
Cold as Ice



4 Years
03-15-2015, 08:48 PM
Takira felt. She felt so much. She felt too much. Pain, pain at the loss, and physical pain. Blood oozed from the new slashes on her eye, drops dripping down her face slowly. She could not stop, not now, not ever. Life has changed, she cannot be the happy go lucky girl that she once was, no these new marks on her face was a testament to that. As long as they where there she would never forget what happened this day.

The pain eased as the white hot anger filled her blood. Anger so hot that if she did not cool it soon it would consume her very soul. Water splashed up as her paw dropped into cool spring water, She snapped then, stopping as her twisted face looked down, her eyes where sharp as she beard her teeth back at herself. Why was she so weak!? Why was she not able to protect the only wolven that where important to her!? Her mother now lay dead, her sister lost; maybe forever. And it was all her fault! If she had known how to fight should could have protected them!

She closed her amber eyes, eyes what matched her now gone mother, eyes that only brought pain. Even the scars. She had asked her mother how she had gotten those scars, her mother only laughed and joked that it was a curse, her own mother had them and when Taske had died she passed them to her. It seemed to Kira that maybe it was not a joke, for it seemed that with Taska's death Takira was the next in line to receive the curse.

Takira growled then, the harsh sound filling the air around her. She lifted her paw and slammed it down, splashing water into her face. She did not want to face her failures, and looking at the splitting image of her mother that was biggest slap in the face. She lifted her head then, letting the few rays of sunlight falling on her face. The anger was slowly draining from her to only be replaced by a cold chill.

This was a new feeling, she had never had to suppress her emotions before... This cold feeling though, it was an improvement to the searing anger that burned through her just a moment before. Could she ever go back to the child she once was? Could she get her emotions back; could she live with that burning anger and live?
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



6 Years

03-15-2015, 09:34 PM
The scent of blood, pungent and raw, filled the air. The breeze carried the scent in from the west, gentle but soothing, a welcome reprieve from the intense summer heat. Steel had moved from the coast where he had lived before the death of his parents, moving further inland, and it was significantly warmer here. He was grateful when he found the tall trees of the oak forest, finding solace in the shade of their great canopies. It blocked a great amount of the sun's rays and made the land bearable, especially with his dark pelt.

The yearling felt his nose twitch as he inhaled the air, finding a bit of curiosity well inside him at the scent of blood on the wind. His head would swing to the ground, large paws moving slowly over the ivy-coated earth as he trailed after the scent. It brought back memories he couldn't forget, though he found himself wondering who it was -- and if they needed help. Though he wasn't exactly a caring boy, the thought of letting someone bleed out and not even bothering to check on them didn't settle well with him.

Tentatively he crept through the forest, until he found a small clearing with a body of water in the center. Quickly he caught sight of a girl about his size, with a coat as dark as night. His brows furrowed as he stared into the distance, his head raising a bit as his tail flicked idly behind his standing form. Even from a distance he could tell something was off about her. She seemed distraught; was she the source of the scent of blood? With a wary step he would creep closer to the lake, bending to lap at the cool water as he eyed her from a distance. Though he longed to be close to someone again, the pain that he felt at the loss of his parents was far too great... but even watching someone from a distance was enough solace to keep him composed for now.



4 Years
04-03-2015, 12:26 PM
Kira settled into the cold flow of the new ice that filled her veins. She felt in control now, she felt better. But there was one last worry on her mind, her sister, Calilia. She was unwell, had a weak heart; she needed Takira's protection. But where was she? The last she heard Cali wanted to go explore, and since it was one of her rare days that she felt good Taska allowed her youngest pup to go; and thankfully she did. Takira turned her new cold mask in place. It was a little shocking just how well the cold in her took over the searing fire, it was almost like magic just switched it off and locked it away in her mind.

She turned, her large body moving smoothly. Her mind was made up, she would not stop until she found her long lost sister, she had to be safe; for both of them. But as she was about to go back and look for her sister she caught sight of a equally large male. He had kept his distance from her and in fact did not look interested in her at all, but she could not take any chance. She could not turn her back on a wolf that could have been part of the group that killed her mother.

She advanced then, her fur fluffed, she did not take an overly aggressive stance but her body was tight ready for anything the male might do. "Who are you." She kept her distance, her amber eyes watching his every move. She was not extremely adapt at fighting but she had the simple lesson of watching your opponent's muscles to predict there attack.
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



6 Years

04-16-2015, 06:38 AM

Though he had grown used to solitude, the presence another was comforting - even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone out loud. From a distance, Steel would watch her, noting her expression was quite cold and strange. His nose would wrinkle as he tasted the scent in the air. The tangy, metallic scent was beginning to fade now. From amongst her black fur, it was difficult to tell where she was wounded, but he had little doubt that the stench was coming from her.

It took her a moment to notice him, sitting a great distance away. When she finally realized he'd been staring, she approached with alarming swiftness and Steel felt his own hackles rising instinctively. When she advanced, he could finally see the wound that sat upon her face and his eyes narrowed as he inspected her. "I'm Steel," he introduced himself quickly, unafraid, but wary still. His posture would stiffen where he sat, though he drew himself more upright, poised and ready to spring away if she proved dangerous. "Why? Who are you?"



4 Years
04-17-2015, 11:39 PM
She watched as he stiffened, which was understandable, she was the aggressor in this situation. She took a breath, clearing her mind of her irritation of him interrupting her small melt down. She flicked her ears back then perked them back up. He may have be wary of her, just as she was to him; but even so he still disclosed his name to her. She was a bit taken aback by that, the group that killed her mother would have played a game with her and would have never given her a name, even a fake one.

Takira blinked at him, ignoring the small new sting from her left eye. She tilted her head looking at the male in a new light. He was a large male, as tall as she and filled with the same sleek muscles. His eyes are even much akin to hers, but where hes was a red orange his a pure red, and bright. She tilted her head the other way looking past his physique to his coloring. He was a varying tones of gray with a very intriguing markings at the corner of his eyes.

And not only that, he seemed kinda... Well sad. Much how she felt before the ice filled her veins. What had happened to make him be that way? Was his mother killed too? Could be possibly know her pain? She wanted to know. Ice felt like it melted slightly, maybe not completely but slightly.

"I am Takira Taske."

She blinked. Sighing softly as she came to decided that he was someone to not be aggressive to, that he just happened upon her for no other reason other then he was passing though and scented the fresh blood from her eye. "Sorry, as you can see I am a bit jumpy." She sighed as she relaxed her body and sank down on her flanks. "I have had a rough day." She held back from show her true feelings about the day but she did let a small amount of sadness to show in her face wheres before was only a cold mask.
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



6 Years

05-10-2015, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2015, 06:39 PM by Steel.)

Steel felt surprising sympathetic for her, though he had no idea what she had gone through. Clearly she'd gotten hurt somehow, judging from the tangy, irony stench of blood in the air, but she'd washed her wounds and seemed relative okay, if not a bit on edge now. The yearling would watch her with curiosity, watching as she relaxed slightly. Not wanting to further irritate her, he'd keep his distance but shifted a bit closer to the water. The thought of taking a drink was appealing, though he'd wait until he felt a bit more comfortable around her before letting his guard down entirely.

Her dark fur was comforting; for a moment he was reminded of his mother, who was long gone now, though his mother was so much softer and more inviting.. with eyes as green as summer grass, so unlike Takira's orange-red stare. Her apology was a bit unexpected, and he'd shrug his wide shoulders dismissively. "I've had a rough month," he admitted slowly. It wasn't something Steel might normally admit.. not that he was usually a man of many words, but it felt right to explain to her that he empathized with her in a way, even if her situation wasn't at all like his own. "Did you get hurt earlier?"