
i'll save you an echo from the hall



4 Years
03-18-2015, 10:00 PM

Freewing led her easily out of Ebony, she needed to get out for a day and with him guiding her the travel was easy. They had walked most of the morning and now that the heat of the day had started to take hold the little red bird was beginning to look for a nice place to rest. Already Gaia could smell a change in their surroundings, something was different here. Though her companion did not feel any kind of alarm, so she would continue her peace as he led her to the stone of a fountain. As her paws reached the cool stone she slowed to a halt, the small red bird pirched atop the rim of the pool, his bright color a stark contrast to the white around them. Now that they had stopped Gaia felt a lot less comfortable.

She still wasn't sure what she was looking for, if she wished to go give one last goodbye to her aunt or maybe search for her lost love. Either one made her very much aware of the gaping hole that had been left in her chest. She'd been holed up in her den for to long, and now that she had escaped the confines of the territory she just wanted to go back. She was out here, alone, barely any self defense training under her belt, and was very much in heat. Still, the hope that maybe she would find Solo kept her going. If only a little every day.

She'd sigh heavily as her haunches curled beneath her, sightless eyes pointed towards the almost still water as her dark ears twitched at the quiet sound of it's movement when she heard footsteps and her features would lift to look towards the source. Her heart would race in her chest, the scent yet to reach her nose. She debated calling out, hoping maybe they might just be passing through with out seeing her. Gaia knew it was not who she sought, Solo's gait sounded far different.



6 Years
03-18-2015, 10:42 PM
They had been here, to this place when they had called to the world, telling them the news of his pack, of his dream. Donostrea, it rolled off the tongue, didn't it? Our Home. Nothing could have fit better! He had almost everything in the world he could ever need, a pack land to call their own, a structure for his beloved was all perfect. And yet, things were oddly missing. There was so much to do, he had to find healing trainers, and set up fighting training and hunts and...he was almost tired from his list of things to do, and yet Volty's boundless energy wouldn't have him resting for very long. But that didn't quite attribute to why he was here, exactly. Perhaps he was a little sentimental, or perhaps he just liked the looks of the shrine.

He approached with a slow gate, humming a melody to himself as he ventured away from their new packlands and into what had been one. He recognized the scent of pack, though it was quite old and quite stale. He hated to think that such things could die so easily, that something that could have been so great, just perished. He hated the thought, and it almost hurt him to think such a thing could happen to his family. He sighed softly to himself and shook his head as he moved through the dappled light of the shrine, continuing his little melody. It was a song he had known since he were a child, something his mother had once sang to him. It was a lullaby, a light tone of flitting notes, and it calmed his boundless energy when he didn't want to be racing, didn't want to be running. There were times even Light Butt wanted to be calm.

As he stepped through the shrine, towards the pool of water, the first thing he saw was the stark red of the cardinal upon the rim of the pool. He blinked over stormy eyes before he lifted his gaze. His lullaby ceased, his ears pulled forward as he stared up at her. She was a beautiful girl, her deep greys blending in with the shadows of the trees, and yet he could make out ever detail. He stopped his steps, staring at her and the bird and wondering why someone like her was alone in such a place. Yet he remained silent, staring and swallowing his odd nervousness.  "Oh...hello." He finally said, offering a charming smile as he dipped his head, unaware that she couldn't see. His tone was gentle, and he stood without dominance or threat.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-18-2015, 10:54 PM

The silver nymph would tense as he drew more near, but the gentle chirp of her companion and the humming that came from the stranger would calm her some. Freewing was not afraid, and that comfort was enough to keep her hackles from raising. Sightless eyes trained on him, but more importantly her ears were focused purely on his moving form. If anything he hesitated as he drew more near, finally seeing her perhaps? Maybe he'd just gotten a big whiff of her stench. Gaia never should have left the borders of Ebony and she knew it.

Suddenly the humming stopped and she was absolutely sure that he'd seen her now. She would stand, silent and still like a frightened doe as she waited for something to happen. Eventually though she would get a greeting. "Oh...hello." The gentle voice would offer as he shuffled just a little. He might have mistaken her stare for rude as her features lingered on his own, though it was really her ears that were being put to work. She didn't know his scent but he was obviously in a pack. "Greetings," She would offer back, though the weakness in her voice was obvious. The girl hardly felt as friendly as she might have, but she was hardly about to go run away from his presence.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 12:04 AM
Voltage would continue to smile his charming smile untill she settled her sightless eyes on him. He blinked over wide eyes before he swallowed, tilting his head to her. "I am terribly sorry if I surprised you..."  He said softly, his voice tender as he remained where he was, watching her expression, her ears twisting to and fro. It was intriguing, the way that she seemed to see him without sight, and for some reason he felt a warmth wash over him. Everyone he met first saw his sharp colors first, his strong yet streamlined appearance. Some woman he met were scared of him based solely on his looks, and some were just cautious. Yet this one...she had reason. She was blind? He hummed lightly as he took a single step forward, turning his attention to the red cardinal with a delicate smile.

"Is this your friend?" He asked with a gentle smile. "The bird, its very beautiful." He wondered if she used it for her eyesight, if thats why she was out here alone. Wolves needed their eyes to see danger, but he assumed there were ways to go around that. He turned his eyesight back to her, and he smiled softly despite her grey eyesight. "You have a rather beautiful voice, little lady. Why are you out here alone?" He asked softly, shifting to rest on his hackles. He didn't want to approach so suddenly, and he would rather her warm up to him slowly if need be.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 12:19 AM

She would shake her head at his apology, there was no need to be sorry. He hadn't startled her, but she had obviously been wary. The girl would relax slightly, but of course she was still in the presence of a perfect stranger. She wasn't about to offer him her belly yet, but her shoulder would relax some as she let herself rest like she'd intended to do here. He'd ask about Freewing, the bird would look up at the brute, obviously assessing him still. "Freewing," she'd offer the bird's name, "He has a beautiful heart as well." She would tell him, as he offered something she could not see she would offer something he could not see. Gaia could hear the smile in his voice, and the corners of her lips would pull back slightly, but she was hardly ready to smile again yet. He'd compliment her voice, the words causing her expression to become somewhat shy as he led into a question. How much did he need to know? "I'm kind of looking for someone half wanting to get away for a day." She'd feel her limbs shake slightly and she'd hope he wouldn't notice. She'd gulp down some tears as she tried to breathe more evenly, not wanting to start bawling in front of this complete stranger. "My name is Gaia," She'd nod in greeting, the visual purely for his benefit.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 12:29 AM
He would swallow again, looking down at his paws as she mentioned the bird's heart, and he understood instantly. Perhaps Voltage depended too much on sight, for that seemed to be what he complimented first. So he would crawl his paws forward to rest on his belly, smiling at the bird and tilting his head this way and that as he assessed the cardinal aswell. "I can tell, he seems like an amazing companion." He said with the gentlest of smiles before he turned back to look back at her, watching her. When she told him of why she was out here on her own he could hear the tightness in her voice, and instantly he was up on his paws nad taking a step closer. The last thing he wanted to see was a pretty girl cry, well, anyone to cry for that matter. He wanted to comfort her in some way, but that would perhaps be going over boundaries. So instead he just stood where he did, swishing his tail just slightly. "Perhaps I can be of use? I may not know all that walk this land, but I know several.." He said softly, perhaps he had stumbled upon the one this woman was looking for. When she offered her name he couldn't help but smile brightly. "Your name suits you." He said in a tender voice, grinning his boyish grin that she could not see, but his tones were light, affectionate. "I am Voltage Elementas, of Donostrea.." Oh, it felt good to introduce himself as a pack wolf.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 12:42 AM

She could tell that her new companion too grew more comfortable as he shuffled forward onto the earth, the silver she wolf was comfortable enough resting on her haunches. She was mostly able to keep her thoughts from Natalya and Solo, Freewing easily stealing the show. He was beautiful and she wondered sometimes what she looked like with him perched on her shoulder. She didn't hide her emotions very well, and her ears would perk cautiously as he drew more near. Though her little red bird sounded no alarm, she would relax again, sightless gaze averting from his form as he offered his services. How long had it been since she'd spoken to someone who was not in her immediate family? Someone who had no idea the struggles she'd been through throughout her life and only recently. She could be whoever she wanted right now, but all she could even muster was the heartbroken girl who searched for her lost lover. "His name is Solo Sovari," though she couldn't even give him a description, except "They tell me he matched my bird companion in color." there was an obvious hopefulness in her tone, one that would be broken. Solo was gone, forever, she just needed to accept the truth.

Still he was gentle with her, his voice holding nothing but an affectionate tone as he complimented her again, she wasn't used to being so flattered. Her features would grow hot, and surely a blush had started to form beneath her pale fur. "It's nice to meet you Voltage, I'm a member of the Eastern pack Ebony." She'd tack on, as he'd given her his own pack name. She'd try to get away from the hopeless answer he had given her, "Have you lived there long?" She'd manage to ask curiously, further pushing her mind from Solo and all she'd lost.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 12:59 AM
He would settle back on his haunches again, now that he had managed to get closer without sounding her little alarm (to which he had offered a small smile agian to the little bird). So he turned his eyes back to her, to her heartbreakingly hopeful voice and expression, and he wanted so desperately to be able to help. He quickly moved through his memory, categorising every wolf he had met (which hasn't been many, but still quite a few to count) before he shuttered to a hault. The name and color did nothing for him, he would know instantly if he had met a wolf as red as the little cardinal. His family was a wolf of bright colors, and he seemed to have a love for those just as bright and colorful. So he frowned, looking at the girl and sighing softly. "I am so sorry.." He said softly, turning his eyes towards the ground as he shifted his front paws. "I'm afraid I have not met anyone by that name or color.." He said so softly.

But they seemed to move away from the topic, as she explained what pack exactly her scent belonged too. Ebony? That's one he hadn't heard of just yet. But they seemed to be far enough away. "Aren't you a little far from home?" He asked lightly, almost teasingly, as he smiled down at her, watching her expression for any line crossing. He knew now that she was hurt, perhaps completely heart broken, and he just wanted to cheer her up. "Well, yes and no. Donostrea is rather new, infact...I only recently created it. But we have made home on the beach of black sand a while before we made our family home an official packland." He said softly, trying not to go off on too long of an explanation. "We're a bit to the south of here..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 01:14 AM

He would take a long moment to answer her query, long enough that it was quite obvious that he was really thinking about it. However as she thought the words would bring nothing but misery, no he knew none by that name. She would avert her gaze, feeling again the tumble of emotions, but she'd sniffle them back shortly before bringing her attention back to him. He'd been obviously distressed at the answer too, feeling bad that he could not be of more help.

Their conversation shifted easily though, Gaia didn't really want to speak of what she'd lost and instead she would focus on his voice and the questions brought back to her. Wasn't she a little far from home? Though he teased the words only brought back Solo to the forefront of her mind. "I just really want to find him," she'd offer, going back to her lost companion. They'd not had a real ceremony but she considered Solo her husband in every sense of the word. She'd shake her head before pushing her focus back o the pack Voltage had come from, and actually just created. So she'd come across the alpha way out here? "Is the sand soft? What of the breeze?" Her vocals were almost desperate as she asked, trying her hardest to shift her focus. "Are you the alpha then?" She'd finish with as she felt the curiosity return to her features.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 04:56 AM
Voltage shuffled closer just slightly when she seemed to sadden even more at his teasing tones. "Oh no, little cloud, I'm sorry.." He whispered so softly, stomy eyes shining as he shifted more but stopped, not wanting to close the distance between them and frighten her. She didn't seem like one that would like the affection of a random stranger, especially one she couldn't see. So he kept his distance and merely hummed lightly, trying to reach a soothing note. A sound, a gentle embrace of vocal tones that he hoped would convay his sadness, his lack of ability to help. But he wanted too, he wished he could do more than bandaid a situation. The young Ferax couldn't imagine searching endlessly for someone he cherished, and he imagined any of his siblings suddenly disappearing, beyond his ability to find them, and his chest tightened.

But she seemed to move on, move away from the sad thoughts and onto something that would distract her. She asked of his home. With a gentle smile, he shifted again, sighing dreamily. "It's the softest of sands, that holds the heavy moisture of the sea, and warms from the brilliant heat of the sun." He breathed softly, his voice gentle as he tried to think of ways to explain it beyond the use of sight or color. "We are right on the sea, and that's all you can smell, but it's not overpowering. Rocks and sand line the ocean, and waves love to play against them, it's very calming. The wind is unyielding, there's nothing to stop it from coming right off the sea, and it carries the fresh scent of summer and ocean along with it, warm in the sun yet cool, but not freezing in the evening just yet." He grinned brightly to himself, looking at her, watching for her expressions. "Tell me of yours, your home. What's it like? I haven't seen much of this land yet, I am very interested."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 11:20 AM
Gaia was surprised at how genuinely sorry he sounded, also felt a disappointment in how not well she hid her emotions. She could feel the light tension in the air as he tried to draw more near, she half expected to feel him surround her, much like Solo would do.. He really was gone forever wasn't he? 'it hurts so bad,' but even as he started humming she felt herself relax a bit, forced herself to continue and think of anything but Solo. She could go back home and cry for him all the more when she left this stranger's presence. Surely he didn't want to sit and watch her cry. Still, with her features softening at his tune she could go on, and the pair would shift their conversation elsewhere.

She would listen to his description, the soft sands and the salty air. Sounded like a paradise. Her smile was a little more obvious now, he'd distracted her enough that she could find an emotion that did not happen to be sadness. "It sounds beautiful," She'd manage to tell him as he asked of her home. Obviously he had seen more than she ever would, but as far as land coverage went Gaia really hadn't been many places at all. Olympus and Ebony and not a whole lot in between. This was one of her first real outings in a very long time. "Partially we live on a plain, it's been littered with thousands of different size boulders. It's a challenge not stubbing my toe there sometimes."
"There is also a nice lush lake with a sandy beach and lots of plant life. They tell me lightning bugs linger there every night, making the place look like the home of stars." Not that she'd ever seen such a display.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 12:07 PM
He would grin brightly, mostly to himself, as she seemed to melt from her sadness and settle into something akin to a happy emotion as he described his home. He wondered if it was because he had tried to paint a picture that even she could picture (in a way) or that she just liked the sound of his home? He wondered silently, not about to ask something so silly as he watched her. This girl, she was intriguing, maybe it was due to her sightlessness, or maybe it was because she was a heart broken damsel. Voltage had always been a gentlemen, he believed, always wanting to fix a broken heart. Perhaps it just tugged at his own emotions, which were always flitting and energized, how he battled the depression his history brought him, or the happiness his family churned in him. He wanted nothing more than to have her smile, to feel happy, to do anything but cry, but if she did wish to cry, he wanted to be a shoulder for her. Perhaps it was odd for Voltage to have such strong feelings of passion and empathy for someone he just met, but he had always been an emotional being. All he wanted was for this little one to smile.

When she explained her home he blinked, ears twisting back as he described a sight that she had been told about. The only thing he believed truley came from her was the boulders, and that was only because she had a difficulty with them. So he shook his head, smiling to himself. "What does it smell like? Have you been there long? How is the summer there, the heat, the wind? Can you smell the ocean from there?" He asked softly, tilting his head. "Tell me what you know your home to be like..." She couldn't see, so he didn't want to see it either, he wanted to hear it and smell it and feel it through her words, because that's what she knew. "It sounds like it looks lovely, but that's such a small part of the painting, isn't it?" His tones were light as he shifted, fidgetted, but this time not because he was overly energized. He wanted to be nearer to her, to hear that soft voice paint him a picture of her home but he merely covered that up as getting more comfortable, stretching out on his belly again as he waited, hoping she would describe her home more for him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 01:37 PM
She really would not expect how he spoke to her next, the way he answered her description with questions that spoke directly to how she lived in the world. By scent, by hearing, and by feel. No one had ever saught those questions from her, a look into what the world looked like through her eyes. Who was this man? Even Natalya had not spoken in such non-visual terms and she was the wolf Gaia had learned everything from. Why was it she felt so comfortable around this complete stranger, Voltage. The once princess could relax here, and she really found herself letting her loss slip from her mind. At least for now. She knew deep in her heart that she could never forget Natalya and Solo, both would hold a special place in her shattered heart. Still the young she wolf was amazed, she never thought smiling would be easy again.

Her dark ears would twist curiously at the tone of his soft voice, the image of him that formed in her mind was sweeter than the form that Solo had once held. The red knight had been her bodyguard and her protector, but he'd never been as quiet or as gentle as this stranger. She felt odd being handled so delicately, but she knew that she really was so fragile right now. Like she could break at any moment. He'd encourage her though, and ask genuinely what it was she was able to see in the home around her. He made her feel ashamed of not being tru to who she was, because in truth she had been catering to what he might recognize. This wasn't a bad thing, and that he even asked astonished her. How could a stranger make her feel like this so easily?

Still the softest of smiles would play on her features, she didn't want him to feel bad for showing her errors. She'd take in a soft breath, her powerful emotions still obvious in a shaky voice. She felt confidence though, for the first time since she realized Solo was gone. "The lake smells of fresh fish and decomposing plant matter, but it's a natural scent that doesn't assault the senses. The fluffy cattails shed their seeds and the fluff sometimes gets in my nose." She almost giggled at the thought. "The ground is moist and fertile, the songbirds are always in chorus. Sometimes you can smell the ocean, but only when the wind hits just right. It's comfortable, and reminds me of family." A concept that had been redefined many times over in her short life. Her birth mother had disowned her along with the aunt and uncle that had raised her. Her brother, from a man and woman not even distantly related to her, was the one she answered to. More than anything Gaia believed that blood didn't matter when it came to family.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 09:37 PM
Voltage smiled so softly as she seemed almost...confused that he even wanted to see through her "eyes", walk in her paw prints. He didn't know what it was like to live without seeing, and it seemed he relied so much on his sight. He knew that now, the more he reflected on it. What was it like to step and trust the ground would be there? What was it like to not know exactly what was in your path, or whether the soft voiced stranger had a devilish smile? Without sight, oh, Voltage would have been quite paranoid, but perhaps there were other ways to detect danger. Sound, smell, feel, even Freewing seemed to play a part in her senses. And Voltage's gaze would settle upon the red bird again with a gentle smile as he watched him, tilting his head as if studying the bird before he heard her gentle voice begin.

With large stormy eyes he would watch her before he closed them to the dim light, picturing the world she knew. The wind soft with the scent of life and soil, tickling cotten thickening the air. And he grinned, a soft laugh on his lips as he pictured it, but it wasn't due to humor, it was astonishment. Stormy eyes slowly opened, looking at her again as he smiled so softly. It felt like he was in another world, another reality, here with her. Seperated away from the stress (that wasn't so stressful) of his family and his pack, away from the constant thoughts of the island and their abandonment, from the endless thoughts and energy. He felt a calm here that he always longed for, her with her. He stretched a paw out, moving to touch it to her own, for reasons that went beyond what he knew. "Your home sounds so lovely," he said with a gentle smile, wishing his tail behind him to lay over his back paws. "Do you hold a rank there?" He wanted to know more about her, but didn't want to ask of family yet, not knowing if that would cause her happiness to disappear again. He only wanted her to be happy. "I know if I weren't leader in my pack, I'd probably take on a warrior role, to protect my family, but I can do that as leader aswell, it seems." He chuckled softly, grinning up at her.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 10:28 PM
As the stormy eyes of the man fell on the little cardinal the bird would jump to Gaia's shoulder as the girl relaxed and lowered her chest to the ground. She really felt as though she could relax with Voltage there, he was so sweet and concerned, and she'd barely met him. He said he was the leader, the alpha of his pack. Did that make him a prince? How long had it been since she considered herself a princess? Both of them would be lost in their thoughts, Gaia would quiet as after she gave him another explanation of her home, the words bringing a gentle laugh from his maw. She hadn't realized he'd gotten so close. Her stomach would flip with nerves, but they weren't bad. They just sent her skin tingling and well other things. Her heat must have been making her nervous, but she almost jumped at the jolt of electricity she felt when he reached out to touch her. She wouldn't move but a tiny gasp would slip past her silver lips as she looked to him with her sightless moon-like gaze.

Her smile would remain as she angled her ears to catch his words, nodding at his question. "I am a Lady of my brother's pack." She held an important rank, it was even worse for her to be off running away from her problems. She knew how badly it hurt to be within Ebony's borders though, she deserved this vacation. He'd mention that he would be a warrior, he sounded much like her brothers and Solo. Her ears would fall to her skull at the thought, it would probably be a long time before everything stopped reminding her of her knight. She didn't want to hurt like this, to feel like she was breaking every time he crossed her mind. "My brothers are all warriors." Gaia would push through as best she could. "I never really picked it up." Though she'd tried, fighting without sight was difficult, and she'd never made it into a real spar.



6 Years
03-19-2015, 11:17 PM
When she seemed to relax he could almost feel himself relax more aswell, grinning brightly as she moved to settle on her stomach. She seemed to jolt though, almost as if he had shocked her with his touch, static or otherwise. Voltage enjoyed physical touch, and he didn't really have personal boundaries, especially growing up with so many siblings (and especially serefina, they almost seemed to melt together when they needed cuddle times, or affection) He liked to convey feelings through touch, but he also knew when to hold back, and with this girl it certainly seemed like she needed her boundaries intact, but that didn't mean Voltage couldn't still try. He left his paw where it was, not moving any closer, just what he hoped would be a comforting weight as she told him of her rank. And he grinned, brightly. "Ah, so Little Lady would certainly work for you." He said with a gentle laugh, his smile never once leaving his face. There was something about her.. "or would you rather little cloud?" He asked, a chuckle on his breath.

There was something about her, it was different from Anais. He had been drawn to his big brother's supposive love only because she seemed to fill a hole in their family, and because he could see her as a sister. She was a special one, yes, but only ever on a sibling level. But this one, this girl, she was intriguing and beautiful, breath taking and yet so hurt. He just wanted to wrap her up and soothe away the pain he only seemed to glimpse. When she mentioned her brothers he smiled, wide, seeing no real tension at the thought of family. That could be something! "Not everyone can fight. Have you thought of healing? It could be possible to heal without sight.." He said with a gentle smile, relaxing on his side with his hind legs curled beside him, his tail laying over like a blanket. "What are your brothers like?" His tones were gentle, family meant the world to him and he wondered if her brothers were as important to her as well. "My entire pack is family. I have four brothers, and five sisters, and we are all named for an element we seem to resemble or have a connection with." He explained, but wouldn't go into detail unless she asked. His family was precious, but oh so complicated, and Voltage didn't want to overload her so soon.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-19-2015, 11:49 PM
Gaia's sense of touch was heightened with the loss of her sight, she enjoyed affection but really had to trust to show it. She loved lounging in Solo's thick fur, when they'd been together they hardly separated at all. He had been a constant comfort and reassurance to the girl, her rock and her other half. The feeling of his paw against her sent sparks of fire racing up her arm and her belly would grow warm. She felt her face flush, but she'd focus on their conversation, smiling shyly as she enjoyed the contact a lot more than she aught to. She'd perk as he commented on the nickname he'd offered earlier, but really his comparing her to a cloud was much more poetic. "You can call me cloud if you want to." She'd tell him softly, finding there was little need to speak with any kind of force. The forest around them was silent, and as Freewing made himself a little nest between her shoulder blades she knew she was safe around her new friend.

He would make his suggestions to her, had she tried healing before? Surely it was possible to learn with out the aide of sight. She'd never really put much thought into it. She would shrug at the thought, it was a possibility. He seemed interested in her siblings though, he seemed to have about as many siblings as she did. (not gonna say much about the dm participants) Of course she was closer to Nemesis and Hephaestus, but the Ebony siblings were her brothers too. "They're fearless and brave. I know I can count on them for anything." She'd whisper as she felt guilt for leaving once more. She should have sought them out, she needed to talk to them about how much she hurt. He would tell her the tradition of the names in his family. "I was born to the Olympus family, they have a tradition of naming their offspring after the gods." they because she didn't belong with them anymore. Because she was no longer worthy of the name. At one time the gods had favored her, and now here she was completely disowned by the deities she'd once sought wisdom from.

Her attention had obviously wandered with her thoughts as her expression fell, her features turned from his form. She should have been able to hold it together better, Voltage didn't need to see her like this, she felt like her whole life had come apart at this very moment and she had little holding her together any longer. She'd whimper and feel the hot tears running down her features, all of a sudden displaying a completely different emotion than just a minute ago. She didn't mean to cry, but the tears had fought their way through with her desolate thoughts.



6 Years
03-20-2015, 12:11 AM
A grin would continue to tug at his lips, ears pushed forward as he watched her every expression, her shyness and almost comfortable awkwardness, yet she didn't remove her paw, didn't break their contact. It flared a hopeful feeling in him that seemed inextinguishable, like a crack of lightning that began a slow burning fire. He would smile gently as she settled on a nickname, and it was perfect, so perfect. Gaia, the little cloud.  "Then that's what it shall be." He said with a gentle grin, his voice soft and soothing. Yet it seemed the gentle moment they had managed to create would fray and tatter at the emotion that she was trying to hide. As she spoke of her brothers and her family he could almost see the cracks in the dam. With widening stormy eyes he watched as it seemed to crack and break and soon after the mere thought of family the flood gates broke open.

Voltage was up in a flash, pressing forward to pull her into his warmth, his comfort, his throat vibrating in his soothing melody of his memory. A strong forelimb would attempt to wrap around her (mindful of the bird) and try to pull her into his chest, his cheek to nuzzle her and his nose moving to push away the tears. "Oh little cloud, its okay." He would whisper in his tender voice, hoping to envelope her in something more than her memory and sadness, something soothing or supportive. "It's okay to cry....I'm here.." Perhaps it was too invasive, but he knew when he was distraught he wanted nothing more that to drown in the warmth of affection, and being alone when you were broken was a terrible feeling. How must it feel for someone who cannot see? The lonliness must be terrible. He would move to rest his cheek against her (if she allowed his affection, of course) and sighed gently, but not out of impatience, but because he felt for her. Empathy, sympathy, he didn't quite know exactly what he was feeling, but he knew he felt terrible for her.

"You are something special, little cloud." He whispered so softly. "Clouds are precious, they paint the most beautiful pictures upon the sky, with the colors of the sun and the rainbow. But even things so beautiful can get so full of sadness, and they rain, and it's okay to let it out. Because after it rains, the world grows more life, and things get better." He whispered, his deep voice holding a softness that perhaps seems odd for someone who normally has such high energy. "It's okay to rain, little's okay to cry."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
03-20-2015, 12:39 AM
She was much weaker than she thought, she was hardly able to control her emotions as she'd barely spoken again and she was already losing control. It wasn't Lady like to be like this in front of someone she had only just met. He didn't need to be burdened by the woes that held her so tightly, but even as the first tears slipped from her cheek she'd hear him move. Freewing would see him coming, and as the larger wolf slipped his arm around her thin frame the cardinal would fly to a branch above them, the creature completely comfortable with the new arrangement. Gaia hadn't expected the affection, she wasn't used to being so personal with anyone but Solo. His touch was so different, but still there was an offered comfort she couldn't deny.

She'd feel herself pulled into his chest, an easy feat with her tiny frame. She wouldn't resist and even pushed into his fur as he rid her cheeks of the tears. His whisper would pull her from the shadows as he offered an incredibly kind support, how easily he found it to comfort a stranger, to offer his love with no strings attached. "It's okay to cry....I'm here.." And she would. The girl would cling to him, finding the tears would flow easily as he offered himself as comfort. She would hiccup as her sobs continued, quiet and filled with sorrow as he encouraged her. "You are something special, little cloud." she'd feel herself whine softly again, not that she wanted to but she couldn't stop. She had to cry for everything she'd lost.

Gaia would burry her features into Volt's neck, completely dependent on his support for those intimate moments.



6 Years
03-20-2015, 06:53 AM
She pressed against him, her small body seeming to almost fit into the curves and dips of his chest and neck as he nuzzled her closer. Respectable boundaries be damned, she needed someone to cry on, to hold her and let her know that it was alright to cry. That everything was going to be alright, because it was. There was a small anger in him towards those that caused her to cry, this Solo that she searched for endlessly, to the family that seemed to make her words tight and her tears flow free. But he didn't know why she cried, exactly, just that she needed too, so it wasn't an overwhelming feeling. Instead, he merely held her close, tucking his nose into the fur that lined her skull and neck.

He would let her cry as long as she needed to, untill either her tears or the river dried up. Voltage wouldn't move from his spot, wouldn't leave her in such a state. He merely held her close, and continued to sing his melody, the lullaby his mother had once sung to him to soothe his energy. He hoped it would help ease her aches. "Life is full of hardships, little cloud.." He whispered in a gentle voice, muffled slightly by her fur before his stormy eyes closed gentle. He felt her cry into his neck and chest, and he merely hummed his lullaby. "But the more hardships we face, the stronger we become..." Perhaps it wasn't the best advice now and he merely sighed softly, holding her close.

"My parents abandoned us, one by one. First it was my littermate and I, then it was their second litter and then their third, we were all sent from the island that was our home with no explanation." He whispered softly, the pain he still felt lacing his voice. "And it hurt me, for a long long time. Three years of not knowing why we were all rejected, but slowly, with the support of my siblings, it became a memory. And, my lovely little cloud, soon yours will too, and I can be your support....if you'll take it." He would move to hold her tighter, hoping to give her the comfort he had needed when he was sad, when he felt as if the world made no sense and he were alone in a cruel world, to show her the truth he had learned then...that we are never alone, if we let those that want to help in. "Everything will make sense again soon, the universe just has a funny way of doing things.."

"Burn Baby Burn"