
Then you might now what it's like to choose



10 Years
Athena I
03-24-2015, 03:57 PM

She had to get away. With Natalya gone, Conan yet again absent, and Pantheon dwindling to nothing she was sure she would snap under the pressure. At the same time she couldn't in good conscious abandon this pack completely. She just... needed a vacation. Yes, that's exactly what she needed. But how was she going to do that? It wasn't like she could just leave. She had to have someone she trusted take her place. She was honestly not sure if Helios would ever be ready to take over again. Her daughters weren't old enough. She considered Eros, but she had just come back from a long absence and Phoebe was still watching and waiting to see if the golden woman would stick around this time. But Hercules... He might be just the right fit. He was now an adult and had proven to be very trust worthy. Seeing him care for her daughters had made her smile, but at the same time she was sure he was strong enough to protect this pack. He was still young, but anything like loosing a parent this early in his life had to make him grow up quick. With these thoughts in mind she trotted out across the Estuary to search for him and quickly picked up on his scent. Soon enough she spotted his deep russet form and smiled gently as she went over to him. "Hercules! There you are, nephew." She nuzzled his neck affectionately before settling onto her haunches. She wondered if Helios had felt this worry when he was going to ask her to take Pantheon. "I have a... favor to ask of you, Hercules. You can say no if you really feel like this isn't something you want or can do, but you're the only one of our family members I feel like I can trust this to."

"Talk" "You" Think


03-24-2015, 04:04 PM

Hercules was actually on his way to the border when his aunt trotted over to him. He had taken to doing border patrols between Phoebe's, just to make himself useful. It got to be boring around here sometimes. If he wasn't playing baby sitter or hunting there was little more for him to do. He smiled when she came over to him and he returned the friendly nuzzle to her neck. "Hello, aunt Phoebe." He would follow her lead and settle onto his haunches as well. His ears perked up with interest when she said she had a favor to ask of him. It had become a common occurrence for her to ask him to watch her girls while she went to talk to other packs or just get out of the territory for a moment. She had never looked this worried over asking him to do that, but he couldn't think of anything else she might ask him for. "Do you want me to watch Hera and Desponia? Because it's not a problem if you do." He smiled reassuringly, but his warm gaze watched her curiously. If it wasn't that what could it be?

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Athena I
03-24-2015, 04:15 PM

She chuckled softly at his response and gave a little shake of her head. If only it was that simple of a request. "No, it's not that... Hercules, if you agree, I would like to make you the Patriarch of Pantheon. She would pause for a moment to let her request sink in. "Before you say no, just let me explain. I'm tired, Hercules. I never aspired to be Matriarch. I only took this position because your father couldn't do it on his own and your mother was so ill... Pantheon deserves someone that will love it wholeheartedly and will pull it back out of the ashes. I'm not that wolf. But, I think you could be. Your father... without Natalya he won't do it. At least I don't think he will. But having you as the leader could help him I think. He would be motivated to help his son lead." She gave a firm, knowing nod at that. She wasn't sure if it was true or if she had convinced herself of it, but it seemed like a reasonable desire. "What do you say, Hercules? Will you lead Pantheon?" she asked after a few moments, watching her nephew curiously.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-24-2015, 04:28 PM

What his aunt asked of him was something he had never expected. Not in his wildest dreams had he thought that Phoebe would ask him to take over leading Pantheon. He had thought that maybe when he was older he might inherit it or perhaps just be a beta of some sort, but now? Never. However, as he listened to her talk and explained the situation he could understand why she would come to him like this. Even after she asked for his answer he was still quiet for several more moments, just absorbing everything and trying to figure out how he felt about the request. Part of him was overwhelmed by the request and worried that he wasn't actually the right fit for this, but another part of him was excited by it. He could really make a difference and help his family. He had wanted to be Patriarch at some point in his life, why not now? "Okay," he finally answered, lifting his amber gaze to meet hers with a small smile on his lips. "I'll do it."

"Talk" "You" Think