
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 03:55 AM

His family had started to settle in to the new land, and after a few days had passed he found his thoughts drifting more and more frequently to Anais. Had she noticed his absence? She knew his family was moving homes, she had after all helped him find one to settle them all into, but perhaps she hadn't expected the time delay before he returned to tell her how it all had gone. She deserved to know that after all she had put time, effort and adventure into helping him with his little land quest. It seemed only logical then, to return to her home. He would ensure his family was safe, and didn't intend to be gone long when he slipped from the beach and headed back towards her lands.

He would reach them soon enough and would find himself at the lake that had once been frozen, and he found himself considering just as much time had passed, he hadn't felt like he had known Anais for very long, even as he felt as through he had known her forever. He caught the scent of her, and he set down a burden that he held gently in his mouth, in order to raise his head and howl for Anais. He let his call ring out true and strong and waited until the final note had fallen silent, before he would reach down once more and gently picked up the deep colored Sea Holly he had collected especially for her. It was a taste of color from his new home land, and he thought the keepsake of their efforts would be a good idea.

Sea Holly




5 Years
02-24-2015, 12:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course she had noticed Glacier's absence, but she knew better than to think it was because he was no longer planning on visiting. She knew how important his family was to him, had seen first hand some of the bonds that he shared with them when she visited them on their previous home, and understood that it was going to take some time to get all of them adjusted to their new chosen location. It was thrilling to know they were so close now, just a hop, skip, and a jump north of her family's Fjord, but though the distance might have been meager she was not yet ready to go pay them a visit. She got the impression that their adjustment period was going to be a little taxing, and she hardly wanted to impose on them during their time of stress.

But that did not stop her from wishing he was here. Her eyes would always stray to the border of her home in the hopes of spotting him coming to fetch her, another adventure planned that she was more than eager to join him on. Even when in the midst of her family she thought of him, and wondered curiously what her sister and brothers would have thought of the kind, giant man. And, more importantly, she wondered how to make Lebrah like him. He was going to be the hardest of them all to convince, she was sure of it.

Her rambunctious son was likely somewhere outside of the den they shared - helping Lior gather up some "useful" plants, she had a feeling - and for the time being she had the space to herself. She lay sprawled upon her side, telling herself to rest and take advantage of the quiet time and extra room of the den, but she felt restless instead. Maybe she needed to try going for a run, maybe even a hunt if she could find something while she was out. Maybe she just needed to cave and go find Lebrah so he could keep her busy.

Or maybe she just needed to wait this long so that Glacier could come calling for her again.

Her ears perked and her attention focused the second she heard the deep sounding howl beckoned her from her den and toward him, and with a growing smile the girl did just that. She got to her feet, crawled out of the den with her tail already wagging, and with a grin spreading across her lips she raced off to find him. It was unsurprising that he sat beside the lake - now fresh and sparkling in the summer sun, not a hint of the ice that covered it when they had first met - and Anais hurried forward to greet him with only slight traces of her old anxiety in the form of a new shyness, a coyness that stemmed from the conversation she had had with his brother not so very long ago.

"Glacier!" she called even before she reached him, the whole of her expression bright and sunny as she finally slowed her pace. What was that there in his mouth? Plants of some kind? They certainly looked like it, and though she knew next to nothing about them she wondered immediately if they might have had some significance to Lior, her little healer. Her brow furrowed slightly as she stopped across from him, still smiling but now more curiously. "What are these?" she asked, her bright eyes looking them over before they turned upward onto the face of her friend, her tail still wagging. Every time he came to visit he seemed to have something already planned for them; what could he have planned now that warranted him bringing flowers?
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 02:42 PM

His short waiting period wold be spend with eyes cast out across the frozen lake, attempting to pinpoint the exact spot he had been standing upon its winter frozen back when he had first met Anais. Now that the warmer seasons had melted away any trace of the ice's presence it was near impossible to decide exactly how far out he had been. It was strange to think that that reminder was so easily gone, but a slight grin twitched the corner of his lips as he thought of how the seasons would change and before long the lake would be frozen once more, and its presence would signify the reunion of the day a beautiful friendship was born.

He pulled himself from his revere at the soft sound of approaching footsteps. His ears perked and he scanned the trees about him as he listened to the gentle pad of paw to earthen ground. He realized that anyone of her family could decide to drop in on the boy that often came calling for their daughter/sister/mother and he did tense a little at that thought, huh! And he had put her through the drama of meeting his own family.

But he need not let such worries take him, as his name came from the mouth of a familiar form racing towards him, her pace slowed as she neared and stopped a short pace before him. Her attention immediately went to the flowers held gently in his maw and with another smile he would take a step forward, slowly and without intimidating her would close the distance so he could lower his head and place the flowers at her feet. “They are called Sea Holly, a flower that only grows in or near sand, its a little keepsake for your help in finding our new home” he would inform her as he lifted his head back up, through attempted to keep it at the height of her smaller frame.

He inched back a little then so as not to make her uncomfortable, before seating his rump against the earth. “If you think you can be spared for a few hours there is also something I would like to show you, I know its afternoon, and if it gets late I would gladly escort you home, for your safety” he added gently.




5 Years
02-25-2015, 02:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was used to him now, comfortable enough not to flinch or shy away as he stepped forward to place the flowers that he carried at her paws. Her observant yellow-gold eyes merely followed his movements, lingering just a little on the plants as she dipped her nose to sniff at their sandy, marine scent, before they lifted again to peer across into Glacier's smiling face. There was no stopping her own smile from answering his, and it only made her more curious to know what he was up to.

Sea Holly. They were from his new home on the beach! So the family had made their move after all! Her smile brightened at the realization that now her friend was so very close to her, little more than a quick journey north along the coast, and that there was a stronger possibility they would be getting to spend more time with each other because of it. That he had thought to bring something for her from this new home of his was touching, especially since he seemed to hold her partially accountable for them finding it in the first place. She felt shy all over again, averting her gaze just for a few seconds as she accepted his gift with a quiet and humbling, "Thanks." It was easy to forget the significance of their fun adventures when they were on them; she had been enjoying his company too much to remember it most of the time.

He inched back, and as he did she reached forward to draw the sea holly closer, inclining her head toward them again to try another sniff and delighting in how different they smelled compared to the flora that grew here naturally along the Fjord. Though they were for her, she was still curious what her little sister would have made of them, and thought of maybe sacrificing one to the healer's curiosities and her own. The rest, however, she was going to need to find a special place for. And make sure Lebrah knew to be careful with them.

Glacier's offer of another escorted trip beyond the Fjord did not surprise her. It was almost expected in a way. They always did something new and fun when he dropped by, and she had actually grown to anticipate his visits very much. The grey-gold girl lifted her head from the flowery bundle at her paws to glance upward into the mountainous blue wolf's face, once again at ease and wholly curious. "What is it?" she asked, though realized almost as soon as she did that likely she was not going to find out until they got there. "I can go," she added quickly, her tail once again starting up another faint wag.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
02-25-2015, 02:28 PM

Anais's smile was breathtaking, and he knew how hard he had worked to ensure she was always comfortable enough to do so in his presence. It was proof that patience really did pay off, and knowing that this sweet shy creature trusted him just about melted his own heart to pieces. She would lean forward and sniff the holly, which he had freshly picked and already knew smelled of brisk salt and fine sand – he should know, he had been holding it in his jaws long enough.

She seemed a little shy and surprised by the gist and he found himself lowering his own eyes a little bashfully – which wasn't normally in the boys nature. As he had moved back, and had brought the Sea Holly closer yet to herself, and would find himself smiling again, content with the thought that his present had gone down well. He loved seeing her light up with adventure, and thought perhaps that she might want to remember the things they had done, even well they went out on new adventures. He would probably find excuses for things for them to explore for as long as she would go along with them...

she would ask what it was and his grin would only widen, and there was a spark of trouble in his silver eyes. “Where would be the fun in telling you?” he teased her gently, and she was already agreeing to go on the adventure with him. He dipped his head in acknowledgment, before nudging it forward, “Shall we then?” he asked, and if she agreed he would start off in the direction of the new Elementas home.




5 Years
02-26-2015, 04:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Apparently her guess was right. Glacier said nothing regarding the place he had in mind to bring her and instead remained secretive about it, his smile widening and his teasing answer confirming just what she had been thinking. She chuckled a little to herself, but felt no unease or anxiety over being left in the dark. She had learned already that this giant of a wolf could be trusted, had already gone adventuring with him before, and knew that he would not take her anywhere where she would not be safe. He was a protector, a guardian, and a great friend to her. If he thought the place to be safe for her, then it would be.

With that, he gestured for them to go, inviting her to follow, and Anais was incredibly eager to see what and where it was that Glacier planned for them to go. She answered hastily, "Yeah," and just about stepped away as a sign she was ready to move, when her eyes strayed down to the plants at her feet again. "Oh, wait!" She could hardly leave them here out in the open and unprotected. They could very well get picked over by someone else or scattered by someone who knew nothing of their significance. But heading all the way back to the den would delay their trip, and there was also the chance Lebrah might find them there before she could explain.

Her gaze wandered about, narrowed and searching, before she smiled again. Reaching down, the grey-gold wolf lifted the flowers carefully between her teeth, careful not to drop any of them, and trotted quickly over to the base of a nearby tree. It might have been clear and without anything to hide them beneath, but she hoped simply having them tucked away, attempting to blend into the scenery, might save them while she was away and until she could return. Anais placed the sea holly gently, nudging them close to the tree, before she backed up a few steps to see it at a distance. The color of the flowers might have stood out, but overall she thought it would do for now. After all, she would be back soon enough.

Satisfied with her decision and place of hiding the flowers, she returned to her friend beside the lake with a bright grin again, her steps almost bouncing with the excitement she felt. "Okay, I'm ready now."
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 03:58 PM

He would watch with a fond smile as Anais turned back to grab the flowers he had left as a present for her. She would move towards the base of a tree and he would watch in silence as she securly placed them beneath, tucking them a little closer to the tree before she seemed satisfied with her work. The Mountainous brute had stood still, waiting with a calm serenity for her to be ready to head out.

She was ready now, and bounce towards with light, free steps and his eyes would show his pleasure at her happiness with their brilliance silvers. He would step beside her and they would head out, back to his home to the beach he and his brother intended to claim. The walk was a short one, they where almost next door to each other now, and he would enjoy her presence in relative silence until they crossed over onto the beach, then he would give her a light nudge with a massive shoulder. “Alright, I want to show you what Volt and me found” he said with a grin, and headed towards a small cave, ducking inside he would move the short distance to its end, where he and Volt had found an exit at the back of the cave that Glacier himself had then widened. He squeezed his bulk through the gap, shaking his fur out on the other end and peering back to ensure Anais could get through without help - through the gap would seem massive to her.

Then they would move up the small wind that escalated to the top of the small cliff and he would move to the end that peered out over the sea, seating his rump on the edge he would look down at the crashing waved below, before looking up at the darkening sky. It would be sunset soon, and he knew here would be a brilliant spot to watch it set over the ocean.




5 Years
03-11-2015, 04:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She fell into step beside the large wolf, her expression bright and her steps bouncing as her tail wagged. It was always so thrilling to get to leave her home with him, to get to indulge in the adventures that she once had before she had been scared so terribly that she dared not leave the safety of her home any longer. Having Glacier with her made her wonder at times how she had ever managed to wander off as she had before without someone. Her travels with him were far more enjoyable than any solo adventure she had pulled off before, made even better by her growing sentiments for him. After her conversation with Voltage, it was hard to ignore them, only now that she recognized them she hardly knew what to do with them.

So, helpless of her feelings, she traveled with Glacier in mutual silence, grateful just to keep his company as they traveled slightly north out of the Fjord and along the coastline. She smiled when they reached the beach, assuming then that it was what he had intended to show her, but he kept going, traveling further inward toward a more specific location. Anais did not stray or slow but followed closely, trailing in his wake as he led them within a cave and out its other side, up a rise and toward a cliff that overlooked the entire location. Even before she reached the peak she could feel her heart soaring. This had to be a wonderful spot to be so well hidden.

And it was. The little gold and grey wolf slowed her step as she came to stand beside the mountainous blue wolf, and her bright eyes shimmered in the afternoon light. It was still early but already everything was gaining that golden touch, making the beach, the water, the very air seem to come alive with its energy. Anais was awestruck for a moment, taking her time as she took it all in and eventually grinned outright in delight. "It's beautiful here," she remarked with a wondrous tone of voice as her eyes continued to look out and around, at the water and at the shoreline. It was so lovely, surely his whole family must have loved the place.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 04:27 PM

The silent, observative beast would be naively blind both to Anais's feeling of him, and his own feelings of her. His entire life had been about his family, their safety and happiness had been at the center of his heart for as long as he could remember. He hadn't ever fallen for a girl before, and couldn't possibly recognize the signs that where right before his eyes. He did however know that he enjoyed spending time with Anais, that he wanted to be beside her and his thoughts wondered to her when she was not there. He wanted her to apart of his family somehow, to be near by him so that his cold, still insides could warm with the heat of her laughter and happiness.

He would feel her warmth now as he perched on the edge of the cliff and watched her take it all in. he could see her looking out at the brilliant view, the endless ocean that twinkled and sparkled with golden light above, and he knew that soon the ocean would catch fire with the heat of the fading sun as it spread golden across the sky before it faded – that was what he was hoping to show her, before he escorted her home so she would arrive safely despite the darkness of what would be an early night when they departed.

“Yes, we needed something like this for our starry third litter siblings, now that we have found it know that this place is home, its where we should live and grow and flourish. Me and Voltage intend to make this home a pack, to add to its security. I don't know what you want to do, but know you will always be welcome within its borders, and can visit and stay as long and often as you want, you'll find sanctuary and security here whenever you need it” he spoke softly, his eyes out to the ocean as he did so, it wasn't till he finished that he turned to look at Anais, to see what she thought of his words. He wanted to offer her a home here but did not think she would leave her family, or if her family would want to move to live here.




5 Years
03-11-2015, 04:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She listened in curiosity as he went on to speak of his other siblings, the third litter in his grand bunch. Somehow they were starry, or associated with stars, and she could not imagine a better place for them than here. She could almost see it already, the wide open sky unobstructed by trees or mountains it was back at her home, just a dark sea of stars and bright lights that twinkled and danced and winked at those below. It must have been a lovely sight, and there was a no denying a part of her wanted to see it with her own eyes. It must have rivaled even the sky at this time of day.

A smile still flitted about her features contentedly, distracted, as she listened to Glacier explain how his family was going to be growing, though not in the sense of numbers. Anais turned to glance upward at him, listening more closely as he spoke of his familial group becoming a pack, and of these lands becoming their territory. It seemed like a smart idea; even her family had come to recognize the safety that could only be found in that sort of structure. And she had every confidence that Glacier, the quiet but capable mountain, and his brother Voltage, the compassionate, charismatic speaker, could pull it off. They could turn this place into a great home under their rule, and she was happy for them that it could be so.

Only when he mentioned those defensive borders being open to her did her light start to falter and flicker. Oh, how she wanted to say yes. A pack was just what her little family wanted now, and she was sure staying close to the Fjord her brothers were comfortable with would have suited them. And not only that, but it would have meant being even closer to Glacier, a fact that in and of itself was most tempting. But she had already talked with her younger sister and knew of her keen interest of returning to Ebony. There awaited her training, and though she was not sure of the skill of Glacier's siblings she did not wish to compromise Lior's wishes for her own.

"Thank you," she answered as her smiled shrank, her expression becoming apologetic and then torn as it lowered with her own inner disappointment. "I wish I could stay here, but..." How did she say it? "My sister and I've been talking about joining our old pack again," she finally stated, her voice quiet and full of apology, of sadness, "She wants to start training to be a healer again. And I can't send her all the way to the east on her own." Anais felt horrible for being unable to say yes, for denying herself the happiness she knew she would have felt at being so close to Glacier. But she had already made her commitment to her sister, and she could not and would not go back on her word. It did not stop her from feeling terrible for it though.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 05:08 PM

To Glacier's surprise, his offer seemed to upset her, and she was hesitant as she thanked him and started to give him an explanation. She was leaving the fjord? That surprised him, that they where moving to another pack, one they had been a part of previously. He hated to hear the sadness in her voice, and realized she was misunderstanding him. Her commitment to her family was something he could understand all to well. He would easily sacrifice his own happiness for them, everything he did he did with them in his thoughts and heart, so he could never judge her for doing the same.

“Anais.. I know how important family is, I wasn't asking you to leave them. I'm letting you know your always welcome within these borders, and will always have this place as a safe harbor if you need it, I'm not asking you to join, only that your always welcome here” he explained, leaning forward he would gently nudge her cheek with his soft pink nose and smile at her, encouraging her to smile again.

He tried to push past the little flutter that grew in his stomach at the contact, the bewilderingly happy feeling that always seemed present beside her was growing, even as he worried about her, and wondered just how far they where moving, how long it would take to visit her now – not that that mattered, he would take that journey as often as need be so long as it meant seeing her again. Funny how important she had become in so short a time, how her happiness was as important as his own families – he hadn't thought such a thing was possible.




5 Years
03-11-2015, 05:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There was definitely an inner turmoil. She wanted to see Lior fulfill her dream of becoming a full fledged healer, wanted to see her running about and smiling as she gathered plants and learned everything she could about them. Of all her siblings, that little girl had been the one who seemed to retreat into herself the most, and knowing how vibrant she had been before Anais knew this was necessary. But at the same time, now knowing that Glacier and his family were settling in, permanently, nearby, made her miss him already. Ebony would feel like such a great distance away, if they could manage visits to see each other. She could almost feel that distance already, and it was already hard to handle.

Glacier, in his calm, soothing manner, tried to ease her distress, promising that he had not meant to upset her but to only inform her that she would always be welcome. It was a sweet gesture, a kind one that touched her heart even as she wished it was not necessary. He leaned in, pressing his nose to her cheek, and she leaned into the gentle giant's touch, again feeling that sense of distance beginning to claim her. But also a gladness, a thankfulness, that he understood how important her family was to her, and that he would not ask her to leave them behind.

She acted on a moment of impulse. Anais quickly scooted closer, closing the distance that separated them so that she could tuck herself against his shoulder and nuzzle him unabashedly. She pressed her cheek into his blue fur, her eyes closing as she did so and her heart beginning to speed a little in her chest. It was a bold move, even she recognized that, but one that she had simply been unable to ignore. She cared too much, missed him too much already, and needed a moment to remind herself that they were still close and would continue to be even if the physical distance that separated them grew. "I'll come back and visit you, okay?" she said as she finally drew her head back enough to peer upward into his face, at last managing to smile for him.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-18-2015, 01:36 AM

Even if she didn't find a home here, at least now she knew that she would always find a place here. She could visit him any time she wanted, it was an indefinite, open invitation, a place for her to find sanctuary or friends, to spend a holiday or a few hours, honestly, he didn't care how or what just so long as she did some and visit. Of course, if she allowed, he would come and see her also, ensure she was settling in well to her new home and that she was happy – after all that was what really mattered.

He had moved his gaze out across the fantastic ocean view once more, having fallen to silence as he watched the sun make its slow decent, waiting for the colors of the falling sun to explode as they did at its setting. He hadn't expected the movement of Anais, and his ear twitched towards her as he suddenly felt her against him, tucking herself against his side and nuzzled him. He looked down at the smaller frame in surprise, a warm and potentially even loving smile enveloping his cool features as he took in the sight of her beside him.

Even the fantastic sight of the sun as its colors reflected against the calm sea was not sight amazing enough for him to lift his gaze from the little wolf beside him. He leaned his head to rest it against her own, matching boldness for boldness. “I'll wait for you” he replied simply, as through the days until he saw her again would be meaningless, no matter how long he had to wait.




5 Years
03-23-2015, 01:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She caught him off guard. She had known that as she had moved closer and seen the inattention on his face. She had even surprised herself with the suddenness of her actions and her decision to act, but there was no regret for what she had done. And there was certainly none when Glacier finally reacted too. Her heart jumped within her chest when he reached out to touch her too, the weight of his heavy head settling gently atop her own so comforting. He might have been a mountain of a man, large and broad and intimidating, but Anais could not have felt safer, or happier. As her spirits soared, she thought, I do like him. This has to be it. There was no doubt in her now, no shred of uncertainty about her feelings for Glacier, though she wondered if it was possible for there to be more to it than that. And, the bigger question still, what did she do about them?

It was so very confusing, leaving her thoughts flustered though the rest of her wanted nothing more than to hold still, to stay put, and bask in this quiet moment she had not realized she had been craving. It did not matter even that she would be moving away and putting a greater distance between them, just after it had been cut down so much. That was all in the future. In the here and now, everything felt right.

Still smiling, the timid girl nuzzled his shoulder again as she turned her head to rest it against him as the rest of her leaned close. As Anais stared out over the ocean from the view offered by their hidden cliff, she saw for the first time the full extent of the beach's beauty. Everything looked alive, touched by the fires of the sunset and energized with its power. Was she charged with that energy too? Was that why her heart felt like it could burst? Did Glacier feel it too? She wanted to comment on the view, the sunset, how beautiful everything looked, but feared spoiling the moment they had been folded into. So instead Anais stayed quiet, only sighing thoughtfully as she let the moment linger.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-23-2015, 04:49 PM

The deeply protecting feeling inside of him for Anais just kept growing with each and every one of her actions. This feeling was different to any he had felt before, and that in itself should have warned him. He was protective by nature, protective of his sisters and brothers, these wolves he considered under his care. To feel the need to protect someone was as second nature to him as breathing. Feeling protective of Anais now that he knew her and considered her his closest unrelated friend was only to be expected, but it was how different it felt that should have warned him that it meant more, that she meant more.

Well Anais understood and had come to terms with her feelings, Glacier was still swimming in unknown territory, reaching out without knowing what he reached out for. Drawing her closer and closer to his heart every moment they spent together, and this, coming from a wolf who prided himself on his observational skills just stood there as every point of these moments passed him by, unknown, unobserved.

Well they sat there together, her body against his, his head resting a fraction of its weight gently against her own skull, and the remnants of the day would pass them by. The stars where more distinct as they took ownership of the sky now, and the orange and deep blue wolf would be bathed in a shimmering silver-blue light. He could see the soft delicate fur of her forehead, the velvet deeper tones of her ears, and the tips of her nose from the angle he rested on, and the view of her brought an amused smile twitching to the corners of his lips, through he couldn't say why.

The silence stretched out between the two, but it was comfortable, companionable, something they shared that was only for them both. Almost regretfully, Glacier would break that silence with a soft observation. “Its a beautiful view” he mused, almost more to himself then to her, and he wasn't referring to the sky or the ocean or the wide cliff top view.. no, he solely meant her. Perhaps, just maybe, he was begging to realize a little of his feelings for the girl beside him.



5 Years
03-23-2015, 11:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The brilliant colors of sunset slowly began to fade, the pale blues and purples edging in to bring the darkening tones of night. The stars rode in on this transition, first random silver points of light interspersed sparingly across the sky, then thickening by the minute, while the moon silently and serenely took its place. It was a slow and gradual change but no less fantastic than the final burst of color from the sun. If anything it seemed like a calmer beauty, something quiet and unassuming, something that stole up on you without you fully realizing it was there. In a way, with its silvery stars and deep midnight blues, its quiet and calm presence, she was reminded of the man beside her and smiled.

Glacier's deep voice spoke softly into the quiet, at last interrupting it though in a way that felt smooth and peaceable. "It is," she answered as she tried for a similar tone, though the true intent of the blue wolf's phrase went cleanly above her head. Her gaze still searched the skies, the water glittering with silvery moonlight, and the beach that sparkled faintly when the minuscule fragments of black rock caught the light. They were lucky to have this place, she thought, and she knew she would have been lucky to stay there with them.

But that was a thought for a different place and time, not here and now. Only...she supposed the hear and now was nearing its end too. Nightfall had been the end point for the adventure Glacier had spoken of when he had come to fetch her, and now that it was here Anais felt less ready to go than she knew she ought to feel. "I hope your family loves it here," she stated, keeping clear of the thoughts that were on her mind and the dreadful sense that she was not ready to leave Glacier's side and begin the trek back home. If she did not bring it up, then it meant she could stay a little while longer.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 03:50 PM

She was watching the stars, not the man beside her, and well he clearly looked at her, or at least what of her he could see from his angle, the meaning of his words would slip right past her. He couldn't help the amused smile that tugged at the corners of his lips, as he perhaps slipped deeper into his understanding of what was going on inside of him. Glacier was the sort of wolf who loved slowly, his feelings developed over time and grew stronger and stronger with each moment. Unlike a lot of his siblings, who loved fast and hard, until the love ran out and they moved on, Glacier, once fallen, doubted he would ever love another.

She would bring the conversation back around to her family, asking if they loved it here. He let out a deep breath, tickling the furs along her forehead and ear with its exhale. “They are learning to love it. Finding this spot when a long way to that” he would explain, no one mentioned anything about the late hour, and Anais, normally eager to get back to Lebrah and her family uttered no word of either. Glacier would take hold of every minute he could spend with her, and knew he would escort her safely home no matter how late the hour, so if she did not mention returning, then neither would he.

“Anais... I'm curious, about your past and there are a few things I haven't yet managed to work out. Would you perhaps be interested in a game? A question for a question? Perhaps we can both satisfy out curiosity” their was light amusement in his tone, but also a deep curiosity. There where so many things he had never asked her for fear of pushing her away. He would tred into this new water cautiously, slowly as he had so far done in all things with Anais.




5 Years
03-24-2015, 04:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The girl's lips quirked into a quick smile as she felt Glacier's breath tickle across her forehead and ear, her ear twitching reflexively as a result. Glacier's answer only managed to keep it there longer as what he had to say was positive and encouraging. Anais was glad for him that his family was growing to like the place he and his brother had chosen for them to live. She had known how difficult the task was still could not imagine how they might have found a place that had every single thing each of them wanted, but at least getting everyone to tolerate it and stay together was a miracle. "I'm glad," she murmured contentedly, feeling as if her friend that she cared too much for was certainly in a good place.

She assumed they would lapse into silence again, but only a small pause interrupted Glacier as he said her name. The ear that was still exposed perked slightly as she listened to his deep, quiet voice with her gaze fixed on the ocean, and her thoughts followed his statements. Her past? He wanted to know more about her history? It made her smile to think that he was curious about her, that he would find her interesting enough to want to know more. She too was curious about him, but she had seen how protective and cautious he had been about even mentioning the family he had so the thought of learning more from him had never crossed her mind. But here was the perfect opportunity, a back-and-forth game of a question for a question. It was a thrilling idea.

And a scary one too. She could not place why just yet, but the thought made her nervous, anxious, as if there were things there in her past that she would have rather not shared, not brought to light, as if they were not suited for telling her wonderful friend Glacier. But he had asked...and she very much wanted to give him this one little thing. And, because it was Glacier, she was sure he was going to make it fun for her. "Okay," she answered cheerily enough, a little of her nervousness creeping into her tone but not enough to entirely give her away. She made herself smile and waited expectantly for Glacier to ask the first question. After all, the game had been his idea, so he must have had something in mind to start them off.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 04:48 PM by Glacier.)

The sights he had brought her here to witness where all but forgotten for the titan. Now, all he cared about was being with the girl beside him a little longer, to hear her voice, learn of her pasts, and to be able to keep his head lightly rested against her own until she had to leave his side once more. Well the night was likely chilly, the brute's core temperature always seemed to be warm, on more then one occasion his siblings had used him for a heating pad – but perhaps if anything this explained a little further his love for the cold. He inched a little closer to her, pressing his warm fur against her to ensure she didn't feel the cold of the growing night about them.

Her agreement to his game was hesitant, and well there was one question he wanted to ask the most – what or who had made her so timid of strangers? He decided to ease her into the game, instead of throwing out a wild card like that one. It seemed he would be the one to begin the game, and he hummed for a moment in thought, his throat vibrating against the base of her skull before he opened his mouth and spoke. “Alright, Little Mouse, I ask you this – do you have a favorite place in the world? This question can be perceived in whatever way you wish, for example my favorite place in the world is besides those whom I love” he gave another secret smile as he further explained his question, after all, right here and now could be considered his favorite place in the world.




5 Years
03-24-2015, 05:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He scooted in closer to her, offering her more of his side and warm fur as the night continued to settle in around them, and without further prompting she leaned in more against him with a brightening smile. For being named for a mountain of ice, he was anything but, his side firm but soft and his fur holding an extra warmth that radiated from him and seeped clean through her. She snuggled her cheek against him more, happily taking the comfort he wished to provide for her, and felt more ready for the game he had planned for them.

She felt the gentle hum that sounded within his throat, chuckled softly to herself at the sound and sensation of it, and wagged her tail as he referred to her by the nickname he had given her all those months ago. Little Mouse. Even after the time she had known him, which was longer than she had realized, she still felt like that teeny little animal next to him. Even more so now pressed so comfortably against his side.

Her favorite place... For a moment, she was completely stumped. She had been so many places in her life - the Range of Seracia, the wilds beside the Rio Grande, the lake of Ebony, and then the Fjord - that she hardly knew on what criteria she should base her decision. There were simply too many locations to choose from, and each of them she knew had their memories and sentiments attached. But as she gave it further thought, murmured a soft, "Hmm," as she thought, she finally came to a decision with a surprised but definite, "Oh."  

Her smile quieted, as did her voice, and though her voice was still content there was just a hint of somberness to it. "There's a high place in the Fjord," she explained softly, "where a mimosa tree grows. It's a beautiful spot, and you can see a lot of the river and land below. It's especially pretty when the tree blooms." She could see it even now within her mind's eye, a sort of beacon for her family where they could come to relax and meditate, to think and ease their minds. Just a little quieter, she added, "My parents are buried there."

Maybe it was not the best answer she could have given, or at least not the best in terms of keeping their game fun and light. But she had been honest and had given the answer that meant the most to her, and that, she felt, in this instance meant so much more. She drew in a breath and released it slowly. "My turn now?" she asked needlessly, knowing that it was but wanting to buy herself as much time as she could to pick a question to ask of him. Where did she even begin? Her golden eyes lit up as an idea took shape, and, grinning, she asked excitedly, "If you could be another animal, which would you be?"
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.