
Mirror, Mirror; You Keep Me Well


12-30-2014, 11:46 AM
Ooc:: ;w; <3 This table is gorgeous Eldar, thankies!

Félicien was recovering, thank the gods, thanks to one he knew always had his back. The twin brothers were different, so very different, yet there was one thing Féli would never doubt; they were there for each other. The larger of the two twins, though seemingly the one more strong, was the one to fall badly ill twice in his life. But he came back, as he always would thanks to the care of his kin. The golden boy knew as long as he had his family in a way he was invincible. They were his strength, his cure to any disease, the answer to any problem. Though he wasn't back one hundred percent just yet Félicien was getting there. Now all that was left was to make his full recovery and do more for his pack.

Morning rose over the snow covered territory, light coming through the gray clouds. It was early-ish, but not too early that others wouldn't be awake. Féli wasn't sure if his brother was awake or not but he had been up since dawn, searching for some gifts for his brother to thank him for taking such care of him when he was ill. His tail was wagging, light back in his eyes, and a skinny hare clenched between his jaws, as well as a bit of some strong, long plant he found sticking out of the water. It was called horestail, though not being a healer as his brother and mother were, didn't know the name for it. The young male honestly just hoped that it could be of use to his sibling.

Félicien would stop before Sorrel's den, setting the hare and plant down and letting out a bark. "Wake-y Wake-y Sorrel! I come bearing gifts!"

"Listen To Me Talk," 'but read my thoughts.'



3 Years
12-30-2014, 02:48 PM
Sorrel wasn't exactly a lazy individual though it was safe to say he was hardly a particularly energetic one either. Some mornings he would rise early others he would be content to remain sound asleep within his den, finding peace and relaxation in his slumber. Occasionally he would find such rests disturbed, generally by Ellingham these days rather than anyone else though the owl was elsewhere and the voice suddenly calling didn't belong to him.

It was in fact a voice rather like Sorrel's own. A warmer, friendlier tone if anyone paid attention to details but the boy certainly knew it anywhere. Mismatched eyes would open, blinking a few times as he was summoned to wake up. "Féli" He would greet, the sleepiness seeping through into his voice as he pushed himself to his paws, fighting back a yawn that eventually won as he shook his fur out and stretched slightly.

His brother's words were lost, not quite concious enough to have heard them when they had been uttered though gifts or not he was certainly pleased to see that his twin was up and about. He wasn't quite back to normal though it seemed he soon would be now he was well on the road to recovery.


01-20-2015, 12:32 AM

His brother was tired, he could hear it in how he answered. Oops! He must have woken him from his slumber. Ah well, Félicien was sure that Sorrel would forgive him. His tail would wag behind him as his brother emerged from the den, pushing the gifts that he brought the other male towards him. He would give a soft, happy whine, his ears twitching.

“Good morning!” The golden male’s voice was chipper. Obviously he had been awake way longer than his sibling. He tilted his head to the side, a grin on his face. “I brought you breakfast! And some sort of plant. I uh... Don’t really know what it is but I knew you would so... Is it useful?” He tried at least. As long as it could be useful to his brother that was all Féli cared about.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
01-23-2015, 12:13 PM
Had it been anyone else outside of the den disturbing him Sorrel may not have acted quite so favourably, he was certainly capable of being on the grumpy side after all. To be honest though of course, he probably wouldn't have responded and certainly not left the den for anyone else anyway, his twin certainly got special treatment, though his mother, father and sister would have done too if they were around.

Féli would brightly respond, greeting him with a good morning that was probably far more cheerful in sound that Sorrel could ever really pull off, certainly not at this moment in time anyway having only just risen. Mismatched eyes would fall to the gifts that his brother spoke of. The breakfast would wait a moment, instead he studied the plant for a moment. It was relatively common around the bay, he'd certainly come across it a few times. "Horsetail." He responded. "It's good for cuts. Helps to stop the bleeding." Féli may not have wanted a healing lesson though Sorrel would share the uses with him now anyway.


02-28-2015, 01:11 AM

Féli might not have expected or actually desired the healing lesson, though it was well received all the same. His brother’s ability to remember the herbs and their uses fascinated the more outgoing twin. He was pleased too that his gift, the horestail, which he’d probably forget about later, was actually useful. Stopping bleeding. A good herb to have around when spar practices when on and such. His tail would begin to wag behind him, his bicolored eyes shining brightly. “Good to know it’s not useless.” The boy would say softly, looking around.

“Surprised to see Ellingham isn’t about today. Guess it gave you a little time to sleep in, huh?” Well, at least until he came and woke his brother up. Félicien would grin sheepishly at Sorrel. “Heheh... Oops?”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
03-20-2015, 04:19 AM
Whilst he was learning the herbs and their uses fairly well, Sorrel certainly lacked in other skills and even efforts. General conversation was even more difficult to him than rattling off a list of plants that were useful for binding injuries. Even with his twin words didn't quite come easily and the Destruction-Gringoire boy would surely suffer in this world without his understanding family around him. Even now only a semi-awkward nod would be cast his brother's way as the twin found joy in the fact the gift hadn't been useless. He'd store it somewhere later, having taken to keeping multiple stores of herbs in different locations further away from the water after the storm and flood the previous year.

Ellingham. Why on earth the bird continued to stick around was surely a mystery to anyone. At first it had simply been a ride to safety himself and reassurance that Sorrel was going to be ok after being the only witness to the boy's collision with a tree. Why he had continued to remain at Sorrel's side and why he had put up with him simply made no sense and yet somehow they had reached a content situation, working well together. There were still days that he wondered why the bird didn't just clear off though he had learnt to appreciate and even perhaps like his companion.

And so Féli's question came as a surprise to him as well. Normally the owl settled close by and yet his twin had seen no sign of him nor had Ellingham ventured down to offer a greeting to him. He had overslept though, it wouldn't be the first time that Ellingham had taken the time alone to spread his wings. "He'll be back." He was confident of that, his companion was never gone for too long. It had once irritated him, though the words were spoken calmly now. "Hunting or something maybe."

The topic of disturbed sleep would cause his brother to suddenly feel a little sheepish as he realised his own presence had brought that on. Another perhaps wouldn't have received the forgiveness quite so easily though even Ellingham's disruptions were brushed off with little care now. "I would have woken soon anyway." He pointed out.


03-24-2015, 07:03 AM

Sorrel was rather confident in his answer about Ellingham being back. Yes, the owl certainly seemed to be around to stay, after sticking with them threw the storm. He meant well, and it was wonderful to see that his brother had a friend. Even if Ellingham was persistent, and perhaps a bit of an annoyance to his brother, Félicien was glad someone other than himself found themselves able to interact with the other golden boy. Sorrel would also comment on the subject of sleep as well, though luckily his twin forgave him rather easily.

“I guess so.” The boy would say gently. “I guess it’s strange, me waking up before you now... Even though back then you were always rather content to stay curled up in the den. It’s kind of funny how times have changed.” He would smile, his tail thumping the ground now. “I want to become stronger, Sorrel. I want to learn some sort of skill to benefit Threar... You’re already a skilled healer. But I...” He would falter, frowning. “What do you think I should do?” He would ask gently, wanting his brother’s input.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
03-24-2015, 08:01 AM
Sorrel found nothing strange in their sleeping patterns at all nor his developments to at last leave his den and get out and about a little. He chose not to respond to that part of Féli's thought process however and would instead focus upon the next statement, about his twin's wish to be stronger to pick up some sort of skill of his own.

Sorrel had never really sat down and considered the different skills at all if he was entirely honest. His mother was a healer and he had been closest to her, admired her skills and didn't have to think twice about following down the same path. Memory wise he seemed to be doing rather well, had picked up plenty of knowledge about the herbs, his mind skilled at recalling the little details though his bedside manner likely needed more work.

As for what Féli could do, well the boy would be lying if he said he had thought of any path for his brother either. He was the stronger and more confident of the pair, that much Sorrel had always been aware of though he hadn't ever dedicated himself to one particular study. He saw no harm in that really, Cerise too hadn't chosen any particular area before leaving and it seemed that was the normal thing to do really; Sorrel once more was simply the odd one.

"I don't know." Sorrel responded honestly. His brother wanted his input though unfortunately Sorrel truly wasn't the greatest at giving any sort of real advice aside from things like 'eat this, it'll make you feel better'. "What do you like? What do you want to do?"


03-26-2015, 09:57 AM

Sorrel didn't have an answer for him, speaking honestly. Though that was probably for the better. Félicien would get nowhere if he was always relying on others to make decisions for him. Some things you needed to choose for yourself. Though advice would have been appreciated, Féli could understand why Sorrel wouldn't have input to give. Instead of dwelling on what he didn't know, hadn't thought about, maybe he could talk it out with his brother and figure it out. Sometimes just speaking with another about what was on your mind could be a big help. Féli would think, head tilting to the side a bit.

"Truthfully? I'm not a hundred percent sure what I want to do. I know that I'm kind of useless when it comes to remembering herbs. The names and uses just... don't stick with me. They don't interest me in the same way they interest you." The boy would smile a bit sheepishly once more. "I like to hunt though. I find it fun. Maybe... maybe I could do that. Sharpen my fighting skills too a little... just to be on the safe side." The boy would look to his mirror image, frowning some. "Guess it's just strange now... realizing that I have to grow up and be an adult sometimes... most of the time. I don't really feel my age. It's a bit strange." He would give a soft chuckle, a smile coming back to his face.

"So what about you, huh? Are you going to try and move up into the position of Drama?"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
03-30-2015, 04:58 PM
After the lack of input from Sorrel, Félicien would soon go on to simply thinking out loud, his words certainly suggesting that he had in fact already made up his mind on the matter. He didn't think he'd be any good at the healing but hunting he could do and fighting he wouldn't mind getting better at as well. The latter Sorrel certainly had no desire in working at whereas hunting he preferred more as a solo activity than the group hunts with others in the pack.

That was another difference between the boys. Sorrel gave short, simple answers when he spoke whereas Félicien had a lot more to say it seemed, mind trailing off now to comment upon their age. What was being two supposed to feel like anyway? Where there guidelines you were supposed to follow each year of your life, the quieter of the twins had probably failed in those goals to be honest, Féli being the more well-rounded of the pair when it came to life.

Sorrel had little to say upon either of the topics, his brother's choice and the problems with not feeling his age. The Destruction-Gringoire boy couldn't reply quick enough however as his twin questioned about the possibility of him being the Drama one day. "No." That had been their mother's position. He may have aspired to be like her but he'd draw the line there, he wanted to learn to heal not teach it to others.


04-09-2015, 09:28 AM

While Félicien had honestly hoped for more input from his brother once he started to speak aloud it sadly didn't happen. The problem was that the boy held a lack of self confidence. He was old enough to do things that were of use for the pack, but he doubted his ability to do so. He was so afraid of failure. Of messing up anything and everything. He wondered if he was a proper young adult, if he was viewed badly in secret by any of the older members of the pack. He would give a soft sigh, finding the only subject that Sorrel would answer was his question about becoming a drama.

He knew that Sorrel didn't care much for spending time with groups, and sadly being in a position such as that would mean that he would have to teach herbs to others, so that way others had knowledge of the position. Sometimes the young man wished his brother was more outgoing, but Félicien had learned long ago that Sorrel was set in his ways and stubborn as hell about changing them. He would close his eyes, giving a soft chuckle.

"You'll never change, will you?" He asked softly, his voice light. He'd open his eyes, looking at his twin with a smile. "I'm really glad to be honest. You're the one thing I've counted on all this time to stay the same, Sorrel. You know... you really keep me sane."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
04-10-2015, 09:36 AM
Sorrel wasn't really power hungry or ambitious at all in any way, just wanting to improve for his own sake rather than anyone else's. In short he was in many ways rather selfish, here was his twin wanting to improve to help the pack in some way, sure he'd help them but that wasn't why he'd ever signed up onto this healer path. It may have begun as a sweet motive to be like his mother though even if Symphony ever returned now it was unlikely that Sorrel would be the little mummy's boy he once had been. He'd grown up and apparently somehow become even more unsociable.

It was a wonder in some ways that Féli not only tolerated his twin's unsociable manners but could find some solace in them. He should probably had continued to fight the stubborn boy's nature, should have never given up on trying drive him outside to mingle with the rest of the children in the pack, to help teach him to truly care for them all in the wonderful manner that he did. Even now that the touching compliments were fired his direction Sorrel would have nothing meaningful to add at all. Indeed it seemed that the boy wouldn't change though that may not have been a good thing.