
long, hot summer



2 Years
03-03-2015, 08:12 PM
ooc; reiterating what is in his signature, Kyarst is prone to moderate language, etc. if this bothers you, kindly avoid his threads.

He now felt as if he knew every inch of Imperium lands, particularly since he had taken to patrolling said lands night and day while the warriors were out waging war against Lydovne. In all honestly he hadn't a clue where Lydovne was, but Valentine had hinted that it wasn't far at all. A few howls had been heard some time ago, but whether they belonged to a warrior or simply a passing wolf - he hadn't a clue. It ached him to not be a part of the fray that had marched on the enemy, but he assumed that his newness to the pack had pretty much nailed down his remaining here for the foreseeable future.

He was hot, dreadfully so, but day by day he was getting used to the heat. A child of the north, he would never quite be a fan of hot summer days, but he supposed he was thriving well enough despite the temperature. He had taken to regular water breaks, one of which he intended to take at this precise moment. Emerald gaze drifted over the horizon once more before he broke his gaze and moved almost robotically toward the nearest watering hole. It wasn't much, just a little spit of the drinkable liquid, but it would be enough to sate his thirst in this, the heat of the day.

His maw dipped to the earth then, drawing forth life-sustaining water from the glorified rain cache. He didn't remember the last rain they had had, but it had to have been recent because otherwise the heat would have dried the cache up by now. He drank his fill and allowed the water to spill from his jowls, lapping it up with his salmon colored tongue. His pearly whites flashed in the sunlight as he did this, cleaning his face after his drink. Something stirred nearby and he lifted his head at once, ears pricking in order to pinpoint the location. The sound must have come from just over one of the knolls, and his interest was piqued. "Hello?" he called out, wondering who else might be skulking about in this heat.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-03-2015, 08:33 PM
Large alabaster paws carried the tall boy easily over the knolls, the hot summer sun beating down on his dark streaked back. Though he'd been born and raised in the South and had no difficulty adjusting to the warmer temperatures of the summer he still had to admit that the heat liked to get to him. He'd found himself spending much more time in the range though it still made him uncomfortable because of the home it used to be. The shade was to much temptation to resist though and it seemed there was much better water sources than these knolls.

His nose would seek out the scent of fresh water as he loped over the terrain. He knew his home rather well, usually there was a nice pool of water up ahead after the rain that had fallen. Before he even topped the knoll however the sound of a voice would reach his ears, perking Revenge would curiously find his way into view of the other wolf. He knew his name, Kyarst. He'd been assigned to watch the borders while Imperium waged war. The thought of his sister out there risking her life was enough to turn his stomach so the young Destruction shook his head of the thoughts.

With a rather neutral expression Revenge would greet his pack mate, "Greetings," His voice was deep, but held a quiet tone. He'd come forward unabashed, his bright yellow gaze taking in the sad puddle the warrior had just drained. He was reminded of his parched throat but he would make no complaint. "Trying to stay cool too?" He'd ask as his features would turn back to the slightly shorter wolf.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



2 Years
03-03-2015, 08:43 PM
Emerald gaze shifted rapidly over the knoll, wondering who or what could have made the sound that he heard. He had found himself to be rather hyper-sensitive lately. Perhaps it was the knowledge that he and two others were charged with the task of protecting the entire kingdom (if one could call it that) from danger while the warriors were away. There was something to having so much responsibility that made him all too eager to prove himself. The sound-maker would soon appear, though, in the form of a semi-familiar man. He'd seen this man before, but had yet to speak with him. His name was Revenge, was it not? Kyarst thought it best not to chance it in case he was in the wrong.

"Hello," he chided in amicable response, an expression equally as neutral as the others'. "Yes, I'm afraid that's a constant effort." Staying cool was nearly impossible, especially in the knolls where there were so few shady spots to linger in. He had taken to patrolling the knolls heavily, though, since he imagined that he would be tempted by all of the trees and the lake in the range. "You're Revenge, yes?" He thought it best to at least pretend he had some sort of certainty about the man's name. He knew he really ought to be working harder at getting to know everyone in the pack. Curiosity brimmed in his features, not only of the man's name but of why he was not among the warring party that had marched on Lydovne a few days prior. He looked like the strong, strapping sort.. surely he ought to be out laying siege to their enemies, no?


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-03-2015, 09:13 PM
Kyarst was just as eager as Revenge seemed, his expression similar to his own. There was recognition in his features as the darker wolf greeted him more properly a second time, telling him what he already knew. Yes, life was difficult when the heat was a constant issue. Revenge was going to have to find his own watering hole after their meeting, his throat was getting quite dry. His features would perk at his name, a nod would be offered in confirmation. "I am," He'd nod again, "You are Kyarst?" He didn't doubt his memory and even though they'd not met each other personally.

His elongated white tail swished lazily at his rear paws, his features shifting to the sky. Bright yellow eyes would watch as the only cloud in the sky skipped over them. There was no relief from the bright sun here. "If you find you're in need of a healer you can seek me out." He'd add off hand, eyes coming back to the other wolf.

.ooc. amg sorry this reply was so short. forgot how quiet revenge can be :x
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



2 Years
03-03-2015, 09:35 PM
There came a quick confirmation. This was Revenge he was speaking with. Word on the street was that this was also Mercy's sibling, which made this encounter quite interesting and potentially awkward. Did this man know of the steamy encounter between Kyarst and Mercy? If he did, how much did he know? It didn't seem as if he was ticked off, so Kyarst could rightfully assume he either didn't know, or didn't know who Mercy had been with - which was best for Kyarst. He found himself roused back to reality as Revenge questioned his own name. "Yes, Kyarst Armada." the surname probably wasn't necessary but he tagged it on anyway. It couldn't hurt for Revenge to know who he was. Revenge went on to name himself a healer, which answered Kyarsts' previous curiosities. That was why he was not on the battlefront, because he wasn't a fighter after all. "I'm quite sure i'll be seeing a lot of you then, I'm not exactly the cautious type." It was true, there was rarely a day that went by in which he didn't injure himself in some way. He wasn't accident prone so much as careless and fearless. Pain fascinated him, and activities that revolved around potential injury were his favorites. Emerald gaze met golden as he realized what must have brought the man here. "Forgive me, I seem to have drank up this pool of water. Why don't we find another?" He knew of a few areas where water might be found, and it would help them both to cool down if they were moving rather than sitting still in the blazing sun. His tail batted lazily behind him as he pivoted in the direction of the nearest water source he knew of - another puddle like this, but larger and suitable for more than one wolf. "There should be one this way if someone else hasn't beaten us to it." He took a tentative step forward, making sure the man truly did want to go with him.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-03-2015, 10:18 PM
Revenge himself was still unsure what to think of his sister's encounter with the brute, though he'd consciously tried to keep his own thoughts from that day. Even if he had known Kyarst was the one the likelihood of him confronting the other man or holding a grudge was slim. He'd be given a full name, though Revenge had left his surname off. He wasn't particularly proud of his parentage anyway, but maybe Kyarst would have been interested to know the relation to Rhythm, not that it mattered much. He'd manage to crack a smile at the comment he'd be given after the knowledge of his skills were offered.

Revenge was used to the frequent visits of his sister into his care, though he'd yet to really see anyone else but Bellona. Thoughts of her also had a habit of making his stomach turn, he'd thought her sweet and had enjoyed spending time with the young she wolf, he had to figure that this was a relation to Kyarst. Not that he was ready to give condolences or anything, he wasn't even sure he could utter thoughts of her death aloud.

His dry throat was not forgotten it seemed as Kyarst ripped him away from somber thoughts and asked forgiveness of his greed. He had finished up the supply, but it seemed he was not above helping a fellow Imperium member to a drink. They both knew the importance of staying well hydrated.

"Please." He'd offer in reply, easily falling into step behind the Armada wolf.



2 Years
03-03-2015, 10:31 PM
It didn't take long for the man to agree to Kyarst's plan, and the Armada would take only another moment before pacing forward toward the place he thought might contain water. It wasn't much either, nothing compared to the lake in the range, but it was close and hopefully would hold enough rainwater to sate his companion for the time being. "I don't see many wandering around this part of the territory in the heat of the day," he mused out loud. It was somewhat unusual to run across anyone at this hour in the knolls, as most inhabited the range which was more shady and had a plethora of water. "I like it though, it's quiet out here - save for the buffalo." Yes, on occasion the buffalo were quite loud and obnoxious, but he always knew how to shut them up. It didn't take much, really, a flash of his blackened figure and the occasional growl was enough to send them into a tizzy. Apparently they feared the wolves enough to avoid them, but not enough to evacuate the area - which was a good thing. He kept his pace leisurely, knowing that water was important but that there was no reason to kill oneself trying to get to it. They would get there in enough time, and hopefully not dehydrate themselves too much in the journey. Kyarst continued leading the man, cresting one knoll and then another before finally spotting their destination. There was a faint glimmer of liquid there, and a smile creased his features. "Nearly there," he commented, though it was more of a thought than reassurance. He padded no more than a few feet from the divot in the earth before pausing and shrinking into the shade of a nearby tree - one of the few that grew in the knolls. "Water and a tree, aren't we the lucky ones.." Kyarst flopped onto his side rather casually, allowing his head and neck to remain erect while his limbs and torso rested. He had led the man to water, it was now up to him to drink.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-04-2015, 02:33 PM
Revnge had no reservations about following his dark pack member, he could have easily found water on his own but getting to know those within the pack was worth it. He couldn't forever be a hermit though, and keeping Kyarst's presence was easy enough. He seemed a respectable brute, though that opinion may have been slightly different if he'd known about the encounter with his precious sister. Words were given offhand, not many were out during the heat of the day this was true, Revenge wasn't even completely sure what his thought process had been to come out now. Though the second statement Revnge would nod, he preferred the knolls to the range only because of the ghosts that still lingered there.

Revenge would keep silent though, only agreeing visibly as they rounded the knoll, he could smell the water now. "Yes," He'd answer the statement he figured didn't really need an answer, but the boy had been so quiet through the trip he wasn't Kyarst to know he hadn't died. What they found was an oasis. A nice tree, fully leaved, with a beautiful little puddle beneath it. Perfection. Revenge went straight to the water source as Kyarst flopped over under the shade.

When he quenched his thrist the pale boy would find his own place under the tree, flopping down before realizing he might be intruding. "I can go if you don't want company," He'd say as the first emotions to reach his face were visible: worry that he'd disturbed the dark man.



2 Years
03-04-2015, 03:00 PM
He lay in the shade, already feeling his dark pelt cooling in the relief from the sun. He hadn't realized how damned hot it was until he was out of the direct sunlight. He panted, allowing his tongue to loll out of his mouth and cool his insides. Damn the south. Why had Valentine chosen this quadrant of the land to live in? Could he not have taken a holdfast in the north that would have been much more pleasant? He sighed, figuring it wasn't his place to tell the Imperator where he should have settled. Not yet, anyway. The man drank his fill and flopped into the shade Kyarst had inhabited, suddenly appearing worried he'd disturbed the Praesidio. Kyarst snorted and offered a quick response. "If I hadn't wanted company I wouldn't have offered to bring you to the water. I suspect you are intelligent enough to find it on your own. I don't mind your company at all, I should really work on getting to know my pack mates now that I've settled here." He suspected getting to know Revenge wouldn't be the easiest task, as the man didn't seem particularly long winded about anything. Kyarst continued to pant, tossing a sidelong glance out of the corner of his eye at Revenge. "I don't know if you know it, but I came here with my half sister, Lysis. I have other family here as well. Do you live here alone, Revenge?" He knew, of course, that the man did not - for he had only recently encountered Mercy. Still, it was helpful to play dumb when trying to gain information. His tail tapped the earth idly as he watched Revenge out of the corner of his emerald eyes.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-05-2015, 11:20 AM
Revnge found himself panting as well, despite his lighter coat he still felt the heat and the walk to the water had done nothing to cool him off. His worries however would be dissolved as Kyarst made known that he indeed wished his presence, at least enough to get to know the other wolf a little better. Revnge really should have been thinking along similar lines, the boy barely knew the other pack members besides Mercy. If they were going to come to him for their health needs he really should have gotten to know them better, he really had no desire to put himself out there. But Kyarst was making an effort, which in turn made Revenge a bit more relaxed.

The boy would not start the conversation though, and the darker Armada found teh words much easier than the pale Destruction might. Family would be the topic of choice, and Revnge would be offered the name of Kyarst's sister and a vague mention of other family. Bellona's family. Ears would fall to his head at her memory, but he tried to recover quickly. He had a question to answer. "No, I live with my sister, Mercy and my cousin, Rhythm recently joined as well." Though he hadn't even known about her until she'd found him to exchange their knowledge of healing. Should he make mention of his uncle and his family, it seemed like they had been mostly keeping to themselves. It didn't seem like they would be eager to socialize considering the way they got into the pack.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



2 Years
03-06-2015, 11:16 PM
His jaws hung open, tongue lolling out in efforts to make panting easier. He could feel himself cooling somewhat due to the tag team effect of his panting and the shade - but already he was dreading having to get up and patrol again. As he was trying to remember why on earth he had chosen a pack in the south, he heard the other man speak. Kyarst had certainly known Mercy was his sister, but he hadn't known that Rhythm was related to the both of them. Knowing he couldn't very well admit to having met Mercy, he chose to comment on Rhythm instead. "Ah, Rhythm. I've met her, she seems great." It was perhaps a vague comment, but it was a compliment nevertheless. He didn't want to seem too into the hare-colored woman, and so he didn't say much on her behalf. "So you're a Destruction, then?" Apparently the Destruction family was nearly as good at procreating as the Armadas were. He nearly chuckled at the thought, but stopped himself at the last second. He cast an emerald eye in the direction of Revenge, noting the differences and similarities between he and Mercy. He kept his eye upon Revenge as he leaned his head forward and down, allowing his chin to rest upon his forepaws. If he was going to take a break from patrolling, he might as well enjoy it.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-09-2015, 08:30 PM
Revenge too felt a bit of relief from the blazing sun, the shade was welcome along with the cool drink. The pale boy would flick his tail in contentment, listening as Kyarst let him know that he had met Rhythm before. The distracting effect seemed to work and Revenge wouldn't make note of the lack of mention of his sister. "She'd pretty nice," he really didn't have to much to say about his chocolate cousin. He only really knew her healing knowledge, which seemed a bit more advanced than his own. Hopefully he could learn more from her.
"I am, though not really in the habit of giving away both names.." He supposed he might try to offer it to those he'd just met but really it was only furthering his lack of interest in fame. The darker male was obviously ready to relax, he'd lower his head and look quite comfy as the mid-day sun passed over them. Again Bellona would appear in his mind, and Revenge thought about bringing her into the conversation once more, but the words still had no wish to leave his mouth. Keeping quite Revenge laid his head upon his paws too, his gaze distant as depressing thoughts of the young girl played in his mind.



2 Years
03-10-2015, 08:17 PM
Seems great was perhaps the greatest understatement he had made so far, particularly when referring to Rhythm. She had been one of the first he'd ever confided in outside of his own blood relatives. She was definitely something, though he honestly wasn't sure what that something might be. Still, he wouldn't elaborate on the subject, preferring to keep his speech light and feathery when it came to the man lying near him. Revenge mentioned not giving both names, and Kyarst would twist his gaze toward him while retaining his resting position. His brow arched upward as he offered a simple and sincere remark. "I don't know why. I can't honestly say I've heard much about the Destructions, but what I have heard has been something to be proud of." He knew it wasn't that simple, though. At one point in his life he had dropped his own surname, or rather.. hadn't given it freely. It had been a petty thing to do, and it was something he wouldn't dare do again. He would be the last Armada standing and would still yell his name to anyone who would listen. His pride was endless and true. Brow relaxed as he glanced elsewhere, idly wondering how long Revenge might put up with his rambling. The man didn't seem too keen on speaking much, which was curious but forgivable, and Kyarst knew at some point he would likely get on the others' nerves. He let a few moments pass, occasionally glancing at his companion and taking note of his sullen expression. "Am I drudging up painful feelings?" He certainly hadn't meant to say anything that would upset Revenge, and truthfully couldn't think of what could have done such a thing. An ear laid back as he glanced somewhat curiously at the lighter colored man, wondering just what he had said.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
Extra large
03-12-2015, 01:43 PM
Rhythm was just another family member is Reveng's mind, they were all mostly the same. Mercy was the one who mattered, the only one he held loyalty to. (Though he knew that if Rhythm asked something of him he'd probably do whatever it was she wanted.) His parents were a disappointment and his uncle and his family were slaves in the very same pack he took up residence in. Kyarst's words would make him think but really he could only shrug in answer. Likely he would more heavily use his name, Kyarst seemed trustworthy enough to take his word.

Really Revenge might have sat there the rest of the day in the other's company. He had a long fuse and the darker Armada was far from annoying. He'd yet to really find someone who got on his nerves yet, though he'd hardly spent much time with the many pups that flooded Imperium. Except for Bellona. As Kyarst read his expression Revnge would find himself sighing, "Kind of." He'd try to find the other's gaze, "Your relatives. I met one of the pups, Bellona. I.." He'd lose his words for a moment, Revenge was never one to do well with his words in high emotion situations. He'd find himself looking away now. "I'm sorry for your loss." The boy had never really dealt with death before they'd lost the girl. He'd took the news pretty hard, he'd really liked the young girl.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



2 Years
03-12-2015, 02:57 PM
Kyarst liked to consider himself a rather perceptive man, and in the company of Revenge he found himself worried he'd crossed some invisible boundary in casual conversation. He wasn't used to folks like Revenge, and so he had thought to ask if he had somehow managed to insert his foot into his mouth without knowing it. It seemed that he had, when Revenge answered with a so-so affirmation. 'Kind of'. Now what exactly did that mean? Kyarst allowed his emerald gaze to be found by the lighter man, ears pricking as a relative was mentioned. 'One of the pups'... and 'Bellona'. The name was only moderately familiar to the dark Armada, and he found himself hating how large his family had grown and how widespread they all were. Who did Bellona belong to again? Revenge looked away as an omen of the news to come, and all too soon saddening news would fall from his lips. Bellona was dead. Of course he hadn't said it that way, per say, but Kyarst knew what he meant. "Bellona," he repeated, though there was an uncertainty in his lyric. He felt ashamed for not knowing her, and yet how could he feel bad for not keeping up with every one of the Armadas? There were nearly a hundred now - or so it seemed. "I know I must look a fool, not even knowing my own family.." He hated looking like a fool. He sought Revenge's gaze, asking a question he hoped the man might know the answer to. "Who's child was she?" He didn't dare ask what happened, not yet. Part of him didn't even want to know. It had been hard enough hearing about Drashiel and Roman. How much death plagued the Armadas? He found his countenance darkening as he thought about it.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.