


04-06-2015, 03:41 PM
With each step he took, it was almost as if he were reaching out for something. Head hung low while eyes watched the ground it walked on. The cooling breeze that swept by was refreshing. It didn’t take much to know that a cooling season was floating around. Perfect. Although a higher degree wouldn’t bother him much, he still had no liking to it. Lifting his head up to see where his paws had led him, he looked up at the sky as the day was still young. Eyes were then brought down to see what they could dish out of the bits of grass that made this area their home. Something was here. Some things were here. With a flick of his tail, he turned to his right and brought his head back down to the ground. His nose sniffed the ground to steal any scents hiding within the grass. There were some scents. Scents of what he could only assume had belong to whatever soul came here before his own. Exploring was certainly an objective he wanted to do now. Only orbs could tell him when and where to take an interest at. Most of this area did hold some interest. To try and find this state of absorption, he picked back up his steps and continued to roam the area.

This object. Many of these objects. Most of them had been passed over by him but one made him stop by the touch of his left paw. Nose shifted over to sniff his paw that made contact with the object before moving to catch what smell might hang around the object. A hum then escaped from him as he plopped down into a sit. "Étrange mais familier." Accented words trickled out of his maw in saying of something uncertain. Was it something he has seen before or perhaps his mind decided now was the time to mess around. Either way a sign could only be used to express such uncertainty. Hmm... A little game couldn't hurt. Nothing for him to right now as of yet. He wondered how many of these he could find. The problem to this was how to keep up with what he tracked out. That was a problem to be solved later. Pushing himself back up to all fours, he did his best to remember the starting point of this before leaving it. Bowing down, his bushy tail lightly swayed with the oncoming breeze and his head rested on his front paws. He was in a sort of countdown. Grey and sapling legs were ready to spring off and so were eyes ready to play seek and find. Time would only tell what fun could be had from this or unfold from it.

*Hovering over his words provides a translation~



3 Years
04-06-2015, 04:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015, 04:47 PM by Mirabelle.)

"What the utter hell is this place?" Mira muttered, yellow eyes sweeping over the field. It was a disaster. Things that smelled like blood and something else invaded her nose, and yet when she looked, she only found bits of... something. It was metal, but she was unaware of what it was. It did smell nasty. Like blood, but ten times worse. In other words, not pleasant. And she did not like it one bit. The only thing that prevented her from turning back was another scent, barely distinguishable above all the nasty blood-rust scent, and that was the smell of another wolf. Recently too. Thus, curiosity. Thus, something to have her think about something else. All in all, pretty damn nice.

She followed the scent until it strengthened, where she paused and glanced around. She could see the wolf in the distance, but it was more the lack of the weird things that made the scent so much stronger. Her nose still felt clogged with it, but the scent of the male thankfully was beginning to overcome that. So she increased her speed, until she saw clearly the wolf. A multitude of colors, he was certainly a sight to behold. Rather attractive, if she would say so herself. But then again, her heat just ended - it was likely the remnants of that still speaking. Gray, slate and tan - mixed in a way that was unique and enticing.

It made her more curious, as did his sudden plopping down on the ground. Her brow furrowed and her head tilted. Why...? Eh. No matter. He was already getting up, after seemingly inspecting something that he saw, or smelled, or stepped on. How he could have really smelled something in this forsaken place was beyond her, but eh. Her walk turning into a lope, she quickly caught up to the searching male. She purposefully made her stance rather relaxed; it wouldn't be good to startle him into attacking. Not that she wouldn't mind a fight, but she'd rather not make an enemy. "What are you searching for?" she questioned, ear flicking back. She didn't introduce herself, but oh well - she didn't ask for his name either, so it was alright in her mind.


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


04-06-2015, 06:59 PM
Gray tipped ears flicked immediately at the sound of a soul’s voice. He remained in his bow with only picking up his head from his paws and turning it towards the source. It was another. He knew he had smelt another but this one’s scent was much more different from what scent he had caught. There hardly was enough time to take in the smell of the surroundings. However, his nose may have learned to drown it away. Mind pushed the game that had almost begun to the side and set itself on the soul in the presence. Red orbs looked the dame up and down before turning away to allow him to get up. Not putting in much thought, he circled around the stranger wolf and stopped in front her once he made it around to where her face shown. It looks to be that the interest brought itself forth to him. A slight tip of his head and the curiosity for this stranger was complete. Thinking on her question and looking back at the object his paw had touched, he made sure to offer words of her understanding. “I am not searching for anything. Was just in a middle of a game.” Having respond to the dame’s question, he returned to where the object was with narrowed eyes.

The dark male would pick it up and show the she-wolf it but he wasn’t sure if it would be safe to do so. There could be some kind of disease or some unknown foreign force that could do damage to anything that messed with for long enough. The different things it could do had seemed endless. Perhaps he should have thought on the matter first instead of putting up for killing some time. Not the brightest move he would have thought. Eyes moved back on the wolf in expectance. However, he wasn’t looking for her to do anything. “You most certainly must have a reason to be here. Or, did you just dragged yourself in here without a purpose?” He rose a brow in questioning her. Not that there was much importance to this land but he surely knew that it wasn’t appealing to some eyes and noses, apparently. Because of that, it only made it more interesting than it could possibly be for any other soul. Lifting his right paw, he did a small kick to his little finding to show her what he was messing with. Probably wasn’t the most interesting thing to look at but it was something at least.



3 Years
04-06-2015, 08:02 PM

She stopped as he did; standing still as he circled around. It was an odd way to turn and face her, but no matter. A slight smile appeared on her maw even as he seemed to mirror her position - or was she mirroring his? Either way, her own head was tipped with curiosity clear upon her face. That look was briefly replaced by a look of confusion; he hadn't been looking for something? It seemed like he was. Perhaps - ah. Well, a game might explain it. "A game?" she inquired. What sort of game?  "A searching game?" If so, that would clarify the little issue there. It had to do with an object, though, she surmised, as the male's gaze turned to the thing. She wasn't quite sure of his fascination of the object herself, and she found her gaze turning quickly back towards him, studying him.

His face, that she could see of it at this precise moment, was as interesting as the rest of him.. and maybe a bit captivating. Handsome, certainly, despite the diffidence that seemed to grace it. That thought, of course, sent annoyance pinging through the warrior - she was not here to ogle males right after she was done with her heat; perhaps it was a good idea that for the entire season she didn't see another wolf. Who knows what would have happened? Nothing good, likely. Of course, nothing good was happening of this either, even as the male questioned her about why she was there. To her surprise, she found herself answering nonchalantly - and honestly.

"Boredom," she shrugged, gaze returning to meet his, as if she hadn't spent the last minute just staring at him. "Checked this place out because I had nothing better to do, and I kept going because I smelled you, and I was curious." Well, she couldn't get more honest than that. As he kicked the piece of metal towards her, she lowered herself to nose it, wrinkling it. It smelled like all the other pieces of crap in the field, and... eugh. She raised her head to look back at the male, her head tipping once more in askance about the object.

speech thoughts

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


04-06-2015, 09:29 PM
The response she spoke had him let out a snort. There probably wasn’t amusement meant to be in those words but the mixing he did with them did make it in a way. Boredom isn’t an exact word he would have used. The cover he often use was just to kill time. Sounded better to his finicky ears. “That… Is not a good reason.”  Instead of thinking, why not speak it? Moving his head to the side to view of anything that could be seen behind the she-wolf, his left paw began pecking at the ground. It was digging a slight hole that would or would not be noticeable once covered up. Reminding himself of her asking of the game he was about to play, a simple shake of his head started him out. “No searching but seeking.”  Those words may have meant somewhat of the same thing but they were absolutely different to him. He would be more than happy to explain their differences but it wasn’t a time for teaching. “Perhaps I can help with this boredom. He offered his time to give her something to do if she'd accept it. Looking down at the object he finally decided was safe to pick up, he dropped it in the hole he made for it and sealed it away. How that only sparked another game in mind...

“Every soul has something they like to do. What is that liking for you? The fun you are looking for.” That word was a funny word in this encounter. “Fun” A slap on the paw was a thing to be done. His mind playing jokingly right now. For shame. This was getting off topic. Why is this being put into thought? Maybe because his mind was dealing with the thing called boredom. With a flick of his tail, the thoughts that flooded his mind vanished. The scent of the male is what generally drove her here. Strange, very strange but he couldn’t blame her. Most likely would have drove him into checking out the scent as well. “My scent really brings that much curiosity to you?” The words were in a joking manner but did held truth to them. He hadn’t heard of one’s scent bringing absorption to its source, however, he might have. There was no need for evidence when often times he was dragged in by a smell. A shrug of his shoulders and it was clear to see. Going back down into a bow, he awaited to hear her speaking.



3 Years
04-11-2015, 02:11 PM

As her response made him snort, his response made her chuckle. "It is to me, stranger." She didn't entirely know what to make of this man - this man who, for all intents and purposes, seemed not to understand normal things. She had not met one like him before, and it was.... odd. Nevermind the weird speech thing he had going on , that grew progressively worse, as if the words he spoke were not the words he had been raised with. Not that she had heard another language before; she had never really lived anywhere except Alacritis and the hell that used to be her life before Alacritis, and the same words were spoken in both places.  

The strange speech was reinforced when he seemed to perceive a difference between searching and seeking - there was literally no difference in Mira's mind. She wasn't in the mood to argue for once, though, so she left it be - well, for the most part. "So you are... seeking these?" she questioned, before laughing at his next words. "I certainly hope so, stranger. It would be a disappointment if I came all this way, torturing my poor nose, for you to spurn me my chance at entertainment." That grin remained on her face as he continued speaking... in a way that made her blink and have to think for a split second about what he was asking. If she interpreted correctly, he wanted to know what she liked.

"If you're asking what things I like to do, I like to fight - I also like exploring, too. but I'm not trying to actively look for something, just something interesting, like you in this field," she explained with an ear flick, hoping that she had made sense to the strange wolf. Although... apparently her curiosity didn't. With a helpless shrug, she responded - in a slightly confused tone - "Well - yes. What else would have brought me to this hellhole? The things in the ground that make me want to bite my own nose off?"


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


04-22-2015, 06:24 PM
Shaking his head, it was still not a good reason to him. However, different minds do think differently. There was no reason not to enjoy the air as he took in a deep breath. The words of the dame stating that the lingering smell around here was terrible. Holding in his breath, he offered a few blinks at the wolf before exhaling. Well, he had stumbled upon some findings that could or could not be the source of this here torture it was ensuing upon her nose. Needing to respond to her, mind still tried to guess the spitefulness of the air. "Yes, seeking these trinkets. And torturing your nose? I don't see how the smell around here is torturous." Tilting his head upward to smell the air around him, there was nothing to spite in disgust for. A faulty nose he had indeed. It only seem to take things that were more profound. Either that or the smell was something he was use to. Body couldn't tell which one was the truth. Whichever one it was, it would make sense anyway.

Tipped ears twitched time and time again while the dame spoke of her interests. Exploring was fun. Exploring is always fun to his restless being. Wagging his bushy tail slightly, he had almost missed when she mention she liked fighting. Why fighting? What was so fun about continuously snapping back at someone? The sight of combat or violence had always made the male turn his nose up, however, it didn't mean he down right loathed it. The last thing he could remember doing something combat-wise was back when he was a pup. Although, much fighting back hadn't been done it was still something to take into count. Tail swayed side to side at her words. "Fighting, hm? I wouldn't suspect fighting to be all that fun from what I seen. What does make it so fun?" With biting, scratching, and all those things that could be fun, he couldn't see the joy of it. Insight was something needed at the moment to allow his mind to think different. As if to do a little test, a snap of his jaw was given. Not clearly towards the female, of course. Smirking at her words, this place was a hellhole for her but was just a treasure filled place to him. Upon waiting for a little enlightenment on combat, a bow he brought himself in while looking up at the dame for dismissal of such words.