
Proactive learning



6 Years
03-19-2015, 01:17 AM
Voltage had a list of priorities, and so far his number one priority was ensuring not only the health of their new pack, but also the safety. They needed a healer, but as far as Voltage was aware, none of them knew anything beyond the bare minimum. They needed outside help, certainly, a healer that knew their craft and was willing to offer their expertise to teach a select wolf of their pack. It was a win-win, was it not? The more wolves that knew how to heal in these lands, the better it was? And while Donostrea was not one to just accept wolves into their walls, he himself would not turn away an injured wolf. But what would they do if someone did stumble upon their borders, bleeding and injured, before anyone even knew what plant was a poison and what stopped bleeding? He, too, would love to know a few healing techniques, that was for sure.

So he wandered the distance, searching out a pack that he did not know. He didn't wish to annoy the pack directly at their back too much, and besides, seeking out their help to strengthen Donostrea may seem like they were rising up to become stronger then theirs. So instead he ventured out to the east, Glacier at his side (as always) as he seeked out a pack in this land. Paritally it was because Voltage wanted to know what other packs were laying close to their home, and also cause he just wished to adventure. His nose was suddenly filled with the scent of pack, and he came to a direct hault, not wanting to pass any borders laid before him. They were here for a political reason, not to cause anyone's hackles to rise. He merely wanted to make more friends, know the packs, and see if he could get assistance with their lack of a healing problem. With a gentle smile to his brother he'd toss his head back and howl for the leader of this pack, and, perhaps, for the healer if they had one. He hoped they'd be welcomed, but if not, he prepared himself for any attack that may come.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-20-2015, 07:47 AM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2015, 07:48 AM by Epiphron.)
Another unfamiliar call would shake her from the repetitive task of patrolling the pack borders that she had taken upon herself. Epiphron had but three true fighters within her ranks, and the two best ones were gone at the moment -- helping Kassander with the siege he had planned upon the Arcanum pack. There was nothing else to attend do, and so she would mindlessly wander, trailing along her borders to search for scents that did not belong. Only when she heard a male's strong call echo through the mangrove would she redirect her path, heading toward her visitor with ease.

From a distance, she could see him clearly -- quite unnatural a color, but he was admittedly quite attractive despite sporting a quite strange coat. Epiphron's head would tilt to the side curiously, her tail instinctively curling high above her back in a show of dominance over these lands as she closed the distance between them. A slow nod was offered, her gaze skeptically as she studied him. "Welcome to Fiori," she'd introduce him to her pack, her voice betraying the curiosity she felt, though she was clearly guarded as she waited for some sort of introduction or explanation. "What's your purpose coming here?" Her searching gaze was shameless as she studied him, eying his peculiar color pattern with interest.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015



6 Years
03-28-2015, 02:17 PM
Voltage would put on his most charming smile as a wolf aproached, her stance dominant but true. A leader, it seemed. He would hold himself with purpose but not try and out dominate her, for this was her land. He merely stood in a relaxed way, his tail swishing in happiness behind him. Stormy eyes would shine as she introduced herself and her pack. "Ah Fiori, such a beautiful name" He said with a grin. "Did you pick it?" He wasnt stalling, merely making small talk as he smiled to the queen. She wouldnt have to wait too long for him to state his business, and he dipped his head to her. "My name is Voltage Elementas. I have recently made a pack along the beach of black sand to the south. We are a family of 10 wolves, peaceable and only wish to defend the borders we already have in place" This women would not have any trouble from the Donostrea, not unless she chose to cause trouble upon their lands. "We are trying to begin training, so my pack and family can know the basics of survival. Defense and Hunting are not a problem, hut we've come to a snag with healing. No one knows a thing about healing." he would laugh softly then, shaking his head just slightly before he smiled once more to the queen. "I am seeking some assitance in that reguard. I was hoping you might be able to lend us a teacher, in return we'd be in your debt. Elementas never go back on their world, m'lady..." He needed to equip his family with the knowledge to survive, and he would do anything to secure a teacher. "Or perhaps one of us could learn some of the basics and return to our pack to teach the rest, if you feel unsure about fully lending a healer..." Just the basics...



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-06-2015, 08:28 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015, 08:29 AM by Epiphron.)
His stance seemed nonthreatening - pleasant, even - and she found her own posture relax slightly, though her tail remained curled instinctively over her back. Instantly he compliment the name of her pack and she would nod curtly. "I did choose it - thank you," she'd respond with a dip of her muzzle, a slight smirk toying with the corners of her lips. "I am Epiphron Adravendi, by the way."

Quickly he moved to business, introducing himself as Voltage Elementas, ruler of a pack toward the south. Curiosity sparked in her stare as she studied him, listening to his words. "What's the name of this pack of yours?" she would inquire, only interrupting him briefly. His pack seemed not unlike her own -- a small family, peaceful at wishing to keep their home to themselves. Her smile grew a bit wider, more genuine now.

He was here to inquire about healing. Her head would cock to the left, as she considered for a moment. "We have a bit of an abundance of healers," she'd admit with a chuckle. Fighters, however, they were lacking -- and solid hunters were in short supply too. "Perhaps my daughter Amalia can travel to you in a short while. Within the next season or so?" Though Amalia had a lot on her plate, she knew she was skilled and had much to offer. "Do you propose an alliance?" She'd ask a moment later, getting right to the point. "Or simply a peace treaty of sorts? An exchange of knowledge?" A brow would quirk as she mulled this over, honestly wondering what he was thinking -- and wondering what she might get out of this.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015



6 Years
04-18-2015, 05:37 AM
Voltage would continue to grin his boyish grin, not trying to win the woman over moreso than he did anyone else. He truly did want their packs to get along, because who would ever truly want enemies? When she asked the pack's name, his eyes grew a bit wider and he laughed. "Oh goodness, how rude am I? I sincerely apologize." He said with a gentle smile. "Our pack is called Donostrea, which in a language of our parents means Our Home." He said with a gentle grin.

He would grin gently, nodding his head. Yes, he needed a healer, and it seemed he was in luck! This pack seemed to have what they had little of. But then she continued, talking about alliances, or a truce. And he started, stormy eyes growing wider a fraction before he turned back towards the ground. He hadn't thought so far ahead. He'd only been an alpha for so long. With a gentle smile he tilted his head back up to Epiphron. "Well, to be entirely honest...I can not promise the loyalty of my pack, my family. They're a very free willed bunch.." He laughed gently, smiling. "But I can promise mine." He would grin then. "Miss Epiphron, by providing us a healer to teach my siblings skills that could save their'd be doing me a massive favor. There is nothing more in this world that I love more than my siblings, I just want to provide them the skills they need..."

He would shift them, gently smiling up at her. "I can't offer an alliance between our packs, but I can offer myself. For any battle Fiori finds themself in, I can be there to give assistance. If you ever find yourself in need of shelter...or even have a craving for crab, I'm your man." He said with a toothy grin, tilting his head in a boyish way as his tail swished behind him. "By helping my family, miss, you'd earn a friend. And my friendships last a lifetime."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2015, 07:48 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2015, 07:48 AM by Epiphron.)
Donostrea, was the name of his pack. As he spoke, it only seemed like his pack was more and more like her own -- a close pack of family members. Epiphron had no interest in becoming enemies with anyone, let alone her neighbors, and his pleasant nature would've made that quite difficult to begin with.

Voltage seemed grateful at her offer. Perhaps a day-long lesson, with just one healer, was not the most valuable thing in the world.. but Amalia could certainly teach them the basics that would keep them alive in case of injury or sickness. In turn, it seemed he wanted to offer his own loyalty, whether it be in battle or for shelter. Her head would tilt as she considered the offer. She knew that the loyalty of one wolf could be a fickle thing, often changing at a moments notice.. and yet he struck her as a man of his word. Even if he did betray her or fail to live up to his offer, they wouldn't lose much in helping this pack learn some of the most basic herbs. A day's time for a few wolves -- for Amalia would need some guards with her -- and she knew that her daughter wouldn't mind the task regardless.

"I likely won't need you to fish for me," she'd chuckle softly at the offer of crab. "I was born far inland and never quite acquired the taste for seafood. But a friend if something I could use," she'd agree finally with a nod. "You can consider me one of yours as well, Voltage. Elementas"

COPYRIGHT argent 2015



6 Years
05-01-2015, 07:03 AM
He would wait with the most baited of breaths, for surely everything sat in this woman's paws. This little decision could mean life or death for his family, could. If this failed he could perhaps go somewhere else to seek out a healer, but he really didn't like failing even the first time. And besides, he seemed to rather like this alpha. She had this air about her that he could enjoy, a friend. He decided then, despite the decision, he would try and create a friendship. He needed some "leader" friends, especially at moments when politics were much too complicated.

But he didn't have to wait long. At first she turned down crab (for shame!) but he continued to smile his easy smile and gaze at her with a gentle expression. When she accepted his friendship and his loyalty he couldn't help but grin even wider, laughing softly. "Oh fabulous!" He exclaimed, grinning in her direction. "The next season, oh, Terrae will be overjoyed" He hoped. With a bright smile he would dip his head to her, hoping that the movement would capture his very happiness, how much such a thing was worth to him. "If you ever need anything, Epiphron, please, don't hesitate to call for me." Any little thing at all.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-04-2015, 04:04 PM
Ah, it was refreshing to speak to the packs that surrounded them. Though Voltage had admitted that his pack, his family, were quite independent.. it would help to have a single ally in him if not the rest of them. Perhaps after Amalia taught them something about herbs they might feel some sort of allegiance to her, or to Fiori, too? She could only hope. Interested in the prospect of an alliance profitable to them both, as well as one that was just intrinsically good, she wanted to learn more of this Donostrea and its leader, this man named Voltage.

Her own expression of gratitude and joy came easily, a subdued but genuine smile upon her dark lips.  "Good," she'd comment quickly.  "Is she interested in healing?" It was something that Epiphron wasn't terribly interested in, though she knew it was a useful trade.  Her tail would wave freely behind her for a moment as she watched Voltage and considered.  "If you don't have to hurry back home, you're welcome to a tour of Fiori's lands," she'd offer conversationally with a light shrug. The company would be pleasant, but certainly was not required if he wasn't able to stay longer.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015