
scary world



7 Years
03-20-2015, 06:18 PM

Nyak! a small, abrupt growl left the beast’s jaws as he paused mid-stride to snap at his shoulder. Just yesterday he had gotten into a scrap with a pink wolf that had left him with a few punctures in his left shoulder. They weren’t anything horrible, but throbbed with ache. Ache and discomfort were things he was rather used to, though that didn’t mean he wasn’t bothered by it. It itched! And he just couldn’t leave his poor body alone. Standing rigid in the morning sun, his lifted his lips in a rather unattractive snarl and picked at the dried blood on his fur with his front teeth. He paused with an obnoxious smacking of his lips to scrape his tongue against his teeth with distaste; he didn’t taste very good. Considering he never bathed though, it was to be expected. He dove back to picking a little more until the fresh scabs split and began bleeding again. Oh, drat! ”Bleh,” he huffed, turning away and shaking his body a tad. Trickles of blood rolled daintily down his shoulder, picking a careful path between matted clumps of fur and bare scarred patches.

He stood still for a moment, scanning the distance with a look of mild displeasure. Then, the imp would wiggle his nose to the side a tad and proceed forward with a certain refined manner to his steps. It was time to find something else to do. He wandered along the plains for a while, the early sun warm and pleasant. After some time, he came across a rather nice looking lake – quite perfect timing, as he’d grown thirsty from his walking. He padded down to the edge (carefully, for while water was good, it was rather scary and dangerous), and bent down to quench his thirst. He sat down then and glanced around. The blood on his shoulder caught his eye again – a bright red trail that had gotten just past his elbow before having dried. Pretty. His shoulder ached though. He felt the sudden urge to pluck at it again and ruin the crimson streak, but would refrain with a small groan. It was like pretty war paint! He had to let someone see it before he ruined it!  

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



10 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 07:18 PM
Frosted limbs would drag the towering woman forth, the ground should have trembled in her wake. Yet, the pallid dancer moved with all the grace of a phantom. Perhaps she was, for only the gods knew that she should have died a thousand times over by now. Regal cranium was raised high above her narrow shoulders, mercury gaze trailing over the landscape absently. She didn't recall ever visiting these parts of Alacritia in her childhood. A soft huff of vague interest would slip past inky lips, long lashes falling to caress her cheeks in a languid sweep that betrayed her ease. Casual stride would carry her toward a lake, betrayed by the sweet scent of its contents. She had not quenched her thirst as of late, and it was beginning to stir in her throat. Coal paws would slip easily over the terra, toward the banks. Tall audits would twitch toward the sounds of faint vocals, directing her colourless stare to the form of a twisted wretch upon the edges of the lake.

Gaze would narrow, silvery pools questing further to the visage of the other. Scarred and filthy, though unmistakably lupine. It crouched tentatively at the waters edge, as though the crystalline liquid might suddenly leap from its prison and attack. The thought brought a hint of mirth to her expression, hardened features softening in the slightest- brows lifting and dark lips curving just so. Optics would drift from the gnarled canine a couple hundred feet to her left, attention shifting instead to the lake. A drink would be very nice indeed. Forelimbs would bend gracefully, alabaster bodice falling gently to the dirt below her. Without word the dame's rosy tongue would stretch forth, taking in the cool aqua. Talons would loosen their grip upon the earth, tensed muscles relaxing for a moment or two. So far, the moment was peaceful. Pleasant, even.

Rump would lower to the ground, ivory plume settling casually behind her. Slowly her forelegs would stretch upward, the fae rising so she might be able to look over the mirror surface of the water. It was warm here, and her thick pelt was a very real curse upon her form. Salvation would find her in the form of a gentle breeze, stirring the cobalt feathers entwined in the lengthy hairs upon her breast. It dragged its fingers lavishly through her pelt, seeking to cool her skin. Softly would she sigh, moonstone pools slowly covered by their lids. So far, home was everything she remembered.



2 Years
03-21-2015, 10:57 AM


The fish in his jaws retaliated, smacking Aksel brutally in the face with it's tail.  With a startled squeak the young male's jaws parted and the fish escaped back into the lake.  Dammit.  Aksel licked his lips and stretched his jaws.  He liked fish, they were one of his favorite foods but fishing was a lot harder than it had any right to be.  Sighing, Aksel crawled out of the lake and shook out his coat before resting in the sun to dry out a bit.  He'd give it another go in a minute but for now he needed a break.  Tail slapped the grass in irritation as bi-colored gaze retracted from the shimmering gleam of the lake.  

Ebony ears flicked forward suddenly as he caught the scent of blood.  Uh oh…  Turned his head he noticed a small, darkly colored wolf walking nearby.  Aksel instinctively ducked down in the grass to watch the wolf as he bent to drink at the water's edge a ways down from where Aksel had been fishing.  The smaller male seemed quite cautious as he approached the edge and Aksel wondered if he'd been spotted.  Well, Aksel was curious to a fault so it was only a matter of time before he said hello.

However, just as he was about to reveal his presence a massive white female came along.  Oh boy…. she was gorgeous but a good deal larger than him and she seemed to be a serious sort.  No fun!  Oh well, Aksel almost never won against his curiosity and a moment latter he stood and stretched before trotting over to greet the other wolves.

 "A fine morning, hm, my fellow travellers?"



7 Years
03-31-2015, 02:03 PM
Sorry this took so long ;_;

He twitched a little, biting his lower lip gently as he struggled to resist the urge to gnaw on himself. It was a faintly aching wound, and it still itched! Uhg! The beast was distracted suddenly, his head turning to cast a wide, pale gaze towards the figure of another. She was giant, and pale as a cloud on a warm summer day. She reminded him a bit of the wolf who’d bitten him, minus that atrocious pink! So he knew it couldn’t be her… But maybe… He turned his body to the right, crouching down and wiggling his rump a tad. His tongue flicked out the left side of his mouth, wiping at whiskers. Before he could begin to crawl towards her though, someone else appeared.

The imp’s head twisted to the side a little, training his gaze upon the new face. It was a black and brown male, also a good deal bigger than himself (as everyone usually was). His eyes were different colors. Cesar inhaled sharply with awe, his jaws barely parted so that the breath skated between needle fangs. The little black wolf straightened himself, standing with a quick popping motion and then cocking his head. He licked his lips again and bounced forward towards the other two, feeling invited. ”It’s okaaayy,” his sharp voice chimed, his tattered ears tilting forward eagerly. ”What’s with his eyes?” he got right to the point, immediately interested in the interesting looking male. The manner in which he spoke might’ve implied that he was asking the she-wolf, but the way he stared fixedly at the other male told otherwise.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



10 Years
Extra large
04-01-2015, 05:09 PM
ooc. never got a notification about this thread, wasn't sure what had happened to it xD

The scent of another went almost unnoticed, though the attention of the pallid dancer would shift slowly toward the dark male who was busily fishing near her. His attempts were for naught, it seemed, when the prey delivered a rather violent slap to his face. A soft chuckle bubbled up in her throat, and the femme had to work to stifle it. His tail thumped against the terra once in apparent frustration, and she watched him with a touch of intrigue. He too seemed to notice the wary form of the gnarled lupus at the lakes edge. His dark frame melted into the grass, hardly visible as she continued to watch the others. It took mere moments for the larger male to lose interest, and he straightened up from where he crouched in the verdant grass. A query left his maw, addressing both herself and the smaller ebon creature. Lithe musculature would be stretched languidly as she rose to her feet, shaking out her thick coat. This weather would soon be the death of her, she could feel it. A small sigh would shudder through her ribs, as she padded lazily forward. Both were smaller than her, but she paid it little heed. It was a trivial matter, and served little purpose at the moment. "I would prefer something a little cooler, myself." She sighed simply, sauntering forth.

The stunted canine crept toward the other wolf, casually drawling his own opinions of the morning. However, what was more interesting was the comment he made about the eyes of their other companion. Brows would knit together, more confused by the statement itself than whatever might be amiss about the other lupine. Slowly she would join with the other two, peering at the features of the male with curiosity. There was nothing wrong with his eyes, they were a lovely pair of heterochromatic pools. Mercury gaze would find the twisted form of the dark male, scarred and abused. "Nothing is wrong with his eyes." She would assure him simply, lilting melodies marred by the burr of her thick accent. Tail tip would twitch, cranium tilting to one side as she examined the other quizzically. "What do you see that's the matter?" She would enquire, soft lyrics intrigued by the prospect of the wolf seeing something she might be missing.



2 Years
04-03-2015, 08:09 PM

Well, wasn't he a curious one? Aksel smiled, bemused the be mannerisms of the other darkly colored male. Up close Aksel could clearly see the scars and tattered ears of the other and he casually wonder if the smaller male was a fighter of some kind or just unluckly. Aksel's head titled to the side at the mention of his eyes. His eyes? Oh! The heterochromia. Sometimes Aksel forgot that each one of his eyes was a different color and he supposed it was weird. None of his siblings had the trait and neither of his parents had but as far as he knew it wasn't affecting his vision any so why worry?

"Oh, you mean why are my eyes too different colors? Well, it's for luck! I was born really sick but my mother prayed really really hard and the spirits blessed me with a blue eye to heal me. I was born with green eyes originally, like both my parents." Aksel shrugged, the lies rolling off his tongue so easily. He liked the story though. It was much better than, I don't know my genetics must be goofy. Aksel's stomach twisted sharply though at the thought of even partially acknowledging Dægmar as his mother. His coat had grown well over the scars across his shoulders and hips but it still made himself conscience. Not that his companions would probably care. The other male had enough scars for the whole of Alacritis!

"So, do you two have any names? What brings you to this neck of the woods?"




7 Years
04-20-2015, 09:07 PM

The female spoke - nothing wrong. The imp tilted his head, his wide eyes flickering from the she-wolf back to the other male, a faint, empty grin stretched across his face in a somehow curious looking manner. She would then question, and the little black wolf would shift his shoulders, fidgeting slightly where he had stopped. ”One is green,” he whispered, like a secret. ”And one is bluuuuueee!” he would then follow up with excitement, stretching a tad taller and perking his torn ears.

The strange stranger would then explain for himself, ensnaring the hellion in his fantastical tale, to the point that Cesar leaned forward some with the weight of his growing interest. ”Ooooooh,” he crooned, enthralled. A special eye?! ”Cesar wants it…” he said to himself in hushed tones. A pretty blue eye! He wondered about the exact consistency of wolf eyes. Were they hard, like pebbles? Or squishy? Either way, he bet it would be a nice trinket, and surely it was lucky, by what the other male had said. He would daydream a bit more about eyes and the like before having his attention brought back to present by the male. ”Cesar is Cesar,” he said offhandedly. Pain flared in his shoulder then, and he turned his head abruptly to give a few frantic licks to the source. It somewhat disrupted the nice, drying trail of blood that lead downward, but he was less concerned at this point.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.