
Patrolling Warrior



7 Years
05-14-2013, 07:07 PM

Tiny paws stumbled over stick and twigs that hid under fallen leaves as the deep grey she-pup forged her path through one of the many forested areas in Valhalla. Never once did she feel fear at being out alone, without Papa or Mama along t guard and guide her. Mismatched blue and gold eyes, still slightly dim in color, having yet to gain their full brilliance, gazed around determinedly at the world that made her look so small. She was a warrior. She was patrolling. Her thin tail was lifted high in confidence, head lifted high as she made her way through Valhalla. Mother had been napping. So had the others. Papa was out hunting, or patrolling, like her! She wanted to be a strong warrior like her father, and yet she wanted to be like her mother, too, gentle and kind.

A squeak exploded from her little muzzle as she tripped over a stick, tumbling tail over nose to the ground with a muffled Oomph! She lay there a moment, surprised, then sat up and looked over her shoulder at the offending stick. Why that little? She yapped at it, high yips singing in the air as she unloaded a bit of embarrassment and temper at the stick, which naturally didn?t respond. Her outburst stopped as her still flyaway mind forgot the offence of the stick, and she sat back, rump wiggling as she looked around. Something was different. The smell? She lifted her head and sniffed, like Papa sometimes did. Yes, something was different. Her young mind didn?t fully understand the difference. An older wolf would have understood at once. She was on the other side of the border.

The difference was fascinating to her. She had no inkling that she could very well be in serious danger.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



05-14-2013, 07:46 PM

He wasn't pleased being this close to Valhalla. Ever since Cairo had come with a horde to his borders they hadn't gotten along. It didn't make him uneasy, but getting captured with false accusations wasn't his idea of fun either. Surely the'd make up some excuse as to why he shouldn't be there. Rumors had spread about though. For one he wanted to catch up on Cyanide. Sure enough he had caught a faint whiff of her somewhere. The border scent changed too. It was neither Collision nor Cairo's scent that overlapped it, but a feminine scent and then an unrecognizable one. Had Cairo or Collision been overthrown? If so he was disappointed to not have seen it himself. Regardless it was an interesting turn of events.

Still a ways from the border he was ready to turn tail and head home. The sound of yapping caught his attention and so his slender form dared move closer to their border. Not far from it he was surprised to find a tiny gray... pup? What the hell was a pup doing so far away from its parents? Two-toned blue gaze scanned the area, but no one was to be found. Nostrils flared as he took in its scent and sure enough his thoughts were correct. He knew that scent. It so happened to be that healer. Erani. The wolf he'd managed to keep Banshee from ripping apart that one day. She now had kids it seemed, for the scent of others also lingered on her. It was certainly a change of events.

Eyes softened as he looked upon the kid. It reminded him of his failure with his own brood. This female kid though, she certainly was tiny and had a cute puppy look to her still. Far too young to be traveling on her own. He lowered himself to the ground to get to her own height and head cocked sideways as he observed her.

"Who are you child? And why so far from home? A bit too young to be travelling away from your parents, don't you think? You could very well get eaten out here."

She was lucky it had been him who found her. A bird of prey could have picked her up and carried her off, or if he had sent another Tortugan out to check here they could have very well eaten her. Or just killed her. Some were ruthless enough to do so.




7 Years
05-14-2013, 08:25 PM

She heard the pawsteps behind her and turned her head, expecting to see her mother or her father, or maybe Epiphron or Chrysanthe. But the wolf that stood looking at her was a stranger, and he didn?t smell like one of them. So she stood up, turned, and squared her stance, puffed out her chest, and yapped at him. At least, until he lowered himself to her level and spoke to her. She stopped yapping at him, and tilted her head like him. He was white, like her mother, and his eyes were tow different shades of blue, one light and one dark. Was he a relative?

?I?m Surreal, warrior of Vahalla.? She announced with great bravado, her mixed accent rolling the words, and cocked her head at him in the other direction, head held high, tail wagging. ?Who are you? Are you a friend of Mamas?? For one so young, her speech was quite clear and developed. Her mother?s gentle teaching had made it?s mark. Mismatched gold and blue eyes gazed at him intently, curiosity bright in them.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



05-23-2013, 07:19 AM

Her yapping had ceased as he had lowered himself to the ground and his ears slowly moved forward now that the noise levels had decreased. She was a brave young pup, a bit naive, but it was amusing all the same. It would certainly get her in trouble in the future. She'd been lucky one of the more chaotic souls of Tortuga hadn't found her. It would have been a nightmare mess if they had. Grinner was certainly known for eating pups along with others. Nnoitra at least had a ghost of a heart.

The gray kid was brave as she announced even a rank as well as her name. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. So she wanted to be a warrior? Of course she wasn't one now, but he would stay silent and not ruin her happy moment in announcing that she was a soldier for Valhalla's ranks. The small voice continued to speak and the pallid king obliged.

"Nnoitra Jaeger, Alpha of Tortuga. And yes, I'm sort of a friend of your mother's."

He wouldn't exactly call him and Erani friends, but he had saved her from a sticky situation with Banshee. Had he not she probably would have gotten eaten, or at least attacked. So they were more of acquaintances than anything else. Regardless she did know the kids mother. However, he did not know her father.




7 Years
05-27-2013, 09:36 PM

Surreal?s thin tail batted the air as the stranger introduced himself. So he was a friend! A soft yip of delight left her muzzle. She always did enjoy meeting friends. But a question tugged it?s way free of her. ?But, Totuga and Vahalla aren?t friends?? Mismatched eyes stared into his two toned gaze, wide and curious. She wasn?t afraid of him. Nor was she wary. He was a friend of her mother. Why should she be at all uneasy around him?

Thin tail batted the ground as she plopped back on her haunches and gazed at him. ?Mother always says Totuga isn?t as mean as everyone says. You?re the Alpha, so? If you?re nice, she?s right.? She was pleased with her conclusion, a big smile flooding her face. ?Mama used to be the Lead Healer, but?? A small frown crossed her face as she trailed into a pause. ?She says she?s not allowed anymore. Did she heal you?? The abrupt change to the question was made with the frown fleeing her face and a curious grin bounding onstage again.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



06-05-2013, 06:38 PM

The brute listened to the kid. She was surprisingly smart for her age. He couldn't help but wonder about how she figured out Valhalla and Tortugan were enemies. She was a kid, he didn't understand why she worried about such things. At least her opinion of him and his pack wasn't biased though. Already she seemed to like him simply because he was a "friend" of her mothers. A soft chuckle was given though. She called him nice. He wouldn't exactly have ever fit himself into the "nice" category. He'd done some pretty horrible things in his time. Things she didn't even want to know about.

"No. I actually saved your mother from a not so friendly wolf not too long ago. Otherwise I'm sure she would have been eaten."

It probably wasn't the best thing to tell a pup, that her mother almost gotten killed and eaten by a disfigured wolf and a rat, but regardless the way he saw it she would at least be pleased he had saved her mother's life. Even if it was a rather crude way to word it for her.




7 Years
06-06-2013, 11:38 PM

Thin tail continued to bat the air as Nnoitra chuckled, and as he spoke, her head twisted a little on her shoulders. Wolves could eat other wolves? The thought was a little alarming. Good thing this guy had been there, or she wouldn?t have a mother. A small growl purred from her throat. The nerve of that wolf, wanting to hurt her mother!

?If I ever meet that wolf, I will bite it.? She stated firmly, mismatched eyes glaring quite sternly at him. Her and her brothers and sisters would find that wolf and bite it good, so it would never think to come near her mother again. Her head whipped around as a leaf fluttered down to land beside her. The serious face vanished and with a yip, she pounced the leaf, pinning it to the ground. Foe defeated, she turned back to Nnoitra, head tilting as she studied him. ?So? Why are you in Vahalla? Did you want to see my mother??

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.