
daegmar v kyarst



2 Years
04-14-2015, 02:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2015, 01:58 PM by Kyarst.)
He would immediately separate himself from the fray when the masked man called Hati finished speaking. He had been paired with a woman named Daegmar, and so he would draw his gaze toward her whilst ensuring ample space between he and the other fighting parties. He chose a level spot, free of debris and obstacles, but lacking somewhat in grass. It didn't matter much to him, but it was worthy enough a thing to notice. He kept his gaze upon Daegmar, sizing her up and determining a few noteworthy things about his opponent. She was older than he, visibly so, but did not appear overly worn out. She was mostly dark in coloration, with lighter highlights on portions of her frame. Size-wise they were equally matched, though it was hard to tell her exact height due to the distance. Overall he felt fairly confident that he could at least hold his own against the older woman, if not come out on top. He wouldn't waste his time narrowing his eyes or setting up his stance just yet, not until the woman had neared him and either told him to go or made a move herself.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
04-15-2015, 07:40 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Dægmar's emerald gaze followed the young man who was to be her opponent.  Ahh… another Armada if she recalled correctly.  Stretching lightly she sauntered after him fondly recalling the time she'd taken Drashiel under her paws to instruct him in the arts of battle, the Thyre way.  Oh and of course there was a heated night of romance.  She had sworn she'd make him a man after all….

The woman paused and scowled.  Then the moron had to go and get himself killed.  Eyes drifted skyward for a moment but she quickly shook her head and moved on.  What good would it do wondering about the dead?  She had a fight to focus on.  The male was a few years younger than herself but they were nearly matched in height and weight.  Excellent, she loved a challenge!

Grinning wryly she moved to stop ten feet from the male, facing across him as she began to set her defenses. "I find the ladies first saying to be rather cliche.  Same with age before beauty, so what do you say we try something a little different."  Licking her lips she lowered her stance and psyched herself up for the violence to come.  "Come and get it," she growled with a smile.

Dægmar vs Kyarst

For Spar

Round: 0 of ?


[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



2 Years
04-16-2015, 01:40 PM
His opponent ceased movement ten feet across from him. 'I find the ladies first saying to be rather cliche.  Same with age before beauty, so what do you say we try something a little different.' A brow arched but even curiosity would not draw him out of his preparedness. 'Come and get it,' she finished, and he couldn't help but let a chuckle slip past his slightly gapped jaws. “Gladly,” he rumbled in a deep bass note. Neck extended slowly as he dropped his head into line with his spine. Simultaneously with the descent of his crown, his shoulders would roll forward, bunching the extra skin and fur around his neck. Claws dug into the earth as he found himself bending his legs ever so slightly, lowering his center of gravity by a few inches. He could feel his bones begging him to move, but he would not. Anticipation could be used to his advantage. Another moment passed and his tail lashed out behind him, lengthening to aide his balance. Finally, after several long moments he allowed his back legs to unfurl and propel him forward in a beeline for Daegmar. Lips curled up high toward his nose, wrinkling his facial features into a stern and determined grimace. His eyes narrowed to slits as his proximity to the woman shrank, and as he neared her he decided upon a full frontal assault. She didn't appear weak, and so he wouldn't go easy on her. Jaws unhinged and hung agape as he maneuvered to rise up onto his back legs just high enough to snare both front paws around her neck, if successful he would attempt to use his limb and core strength to wrench her bodice sideways (to her right). Due to his movements it was likely his dominant right front leg would make contact a split second before his left. In this same moment he would curl his neck down, intending to press it up against his chest to protect his throat and simultaneously launch his fangs in a downward trajectory toward the area just where the back of Daegmar's skull meets her neck. His intentions were a strong, quick bite to this location in hopes of inflicting both a bruise and perhaps a few puncture wounds. Back claws and legs would stiffen and bend as much as possible in attempt to keep his center of gravity low and his balance as sure as possible.

1/3 for spar


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
04-19-2015, 10:42 AM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Dægmar's defenses fell in place with practiced precision, her mottled crown and tail descending to aline with her, chin tucking as her neck scrunched back, shoulders rolling languidly forward before her muscles tensed.  Hackles laced sharply down her back as her legs spread equidistant apart, evenly bearing her weight and coiling to lower her center of gravity.  Pallid toes spread as her claws bit into the earth to anchor herself to the spot as best as possible and allow her needed traction should she need to suddenly evade her foe.  Jaws parted as she snarled, bunching the flesh on top of her muzzle, eyes narrowing.  Ears pinned tight to her head as her abdomen tensed for impending impact.

For a moment all was silent and still between the warriors, her emerald gaze resting on his lower chest, waiting for the first signs of movement, her breathing steady and even. Dægmar had been a warrior for far longer than this boy and she would not be easily unnerved.  

Finally he attacked, launching himself straight at her.  Dægmar tensed, her body lowering farther, her back bending like a spring and as he started to rear she launched herself straight at him attempting to close the distance between them in one brutal push.  Steely thighs uncoiling, slathering jaws parted as her head tipped to her own right with the intent of tearing into the flesh of his belly, in the center right in front of his… family jewels.  She sought a good strong grip from which she could startle the male and perhaps make him submit early.  Though if he was anything like Drashiel she knew she was in for a long hard battle.

Simultaneously as she moved to bite the male she sought to use her sudden momentum to launch the front of her shoulder into the front of Kyarst's right knee cap with the intent of causing intense pain and perhaps temporarily spraining the joint. Her weight would shift to her three remaining limbs as her left front limb would lift for the shoulder throw.  Immediately after she would attempt to bring her left forepaw down on Kyarst's right hind paw with the intent of spraining the toes.

Her sudden shift forward would not be enough for her to avoid his hungry maw but her sudden displacement would cause his attacks to land elsewhere.  His forelimbs instead of wrapping around her neck would fall across her sides, midway between her shoulders and hips, his left forelimb along her right side, his right forelimb along her left side.  The bite would land painfully along the top of her back, midway between her shoulders and hips, fangs leaving moderate punctures as they pierced through fur, hackles and skin into the muscle below, spilling her blood.  

Dægmar vs Kyarst

For Spar

Round: 1 of 3


[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



2 Years
04-19-2015, 02:34 PM
His ears remained flat against his skull, emerald eyes narrowed to dangerous and determined slits. As his paws made contact with her frame he found himself pushing his weight down on her, reaffirming his balance and lowering his center of gravity. Instinctively his front claws sought to hold onto her flesh as best as canine claws could hope for, while his back talons snared into the earth for added traction. His tail flagged out behind him, twisting to and fro in effort to keep his balance sure.

He hadn't been anticipating such a low blow, although he immediately cursed himself for not expecting it as soon as the searing pain spread through his midsection. Alarms sounded in his brain as he determined the epicenter of her attack to be located precariously close to certain cherished body parts. He groaned, knowing that at least three of her fangs had taken hold upon him and would likely not let go. Instinctively he would curl his back right leg high up against his belly, and in one foul swoop he would aim a swift kick to the underside of her chin. His hope was to snare a small amount of flesh and then drag downward with great enough force to rip a decent sized laceration or two in the sensitive flesh of her throat and cause her to release her hold upon him.

A growl slipped out of widely gapped jaws as her shoulder moved forward into his balancing back leg, forcing him back an inch or two. He could feel the heat of a bruise rising in the area, but would not allow himself to waver for fear of losing his manhood to her hungry jaws. Feeling himself pushed back slightly by her movements, his front claws would seek a deeper and stronger hold on the flesh of her sides as he attempted to keep his balance. Due to his kick toward her throat, he would narrowly miss her attempt to stomp upon his right hind paw.

Finally his jaws would meet their mark - or rather the mark they could reach due to her movements. He could feel flesh and muscle somewhere beneath his splayed jaws as several teeth sunk deep into her back. He would release his hold immediately - never having intended to keep it - and would aim another swift bite to the same exact area midway down her spine between her hips and shoulders, this time hoping for a more permanent and damaging hold.

2/3 for spar


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
04-23-2015, 09:09 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Jaws seized the succulent flesh of the males underbelly.  Dægmar bit down hard, quickly pulling her defenses into place as soon as her mouth made contact, all to aware of her vulnerable position.  Shoulders rolled immediately forward, neck scrunching back.  All four limbs, her left forelimb having missed it's mark, were spread equally apart, coiled and tensed to evenly distribute her weight as well as Kyarsts.  Center of gravity lowerd.  Tail and shoulders aligned with her spine as best they could, hackles remained on end, ears pinned to her head.  Her toes were spread, claws didn't into the earth for extra traction.  Eyes narrowed as she felt his weight shift.

As soon as his weight shifted  Dægmar attempted to move as fast as she could to take advantage of his left hind leg being the only one on the ground.  Back arched like a spring before she attempted to push herself forward, throwing her right shoulder forward, hoping to collide the front of it into the front of Kyarst's left kneecap with enough force to make him lose balance.

As she did so Dægmar attempted to tighten her grip on Kyarst's belly, to worsen the wound and cause it to tear as she attempted to arc her upper body to her own left in conjunction with the shoulder throw in an effort to not only disable his balance but roll him off her back and to the ground to the left of her.

As she moved Kyarst's right hind leg kicked sharply into the front of her left shoulder, which had rolled up when her neck scrunched back.  The strike stung and would likely leave moderate bruising but it was not enough to halt her movements.  Kyarst's bite on the other hand was not so easily dodged.  Pain blossomed as fangs dug into the center of her back upper fangs to the right of her spine, lower fangs to the left, equidistant between her shoulders and hips but a few inches back from his previous mark due to her sudden forward lurch. He also obtained moderate grip over the area which she hoped to break through her own movements even though she knew it would likely cause great damage to her.  Oh well… it'd been awhile since she'd added to her scar collection.

Dægmar vs Kyarst
For Spar

Round: 2 of 3

ooc:  Thanks for waiting! <3

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



2 Years
04-25-2015, 10:04 PM
The pain was very much evident in his lower midsection as her fangs retained their hold on his flesh. He could feel that they had worked their way deep into his core and would likely leave permanent scars in their wake. That wasn't something he could worry about in this particular moment, though, and so he would set his defenses in effort to finish this fight with every ounce of courage and strength that he had. If one thing could be said about him, it was that he wasn't a coward. His ears continued to lay plastered to his skull, more out of instinct than actual need to protect them since her jaws were aimed elsewhere. His eyes were narrow, lids wrinkled and drawn taut. His back left leg that remained on the ground (for his leg was up near his belly having previously kicked at her) was straining to retain his balance, claws gripping the earth with extreme measure. His front paws remained securely on her sides, with both sets of claws seeking purchase upon her flesh for added balance, not having been displaced as of yet by any of her movements. Tail continued to furl and unfurl behind him, adjusting as rapidly as his balance did to keep himself sure-footed.

As he had lifted his back right leg to kick at her, she took advantage of him only having his back left leg on the ground and immediately went for it. It was a sensible move, and a predictable one. His front limbs felt her move at once, and he allowed his spine to tense and bend in response while hoping to keep his previous grip on her sides. He purposely tightened his core in preparation, and a split second later her shoulder would collide with his stationary back left limb. Due to her positioning below him she succeeded in colliding with his lower kneecap. Simultaneously with this bruising assault he felt his previously injured midsection begin to tear slightly as her fangs slipped with ease through his flesh. It was an inch or two at best, but enough to seriously pain the Armada and bring forth a groan from his lips. That would definitely leave a scar. His hind limb quickly tore through a bit of flesh in her shoulder before swiftly returning to the ground - he needed every bit of balance he could get.

His previously arched spine and tightened core served its purpose even more so now as she seemed to have every intent of throwing him off of her. How she might do that with her low vantage point he wasn't sure, but she was certainly giving it a seriously good try. He would purposely slacken his foreleg grip on her sides, hoping to allow himself to slide back a bit as both back legs bent to absorb her momentum and keep him from falling completely on his side. Just at this moment he found his fangs finding purchase upon her spine - in a different area than expected and desired, but a good one nevertheless. His upper fangs found the right side of her spine while his bottom found the left. In an instant - and while she was attempting to throw him off and he was fighting her with his bent back legs - he would seek to tighten his jaws upon the flesh he'd managed to grab, simultaneously grinding his fangs in hopes of causing a large amount of pain and perhaps a jagged and messy wound. Hey, she deserved it for taking her hold so close to his most precious of parts.

3/3 for spar


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
04-26-2015, 11:25 AM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Dægmar's fangs sunk deeper into the males belly as the front of her right shoulder rammed into his left knee, however she was unsuccesful at getting the male on the ground, even with his hold on her sides slackening and her grounded vantage point.  At least she was rewarded with the satisfying sound of tearing flesh as the wound on his belly deepened.  She could feel the front of her shoulder sting as mild bruising began to blossom over the area.

Her pleasure didn't last long as he tightened his hold, fangs ripping deeper into the middle of her back, causing the moderate wounds to become severe.  She could feel the blood leaking down her sides, limbs shivering slightly in response.  Dam… this was a tight spot for sure.  Boy, the pair of them were going to give the healer's of Imperium a good work out.

Well, if he wanted to play rough, then she'd oblige him.  Dægmar quickly checked her defenses.  Skull and tail aligned with her spine, chin tucked slightly, neck scrunched back with shoulders rolled forward.  Hackles remained on end her limbs shifted equidistant apart as she evenly distributed her weight between them.  Limbs remained coiled, her center of gravity low to give her added stability as well as make it easier to bear his weight.  Toes splayed, claws digging into the earth.  Her brow wrinkled as she snarled, another shot of pain rocketing along her spine.  Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, her abdomen tensed for a moment before she sprang once more into motion.

Dægmar released her grip on Kyarst's gut for split second, tilting her head a bit more down and to her right as she attempted to launch her jaws forward and latch onto his genitalia.  She wanted to deliver a solid, snapping bite to his sheath to cause the male great pain and maybe finally get him off her back.  As she moved to bite him she also shifted her weight to her hind legs and left foreleg once more, the limbs start to quiver from having to bear his weight for so long.  As her jaws launched forward she would attempt to lift her right foreleg and once again throw the front of her right shoulder into Kyarst's left kneecap, hoping this time to strain the joint, knowing full well the bruising to her own shoulder might worsen.  Immediately after she'd attempt to bring her right forepaw back to earth and slam it on top of his left hind paw with the intent of causing pain and maybe spraining the delicate toes.

Dægmar vs Kyarst

For Spar

Round: 3 of 3

ooc:  Fun fight!  Thanks!

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

The Judge


05-27-2015, 01:19 PM



10 for clarity:  

  • -2 Did he stop before rising to his hind legs? Or is his full forward momentum involved in the attack?
  • Total: 8
10 for powerplaying.
  • - 0
  • Total: 10
10 for defenses.
  • listed in post
0 for attack.
  • +3 Rear to grab/wrench to side
  • +2 Grip attempt
  • Total: 5
10 for injuries.
  • First Round
  • Total: 10

Kyarst's round one total: 43/50

10 for clarity:  

  • -2 Was she affected at all by Kyarst’s momentum?
  • -2 How is she reaching her shoulder passed her neck? Is she curved? Is her neck scrunched?
  • Total: 6
10 for powerplaying.
  • - 0
  • Total: 10
10 for defenses.
  • listed in post
0 for attack.
  • +3 bite attempt to underbelly
  • +2 shoulder smash attempt
  • +1 toe slam
  • Total: 6
10 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate puncture wounds along back
  • Total: 8

Daegmar's round one total: 40/50


10 for clarity:  

  • All Clear
  • Total: 10
10 for powerplaying.
  • - 0
  • Total: 10
6 for defenses.
  • listed in post
0 for attack.
  • +2 kick
  • +3 grip attempt along spine
  • Total: 5
10 for injuries.
  • -3 moderate belly bite
  • -1 minor knee bruise
  • Total: 6

Kyarst's round two total: 37/50

10 for clarity:  

  • -2 is she curled to allow her shoulder to meet the knee? Is her neck contorted to make the move?
  • Total: 8
10 for powerplaying.
  • - 0  
  • Total: 10
10 for defenses.
  • listed in post
0 for attack.
  • +2 bite along belly
  • +2 shoulder throw
  • +2 overthrow attempt
  • Total: 6
10 for injuries.
  • - 2 minor shoulder kick/bruising
  • - 3 moderate belly grip
  • Total: 5

Daegmar's round two total: 39/50


10 for clarity:  

  • -2 how does a low advantage point not help throw him off? How is just ebnding your back legs keeping him up?
  • Total: 8
10 for powerplaying.
  • - 0
  • Total: 10
7 for defenses.
  • listed in post
0 for attack.
  • +4 for grip/grind attempt
  • Total: 0
10 for injuries.
  • -4 for severe belly bite
  • -2 moderate bruising along knee
  • Total: 4

Kyarst's round three total: 33/50

10 for clarity:  

  • All clear!
  • Total: 10
10 for powerplaying.
  • -0
  • Total: 10
10 for defenses.
  • listed in post
0 for attack.
  • +4 genitallia snap
  • +2 shoulder smash
  • +1 toe slam
  • Total: 7
10 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate bruising along shoulder
  • -4 severe wounds along spine
  • Total: 4

Daegmar's round three total: 41/50

Kyarst: 113/150
Daegmar: 120/150

And the winner is...

DAEGMAR Kyarst must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Severe wounds along belly – 2 OOC weeks to heal and needing healer treamtment
  • Moderate Genitalia hit – 2 OOC weeks to fully heal, suggested to refrain from *ahem* “activity” until healed
  • Minor Bruising to right knee – 3 OOC days to heal naturally
  • Minor right paw sprain – 3 OOC days to heal naturally
  • Minor left knee sprain – 4 OOC days to heal naturally

  • Severe lacerations along spine – 2 OOC weeks to fully heal and needing healer treatment
  • Slight lacerations along shoulder – 3 OOC days to heal naturally
  • Moderate bruising to right shoulder – 2 OOC days to heal naturally
  • Severe bruising to left shoulder – 4 OOC days to heal naturally

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Wow this was a crazy fight! I am so sorry for taking so long. You both did amazing, and your characters sure took a beating! There isn’t much to say to both of you, so just know I had a lot of fun judging this spar!

For Andy: Great fight! Make sure you keep up on your defenses, you lost some real easy points there. A few more possible attacks per round would have helped too, but Kyarst was in a real…eh, bind, so it’s understandable that you didn’t. The only thing I really have to say, is be mindful of momentum. Especially in the first move, either using the momentum to aid the attack or stopping the momentum would have been a great mention!

For Lunar: Fantastic job as well! Great job on the defenses, there wasn’t once where you didn’t get the full points. Just watch for your clarity as well and wolf anatomy. I didn’t quite understand how her shoulders could reach knees while her neck was reaching for his belly. It seemed like quite the reach, especially since the shoulders are along the top of the wolves spine.

- By [Arin]