help!" He called, beginning to push both his paws against the entrance to push rock, sand and dirt away. It fell to the ground, echoing around him, and he swore in his head as he hoped none of his siblings would wake up. It surely was a tunnel, but he wondered if it wound and made its way up to the cliff. Perhaps he could even dig it out, find a safe way for his siblings to make it up to the sky. Surely that would make Astrea a bit happier, being higher to her beloved stars.




6 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 03:09 PM

Voltage easily gave up with the first came and strolled on to the second, with Glacier following slowly and easily behind him, till of course Voltage beamed back at him, the the giant bounded forward to take a whiff of the fresh air also, and watch Voltage brush against the hole in the roof. ”here, let me” the Mountainous wolf chuckled as he stepped forward and shoved his shoulder into the widening hole, once, twice, three times, each time attempting to catch as much of the rubble on his tail and paws as possible to muffle their decent.

He looked at Voltage and winced every time a stone missed his soft padding and bounced loudly across the floor. He attached the hole once more, before shoving both his shoulders through and looking upwards at the exit. “Looks like a path that leads upwards, you might just have found something Volty, but lets see for sure” he offered, and scrambling with his paws cleared away a path large enough for himself to walk through – and by default, easy for Voltage to move through. He then stood aside and indicated for his brother to go first – he had thought of and found the tunnel, thus he deserved to see it to is end first.




6 Years
02-24-2015, 09:17 PM

Voltage would step aside easily as he brother moved to help him clear the entrance, his bulky frame coming in useful to cover more ground. Wincing when rock would hit the floor he quickly ducked his head out of the den to see if anyone had seen or heard them. When he saw no movement in the main den in the distance he spun back around as Glacier cleared the entrance big enough for his behemoth of a brother to fit through. With a hushed laugh he jumped back to his side to peer in when Glacier would step aside to allow him to go first. Blinking through the darkness he swallowed just slightly, keeping any nervousness he felt down as he looked back to his brother. "If I don't make it out, big brother, tell Sere to keep her mitts off my pretty rock collection" He said with a sniffle before steeling his features and turning towards the hole in the wall. With a deep breath he moved to step inside, feeling the ground quite steady beneath his paws. He trotted forward, squinting through the darkness so he wouldn't hit his nose against the wall....which he did. Twice. The tunnel they had found circled around and up, and it didn't take too long before the boy saw something that had him laughing and yipping. Light. "It's so awesome when I'm right.." He said loud enough for Glacier to hear before he bolted for the entrance, finding it conveniently covered by undergrowth. They would have to do something to make it even more hidden, so no one could find a way into their packland from up here, before he crawled from under the bushes. "God, look at this view." He breathed lightly, staring up at the star filled sky. It wasn't as close as the Volcano was, but he still felt close to the heavens here. "They are going to love this."




6 Years
Extra large
02-25-2015, 01:38 PM

He had moved aside and Voltage easily moved to take the lead, giving one last sorrowful speech as he did so, because of course he would tumble off the end of the world once he had gone through the other side. Glacier would look at him solemnly, and nod his head. “Of course brother” he told him seriously. “I intend to keep it for myself” he would add, before a light grin melted the pretend seriousness from his eyes. Then Voltage was trotting through the crack and Glacier was peering through watching after him.

Glacier would follow more slowly after, his steps carefully passed and he managed to avoid hitting his nose, unlike his lightning brother. Voltage, up ahead was laughing and yipping and curiously Glacier continued on-wards, and then he was beside Volt and peering up at the night sky also. The deep blue of the night sky was clear and open, he could see stars and a hint of the moon, and feel their light halo already touching his coat. He grinned, and nudged his brother. “Perfect” he agreed.