
Evelyn's Goodies


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
02-27-2015, 01:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 02:28 AM by Evelyn.)

All of Evelyn's Things.

Evelyn. An admin of Alacritis who is married, and secretly trying to steal Nyx away from her boyfriend. She is helpful, but can be sensitive so watch out for those teeth. She enjoys cuddles, sitting in her tree, doing art, and roleplaying with all the lovely people of Alacritis. She is pretty easy to get a hold of on skype if she isn't lingering on here.


     1 Characters
          1.1 Active
          1.2 Inactive
          1.3 Planned
     2 Purchases
           2.1 In use
           2.2 Not in use


Active Characters

1) Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias -- Bio located here -- Currently Head Medic of Fiori -- Taken ; Athena -- Mother of Bacchus, Tiburtius, Vitus, and Archelaus.
2) Bass Destruction -- Bio located here -- Currently Azat of Abaven -- Taken ; Wren -- Father of Lark, Shrike, Starling, Sparrow, and Finch.
3) Caesar Adravendi-Mathias-Destruction -- Bio located here -- Currently Servus of Imperium -- Not taken ; open -- Father of N/A
4) Charmeine Celeste Adravendi-Destruction -- Bio located here -- Currently loner of loner -- Not taken ; open -- Mother of N/A
5) Finch Sartaddi-Destruction -- Bio located here -- Currently Patronat of Abaven -- Not taken ; open -- Mother of N/A
6) Mercy Destruction -- Bio located here -- Currently Legionary of Imperium -- Not taken ; open -- Mother of N/A
7) Seerten -- Bio located here -- Currently loner of loner -- Not taken ; eyes for Astrea -- Father of N/A

Now you know


Full name: Evelyn
Gender: Female
Date of birth:  One Million
Status: Married
Rank: Administrator


Skype:  chacha.fields
Phone Number: For Canadian residents only, pm or skype for number.

Template ©: esmé @ sp


8) Serefina Elementas -- Bio located here -- Currently loner of loner -- Not taken ; open -- Mother of N/A
9) Othello -- Bio located here -- Currently loner of loner -- Taken (kinda) ; Scorpion -- Mother of Revenge and Mercy

1) B -- Plans ; I wanna bring him back, cause I miss him. But I may refund him, unsure. -- 0 Gems on Account -- 24 posts.
2) Charaz -- Plans ; He's an asshat, and his muse is finicky. Might bring him back for some plots but I dunno. -- 0 Gems on Account -- 66 posts.
3) Cohen -- Plans ; Set him inactive to bring back Ekko to post her death. Might bring him back for some threads but I dunno. With both his parents dead its kinda meh... -- 43 Gems on Account -- 8 posts.
4) Ekko -- Deceased -- 30 gems on Account -- 85 posts.
5) Haruka -- Plans ; I feel bad for Keno, but I just lost the muse for her. Sorry, she will be staying inactive. :c -- 0 Gems on Account -- 34 posts.
6) Caesar Adravendi-Mathias-Destruction -- Plans ; Set him inactive for now, just don't have the muse right now. :c -- 5 gems on account -- 27 posts.
7) Fendar Lizander Xanilov -- Plans ; With Ebony gone and most of his family inactive, I just don't have the will to play him right now. -- 5 gems on account -- 46 posts.
8) Lebrah Saging -- Plans ; Just trying to cut down on characters and he just didn't make the cut. With Anais moving on and no one really active with him, which is my fault as well. -- 34 Gemstones on account -- 25 posts.
9) Rozenn Simone Maxime -- Plans ; It kills me to set her inactive because I adore her, and I really want to bring her back when I have more time. -- 81 Gems on account -- 15 posts.

None at the moment


In Use
1) Small Species Pass & Small Accessory -- 650 Gems -- In use for B -- Purchase located here.
2) 3 Inches of Height -- 300 Gems -- In use for Mercy -- Purchase located here.
3) Abnormal Coat Color -- 1200 Gems -- In use for Charaz (currently inactive) -- Purchase located here.
4) 4 Inches of Height -- 800 Gems -- In use for Fendar -- Purcahse located here.
5) Seasons Breeding Pass -- Only paid 300 Gems -- Was used for Wrass babies -- Purchase located here.
6) Small Accessory -- 250 Gems -- In use for Lebrah (bangle) -- Purchase located here.
7) 3 Extra Pup Passes -- 450 Gems -- In use for Sparrow, Finch, and Lark -- Purchase located here.
8) Other Species Markings -- 400 Gems -- In use for Caesar -- Purchase located here.
9) Odd Colored Markings -- 800 Gems -- In use for Serefina -- Purchase located here.
10) Canine Pass -- 250 Gems -- In use for Seerten -- Purchase located here.
11) 4 Inches of Height -- 800 Gems -- In use for Seerten -- Purchase located here.

Not in use
1) 12th Character Slot -- 400 gems -- Purchase located here

My focus needs more focus.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
03-19-2015, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 12:35 PM by Evelyn.)
Evelyn's Giant Postlog (Hopefully keeping this updated)
Cause I'm so bad at keeping this kind of stuff updated... I am going to try to put a limit on my threads, hoping to have 4 threads per character MAX. Except for Bass, and excluding any important pack threads.
18 threads, 12/18 owed


0/4 threads, closed for new threads.
1. Welcome To The Family -- Owed


7/7 threads, closed to new threads, except pack related.

1. It's Not About the Money -- Owed
2. Nearer than heaven -- Owed
3. Let's Try This Again -- Waiting
4. Lezioni -- Owed
5. L'allievo insegna a -- Owed
6. My soul may find -- Owed
7. Celebrate Good Times, COME ON! -- Waited


0/4 threads, open for more.


2/4 threads, open for more.

1. No One Can Reach Me Down Here -- Owed
2. Show Me How To Be Strong -- Owed


2/4 threads, open for more
1. Decode -- Owed
2. guuuuuurl sit yo' ass down -- Waiting


2/4 threads, open for more.
1. When The World Came Crumbling Down -- Waiting
2. nothing autotune cant fix -- Owed


1/4 threads, open for more
1. Nice to met you dont make me eat you -- Waiting
2. A Knight Is Not A Knight Without His Horse -- Owed


2/4 threads, open for more
1. Buck Up, Buttercup. -- Waiting
2. And the flames, they went higher -- Owed

My focus needs more focus.