
interruptions [vriska]


06-06-2013, 12:03 AM

lie lie lie

465 words. VRISKA tagged. --- notes.

The bitter cold tore at his lungs as he panted, bursts of white breath trailing from his mouth. It was in sight, the little rabbit he'd been pursuing. Its brown fur gave it little camouflage in the snow, making one part of the hunt easier. Tyberius was beginning to tire, his remaining hind leg's muscles screaming in protest. He couldn't help but snarl at the rabbit for causing him so much pain.

This was more difficult than he remembered. Much more difficult. He gave a low growl. It was almost more than he could handle to admit to himself that maybe he couldn't hunt as well as he could with four legs. Tiresias had done the hunting since misfortune struck, not leaving room for fate to intervene yet again. Instead of feeling fortunate that he had a brother willing to fight for him, Tyberius felt cheated. Maybe if he'd had the chance to re-learn how to hunt, maybe if he'd fought harder to do so, maybe... maybe... The possibilities were endless but what he couldn't completely grasp was the fact that there was no time to change it now.

It's just a rabbit, a measly one at that. If it slips through my teeth... The rabbit cut left, perhaps hoping to lose the blood-thirsty predator close at its heels. Tyberius snapped at the rabbit's hindquarters, his teeth clicking together on nothing but snowflakes and air. Angry now, he leaped forward, bringing his front paws down on his prey. His teeth found the warm meat they had been looking for and he eagerly tore into it as he lay on his stomach.

As he finished his meal, he stood up, a grin on his face. He'd done what he'd meant to do, and he'd succeeded at capturing his first meal as a cripple. Granted, the rabbit was a bit on the scrawny side, but he'd caught it himself. Guess I didn't need you at all, Brother, he thought triumphantly, not letting himself think of the fact that he'd almost missed the rabbit. Or of the fact that he'd nearly gone hungry due to his physical limitations.

The wind changed directions, bringing with it the scent of another wolf. It was faint, but he was certain that the wolf was somewhere nearby. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, his breathing finally back to normal. "What do you want?" The question was blunt, and why shouldn't it be? He knew that the chances of the wolf being an alpha were slim, and even if it was, he wasn't exactly all that bothered with being polite. Respect was something his own alpha demanded from him and he gave most unwillingly. He'd never give it to any other wolf, that was something he knew for a fact.

brought to you by stalkmeredneck of caution 2.0


06-06-2013, 02:26 PM
The brisk cold of the north. It was far more harsh than any normal wolf could handle, that was for certain. Vriska was a tough one, she had survived plenty long on her own, with plenty to eat. She only ate when she needed to after all, and she didn't need much to eat with her smaller red wolf body. Hiding in the distance with her purple eyes watching the flailing snow. Sloppy, too sloppy. She thought as she watched the young male, probably by a few years at that. It took him some time, but he caught and gobbled up the rabbit before Vriska could get into it. Well, that was life for you, things happened, and sometimes the younger ones got the best of you without learning anything. Her empty eyes reflecting off the dim light in the snow, as he caught her scent from the change in the wind. Her ears swiveled in curiosity. He was mysterious. Rarely did she care what other wolves did or wanted to do with their lives. Not unless they were family by blood, other than that, she took to torturing, but she never killed unless she had a reason to hate them. So far he had not given her one. As she stepped closer, but kept her distance for a few feet away, this was the wilderness survival of the fittest and it was not much more than a big contest.

"Well I did want the rabbit, but you got to it first, so the prize goes to you." Vriska stated in a clear crisp tone. They were on equal ground here, Vriska did not expect respect, nor did she care to give any anyway. She simply stood with her head held at a reasonable height. Carrying her own weight, she would have to find another meal, but for now she was hoping this male could entertain her. Unless he didn't intend to bite, just the way he looked, he looked as if he was lost in some way. Yet, Vriska wasn't entirely a mind reader, she simply knew the rules of life and how they were played. Bending and shaping in her paws, she moved the snow around with her legs scattering it about. Her violet eyes looking at the blood stains from his hunt in the snow.

"A sloppy hunt, but at least you caught the furball, thus you live another day, unless something else gets you." She stuffed her nose in the snow and tried to sniff out any scents. There didn't seem to be anything with the wind in it's direction. Vriska let out a disappointing sigh and sat down flicking her tail. "Looks like I'll have to find another meal." She told herself, though her interest still perked over towards the male. What would he do, or would she just lose interest and walk away.


06-10-2013, 02:00 PM

lie lie lie

289 words. VRISKA tagged. --- notes.

As the wolf approached, he realized that it was an older female. She spoke, and he was suddenly glad that he'd snatched up the rabbit she'd been going for. "I'm glad there's none left, else you'd probably expect me to share it," he said without a trace of humor. He hadn't shared kills with his brother, who'd caught them for him. Sharing a meal with a stranger was simply out of the question. He licked the blood from his lips as he watched her, waiting to see if she had more to say.

Tyberius was sure that she'd seen his train-wreck of a hunt and was determined to pretend it never happened. The she-wolf, on the other hand, brought up the sloppiness of the kill. The happiness he had felt was now nothing more than anger but he buried the feeling. She had no way of knowing how much the kill had meant to him, and even he was having trouble understanding why it meant anything to him. Tyberius had deserted his brother in hopes of providing for himself and dying would just prove Tiresias right, that he couldn't do anything on his own.

"Or gets you, darling. Aren't you a bit old to be wandering around in the snow alone?" he said, smirking. She didn't seem that much older than himself but she was older, and he felt entitled to let her know that. Tyberius stretched, the bones in his spine popping, releasing tension. It didn't matter to him that she was a decent-looking female - love (or even lust) didn't affect him like a normal wolf - and he'd treat her the same as he'd treat anyone else. Horribly.

Finally, someone to irritate who wasn't his brother.

brought to you by stalkmeredneck of caution 2.0


06-11-2013, 08:25 AM
Oh, was he offended by what she had said? Vriska was actually complementing him, and what he had said after simply made her giggle. One could not simply annoy or irritate Vriska, it didn't work that way. The reddish wolf nodded her head for a moment and flicked her tail. So he was a tough one was he? Well she could have guessed that from his appearance, if he was surviving out in this cold he obviously had some worth to him. Unless he was seeking shelter in some pack, in which he didn't smell like he was, but she could have been wrong. "Yes, but older means more experience, meaning better chance of survival then a young one who constantly has to make mistakes to learn their way. Though it does test some to create strong warriors, and even more so evil monsters." Vriska chuckled as she stood moving a bit of snow out of the way so she could stand. Her purple eyes searched the man over, had he been left behind by someone? Or perhaps been this way since the beginning of his time. These curious questions she would not ask, for her entertainment was simply for fun after all.

"Plus an old lady like me could teach you a trick or two about hunting with three legs. I broke one of my back legs before while my mother an excellent healer it took some time to heal and I had to hunt on my own for a few months." She noted her own experience. While you were unbalanced it was not impossible to do. Vriska was smart if anything, and she could not care to help a stranger. Perhaps he would wow her some, so far he had, while she wasn't so old, she was older then him. She waited for his answer still smirking a bit as her body was still on guard in case he decided to attack. In which she would not pick a fight since it was unneeded.


06-13-2013, 12:12 AM

lie lie lie

385 words. VRISKA tagged. notes: He's so confused. lol.

The female wolf giggled at his response and the very sound of it disgusted him. He couldn't help thinking how strange she was, but that was beside the point, seeing as how he himself was rather strange. An untamed part of him wanted to yell at her, Don't laugh at me!, and tear her face with his teeth. He'd forgotten that part of him when his personality shifted but sometimes it reared its head again.

Tyberius wondered if she was part of a pack and hoped that she wasn't looking to join Amenti. She wasn't fun to annoy, she just accepted all of his words and turned them into conversation. He ignored much of what she had to say (nothing of which concerned him directly) and didn't care enough to cover up that fact. Tyberius was on the fence about surviving. In a way, he was determined to live, if only to show his brother he was good enough. In another, he didn't care all that much about living. Not much to live for.

To his surprise, the female wolf continued to talk. He rolled his eyes at her and yawned to show his boredom. "Thanks, mom," he said, trying once again to taunt her. She had not yet entertained him and he was beginning to wonder if she even would. "You talk a lot for a boring hag. If you don't leave soon, I'll have no choice but to break your other leg. Your choice of which one," he replied dryly. The female seemed to be on guard but Tyberius didn't move a muscle. It was an empty threat for the most part, although he was starting to fantasize about biting her hard enough to draw blood. Maybe then she'd leave. Or attack him. Either one would be better than the boring 'mom-talks' she was currently giving him.

Contrary to anything he might say, Tyberius was feeling a bit uncomfortable around the female. She could, if not match him, bore him into wanting to get away from her. Maybe that meant she was winning this time. At any rate, he would try not to care. He would force down any feelings and change them to malice. Or at least try to. She didn't seem like she would be affected all that greatly by it.

brought to you by stalkmeredneck of caution 2.0


06-13-2013, 01:21 PM
Vriska blinked, not quiet the reaction she was going for, but it was entertaining. A smile arose on her face, what would he do, if she offered to be his teacher. Probably reject and run away right? Or fill her up with empty threats once more. He had a lot of potential, but was probably too bad his stubborn personality was a waste. Vriska stood up and looked at the male, well she had spoken a bit much, but he hadn't been as entertaining as she thought. Not unless she was teased to his desire, but if he wished to play this game, he had a lot to learn. She had no clue what went through her head by wanting to train such a boy, and her offer would be rejected, there was no avoiding that.

Vriska flicked her tail and her creepy smile grew a bit. "I'd love to see what you can do boy. I offer to be your master with training, but that's all up to you. If you wish my to leave I will, but I could teach you how to get more fun targets to play with." Vriska noted quickly. She turned her body around and started walking in the snow with ease, her violet eyes looking about, now where could she find some food. Unless the boy stopped to do something to her, she'd be bored and just go off and eat, that was her best bet after all.


06-16-2013, 07:32 PM

lie lie lie

277 words. VRISKA tagged. --- notes.

Tyberius was about to scowl at her, to snap at her ankles until she left him alone. Her smile alone stopped him. Maybe there were things that he didn't know. Maybe age was a good thing. He sure as hell didn't want to accept her help but this female might have some good advice. Tyberius comforted himself with the fact that he could leave at any time and her help would end.

Just when he was going to agree, she'd turned around and made to leave. He had treated her terribly, and she had every reason to find something better to do. He didn't have to fake the pain in his leg as he hopped after her, trying to trot in time with her. "I accept your help, stranger. Excuse my attitude, if you will. 'Tis but an uncontrollable affliction of the brain." The words felt like they were torn from him, words that he rarely used since his mother's passing. Politeness made him appear weak, in his own eyes, therefore he refrained from being so. There were times, however, when it would become necessary. The lie, on the other hand, smoothly came to him. He could convince even himself that his personality was a result of some brain damage. Maybe that's where the problem had started, in his brain.

"Have you a name, miss?"

His leg pained him and he came to a halt, leaning on his front paws to alleviate the pressure. She would either stop and return to him or she would keep going. If she left, he'd pretend to be hurt, for a little while at least. Until she was out of sight.

brought to you by stalkmeredneck of caution 2.0