
Poco alato stelle



5 Years
04-18-2015, 12:52 AM
Starling was a very long way from home, and that worried him immensely. He didn't like this, especially seeing as he had no idea how to get back. It had been a very long journey just getting to the (there had been so many stranger wolves!), and he hadn't taken his time to remember the sights, scents or land markings. So, needless to say, Starling was very lost. With a heavy sigh and a pitched whine he plopped himself down the weird...ground of the shrine, head lowered and eyes closed. At this pace he'd never get home! And Finch would be worried, and his dad would be mad...and Shrike would probably laugh when they found Starling. The little flower child was very bright, but he had no..."street" smarts, if you wanted to call it that. Natural instincts were rather lacking for him, if it didn't have anything to do with healing or pain. One would think his overwhelming anxiety would have kept him home, kept him somewhere safe where he knew how to get back to his den. But no, his overwhelming desire to learn everything he could about healing won out, and he had gone very far away from home. With the heaviest of sighs he'd lift his head, gazing at the odd...dead trees. It was weird, it was like this place was dead, but the spring and the plants that sat along or within the weird rocks said otherwise. He didn't know this place at all, which caused another pitched whine to vibrate along his throat. ""Padre...Mi sono perso"" He whined heavily, his eyes closing as he tried his damndest to remember how to get home. But it all came up blank. The one brave thing Starling had ever done, and he managed to get lost.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
04-24-2015, 08:10 PM

Astrea did not know why she had come to this place. In fact she was not sure why she left at this time of day either. She was normally asleep cuddled next to her white night but nope, she left him sleeping and made her way north to this strange magical place. Time seemed to have stopped after she set paws on the ground around a small glowing pool. She had been mesmerized by it. Almost so mesmerized that she missed the small form that was huddled close to the trees. She blinked, tearing her eyes from the glowing pool to look at the child. She blinked, eying the young thing, he should not be alone; why was he alone?

The starry girl pawed at the stone at her neck; seeming to ask the star like rock what to do for the pup. She hummed, slowly moving through the possibilities. She could slip back the way she came leaving the pup to his fate, good or bad; Or she could approach and offer to help, something more akin to her personality. She didn't think she could live with herself if she left him without even trying to help. With that Astrea nodded and moved forward, her starry tail lightly swaying behind her. She hoped she looked non-threatening enough for him to tell her why he was here alone and maybe help him home.

"Hello," She greeted him softly, moving to an area that he could easily see her small form. "You look kinda alone, do you need help with anything?" She pawed at her necklace again, seeming to have developed that new nervous habit soon after Ten gave her the little star.