
See The World Hanging Upsidedown


02-08-2015, 11:31 PM
Zola would go out by herself into the woods by the ship today. It was weird if she ever went out of the ship at all, the forest being out of view and away from the open snow plain round the ship and away from the shore. She wouldn't be too cautious but enough to make a flee if need be. It wasn't often they had visitors come into their home but it did happen. She could never be too careful.

She would walk quietly around the trees, listening to her paws sift the snow but she was almost hypnotized by the amount of trees around her. It seemed like they were all just one big tree, or maybe she was inside of one... Lian or Lel were probably around her, but she wanted to do this by herself. If there was any true danger, she could call for one of them. She knew they would be there for her.

(OOC: I just want her to meet other wolves, please no kidnapping or challenging. Lel has permission to come into the thread later or if he feels like Zola is being threatened.)



02-22-2015, 05:26 AM

Asa had made a habit of exploring the frozen confines of the ship to pass the hours. He had no real motivation to leave, or do anything else, so he'd been content to laze around throughout the day. The frozen metal of the ship chilled the air and left the russet wolf in discomfort. If he hadn't been so unmotivated, he undoubtedly would have moved days ago.

His nose twitched as a scent hit him, and for a moment he dismissed it as a hallucination. When it persisted, heavy and heady in the confined space, he stood with a groan. His limbs felt frozen. With stiff steps Asa headed for a hole in the hull, a space he'd chosen as his exit. His muscles were already loosening as he jumped through the small space, for once grateful to be a lithe-figured male.

Even though he'd sensed someone, actually spotting the small female was somehow a surprise for him. He'd be a hypocrite if he underestimated anyone based on their size, and so Asa retained his distance, cautiously examining the young girl.  "Are you lost, kid?" He called, head tilted curiously. It was doubtful, since she smelled more at home at the wreck than he did. He wouldn't qualify her as someone too young to be all alone, but really that just made the male nervous. If she had company then fine, but he'd feel better being able to see it. "Are you alone?"


02-27-2015, 11:57 AM
Zola could hear in the distance the sound of someone leaving the ship. The only thought in her mind was to run because it was probably Armai. But the sound was louder than a tiny little pup's escape, it could have been Lel or someone... she wouldn't pay too much mind to it then.

But not too much later, the sound of a man would come to her, someone she didn't know. It was very rare if she every saw a stranger actually in her home, she had never made contact with them at least. She turned to face him, wide eyed but a brow raised to his questions; Are you lost? Are you alone?

"I most certainly am not!" She would try to sound a bit brave, a reaction to his "kid" remark, "You're the one looking lost here!"

She had no idea that he was the one that came from the ship. She didn't even know someone had made their way inside... How did Lel not know? Maybe the man only went in the ship when most of her family was out and about... The world could never be safe now.
