
Abandoned in the Unknown


05-19-2013, 09:42 PM

Small paws moved over the hard surface, a small black pup roaming the mountain by itself. She had not seen mother for a long time now, and her stomach kept hurting. Mama! She cried out, coming to a stop, mismatched eyes scanning the terrain she had wandered into. Her mother had told her to keep walking, that she would come looking for her. But the little pup had not found her yet. Did mother forget? Did she get lost? She thought to herself, worry starting to flood her little body.

Within seconds she was off again, but this time her paws moved quickly in a run. Her eyes were wide, and the burns she had received from the fire were starting to hurt again. Mother, I'm here! She barked, nearly tripping over her own paws but managed to quickly regain her footing and continued on. She was growing tired, her body hurt all over and she was really hungry. The wind was making it a bit difficult for her to, pushing and pulling her, making her trip over her own paws.



05-19-2013, 10:08 PM

Luce was swollen heavy with pregnancy, rarely did she leave her den, the pups within her grew healthy and strong. She would be an amazing mother, ensure they wanted for nothing. Neo... her lips coiled back over her teeth and her fur would bristle. She hardened her heart, if he could not have time for her, than she certainly wouldn't have time for him. As far as she was concerned the man was like everything else in her life. Forgotten, unworthy, cowardice. She was not to be trifled with, and her pups would not know the coward of a father, who would not so much as face her after she had made the journey to Valhalla. She spat such a name with disgust. At the moment she couldn't decided which she hated more, Valhalla or the bastard whom had impregnated her.

A cry, a scream tore her from her thoughts and languidly, her head would lift. That hadn't sounded like a Tortugan It was far too young, far too... innocent. Forcing her legs beneath her, she would lift her heavy bodice to all four pads. A groan pulling from her lips as her back screamed its protest, she couldn't wait to drop this litter. Slowly she would pad forward, legs shakily moving her towards the noise. What she found made emotion choke in her throat... God damned hormones.

The pup was riddled with scars. Horrible, nasty burns that appeared bubbling and infected. She was thin, too thin, and her tail was all but gone. Luce quickly stepped before her, making her presence known, heavy French accent becoming soothing and soft as she lowered her skull, trying to appear less intimidating. "My love, what has happened to you? Where is your mother?" Luce would coo softly to the child, her own hormones fueling the instinct to protest and to nurture the small pup. She wouldn't touch her, not yet, but if its parents had left the child to rot in such a decrepit state... there was no way it was over a couple weeks old. The pup needed to be treated, Luce needed to find the childs mom.



05-19-2013, 10:16 PM

She had been focused on looking for mother that the pup did not notice a wolf step out in front of her until it was too late. The black pup ran right into the wolf's leg, bouncing back onto her rear. Mismatched eyes traveled up her leg, neck, until stopping on the shewolf's face. Her eyes were wide as she realized this was an adult, immediately thinking she was upset with her.

A soft whine escaped her lips when the wolf had spoke, her good ear folding back against her head. My love, what has happened to you? Where is your mother? Her voice was gentle, soothing to the pups ears. The pup looked at the lady, she did not seem like a mean wolf, and so she gulped and pushed herself up. There was a fire, mother told me to run and she would meet me! She told the lady, worry clear in her voice, turning around in a circle to look at her surroundings. I can't find her though, I haven't seen mother in a long time. She added turning back to look up at the shewolf.



05-20-2013, 04:00 PM

Luce's eyes would fall upon the tiny figure but the thing seemed so preoccupied with finding its own mother, that it didn't seem to notice her. They tiny pup barreled straight into one of her limbs and flinched backwards, Luce lowered her head and spoke as softly as she was able and the tiny pup cried, flinching away. She would have lowered herself to her belly but she doubted she could, so heavy was her abdomen.

The pup would speak and Luce would grow pale. If the babes burns were anything to go by its mother hadn't survived... Panic settled in Luce's mind. What was she supposed to tell this child? What was she supposed to do? She had a litter coming, she was probably far enough along to give milk... but would the pup accept her? If the pup denied her, it would die, it would die under her own care and Luce wasn't sure she could handle that guilt. Gnawing her lip she would gently reach out, to brush her tongue upon the top of her head.

"I don't think I can help you find your mommy love, do you have a name?" She didn't have the heart to tell the pup that her mama wouldn't be coming back, Luce couldn't be that cruel.



05-20-2013, 04:57 PM

Eyelids pulled together, shielding her eyes as the woman brushed her tongue atop the pup's head. Though she did not know this wolf the pup enjoyed the touch, the touch her mother had done so many times before, but suddenly stopped when the flames swept through their home. Her ears perked up when the lady spoke, eyes growing wide with hope, wondering if she saw her mother.

But then they dropped when she said she couldn't help her find her mother. Why? Was mother gone! Did she leave?! A look of fear washed over the pup, her head shaking from side to side. Was she alone? The pup looked to her left then right. Mismatched eyes desperately searching for her mother but then fell onto the lady when she spoke again. Do you have a name?

With ears pinned back against her head the pup lowered her head, back arching as she shook her head. Mama calls me honey, and sometimes baby... She said softly, bright eyes growing dull as she pulled her eyes away to look at the ground, a paw kicking at a rock. If she still had her tail it would have been tucked between her legs, but even without that it was clear so to see she was saddened by not knowing where her mother was.



05-21-2013, 01:35 AM

Luce would flinch slightly as the small pup leaned into her embrace, the soft caress, her mind whirled with ideas, with plans. She would need to inform Desdemona about this tiny addition to the pack. She doubted any ruler would be cruel enough to abandon such a tiny child alone without guidance. She would sigh softly, gently nudging the pup Luce would slowly lower her bodice to the floor, rolling carefully to her side to avoid applying too much pressure on her belly.

"I don't know where your mother is precious thing and I'm in no condition to help you search." Eventually she would have to tell the tiny thing that her mother was gone... Luce sighed, she had never made a good liar, at least not while she was sober. "Love, come here. Your mother... I don't think shes coming back. When she told you to run, did she tell you to find a new home, a new family?" Luce would keep her tones soft and gentle, not wanting to scare off the tiny thing. She looked like she hadn't eaten in several days.

If she truly was homeless, Luce would take her. She was not so heartless to leave such a small pup alone. She had milk heavy in her teats and a litter coming fast enough that they all could grow up together, Luce may never replace the tiny things mom, but perhaps she could be the next best thing. She was surprised that the pup hadn't been given a name but perhaps... if what she assumed was correct. That could be the bond they needed, for the pup to accept her as a surrogate and perhaps in time, she might actually view her as a mom.



05-21-2013, 04:36 PM

If she still had her tail the pup would have had it tucked between her legs, her ears remaining pinned against her head. What would happen to her now? Would this shewolf help her? Take care of her until her mother showed up? A small sigh came from the pup as she watched the older wolf lay down, her good ear perking up when she said she didn't know where the pup's mother was and wasn't able to help her search with the condition she was in. This caused her mismatched gaze to fall to her large belly, Mama mentioned how her belly got big when she had puppies so the little girl knew right away that was why it was so big.

The lady asked for the pup to come by her, for a moment she stood there, unsure whether she should listen to her or not but after a few moments her paws carried her over slowly. The lady said she did not think the pup's mother would be coming back, this caused her eyes to go wide and begin to water. How did she knew this? Was she sure? The pup shook her head as she stopped next to the lady, sitting down with her side pressed gently against her large belly.

She asked if her mother told her to find a new home or new family when she told her to run. The pup tried to think about it, go back to the last time she had seen mother. Her eyes narrowed she she did this, trying hard to remember. After a few seconds in that pose the pup finally looked to the woman, almost on the verge of crying. Mama, she said to run and not look back. Slowly her gaze drifted away, her head lowering as she explained what happened to this shewolf. She said, that she loved me very much, and to keep smiling even if she can't find me.

Her voice had grown quiet as she explained this to the shewolf, small tears running down the side of her cheeks. She missed mother a lot, and she didn't understand why she did not show up yet.



06-02-2013, 11:53 AM

The tiny thing peered up at her with so much fear, so much sadness, Luce's heart snapped in two, or at least whatever remained of the dismal organ. Gently she lay, her long, lithe bodice spreading out amongst the grasses. Gnawing her bottom lip she gaze at the child with sadness, there was nothing she could do for the girls mom, save for offer her a new home. She extended her neck, gently bathing the wounded pup with a small kiss, before lowering her maw to the forest floor to be more even with the child.

"Love, I cannot return you to your mother, but I can help you, I will adopt you if you so desire, I can't replace your mommy but I will give you a home and food to eat and a name if you so wish it, would you like to come home with me precious thing?" Her words were soft and gentle, names already swirling through her mind as she waited for the child's response, she wouldn't force the little pup, never, she had been a slave too long to condone such things, but she would struggle to make her see a better life than the one she would face on her own.

The tiny pup began to cry and Luce hummed softly, hoping to soothe her fears, gently her tongue escaped her parted lips and licked at the tears streaming down the pups maw, cleaning her with a gentleness not usually seen by her. Her heart broke for the tiny creature in her grasp and if she choose to come with her, Luce was determined to raise her with the same love and affection she would feel for her own litter.



06-02-2013, 07:51 PM

Mismatched eyes stared down at the ground, body pulled in close, legs pressed up against herself. What would happen to her now? Would she have to be alone from now on? Or would this lady take care of her? The thought of it sent a chill down her spine, or was that something else? She pulled her gaze from the ground to look up at the lady, she had given her a small kiss. Her good ear perked up as she spoke, explaining that she would to be able to take her back to her mother but could help her. The lady would adopt her if she wanted, give her food and a name. Then she asked the big question. would you like to come home with me precious thing?

The little up sat there in silence, thinking about it. And didn't even move when she had licked some tears from her cheeks. Should she go with the lady, get food and shelter, even a name. Or wait here for her mother who may never return for her? It was hard, the little girl didn't want to just leave her mother, possibly worry her more than she already was.

I... She began but paused, turning her head to the side, brows coming together. I want to go with you, please. Her voice was soft, gentle, holding a tone of desperation that she would deny. Even though she wanted desperately to wait for her mother, the little girl just couldn't go another day or two without food or a nice place to sleep.


Awesome image made by Spriggan. <3


06-06-2013, 02:29 AM

Luce was a great many things and while the vast majority of that list were things comprised of what most would consider sin, Luce did have her few redeeming qualities. She had a soft spot for kids and she was, if nothing else, kind until angered, but she wasn't a miracle woman. She was bloated out to here, nearly ready to drop her pups and in no way physically able to help this child find... well... what she assumed to be a corpse. A soft sigh would fall from Luce's mouth as the child continued to cry, she felt its pain truly, but all she could do, was offer her a home and a life amongst siblings whom she would make sure would accept her.

She was surprised by such a quick approval, but she smiled all the same, crystalline blues filling with warmth and she slowly rose to her feet, wincing slightly at the pain in her back. With a soft grunt of exertion, she motioned for the child to follow her, before she began traveling slowly back to her den. "Come, once we return to my den, you can nurse, I suppose a good place to start would be to give you a name. You are far too gorgeous just to be given any old name, it needs to be strong, just like you." She would praise the child in hopes that she would smile. She fell into silent contemplation before a smile broke out across her maw. "How about Seraphine?" It was pretty, a strong French name that had come from her native land.



06-07-2013, 03:36 PM
ooc: Thought this would be a good moment to end it.

The young pup watched the woman silently, blinking her mismatched eyes. The woman started to get up, the pup pushing herself up too, moving out of the way. She had motioned for her to the follow so she gave a small nod of her head and with quick steps found herself beside the woman. Her voice cause a shy smile to cross her lips, holding her head down when she had called her gorgeous and strong. How about Seraphine? She asked. The pup tilted her head in thought, thinking about whether the name sounded it good or if it even fit her. And after a few moments of silence she looked up to the woman and gave a nod of her had. I like it, it's pretty... like me. She spoke with a toothy grin, a small bounce in her step and stump of a tail wiggling behind her.



Awesome image made by Spriggan. <3