



5 Years
03-19-2015, 11:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken quite a while for Callisto to work up the nerve to reenter Ebony's borders. She was still paranoid that Maximous was going to show up, trying to be friendly with her or pretending that nothing had happened between them, but so far she had been saved from that awkwardness. He was keeping his distance, sticking to the Firefly Lake she assumed, and so she had chosen the Rock Garden to make her reentry. Overall it seemed to be the less populous part of the pack lands, and though it was still no Stone Steppe she figured she would have to get used to it.

She padded about along the edges of the pack lands, avoiding the center and staying well away from the border the rocky locale shared with the lake - in no way was she ready to test her luck yet. Silvery blue eyes were constantly moving and her hearing was on high alert, expectantly listening for any sound of approach or passersby. Not even before the events that had caused her to panic and runaway had she been the friendly, conversational type, and if anything she felt even more reserved and closed off now. But everything felt quiet, empty, relaxing. And with her unwanted pet cat away doing her own thing, Callisto was for once wholly free.

What did she do now? She was back in Ebony, true, but she felt just as lost as when she had been growing restless inside her den on the Stone Steppe. She needed something to do. Automatically her thoughts went to herb gathering. What she had saved before had been left behind and abandoned in Max's den, and no way in hell was she going to go asking for it back. But if she did gather herbs, where was she going to put them now? She had no den, no storage space to keep anything in. In fact, a den probably should have been her top priority at the moment, especially since she had no idea where she was going to be spending the night. Maybe she could even make it cat proof before the pesky feline came back around.

Having made up her mind, Callisto's stoic but observant stare started to pay closer attention to the rocks and formations around her, searching out a location that sported a den already or showed promise as a potential densite.

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
03-24-2015, 06:06 PM
Where Callisto had struggled, Andromeda had naturally found herself slipping into quite the comfortable life here. There had been worries of course with the siege though this was home now. Strange really how quickly she could adjust when she was still very much the stranger to many of the pack. Callisto here however had been a member of the pack since before Andromeda and her siblings had been born.

They both had a need for change though. Whilst Callisto had to find herself a new den, Andromeda simply had to acquaint herself with others within Ebony lands. She truly was a member now, not a visitor, guest or anything else and it was time to start acting like it. Whilst she of course preferred the company of her family, the comforts of those she cared for she knew full well she had to branch out a little more. Now apparently would be the time to start that.

Ahead she spotted one of the members of the pack. She couldn't say she knew her name or much at all about the girl but from her point of view now she appeared to be looking for something. The golden Olympus girl would set her course now for the other female, perhaps she would be able to offer to help. "Lost something?" She called out before nearing too close to the other, not wishing to startle her.



5 Years
04-16-2015, 12:53 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was focused enough on her task that she failed to notice the other coming over to greet her until she heard the other wolf speak, and in that initial instant she felt herself jump as she froze. Her body tensed, her ears suddenly turned to fix on the direction of the voice, and only a second after the words started to register with her did she realize this was not the voice she had been dreading. Turning her head, she was relieved to see that this was not the wolf she had been avoiding, but someone else entirely. Someone who had joined Ebony during her absence? That must have been it.

There was no friendly smile upon her face but Callisto did force herself to relax and ease the tension that had quickly stolen across her body, taking comfort from the fact it was not the cat either that was now trying to keep her company. Lost something? You have no idea.

"You could say that," the black and grey wolf answered somewhat dryly, her silvery blue eyes looking the wolf over in a quick assessment. There was no irksome, ever present brightness in her face, nor did she appear over eager or like she would be a bother. Maybe she could entertain this for a bit. "I'm looking for a new den. Or someplace to put one." And because she was the only healer, she figured it was required she make herself accessible to others, so she added, "I'm Callisto."

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
04-16-2015, 04:17 AM
Andromeda hadn't intended upon startling the other though from the brief tensing of her body she could only assume she hadn't achieved the calmest of approaches after all. It was all that she could guess at, after all she had no reason to suspect a deeper meaning behind this momentary worry. The other would calm as she turned to look at her, the conversation between the pair beginning.

A new den? Was she perhaps a new member to the pack or had something happened to her old one? Andromeda wasn't sure how many different dens she'd had in her life, moving from Ebony to Olympus to Pantheon then Yfir which was of course now Ebony once again. Personally the stability was nice, she didn't see herself moving her den again for a long time unless something happened to Ebony.

To be honest she wasn't sure she could help with finding a home for a complete stranger and instead settled upon an introduction of her own. "Andromeda Olympus" Out of habit her last name slipped out though that name meant little now compared to what it once had. Her mother had left them, she had left the rest of their family and now all she had was her siblings; her Olympus littermates and the Xanilov adopted ones.



5 Years
04-17-2015, 03:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a first impression there was nothing too lasting. The wolf did not strike Callisto as one that would be problematic since she did not seem overly nosy with questions nor had she made any attempts to weasel her way right into the middle of Callisto's current task, so that in and of itself was a good sign. The name of the wolf only struck a slightly familiar chord, though it was mainly her last name that did it. Olympus. That was the family Raisa had been close to, right? Though there was a little curiosity there, she did not feel like asking further about it.

Just a little she wished that the cat might have been around. For all her annoyances, the pesky feline seemed good at keeping up one sided conversations, and with nothing further to say to this Olympus wolf the Ebony healer was not at all sure what the proper thing to do was. She was supposed to be making an effort to come back into the pack, but how exactly was she to do that? "I don't think you were here before my..." Oh jeez, what did she call it? If she said kidnapping there would be too many questions, and it was definitely not a story she wanted circulating the pack. "Absence." Not outright dismissively, Callisto moved to resume her inspection of the Rock Garden as she spoke, silently offering to cotinue their conversation while she searched for a den.

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
04-21-2015, 05:31 AM
There was a chance that Andi hadn't chosen the easiest person to start off this forming a bond of any sorts with her fellow members of Ebony. Callisto didn't exactly appear to be the most talkative of people which of course she could cope with though it was the secrets that Andromeda knew nothing about that would surely only make this conversation all the more difficult as it progressed. There was something hidden behind her absence, the pause before the word suggested that, politely though the golden hued girl wouldn't ask any questions about it.

"Perhaps, I'm not sure when you're absence was." Andromeda began. She had been lingering around Ebony for a year now, family calling her away though the same thing always pulling her back. She was here for good now though, not intending on leaving again any time soon.

"I was born here, though my mother had her own pack and we returned to that as soon as we were old enough. I was brought back for a while about a year ago whilst Yfir was around though mainly kept to my family. I was away again for a while after that, only really settling back in after the siege." She offered instead the different times she had arrived in Ebony, it had always been a part of her life, always a home though it was only this time really that Andromeda had begun to truly treat it that way.