
A new beginning



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-07-2013, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 08:29 PM by Epiphron.)

She thankfully bid Gerhardt farewell. He turned as though continuing along the borders of Seracia, leaving her to find Maverick on her own. It was strange, and she stood there for a long moment, staring across the vast landscape. Soon, this would be her home. She would be Seracia's Princess. For now, she was still a Valhallan. Until the wedding, which would be happening in the coming weeks.

Brilliant blue eyes scanned before her. Tentatively she lifted a red-furred paw, holding it to her chest for a long moment before she stepped foot over the marked borders. She had visited Maverick here, hoping to find some kind of closure. She hadn't -- but things had changed, very suddenly. And now she stood here, ready to fall for the man she would be marrying soon.

And she froze, suddenly paralyzed by uncertainty. Epiphron Adravendi would soon be Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias. The thought of a future with Maverick was nothing short of thrilling, but what if life here was not what she expected? Could she ever back out, or would her future be permanently sealed, regardless of whether or not she found herself satisfied with it? But no -- she knew exactly what she wanted, and it was this. Life with Maverick.

Slowly she made her way deeper into Seracian territory, walking with remarkable ease and confidence. All that worried her was what Maverick's reaction might be. Surprised? Likely. Upset? Perhaps. Angry? That was much less likely, but still a very real possibility. After a few long minutes of wandering, she came to a halt. Slender muzzle raised towards the clear winter skies, and Epiphron let loose a howl; a call for Maverick, and no one else.



06-07-2013, 08:27 PM

His fur was dappled in more places than just his rump given the gentle bits of snow that had fallen while he lay still. A thin few inches of ice covered in snow laced every inch of Seracia, turning it into - quite literally - a winter wonderland. A smile crossed his features. Last winter he had been in the delta, but snow had not gotten very thick there and most of it had been weak and fragile. This snow was thicker, hardier, and he was sure more and more of it would accumulate as the Winter barreled on. The boy had been lying down in the open, allowing the snowflakes to blanket his back, head, and tail, but now he felt as if he was being entirely too lazy. He knew that despite his melancholy attitude as of late he needed to get something done. A border patrol would be the easiest task, as all he really had to do was walk around and mark the invisible line between Seracia and the land of the vagabonds. Of course, this occasionally led to the meeting of a prospective member, but those occasions were few and far between.

Most wolves came in across the croplands, and so he would head in that direction, deciding to start there rather than work his way to that location. It was easier to dart across the center of the land and make his way. Bodice moved robotically over the broken down bits of snow-capped fencing that separated the pasture from the rest of Seracia. However, when he landed with a thud on the other side he noted a scent that was familiar and strange all at the same time. More importantly, it was inside Seracia. He halted, drawing up his head in an angle to better receive the aroma drifting his way via the wind. It was distinctly Valhallan, but that was not a surprise in itself - as Valhalla had presented itself before and was welcome within the kingdom. The surprising part was that it smelled very much like Epiphron, but that couldn't very well be, could it?

It can't be.

He stiffened and loped toward the source of the perfume, intrigued by its substance and its carrier. It smelled like her - so much so that he was determined to believe that it was her - and yet, it was different at the same time. Enraptured, the boy moved forth, not bothering to shake off the snow that loosely blanketed his back and head. Tail stiffened behind him and flagged out proudly as he raised his head and came onto the scene. "Epiphron." The word was like a whisper, but in the quiet of winter it was loud enough to be heard by anyone nearby. He held his distance at a respectable four feet away, face stoic and unreadable despite the uncertainty that boiled beneath the surface. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." Well, that was obvious wasn't it? Not a smirk or simper lingered on his lips, for he was sure that this meeting had not been planned and would probably be awkward and horribly painful.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-07-2013, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 08:58 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron stood patiently, shifting from one paw to the other. Her journey had been so hurried and so focused that she'd hardly noticed how much of the fluffy white substance had accumulated since winter's beginning. Blue gaze lingered on her paws for a moment longer before she glanced out, examining the lands before her. It was all so different than Valhalla, than her home, and yet similar somehow. She could get used to this, however strange it might be at first. The flatness of the lands were unassuming, comforting to her somehow, even as she stood there and began to wonder if Maverick would arrive, and what his reaction might be.

The man's arrival was prompt. She spotted him from a distance, his russet coat contrasting sharply with the freshly fallen snow. He looked far older than he had at their last meeting, though it had been just a few months prior. No, more than a few -- she hadn't seen him since summer. The mere sight of her made her breath catch in her throat. As he drew nearer, she grew anxious at the site of him -- for she wanted so badly to barrel forward and embrace him, but he seemed less than impressed to see her. Not unimpressed, exactly, but confused. Withdrawn. As she should have expected.

"Maverick," she spoke breathlessly, tail flicking idly behind her form, lowered to nearly curl between her legs. She was at a loss for words, unsure how to respond to his words. Maverick seemed different -- so unlike the man she'd grown to love. But did she blame him for being contained in her presence? No. She'd done the same, at their last meeting. But this time was different.

"I've come here in Chrysanthe's place." Her words were blurted out suddenly, almost hurriedly. "I've stepped down as Valhalla's Alpha, to marry you." Though she had spoke of it to some as though she'd done some great, virtuous deed, the noble sister stepping down, giving her sibling the the position she so desired (and had rightfully earned, as far as Epiphron was concerned) -- but Epiphron knew that, deep inside, she had done nothing virtuous. What this was really about was what she wanted the most. And there was no doubt in her mind that Maverick was her deepest desire. She spoke simply, unable to contain the emotion that had begun to leak into her tones. Joy. Insecurity. Wondering how exactly he might react. "I just met your father, and he sent me to find you. To tell you the news."


06-07-2013, 09:58 PM

A sigh hovered in the confines of his jaws, but he didn't dare let it go. Not a sound escaped the boy save for the few words he had spoken earlier. His tail did not move except to hang limply at his haunches now that dominance and stature was no longer necessary. She knew who he was, knew what his title was, and reinforcing it would do him no good. Some part of him was screaming in his head, screaming for him to hate her - to grow, to snarl, to turn and walk away. She had caused him so much pain and strife, she and her family. he should leave, he wanted to leave, but instead he remained where he was. Another part of him desired to know why she was here, what had brought his only vice back to him for another round of torture.

She had come here in Chrysanthe's place. What was that place? Ah yes, his betrothed. But how could that be? His father and her brother had chosen Chrysanthe personally for the pact between packs. More information. She'd stepped down as Valhallas alpha to marry him. She gave that all up for him? Why? His brow furrowed as he took a tentative step forward, tail flashing once between his hocks. "You stepped down as Alpha?" He tilted his head, features softening slightly. "How did this happen?" The boy swept forward, bringing his cheek to the plush fur of her neck - breathing in her scent. This had to be a dream, though he'd never even been able to dream something so wonderful - no matter how hard he'd tried.

She spoke, mentioning his father. "He didn't mind the change?" Gerhardt didn't know Epiphron from any other stranger, and he didn't know of their secret love. How had she managed to make him comfortable with such a sudden change in the arrangements? He'd seemed so confident on Chrysanthe. He would attempt to lean into her gently, feeling as if he could never get close enough to Epiphron, his love, his betrothed.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-08-2013, 05:19 PM

Epiphron stood silently, her own posture relaxed, her status unenforced. This was an important moment. She'd told him that she was coming here in Chrysanthe's place. And all she could do was quietly pray that he would not be upset -- that he had not grown fond of her sister, that he had not fallen out of love with her. And for a long moment, she grew fearful that he might not want her here. She half-expected him to begun to growl and demand she take her leave, but then he opened his mouth to speak.

"You stepped down as Alpha? How did this happen?" he inquired, sounding as if he had been stunned by her sudden information "Yes, I stepped down publicly..." she explained slowly, carefully. Before she could go on, he had rushed forward, their cheeks meeting in a tender embrace. She felt her legs suddenly tremble as she pressed against his touch, relishing in it. This time, when they bid each other farewell, it would only be for a short period. Until the wedding. Then, they would be together for as long as either of them desired. Eternity, perhaps.

"I wanted to be with you, more than I wanted to be Valhalla's ruler." Her words were simple, blunt, and yet brimming with honesty and emotion. There was no need to explain that she also had not wanted Chrysanthe to be bound to him if she did not want to; her sister's unhappiness had been beyond a doubt. "Gerhardt didn't mind. He seemed a bit confused -- and was teasing me a bit, acting like I was a bad influence for distracting you so often -- but he was fine with the arrangements.. I told him that I had met you before, and he seemed to figure out the rest. He seems like a kind man..." A sigh escaped her lips, and she nuzzled into the fur of his neck, wanting desperately to be closer to him.


06-08-2013, 07:10 PM

As flesh met flesh the boy was enraptured with the woman and her willingness to give up everything she had ever grown up wanting for him. Chrysanthe would have married him and life would have gone on, but she had chosen to alter all of their destinies and ensure that love won in the end. For this, he would be eternally grateful. The sigh that had been lingering between his teeth since he'd seen her soon slipped from agape jaws as he breathed in her scent. She reaffirmed what he'd thought he heard. She had stepped down publicly for him, chosen him over life as alpha of one of the biggest packs in Alacritis (that he knew of). He felt her tremble, and braced himself to allow her to lean into him if she chose to or needed to.

He fell speechless as she told him quite plainly she would rather be with him than lead Valhalla. He understood the weight of such words, being in a position of power himself. Maverick couldn't help but wonder what he would have done in her same situation. He couldn't have gone up against Gerhardt, not after all the man had done for he and his siblings. She answered him then, telling him that Gerhardt had been confused, but not altogether opposed to the new arrangement. So, his father knew now about their relationship. Maverick was glad that the secret was out in the open - at least partially. "I can't believe this is really happening.." He sighed into her ear, lyrics gentle and quaking ever so slightly. "It feels like a dream." He turned his neck so that he was lying his chin on the back of her nape.

"Epiphron Adravendi will soon be my bride." A smile fluttered on his lips, remaining there for some time. He had won, he had finally won. And alas, his uncle had lucked out as well! "My uncle will be thrilled." He wondered if Epiphron knew of Gideon's affection for Chrysanthe, Maverick had only just found out himself.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-08-2013, 08:39 PM

As much as Epiphron had painted herself a saint, as though she was giving up the world for her sister, for Valhalla, this was what she wanted. Briefly she wondered if she would've left her home to come to Seracia if it did not ensure her a ranked position -- if she hadn't known she would, eventually, be placed as Seracia's ruler -- but she was unwilling to dwell on this for too long. Perhaps she was vain, perhaps she was not as selfless as some wolves, but was it really so terrible that love did not always trump all? Were not prestige and family rather high up there, as well? Even still, around Maverick, she knew it was pointless to pretend that she'd done anything great, even if the wolves of Valhalla thought her noble for letting Chrysanthe rule in her place. Very simply put, the thought of life without Maverick was dangerously close to being unbearable.

It was all confirmed in that moment. He would not deny her; no, instead he held strong as she began to lean into him, feeling undeniably weak, overcome with joy and relief. "I can't believe it either," she said, breathless, speaking into his fur. He held her still, head wrapped around her neck, keeping her close. "And Maverick Tahir-Mathias will be my husband." Epiphron could not be more thrilled to show the male off to her family; she could only imagine the looks on the faces of the wolves of Valhalla when they witnessed the two together.

Maverick spoke again, saying his uncle would be happy. Gently she laughed, the sound brimming with relief. "I decided rather quickly, at the meeting... " she began, her tones soft. She relaxed at his touch, her nose burying into whatever fur she could find, inhaling his scent deeply, as though it was the last source of water in the midst of a drought. The passion she felt was unmatched -- why was her need for him so strong suddenly? For a long moment she pulled back and began to bathe his fur in kisses, lapping at whatever fur she could reach, her affection unconstrained and pure. "I could not bear to see my sister so unhappy. I could not envision life without you, Maverick. I love you."


06-09-2013, 06:52 PM

Things would be different now. No longer would he be forced to pine after her in secret. No longer would he have to feign happiness over marrying her sister. No longer would he have to lie to himself and everyone else about how he really felt. Maverick could do what he wanted now, could see her whenever he wanted, could bring here here and likewise go to Valhalla at her side. Life had just abruptly changed - for the better, he hoped. As he rested his chin upon her nape he relished in the warm, tingling feeling developing in his very core and working it's way to his extremities - one in particular. The glorious aroma that he'd once known to be hers had changed somewhat, was different and altogether more alluring than he remembered it to be. It drove parts of him mad, parts that had previously remained dormant or only vaguely awakened. She expressed her own disbelief, and that of her pride in taking him as her husband. A smile ghosted on his lips as her laugh filled the air. Oh, did he love that sound.

"Couldn't stand me in the paws of someone else?" He smirked, bringing his head in front of her once more, breaking their embrace so he could look into those beautiful azure eyes of hers. He had the rest of his life - quite literally - to touch her, to caress her.. but now all he wanted was a view of those eyes. She lapped at him affectionately, showering kisses upon his face. He delighted in her touch, enraptured by each kiss she lavished upon him. The ghost of a smile grew larger as she spoke her love for him. Until now he'd only assumed she loved him, but now it was plain as day - as obvious as each little snowflake that fell from the sky. "And I love you." Craning his snout forward, Maverick offered a kiss in her direction - not particularly caring what part of her flesh he reached.

"Would my future wife like a tour of her new home?"
Oh he was simply the finest tour guide in Seracia - in more ways than one - and would be honored to show his newly betrothed the land in which she would soon claim as her own. This would be the land they ruled, the land they would fight for and love and care for with every fiber of their being. Seracia was beautiful on any given day, but the newly fallen snow added a certain whimsical beauty to the place that could not be denied. His tail wavered behind him, dancing back and forth between his hocks.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-11-2013, 03:54 PM

In a mere matter of minutes, everything had changed. Gerhardt had accepted her proposal with open paws, despite a justified amount of teasing, and she had watch Maverick's heart mend itself as she gave him the news. Those green eyes that she adored so strongly seemed to brighten as he looked at her, his entire demeanor changing. He was much more like the male she remembered meeting at the ravine, the one she'd fallen in love with -- rather than the one she'd seen last. But he had even changed over the span of a season, growing considerably. And she she leaned into him, breathing his scent deeply, she realized that her feelings were considerably more carnal, more animalistic than she remembered.

And yet she was able to contain herself, despite the passion that seemed to flow through her very skin, sending shivers down her spine. "Couldn't stand me in the paws of someone else?" He teased, and she couldn't help but smirk right back at him as they broke their embrace. Her blue eyes danced over him, noting the muscles that lined his legs and back were more defined than she remembered. "Exactly," she said after a moment, somewhat breathlessly. But she quickly regained herself, but wanting him to notice her fawning over too dramatically. Jaws unhinged, a soft gasp escaping her throat, as he returned those three simple words -- I love you.

Time felt as if it was moving both quickly and slowly at the same time; Epiphron craned her neck to embrace him quickly again, wanting more, but knowing there was no longer any rush. Soon, they could enjoy one another whenever -- wherever. There would be no need for secrecy. No, they would be expected to be together, to show their love somewhat openly. What would be better for the pack than to see the former Valhallan so enraptured and dedicated to Seracia's future King? It would be wonderful for them all, ensuring the alliance between the two packs was not fickle, but something long-lasting and extremely valuable. Quite unlike the peace treaty they had with Tortuga. No -- Epiphron knew it was much more than that. She would die for her Valhallans, and for Maverick's family, though she hadn't met many of them yet.

"I would be honored," she said, bowing her head ever so slightly. Briefly she shifted from one paw to the other, feeling the fresh snow crunch between her toes. Behind her frame, her tail danced back and forth, signifying the purity of the joy she felt, that flowed from her very soul. There was no use hiding it; she'd never felt quite so satisfied, so happy in her entire life.


06-11-2013, 04:23 PM

Confusion had been his initial reaction, followed swiftly by pain and then taken over by joy. Bliss was now setting in, but pride was brewing as well. There was a hunger there that had only recently awakened, a thirst for something that he had previously not even known.he felt invincible, strong, and ready to face anything at her side. Some might think him foolish - and they might be right - but still others would consider him in love. The latter was very much true. Thoughts flitted through his mind, filtering to their respective areas based on priority. The prince was taking a wife, who would be named his princess. They would - in an uncertain amount of time - rise to the throne in tandem, and be free to do as they pleased. He wasn't certain at this point that he'd do anything much differently than his father, but only time would tell.

His betrothed would answer in the affirmative, resulting in a pleased smile from the Prince of Seracia. Brushing longingly against her side he took up his stride, snow crunching beneath his weight. He would lead her to the shed first, as the top of it could be seen over a snow capped hill. From there he might lead her to the meadow in the southern forest, or the barn, or anywhere he felt like so long as they were together. He kept his pace gentle and smooth, intending to not depart from her side. He wouldn't have to hide her, or look over his shoulder, or anything like that. On this day they were free.

He smiled and tilted his head toward her, proudly announcing - as any good tour guide would - what her eyes were most likely seeing. "That's the machinery shed. Some older wolves told my father that humans used to live here and these are relics from their life." He didn't rightly know what a human was, but he suspected they were small and weak, given the amount of large machinery they possessed. He slipped forth, departing from her side and slithering through the permanently gapped door and into the shed. Would she follow?




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-11-2013, 04:41 PM

On this day, she felt as though she had been reborn. While she had been struggling to pick up the pieces that Collision had left behind, growing more confident and sure of her abilities, she'd still felt like less of an adult than she hoped. But as she stood before Maverick, she grew fully aware of the kind of power they would possess together, of the legacy they could create here. Always her eye had been pinned on the Valhallan throne, but as she heard those three words escape Maverick's lips, she instantly knew she had made the right choice.

White tail wagged behind her, flowing freely and without inhibition. There was no hesitation as she took off at his side. Never had she envisioned a relationship where she was insubordinate, any lesser than the man at her side -- and already Maverick was affirming her hope for equality among the two. Not that she had ever doubted he would treat her as any less. Epiphron was content with loping alongside him, stealing occasionally glimpses in his direction. Their love would be unwavering and unquestionable, and she would fight to remain by his side for eternity. Gently she nosed the side of his neck as they began to make their way to wherever Maverick wished to lead her.

Soon, a larger, irregular-looking structure sprung up from the ground. Her eyes widened with wonder at the strange building. Never had she seen anything so perfectly symmetrical, so strange, in all her life.. He explained it had been built by humans -- those strange, two-legged creatures she had heard so little about. They were shrouded in mystery, and she felt painfully curious as to what was inside the shed as they came to a halt nearby. "Huh," was all she said, blue gaze scanning the shed. Finally he left her, slipping into the dark structure. There was no hesitation in her gait as she padded after him, curious as to what the thing contained; and partially unwilling to let Maverick out of her sight, at least for now.


06-11-2013, 06:37 PM

One could not be seen as a child with a wife at his side. He was a boy no longer, and though his tie with her was only by word of mouth, it was enough to assure him that soon enough he would never be seen as a youth again. It felt good, to know that he could be seen as something besides the 'young prince' - as he had been so aptly dubbed. Maverick was seeking new horizons, and with her at his side he was sure he would find them. As he slipped into the cool darkness of the shed, lime eyes adjusted rapidly. The sharp points of the machines were cleverly avoided as he pulled himself, muscles rippling, onto the nearest tractor, reclining onto the worn leather seat. Eyes prized themselves upon the slightly ajar door as her figure slipped through without hesitation. She was a brave one, wasn't she? Even Tahlia - as eager as she had been - had hesitated ever so slightly before following him in.

"This has been my home since we came here, although it's been a bit too chilly the last few nights. I'll need to seek out somewhere warmer for the winter." A devilish grin ghosted across his face. "Would you like to help me choose one?" For the nights that his betrothed stayed with him, and the future in which she lived with him, they would need a joint den. It was only proper for her to help him choose their location. The Prince wanted somewhere private and beautiful, somewhere where intimacy would never be disregarded and he could be himself with Epiphron. He watched her carefully, seeking a reaction. "Also, beware of the pointy ends on these things. They can be tricky to navigate." It wouldn't do for even one drop of red to stain her glorious alabaster coat. His, however, was perpetually stained with his own pigmentation. He shifted his weight, leaping with ease from one tractor to the one behind it.

This one was green and yellow, though both colors of the paint had faded to grayish versions of their former selves. He settled onto the frayed cloth seat of the green and yellow tractor, finding it to be far more warm and comfortable than the worn leather one on the previous machine. Rocking forward he perched precariously in a half laying half standing position on the seat, due to the fact that it was to small to sprawl across more comfortably.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-11-2013, 09:47 PM

She could only imagine the pride that would shine in the eyes of her family on the day she would wed Maverick. The duo would disappoint no one; they would, together, strive for perfection, and achieve it. And how perfectly they complimented one another. She could already feel herself transform in his presence, growing infinitely more confident and sure. It was impossible not to when Maverick's green eyes fell upon her, gazing as though upon the most brilliant thing he'd ever seen. And she would return the stare, her gaze enthralled and exhilarated, wanting to experience all of him, and everything with him. The obstacles in their way had been successfully overturned, and her chest swelled with pride at how they persevered, even when all odds were against them.

When she slid into the near-darkness, her eyes found him first, sitting comfortably upon one of the strange machines as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Slowly she blinked, eyes adjusting to the lack of light rather quickly. Her gaze followed him, examining the place. It was nice, but she wanted somewhere more... yes, private. Where they would definitely not be disturbed. "You'll need to seek out somewhere warmer?" She spoke up with jest, her eyes alight with laughter. "I suppose I'll have to do the same... I'll help you choose a den if you'll help me find one, too." Another gentle laugh fell from her tongue, teasing him for his choice of words, though fully understanding what he meant.

She followed him as he moved from one tractor to the next, eying them cautiously. They weren't terribly small, but the area on which Maverick finally came to rest didn't look nearly comfortable enough for the two of them -- and she didn't trust the other surfaces very well. They were unnatural, and though perfectly solid, they looked strange and too shiny to her eye.

Briefly she lifted her forepaws up near where the russet man sat, craning her neck towards him. Very carefully she sprung upwards, perched unsteadily on the side of one of the tractors -- nearer to him than she had been before, only a few inches from the safety of solid ground. "I wonder what these were used for," she mused softly, truly curious as to what they were.


06-15-2013, 07:24 PM

She was a clever one, as evidenced by her wit and charm following his improper word choice. He'd of course meant that he'd be looking for a home for the both of them, but it hadn't quite come out that way. He allowed a small bit of laughter to echo in the air before cutting it off. "You know what I meant," came the sassy tones of the prince. He watched her as she eyed him jumping from one tractor to the other. He was used to these looks, as many who'd caught him in here had asked how he'd gotten up there. It had taken practice, but the boy appeared very much an expert of navigating every inch of this shed. But alas, it was boring alone and not very romantic for two - so he would be departing it soon enough for a more comfortable abode.

She reared up, placing her paws on the side of the tractor he had settled upon. She soon leapt up, but not far enough to be near him as he wished. She posed a sort of question, but he honestly didn't know the answer. "No clue, and I don't suspect they'll ever be used again." The wolves had no use for them, and no means to make them run anyhow - nor did they have the will to use them. He twisted and leapt with a thud onto the ground, leaving enough room for her to get down when she chose to. "Shall we go find our new home? I think I know where we should start looking." The western forest, barn, and occasionally the shed were used as resting places, but the southern forest was far less occupied due to the cattle that ranged there. Perhaps they could find a den there, or dig one if necessary - they could temporarily stay in the shed until their den was just how they wanted it.

But did she even want to live in the forest? What part of valhalla did she call home? He tilted his head toward her, lime eyes seeking her own. "Tell me about your den in Valhalla, maybe we can find something similar - if you'd like." He wanted her to feel at home here. Maverick knew it would be a big change for her to move to Seracia, and if finding a den like her current one would help in the process he would be willing to oblige. Tail danced between his hocks as he awaited her response.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2013, 08:07 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2013, 08:07 PM by Epiphron.)

And so this would be her life. Maverick, Seracia, all of this land, all of its inhabitants. She would grow accustomed to this life before long, learn all of its secrets and become inevitably part of its history. Would the Seracians approve of her? Were they a kind pack, like she viewed her own, or were they more strict? Even it that were the case, it seemed irrelevant -- she would become Princess suddenly, ruling above most in the pack, save for Gerhardt. She wondered when the King would step down, and relinquish the throne; and though she was certainly eager to step up with Maverick, she was by no means unwilling to wait for the right moment.

"How strange," she said simply, wondering, as her eyes examined the huge thing. She was eager to spend ever more time with Maverick -- whether it was exploring the land, musing over the history of these strange machines, or simply talking -- and she was pleased to see his inquisitive nature shine through, albeit temporarily.

He nimbly leapt down from the tractor, and she followed in suit, her own movements much less dramatic, for the distance was shorter. "I'd love to, Maverick," she assured him with a pleased grin, leaning forward to place a nuzzle on the side of his cheek. He seemed to have a vague idea where he wanted to live. Epiphron was much less picky than most would have supposed -- perhaps she may have been in another situation, but things had taken a dramatic turn and she was beyond pleased with the outcome. She hadn't expected for the situation to be quite so in her favor; she'd be a fool to expect perfection in every other aspect of her life here, even if Maverick strove for it.

He then asked her what her own den had been like in Valhalla. She smiled; he sure was a gentleman. "My den was in one of the more remote parts of our territory," she started, pressing her nose briefly into his neck, inhaling his scent with joy. "Under the seclusion of a few trees. Nothing too special." Her words were free; there was no need to withhold anything from Maverick. And yet something else was stirring as they stood beneath the structure of the barn, the privacy that they both possessed exhilarating and intoxicating. She was rather blind to the fact that she was in heat, but she knew that Maverick's presence excited her like it had never before, especially as she drew in his scent greedily, knowing at this moment she would never once allow another to claim him in such a way. She would fight tooth and nail if any dared take him from her.

But she also was confused, drunk with sudden passion and excitement -- so with a swish of her tail and another quick nudge, she slid from the darkness of the barn and into the open, waiting for him to lead her in search of a den.


06-15-2013, 08:30 PM

This moment, it was hard to believe that in a few weeks time moments like this would last forever. He would never be forced to part from her in all the rest of his life. No one could keep them apart, no one could forbid him from seeing her, nothing could ever destroy their relationship or put stress upon it. Things would be different, better, and he couldn't wait. Finding a den would only be the start, though it was a step he knew they'd need to take to solidify their betrothal and marriage. He didn't know how long she'd be willing to stay here before going back to her family, and he needed to be sure they made big decisions like a home while she was with him.

He watched her leap down from her own chosen pedestal, leaning forward and caressing his cheek. A smile crossed his lips as he placed a swift kiss on her muzzle. Maverick's mind was already whirring to dens he'd seen before, ones that were unoccupied and rather hard to find. The last thing he wanted was to be disturbed by anyone. He needed his own sanctuary where he could take off his crown and just be himself, and he was sure she would need and want the same. She described her den vaguely, and he began to think of ideas that might be somewhat similar to it - though a change wouldn't be bad either, he supposed.

"I think the southern forest might be our best bet. The cattle often roam there but they aren't much of a bother. Most don't go that far south to sleep, so we might be able to find some unoccupied dens there - or we could dig one." Digging one would take a few days, especially in the snow, but it was possible. However, if they could find a decent one they could always expand it in less than a day and improve upon it as they went. He watched her go, nudging him and slipping through the agape door. He blinked thrice as the light of the sun gleaming off of the snow blinded him temporarily. As his vision returned he brushed against her side and took off toward the forest at a gentle trot.

He continued on, knowing she'd catch up to him easily. His tail flagged out behind him like a banner, wavering in the cool air. A faint smile painted his lips as he carried on - it wasn't a long way to the forest. The sparse trees soon thickened, signaling that they were entering the southern forest. He weaved artfully around each tree that rose up in front of him until they began to thin once more, opening up into the large meadow. The cattle were huddled together in a mass - a few of them at least - but the black bull was nowhere to be found. The wolf moved on, unwilling to disturb them for the time being. He would go to a den he knew. It had been abandoned by foxes or something like that and would be a bit tight - but could easily be expanded to suit their needs. The thick knot of trees came into his view and he shifted his line of travel until he was headed in their direction. He slowed his pace, determining just how to get through the mass of gnarled tree branches and roots. Four great oaks surrounded the den on all sides, offering protection from the wind and other elements and also providing a secluded spot for them - if she approved. He came to a stop and turned his head toward her. "See these four trees? In the middle of them is an old fox den. I think we could dig it out a bit and make it big enough for the both of us if you like it." He remained rooted to his spot, allowing her to move forward and examine the place if she wanted. He would follow her lead. His right front paw would remain suspended in the air regally.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2013, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2013, 08:37 PM by Epiphron.)
Despite her typical confidence, her surety -- and there was no doubt in her mind that a future with Maverick was exactly what she wanted -- she knew they had no need to rush things. It was the first time in her life that the young Adravendi woman had experienced her heat, and though she didn't realize what she was going through, she knew she felt suddenly enthralled by Maverick. No, she'd been completely head over heels for him before, but this was different. Her pull to him was stronger, the desire welling inside her chest and making her very skin crawl as the Seracian Prince moved toward her, placing a kiss on the side of her mouth. She could hardly wait for the first night they spent together, in privacy, with no fear of interruption or intrusion. Perhaps tonight would be that night? She really ought to be returning to Valhalla, to ensure her father was faring well ... but no, Erani would be caring for him the best she was able, and Chrysanthe would surely be keeping everything else in order. If she was so desperately needed, most of Valhalla knew generally where to find her.

Without hesitation she loped alongside Maverick, content to simply bask in her presence. How her sister had not fallen for him, she was truly unsure -- but oh so grateful. Soon the vast expanse of land began to sprout up trees, tall and majestic swaying overhead. It was a lovely area, and certainly a place she hoped they would be able to find a den. She marveled at the various sights as they loped with ease and no great hurry through the trees, quietly observing the small group of cattle, wondering if the Seracian wolves had ever managed to take down any of them. She certainly had never feasted on a creature so large.

He soon came to a halt, before a perfectly space group of trees. She leaned forward, sniffing it apprehensively. It seemed empty, but certainly something had lived there once. "I think this could work," she observed, her voice giving away the slight excitement she felt. A few more careful steps were taken, her ivory-furred tail lashing behind her in unconstrained happiness. The entrance to the den was small, certainly not big enough for either of them to fit through, but it was likely the inside was larger... the mission of digging it out for both of them to fit comfortably in seemed a reasonable enough task. Epiphron took the lead, using her front paws to lash out at the dirt, aiming to push it away from the hole in the earth, rather than let it fall inside their potential home. It wasn't long before she was able to fit her head inside, blinking as she adjusted to the darkness.

"Empty," she stated matter-of-factly, turning to look for Maverick's reaction with a delicate grin.


06-16-2013, 08:54 PM

The foxes had long since abandoned this den, probably when the wolves had come to stay here. Maverick had only seen them once, and then they had been fleeing in his wake. He knew that they weren't likely to return, and if they did they would be frightened off again. Overall it was a decent spot, not so near to the border as to be dangerous, but not so far from it as to be unable to dart off if they chose to. The den would probably not be wide enough to enter at this point, though he imagined it was rather spacious once you got inside. Foxes tended to like decent sized dens, though they kept the entrances awfully narrow for his taste. He watched her approach, a knot forming in his throat. Why was this such a big decision for him? Normally he just slept wherever he pleased, but for some reason he had this burning yearning to make the perfect home for her - for them. It seemed the right thing to do.

Tail danced about his hocks as she mused that it could work. Did that mean she liked it enough to give it a shot? He certainly hoped that was the case. He slithered through another gap in the trees, finding the opening to be far too small for either of them to wriggle inside. But, not wanting to be deterred by that - he saw his betrothed begin digging at the entrance. Following suit, the boy's russet paws began to meticulously unearth the ground in rhythm with her own, sweeping the dirt away from their potential home. He watched her dart her head inside, deeming it to be an empty den. He had figured as much. "Does it look big enough for us to work with?" If it was a single fox's den it would hardly be worth the time excavating, but if a family had resided here it might be big enough for them to take time out widening and deepening it.

The wind shifted slightly, sending her sensual perfume in his direction once more. Given her positioning of her front half leaning down toward the den, he found himself leering for perhaps a bit too long. Snapping back to reality after a moment of surprising heat that contradicted the season, he shook his head lightly, gazing back down into the darkness of the den.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-18-2013, 01:07 PM
Obviously it was empty. Once she realized how silly her comment must've seemed, she sighed inwardly. She was normally so composed, even a bit withdrawn, guarded -- but already she felt herself letting her guard down around Maverick. Was it wise to be so comfortable with him, so quickly? Perhaps she ought to be a bit more in check. Wouldn't he grow old of her if she was such an open book? With a soft huff, she pulled her head from the opening of the den to face Maverick, searching for his reaction.

He seemed pleased, and his joy made her feel at ease. "I think it'll work," she assured him, with a gentle flick of her tail. It was a bit small, but with some work, it would certainly be spacious enough for the two of them. And there was also room for expansion, if they decided they wanted to in the future. "It seems like quite a large family was living in here."

And lucky for them, since that meant less work for the two. But Epiphron didn't mind; anything, so long as she got to be with Maverick in the end. Everything would be worth it. With a bit more digging, widening the entrance a bit for two heads to slip inside, once again she ducked her upper half in. Now, there was enough room for a bit of digging.. and probably the two of them, if they were content with lying on top of one another and not moving much.


06-18-2013, 01:32 PM

His front half lowered until his elbows were resting on the snow splashed earth, ears pricked forward waiting on her response. He would be happy to look all day long if they had to, but he would also enjoy working on this den if it was doable. She reaffirmed him, saying that she thought it would work. That was definitely good news. A smile crossed his lips as the twinkle glittered in his eye. Pools of lime gazed in her direction as she mentioned that a large family had lived there. That was good, and it certainly meant that they would be able to expand the den to make it work for the two of them. He only wondered how long it would take. The icy cold ground of winter would not make digging easy, but with two of them it would not be quite as bad as it would if he were trying to do it solo. "Well, a slightly smaller family will be taking their place." Jaws flickered to the side, hoping to nip at her tail playfully - though as he drew near he found himself drinking in her scent once more.

He watched her excavate a bit more and return her front half into the bowels of the earth. Delicately he placed his paws to the side of her bodice and dug out some more. The earth crumbled beneath his force - with more ease than he'd ever expected. Perhaps the cold had made the terrain brittle and easily worn away? Who knew! With a smile he scooted the earth backward, digging the hole wide enough so that he could ultimately peer into the den alongside her. When he'd done enough his front half slipped into the darkness and he mused aloud. "Wow, it's bigger than I thought." He tilted his head to the right and left. "If we don't manage to make it big enough by tonight, we can stay elsewhere until it suits us both." There were always plan b's and c's when it came to home renovation. With that, he began to dig on his side of the den, moving toward the back of it - wondering how far he could go until he ran into the roots of an oak.
