
It's Not About the Money



7 Years

03-17-2015, 02:07 PM
*Set directly after the meeting, before he seeks out Cataleya*

He let out a sigh, having called his wife to him after the meeting was over. He was still distraught after everything, but he needed to talk to Wren. He had seen the look on her face when she spotted Cataleya, and he had honestly been a bit shocked. He had never talked about her before because he hadn't seen a point, but then again he understood where she was coming from. To see a random man stroll in and sit beside her, he would probably be upset as well. Turning to face Wren, he leaned forward to try and nuzzle against her. "My love..." he whispered, trying to catch and hold her gaze. "I'm sorry if I upset you with all of that, and I honestly don't know why I never brought up Cataleya. She is, erm was? The alpha of Arcanum, who were our allies. She seems to have a habit of pissing me off..." Bass said with a grumble, pulling himself to a seated position. "I guess I should have told you before, but I didn't think it would be an issue. I assure you though, my darling, my flower, that there is only you. There only has been you."

"Burn Baby Burn"


03-17-2015, 08:22 PM
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Wren had arrived momentarily after her husband had summoned her, her eyes full of concern. The meeting had gone well, but...what'd she know? The whole time she was thinking about the drama that had taken place before the whole talk about toughening up and such. The woman sighed quietly and felt the man nuzzling up against her, and she quickly drew back, her head lowering and her eyes drifting to the ground. Her ears flew back against her head. Right now...she didn't know what to think. It was all twisted around in her head, she couldn't process it all quite right. She seated herself and continued to stare down at the ground blankly as he tried to explain. "Alpha of Arcanum," and "Has a habit of pissing me off." Finally, after he finished, Wren stood and pressed her head to his, tears threatening to fall down her face. "I know..." She whispered, her voice slurred as if she were sickly. "It just scared the hell out of me." She finished, squeezing her eyes shut and continuing to press into Bass, searching for his comfort.

She lifted her head and locked her eyes with his, frowning. That woman...whoever she was, didn't seem like anything good. And Bass had been getting hurt a lot lately. Threatened, attacked, etc. She didn't want him hurting himself yet again because of that stranger, who apparently was a queen. "Please don't hurt yourself again, my love. I can't stand seeing you like that..." She whimpered, planting a kiss upon his face, and smiling weakly. Bass could handle himself...but sometimes his courage got out of hand, to the point where blood littered his body. Eh...she couldn't handle seeing him like that. 




7 Years

03-18-2015, 12:03 PM

As he reached out to touch her, she pulled away from his touch. Bass recoiled from her, a whine passing through his lips. His golden eyes searched her face, trying to read her. But her head lowered as her eyes left him, and he heavily fell back on to his rump. He spoke with a quiet voice, trying to get her to understand him. He didn't do this out of spite for his amazing wife, he never went out of his way to try and hurt her. After his words were done, she finally stood up and pressed herself into him. He whined again, lifting up a forelimb and wrapping it around her back to try and pull her close. When Wren spoke he could hear the tears in her voice, her words so quiet and drawn out. She pressed closer towards him as he pulled her closer, nuzzling into the back of her neck. "Oh my love, I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, and I didn't want to ever hurt you." he whispered back. The scent of her heat was overwhelming as he pushed his nose deeper into his wife's coat. He tried to ignore it, but a thrill ran down his spine. This, however, was not the time for thoughts like this. His own eyes squeezed shut, trying to focus on anything but her heady scent.

As he felt Wren pull back, he dropped his lifted leg on to the earth. Her minty gaze looked at his own gaze, a frown deep on her face. Bass leaned forward to press a kiss on her cheek, waiting for her to speak again. He was shocked though when she said that she didn't want him to get hurt any more, and a small smile appeared on his lips. "I will try my hardest, Wren. Its hard being an alpha, I have to stick out my neck to protect all those within Abaven. However, that is why I talked about upping the training now. I want to make us all stronger, so that we can all fight together now." She looked so worried for him, and his heart broke for her. He loved her so much, and never wanted to see her like this. Plus, it wasn't like he really enjoyed being hurt... "I love you." He mumbled as he pushed his nose into her cheek.


03-18-2015, 05:03 PM
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Wren felt him wrap his arm around her, pulling her in closer to him. She exhaled and quietly breathed into his chest, her eyes squeezing shut. Of course, until she felt his nose digging deep into her scruff. At first she saw it as an action of comfort...but for some reason, he appeared to be drawn to her a bit more than usual. But before she was too confused, the thought came to her. It was summer. Her heat season. It had always seemed Bass tried to hide his inner need for her, to be a gentleman. But deep inside she felt bad for him. After all, it was natural for him to react this way."Oh my love, I am sorry."

She huffed as they parted, and the thought escaped her mind. Instead, she listened to his next words, smiling weakly as he spoke of "fighting together." She'd be happy with'd make everything better. "I love you." Wren closed the distance between them yet again, nuzzling his cheek gently, and even adding a soft nip at the very tip of his ear. "I love you too." She hummed into his ear. Suddenly, the event in which him and her had just met, and the time Bass had just discovered mating flickered through her mind. She laughed aloud, leaning into her husband lovingly. "Do you remember the time you came running to me after seeing two wolves mating?" She asked, pure amusement weaved in to her words. Even though it wasn't a pleasant time, considering they had nearly made a mistake. But...thinking back on it, it was hilarious, how innocent he seemed. 




7 Years

04-13-2015, 12:29 PM

It wasn't too long after pulling back that she nuzzled back into him, making him hum softly in response. She nipped at his ear, the appendage flickering softly at the feeling. He smiled down at her, so much love and adoration shining in his gaze. She stated that she loved him too, and his maw opening to say something else when she brought up a rather embarrassing memory. His ear tips and cheeks burnt red hot at the memory, as he cleared his throat and looked away. He had to chuckle though, it was just so obvious now, looking back at it. "I try not to, but yes, yes I do." He said softly, turning back to look down at her. Leaning down, he licked the top of her head and pulled back to eye those pretty minty eyes. "Why'd you bring it up, darling? Want to get a rise out of me again?" Bass asked with a chuckle, bumping against her softly.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"


04-28-2015, 05:58 PM
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Even now, she could still remember his frantic form, sprinting across the sloping hills and diving right into her. During her heat season, as well! What a smashing coincidence! It was awkward, and Bass had certainly looked more innocent and young back then. Now, he was larger, and he had already experienced sex for himself. He appeared to be a real king in her eyes. Back then, for some odd reason, she viewed him as some little brother-friend mix. Well...before their completely awkward first meeting, when she had attempted to flirt with him. Bleh, they've both had some real humiliating memories. No wonder Bass tried to forget them all.

Wren giggled quietly as he shouldered her, asking if she had wanted a rise out of him once again. The woman smirked and stood to her paws. Maybe...she did? After all, they were older, they were married. Less innocent, less awkward, right? It wouldn't be as difficult as that one time, hopefully. Wren, even though a little weaker than Bass, attempted to knock him to the ground, standing over him with her nose nearly pressed up against his.

If she were to be completely successful, she'd lick at his muzzle lovingly, a devious smirk still resting upon her features. "Questo è per me sapere e per voi di scoprire." She whispered in a rather husky voice, one that she only used when she felt...needy. Which, was almost never. The one time she and her husband actually did it was when she was sick, exhausted. She couldn't be thrilled and naughty during that time, unfortunately.

But now...she had that chance. As long as Bass was also up for it.




7 Years

05-07-2015, 12:40 PM

He watched carefully as his wife made her way up on her paws, curiosity sparking in his golden gaze. There was something that this woman was planning, he could tell. But just what was it? Humming softly, he suddenly found himself with his spine pressed into the earth, looking up as Wren toppled him over. He had been so intent on her form that he wasn't paying attention, and the feisty creature had made her way on top of him. Smirking up at the woman, he leaned forward and pressed his nose to her cheek, planting a soft and tender kiss there. It wasn't long before his arousal for her grew. Yes, it had been quite awhile since their talk of sex and dirty things. But now, they were together and had five wonderful children. Meeting her minty gaze he just stared in wonderment at the woman that he was able to call her own, how amazing she truly was. Through everything she had been there, no matter the outcome. At times, he felt as if he didn't appreciate Wren enough. She never complained that he had been so busy with the pack, or asked him to step away from his duties to be with their family more. No, she just waited with endless patience. "How did I get so lucky to call you my own?" he mused softly, his voice hardly above a whisper.

Wren licked at his muzzle and he beamed up at her, and when she spoke her voice made a shiver rush down his spine. He growled with his need, eyes growing darker as lust replaced all else. "Whatever could you have in store, my love?" he asked, pulling up to whisper it into her ear. Carefully his teeth grazed across the sensitive appendage, his breath hitching in his throat. It had been far too long since they had been together this way, and it was about damn time that they fixed it. He had all the time in the world for his Wren, and would spend all night here if need be.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"


05-09-2015, 07:39 AM
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"How did I get so lucky to call you my own?" This was supposed to come out of her mouth, not his. Every time she was lucky enough to spend personal time with him, the same question had always spun in her head like a hurricane. How did she end up with such an amazing husband? He spent most of his time managing the pack...but when he was spending time with her, she felt so lucky to be his. To be able to raise five healthy pups with him...and to live with him like this, she felt absolutely blessed.

Wren could feel her need for him beginning to grow, and it only increased when a gentle growl left his vocals. His once soft, bright gaze became dark with lust, which only forced an easy smirk across her jaws. She had never felt this much need for anyone..."Anything you'd like." She hummed into his ear, her own soft growl slipping from her jaws as he ran his teeth over her own ear. She lowered her head and dug her nose into his neck, placing soft nips and kisses there. She was ready for anything he had for her, and she was sure he felt the same. The girl pressed her chest up against his with another lust-filled growl, her eyes slipping shut.
