
Show Me How To Be Strong

Finch I


4 Years

03-24-2015, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2016, 09:07 PM by Evelyn.)
*Home Turf -- Serpent Plains

There was only one wolf in their litter that she truly saw as strong, and that was Lark. She loved all of her siblings dearly, but he was the only one that she truly looked up to when it came to strength. He was different than the rest of them, a bolder mind and more confidence. Well, maybe not as much as Shrike. The girl smiled a bit at that thought, sniffing around the den to try and pick up his scent. Finch was really the only one who still clung to the den every day, the others were quick to go out and explore. Even in the heat of the summer, she refused to leave it unless she was forced to. Starling was good at that, dragging her away for hours at a time. But here at the den, she knew that she was safe, and that it was the place her family came back to every night. She knew that if she stayed here, that no matter what happened that day, her family would always come back to her. Out there in the big, big world, she didn't have that guarantee. That was the fear that rooted her in place, that kept her to the left of the den as she searched for the largest of their litter. Even though she knew he probably wasn't far, the thought of leaving the den without someone with her made her ears fold back against her pale skull. Huffing, she flopped to her rump and tipped her head up, letting out a rather quiet, off pitch howl for Lark. She just wanted to talk to him, to ask him to help her be strong. Finch didn't want to be the burden anymore, she wanted to be just like Lark.



7 Years
Extra large

04-14-2015, 11:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2015, 11:06 AM by Lark.)
Though he was wildly different from his siblings, he loved them with all his heart -- family was all he had been taught, and all that he knew. While he knew that there were a lot of other Destructions out there, as far as Lark was concerned, his father was the best of all of them and his siblings were close behind. The sound of his sister's call would rouse him from his sleepless rest, forcing him quickly onto all four paws as he slipped from his makeshift den underneath an upturned tree trunk.

He found her near the family den. Though he slept there occasionally still, he was getting far too big to be cooped up all night with his siblings, and he was beginning to like finding his own place to sleep. A slight smile - the faintest of happy expressions- lit up his face, though it was subtle at best, as Finch came into view. "You alright?" he asked, his head cocking gently to the side. It was unlike her to call to him. It seemed a bit more straightforward than usual, but he was happy to see her regardless and would watch her with a slight curiosity in his vibrant green eyes.

Finch I


4 Years

04-14-2015, 12:14 PM

She didn't have to wait that much longer until her big brother showed up, smiling softly at her as he asked if she was alright. Slowly she shook her head back and forth, letting out a small whine as she drew little circles in the dirt. "Dunno..." She said simply, looking up at him with her big blue eyes. She scooted closer to Lark, poking her damp nose into his chest. "I wan to be strong, like you." she said softly. She didn't know how to be strong, or how to be brave. She only knew how to be afraid, scared, and worried. But seeing everyone at the training... she was just done with being like this. But Finch didn't know how to make the first step, or really what she could even be different. Surely Lark would know, he was the strongest out of all of them! Finch just needed a push forward. I mean she could hardly even talk to her family members, and they were her family... Something had to change before he just faded into the background, until she was forgotten about completely.



7 Years
Extra large

04-16-2015, 07:26 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2015, 07:27 AM by Lark.)
It seemed he had inherited more of his father's traits than his mother's, while Finch retained so much of her sweetness and delicate nature. It surprised Lark, though, to see her looking so.. down. Had something happened? Concern shone in his eyes as he watched her. "What do you mean?" he'd ask softly, sounding a bit taken aback at her words. He wasn't really strong, was he? Their father was strong, and their mother was too; he was just Lark. A slight frown graced his features as he leaned to nudge her cheek gently, but she seemed to fall against him for support. "You just have to be you, Finch," he told her softly, smiling gently, letting her lean against him. Feeling as though she needed the comfort, he would press closer against her, falling into the embrace. It wasn't exactly like him to be affectionate, but he would when necessary, and he loved his siblings and didn't want them to feel down. Especially sweet Finch.

"You just need to.. not be so afraid, sister," he'd offer her gently. She was certainly timid, though he didn't know why. Perhaps it was just in her nature. "There's nothing to be afraid of in all this world, especially not here. You know mom and dad would never let anyone hurt you, and neither would I." And he had a hard time believing his siblings would stand by and let her get hurt, either. He'd pull away to show her a small smile, a rarity of expression for Lark, hoping his attitude might warm her spirit slightly. "Do you want to go do something to cheer you up?" He would ask hopefully, unsure how to deal with her sudden worries. Maybe Finch wasn't strong, but she was beautiful and sweet and kind, and he didn't know why that was such a bad thing.

Finch I


4 Years

04-22-2015, 05:10 PM

He sounded shocked by her words, but she wasn't really that surprised. Finch was very good at hiding from the outside world, not allowing many to see just how much she was struggling. So for her biggest brother to be taken aback to hear that. Lark leaned forward and nudged her cheek, and her big blue eyes closed as she leaned into the touch. Humming softly, she placed a quick lick on his nose as he pulled back, opening her eyes to look at his brown form. He told her to just be her, and the young girl let out a huff, her head shaking slowly. Didn't he understand? "I dun like myself, though." She whispered, her head lowering as her eyes cast away from him. Leaning against him she closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. "How can I be somethin' I don't like, Larky?" Finch asked carefully, not daring to move her head to look back up at him. She was scared that he was going to be angry with her, or tell her that she is stupid and silly. Finch didn't want to hear those words from him, she adored her Larky.

He told her not to be afraid, and this time she did pull back to look up at him. She didn't know how to not be afraid. Her mouth opened to speak, but he went on. He said that he would protect her, and their family. Nodding her head, she really did understand. But she just couldn't shake this fear, and she didn't know where it started. "I don't know how Larky... I just..." the girl huffed as she slammed her paw on the earth, irritation making her brows furrow together. There was no reason for her to be so afraid, but she just was! It was kind of irritating and just... was it part of who she was? He would smile softly at her, which she couldn't help but return. It was a rare thing for the biggest one of them to crack a smile, and she was special enough to get one. Lark went on to say that they could do something fun, and her pale tail beat on the earth softly. Like what? "Can you... teach me somethin'? Like... defenses?"



7 Years
Extra large

04-27-2015, 10:47 AM
Though he was far different from his siblings, he didn't think he was any better.. and certainly not stronger. Maybe physically, but he knew they excelled at a hundred things when compared to him. Lark would hold the embrace for as long as Finch needed, happy for her touch even if he wouldn't have sought it out on his own. Another rare smile touched his lips as she licked his nose, and he felt his heart fill with warmth and the love he had for his sister. The expression faltered slightly when she admitted she didn't like herself. "What's not to like?" he asked, a bit stubbornly, not wanting her to believe she was worth anything less than she was, not for a moment. "You're a little shy, and you ought to believe in yourself more, but that's normal," he said as he leaned to nudge her when she looked away from him. "And it's something you can work on. But I don't know what you wouldn't like. You're sweet and caring, and your voice is sweeter than birdsong." He knew she loved to sing, and wished she'd do it more, for her voice really was quite nice.

She tried to explain why she felt weak, but it seemed she had difficulty explaining why she felt that way. "Things will get easier, I promise Finch," he assured her gently, his own brows furrowing in slight frustration. Not at her.. but at himself, for not knowing how to make her feel better. "You should try to meet some of the other kids in Abaven. Maybe that would help you. They'll love you, especially when they hear you sing."

It was surprising, though, when she asked to learn defenses. Like.. in fighting? He frowned a bit. "Do you want to know how to fight? Or just want to defend yourself? You know I'll kill anyone that tries to hurt you, right?" He was serious, though teasing only slightly. Why anyone would ever try to hurt Finch, he didn't know, but.. if she wanted to know how to protect herself he would teach her. "I can show you what I know though, if you really want."