
let loose and crawling up the walls



3 Years
03-26-2015, 06:14 PM

Sniffing around the outskirts of the orchard, the petite femme frowned. Someone had claimed her favourite spot! Good lord, did packs have some sort of vendetta against her? First they take her childhood home and kick her family out, then they take the second place she called her own, now this? It was shit like this that had her holding a grudge against anyone who wasn't a loner. As soon as you were part of a pack, did you think you had some sort of right to all the land out there? How rude. Now she finds out her mother if part of this madness? And that she has siblings? Seriously, this was just messed up. However, Aksel was here, so it wasn't entirely horrible.

Looking over her shoulder at her only brother, she frowned. Acidic eyes sought reassurance as she scanned his features. "You're sure about this? We're not going to get mobbed or anything?" She asked hesitantly, hackles bristling warily. She really didn't like packs. They couldn't be trusted. Tail flicked to and fro at her heels, claws flexing as she stood beside her brother. He had led her here, but Aksel was prone to making some very hair-brained ideas; even if he wouldn't admit to it. Audits lifted and lowered anxiously against her skull, every muscle twitching at the smallest sound. She felt a little nervous, being so close to the borders without permission. She'd done this a lot as a pup, but that had been because she wanted to yell at someone for taking her home all those times. Now, she had no reason to be here. They could tear her limb from limb if they wanted. Her laid back nature was slowly being eaten at by the presence of a pack so close, and it was going to fray her nerves pretty soon. "If I get eaten, it's all your fault." She informed her brother irritably, frowning.

The sickeningly sweet scent of rotting fruit was a bit of a balm on her nerves, but she was still standing on the borders of a pack trolling for little kids. Sure, they were siblings of hers, but the wolves that were part of this little hive mind wouldn't know that right away. Maybe their mother would be the one that appeared. Seeing her mom wouldn't be so bad, though she had a feeling Daegmar wouldn't want her new litter tainted by the last. Clearly she liked this one better. A small frown creased her features at this thought. What made these little critters so special? Stance would shift then, straighten somewhat. Braver now, she was determined to find out what made her younger siblings so god damned special that they got a mom and she didn't. Confidence bolstered somewhat, she looked to her brother once more.




2 Years
03-26-2015, 07:16 PM
ooc: Falx and Sabre should join in too! They're Raba's siblings. I'll throw Dægmar in a bit later.

Aksel walked next to his sister, mind turning as he dimmly wondered what lay in wait for them. So engrossed in his thoughts he almost missed Acadia's question. Aksel winced. That was a fair question. He had no way of telling if this was a trap or not and it occurred to him he probably should've told Acadia about the beating. Just so she knew what she was getting into. Yet, Aksel was afraid she take one look at him and walk the other way. They were both loners, and both wanderers…. but Aksel was getting tired of being the one that always seemed to be getting left behind.

He moved to bump Acadia's shoulder with his own, dorky grin plastered on his face. "What's this? Not ready for an adventure? The uncertainty's half the fun!" He tipped back his head and howled, summoning Dægmar.




4 Years
Extra large
03-26-2015, 08:33 PM

Trotting around with a well chewed bone in her jaws, Karabela was enjoying her break from training. The young girl was growing well and fast into her large frame. Tall and lanky she was still awkward but the intense training was helping her frame fill out with lean and elegant muscle. Pausing Raba dropped her bone with gusto before batting after it like a cat, tail wagging. With a ferocious snarl she picked it up again in her jaws and went racing through the newly claimed Imperium territory. The air was thick and fragrant and full of all sorts of bugs and things to chase. With a squeal of delight she dropped the bone to go chasing after some grasshoppers. Yummy!

Immersed in her hunt Raba jumped when a howl rang out for her mother. Hmm… the voice was male but it didn't sound familiar at all. Karabela's golden gaze turned back toward the den then again to the source of the call. Well… she had been training awfully hard and her mother would be along soon. What harm was there in going to greet the strangers? Back tracking she picked up her bone before prancing to the territory's border, pausing as she saw a young man and woman that looked kind of like her mom…. hmmm….

Eyes narrowed as she marched up to them, chest puffed out, tail up, her lanky body oozing as much dominance as she could. Dropping the bone with a thud she spoke. "What do you want with my momma? You're not here to try and steal her eyes are you?" Her own eyes narrowed as she sized them up. Yea… she could take them both!


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king